Anthomalachius pseudospinosus ( Medvedev, 1964 ) Tshernyshev, Sergei E., 2009

Tshernyshev, Sergei E., 2009, Anthomalachius, a new genus of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae: Malachiinae), Zootaxa 2094 (1), pp. 23-35 : 29-34

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2094.1.3

publication LSID

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Felipe (2021-08-22 08:18:42, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:54:09)

scientific name

Anthomalachius pseudospinosus ( Medvedev, 1964 )

stat. rev., comb. n.

Anthomalachius pseudospinosus ( Medvedev, 1964) stat. rev., comb. n.

( Figs. 26–32 View FIGURES 26–32 , 42, 43 View FIGURES 39–44 )

Malachius foveatus Medvedev, 1964: 156–157 ; 1980: 117

Clanoptilus strangulatus: Evers, 1985: 40 .

Diagnosis. Anthomalachius pseudospinosus can be differentiated from the closely related species A. senylia by the thin antennae with parallel and subcylindrical intermediate segments, and the shape of elytral appendage ( Figs. 26–27 View FIGURES 26–32 ).

Redescription. Male. Head black-green with metallic luster, clypeus, mandibles, genae and anterior side of labrum yellow, antennae black. Pronotum and elytra almost completely black-green with metallic luster, only the elytral tips yellow. Scutellum and legs black with slight metallic luster. Ventral side of thorax, coxae and trochanters black, borders of sternites, vesicles and thoracic mesepimera yellow.

Head narrow, very slightly impressed just before antennae, covered with thin, short light adpressed pubescence, with row of erect black hairs on the temples; frons densely punctate, microsculpture distinct; labrum short, transverse, bearing long erect white hairs; genae short, straight; eyes protruding, round. Maxillary palpi elongate, 1 st segment is twice as long as 2 nd, clavate, the 2 nd segment half as long as 3 rd; slightly widened at apex, apical segment narrowed and sinuate to apex; surface shining with light semierect long hairs. Antennae long, reaching middle of elytra; 1 st segment clavate, not swollen, 3 times longer than the 2 nd, the 3 rd is twice longer than the previous, of the same length and shape as 5 th, somewhat shorter that the 4 th, 3–11 th segments elongate, thin, cylindrical, not widened at apex, apical segment is pointed. All segments covered with thin light and short adpressed pubescence and sparse light erect hairs.

Pronotum equilateral, anterior margin arcuate, posterior straight, all angles rounded, with distinct depressions at posterior angles; surface densely punctate, microsculpture distinct, covered with double pubescence: light short and adpressed and sparse black erect.

Scutellum transverse-rectangular, small, almost completely hidden by the pronotum, slightly depressed in the middle; its surface shining, densely punctate and pubescent with light hairs.

Elytra parallel, narrow, not widened posteriorly; shoulders distinct; apices evenly rounded and distinctly depressed ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 39–44 ); lamellate appendage consisting of two parts, horizontal, being oval and bearing a bunch of fine light curved hairs, and a vertical part which is rounded distally ( Figs. 26, 27 View FIGURES 26–32 ); upper side of elytral depression slightly pointed, slightly produced, the lower side slightly emarginate and rounded; surface shining, very densely punctured and microsculptured, covered with fine, short light and adpressed pubescence and sparse semierect dark setae.

Legs long and thin, posterior femora reaching the elytral apices, covered with short light adpressed hairs; claw segments with long black setae on the upper side. Tibiae thin, very slightly expanded anteriorly, rounded. All tarsi 5-segmented, narrow; 4 th segment smallest, twice as short as the apical joint, which is largest and being 1.2–1.3 times longer than the 1 st, 2 nd or 3 rd segments. Claws narrow, sharp, with distinct oval pellucid lamellae basally.

Apical sternite ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 26–32 ) transverse, with deep, narrow emargination medially; apical tergite ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 26–32 ) rectangular, 1.3 times longer than wide, anterior side evenly rounded, covered with sparse black hairs. Phallus ( Figs. 31 View FIGURES 26–32 ) simple, slightly curved ventrally, with small teeth on the inner sac. Tegmen longitudinal, 2 times longer than wide, emarginate in the middle, with long thin appendages, slightly flattened and widened at the tips ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 26–32 ).

