Pseudodoliops elegans schwarzeri Schultze, 1934

Barševskis, Arvīds, 2018, To The Knowledge Of Long-Horned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Of The Oriental Region. Part 1, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 18 (2), pp. 285-294 : 291

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12648813


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scientific name

Pseudodoliops elegans schwarzeri Schultze


36. Pseudodoliops elegans schwarzeri Schultze View in CoL ,

1934 – PHILIPPINES: Mindanao Isl., Agusan del Norte, Esperanza, 01.2015 (1, local collector leg.). Schultze (1934) described it on the single specimen from Zamboanga, Mindanao Island . Breuning (1961) and Vives (2015a) included this species in article on the basis of study of the holotype. This is the first published data about new finding of this species after the original description before eighty-four years .

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