Gonatopus ruens ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 437

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4630.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatopus ruens ( Olmi, 1984 )


17. Gonatopus ruens ( Olmi, 1984)

( Figs 173D View FIGURE 173 , 174I, M View FIGURE 174 , 176C View FIGURE 176 )

Paragonatopus rufus Olmi 1979: 219 (preoccupied by Pseudogonatopus rufus Fouts 1935 ).

Pseudogonatopus ruens Olmi 1984: 1228 ; 2006: 45.

Gonatopus ruens (Olmi) : Olmi 2009b: 454.

Description. ♀. Apterous; body length 2.8–3.1 mm. Head reddish, except ocellar region brownish and anterior region of frons yellow-reddish; antenna brown, except antennomeres 1–3 yellow; mesosoma reddish; petiole black; metasoma black, except tergite 1 reddish; legs yellow-reddish, except clubs of femora brown. Head excavated, shiny, smooth, granulate; area in front of anterior ocellus unsculptured; occiput granulate. Palpal formula 2/2, or 3/2, or 4/2. Pronotum dull, granulate, crossed by strong transverse impression. Mesoscutum dull, with some longitudinal striae, without lateral pointed apophyses ( Fig. 174I View FIGURE 174 ). Metanotum flat, transversely striate, as long as mesoscutum, with sides rounded ( Fig. 174I View FIGURE 174 ). Metapectal-propodeal disc dull, without track of median longitudinal furrow; propodeal declivity transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. Mesopleuron and metapleuron transversely striate. Protarsomeres in following proportions: 9:2:3:6:10. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 176C View FIGURE 176 ) with one large subapical tooth and one row of five lamellae. Protarsomere 5 ( Fig. 176C View FIGURE 176 ) with two rows of 15–17 lamellae; apex with 5–8 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

♂ ( Fig. 174M View FIGURE 174 ): fully winged; body length 2.5 mm. Head black, except mandible yellow; antenna brown; me- sosoma black; metasoma brown; legs yellow. Antennomeres in following proportions: 5.5:5.5:12:11:10:10:10:10: 9:13; antennomere 3 more than 4 × as long as broad (4.8). Head dull, setose, granulate; frontal line absent between antennal toruli; occipital carina absent; POL = 8; OL = 4; OOL = 3; greatest breadth of lateral ocelli about as long as OOL. Palpal formula 2/2. Mesoscutum setose, granulate. Notauli complete, posteriorly separated; minimum distance between notauli shorter than greatest breadth of lateral ocelli (2:3). Mesoscutellum and metanotum setose, granulate. Metapectal-propodeal disc dull, with longitudinal median furrow; propodeal declivity reticulate rugose; top of metapectal-propodeal disc with short irregular keels. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands. Dorsal process of paramere ( Fig. 173D View FIGURE 173 ) long and broad, distally sharp. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Material examined. Types: ♀ holotype: NAMIBIA: Swakopmund , 26–30.I.1972, Southern African Expedi- tion, B.M. 1972 ( NHMUK) . Paratypes: same locality label as holotype , 7♀♀, 1♂ ( NHMUK) , 2♀♀ ( AMNH) .

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Namibia.

Remarks. The record from South Africa (Grahamstown) by Olmi (1984) is an error; it is in fact a specimen of Gonatopus amoenus Olmi (see account of this species above). The ♀ from Grahamstown has a track of a median longitudinal furrow on the top of metapectal-propodeal disc, which correctly assigns this specimen to the latter species.


Natural History Museum, London


American Museum of Natural History














Gonatopus ruens ( Olmi, 1984 )

Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van 2019

Gonatopus ruens

Olmi, M. 2009: 454

Pseudogonatopus ruens

Olmi, M. 1984: 1228
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