Length (holotype) 5.0 mm, width (at elytral base) 1.1 mm.

Female. Similar to male, except as follows. Antennae narrower. Interocular depression feeble. Elytra evenly widened behind the middle. Elytral apices simple, very slightly cut at apex, yellow.

Length (female) 5.5 mm, width (at elytral base) 1.3 mm.

Material. KAZAKHSTAN: Karagandinskaya Oblast, valley of Taldy-Manak river , 9.6.1958, V . Tobias leg. – ♂ (holotype) ( ZISP); bank of Ili River, near the bridge on the way to Zharkent, 70 km from Aidarly , 535 м a.s.l., 43°58' N, 79°37' E, sweeping on Salix canes and cereal grasses near the water, 30.06.2006, S. Tshernyshev leg. – 1♂, 2♀♀ ( SZMN); S Bank of Zaisan Lake , 5 km ESE of Priozernoe, 11. VI GoogleMaps .1997, R GoogleMaps . Dudko, V . Zinchenko leg. – 2♂, 1♀ ( SZMN); E Prizaisanje, 20 km NE of Karatal, sands of Bozalgyrkume , 12–13. VI .1997, R . Dudko, V . Zinchenko leg. – 1♂ ( SZMN); North of Shymkent Oblast, valley of Ul'gen- Bugun' river , 6.5.1994, D. Mil'ko leg – 1♂ ( SZMN) . TURKEY: Erzurum, on Medicago sativa , 18.6.1980, H. Özbek – 5♂ ( AUET, SZMN); idem, P. döken, 18.7.1979, Ö. Alaoblu – 1♀ ( AUET); Habankale , on Triticum , 19.7.1979, H. Özbek – 1♀ ( AUET) .

Distribution. Central and eastern parts of Kazakhstan and eastern part of Turkey. This is a first record of this species from Turkey.

Notes. The species was described from Kazakhstan and later synonymized under A. strangulatus ( Evers, 1985) . Yellow coloration of elytral apices, subparallel body and shape of the male elytra apices differentiate this species from A. strangulatus and confirm its status as a distinct species. In the original description this species was very brief, that is why it is re-described to illustrate differences with the other congeners of Anthomalachius .

Abeille de Perrin, E. 1885. Malachides nouveaux. Revue d'Entomologie, 4: 139 - 153.

Erichson, W. F. 1840. Entomographien, untersuchungen in dem Gebiete der Entomologie, mit besonderer Benutzung der Konigl. Sammlung zu Berlin. Erstes Heft. III Die Malachien pp. 44 - 134. F. H. Morin, Berlin. 180 pp, 2 plates.

Evers, A. M. J., 1985. Aufteilung der palaarktischen Arten des Gattungcomplexes Malachius F. Entomologische Blatter, 81 (1 - 2): 1 - 40.

Medvedev, L. N. 1964. New species of Malachiidae (Coleoptera) from Central Kazakhstan. Trudy Zoologicheskogo instituta RAN. T. 34. 155 - 158. Leningrad, Nauka [in Russian].

Medvedev, L. N. 1980. A review of the fauna of Melyridae of Central Kazakhstan. Trudy Instituta Zoologii Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. T. 39. 116 - 118. Alma-Ata, Nauka [In Russian].

Tshernyshev, S. E. 2000. Contributions to the knowledge of the Malachius group of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) of the fauna of Russia and the adjacent countries. Part II. Bulletin de L'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 70. P. 199 - 218. 93 figs. Resume Russian.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 26–32. Anthomalachius pseudospinosus (Medvedev, 1964), male, apex of left elytra, dorsal (26); appendage in elytral apex, lateral (27); apical tergite (28); apical sternite (29); tegmen (30); aedeagus, lateral (31); locality (32). Scale bar 0.5 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 39–44. Anthomalachius spp., male habiti, A. spinosus (Erichson, 1840) (39); A. strangulatus (Abeille de Perrin,1885) (40); A. senylia (Tshernyshev, 2000) (41); A. pseudospinosus (Medvedev, 1964) dorsally (42), and ventrally (43); A. foveatus (Medvedev, 1964) (44). Scale bar 1.0 mm.


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