Tatarnic, Nikolai J. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2012, The Halticini of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae): generic reclassification, phylogeny, and host plant associations, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 164 (3), pp. 558-658 : 566-568

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Marcus (2021-08-30 17:59:36, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:33:14)

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HALTICINI COSTA ( FIGS 3–58 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 View Figure 11 View Figure 12 View Figure 13 View Figure 14 View Figure 15 View Figure 16 View Figure 17 View Figure 18 View Figure 19 View Figure 20 View Figure 21 View Figure 22 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 View Figure 25 View Figure 26 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figure 29 View Figure 30 View Figure 31 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 View Figure 37 View Figure 38 View Figure 39 View Figure 40 View Figure 41 View Figure 42 View Figure 43 View Figure 44 View Figure 45 View Figure 46 View Figure 47 View Figure 48 View Figure 49 View Figure 50 View Figure 51 View Figure 52 View Figure 53 View Figure 54 View Figure 55 View Figure 56 View Figure 57 View Figure 58 )

Halticini Costa, 1853: 75 (new tribe); Kirkaldy, 1906: 130 (cat.); Knight, 1923: 497, 498 (gen. key); Blatchley, 1926: 797 (east US gen. key); Hsiao, 1942: 253 (Chinese gen. key); Wagner, 1952: 95 (desc.; Palaearctic gen. key); Carvalho & Leston, 1952: 245 (British gen. key); Carvalho, 1952: 39, 40, 73 (list); Carvalho, 1955: 65 (world gen. key); Carvalho, 1958: 5 (cat.); Slater, 1950: 43 (female genitalia); Kelton, 1959: 33 (male genitalia); Wagner, 1961: 47 (European fauna); Wagner & Weber, 1964: 250 (French fauna); Wagner, 1973: 2 (Mediterranean fauna); Schuh, 1974: 26, 273 (classification); Schuh, 1975: 13 (femoral trichobothria); Schuh, 1976: 18, 35 (pretarsus; classification); Linnavuori, 1994: 4 (West African gen. key); Schuh & Slater, 1995: 44 (world cat.); Kerzhner, 1988: 778, 826 (key to gen.; Palaearctic fauna); Kerzhner & Konstantinov, 1999: 124 (male genitalia).

Halticocoridae Douglas & Scott, 1865: 35 (fam. stat.).

Stiphrosomatidae Douglas & Scott, 1865: 35 (new fam.).

Halticaria Kirkaldy, 1902: 139 (list); Reuter, 1910: 115 (desc.; key); Poppius, 1911: 33 (class.); Poppius, 1914: 59, 82 (key; descr.); Van Duzee, 1916: 43 (cat.); Butler, 1923: 463 (descr.; key); Wagner, 1973: 15 (European fauna).

Diplacaria Reuter, 1883: 564: (new division).

Laboparia Reuter, 1883: 567 (new division; gen. key); Puton, 1886: 53 (cat.); Atkinson, 1890: 117 (cat.); Reuter, 1891: 17 (descr.); Distant, 1904: 479 (descr.); Reuter, 1905a: 19, 28 (descr.; key); Reuter, 1909: 71 (list); Oshanin, 1910: 793 (Palaearctic cat.); Oshanin, 1912: 73 (Palaearctic cat.); Van Duzee, 1916: 211, 373 (key; descr.); Wagner, 1973: 15 (subtribe; European fauna).

Labopini Knight, 1923: 501 (key); Blatchley, 1926: 797 (east US gen. key); Hedicke, 1935: 53 (gen. key); Knight, 1941: 8, 19, 74 (Illinois gen. key); Kiritshenko, 1951: 117 (USSR gen. key).

Myrmecophyaria Reuter, 1891: 106 (new division); Wagner, 1973: 15 (subtribe; European fauna).

Halticarini Zimmerman, 1948: 198 (key).

Diagnosis: Usually black or dark brown with or without lighter contrasting markings, sometimes mostly light brown, tan or green; body generally stout and compact, sometimes elongate; hindlegs often saltatorial; pronotal texture most often smooth and glossy, sometimes punctate; vestiture variable, either only with thin simple setae, or also with pale and lamellate setae; legs and antennae often spinose; head typically dorsoventrally elongate, height of genae almost always equal to or greater than height of eye; pronotum campanulate, rectangulate or trapezoidal; aedeagus with thinly sclerotized phallotheca, apex of phallotheca most often constricted, sometimes keeled, rarely with thin apical projections, ductus seminis long or short with flexible ribbing formed by numerous thin, closely packed sclerotized rings, sometimes with elongate subapical segment lacking flexible ribbing; secondary gonopore weakly to strongly sclerotized, often with distinctive scale-like texturing, endosoma almost always present as a membranous bag within the phallotheca (except in Halticus ), often with one or several sclerites, sometimes with fields of spines or dentitions; basal portion of both parameres usually elongate (except in Dampierella and Goodeniaphila , where the base of the left paramere is relatively short with respect to other halticines), both parameres ventrally concave; left paramere usually L-shaped, sometimes with swollen sensory lobe, with long apophysis, often apically hooked and sometimes bifid; right paramere flattened and generally spoon- or club-shaped, sometimes with a small apical apophysis; posterior wall of female without inter-ramal lobes (but see Anapus , Scirtetellus , and Labops ); sclerotized rings variable, but generally weakly concave or laterally upturned; margins of first gonapophyses symmetrical, sometimes with weak sclerotization.

Atkinson ET. 1890. Catalogue of the Insecta. Order Rhynchota. Suborder Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Family Capsidae. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Natural Science Supplement) 58: 25 - 200.

Blatchley WS. 1926. Heteroptera or True Bugs of Eastern North America, with especial reference to the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Indianapolis: Nature Publishing Company.

Butler EA. 1923. A biology of the British Hemiptera Heteroptera. London: H. F. and G. Witherby.

Carvalho JCM, Leston D. 1952. The classification of the British Miridae (Hem.), with keys to the genera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 88: 231 - 251.

Carvalho JCM. 1955. Keys to the genera of Miridae of the world (Hemiptera). Bolletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi 11: 5 - 151.

Carvalho JCM. 1958. Catalogo dos Mirideos do Mundo. Parte III. Subfamilia Orthotylinae. Arquivos do Museo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 47: 161.

Costa A. 1853. Cimicum Regni Neapolitani Centuria tertia et quartae fragmentum. Atti del Reale Istituto d'Incorragiamento alle Scienze Naturali 8: 3 - 77.

Distant WL. 1904. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota, vol. II, Part 2. London: Taylor and Francis, 243 - 503.

Douglas JW, Scott J. 1865. The British Hemiptera. Vol. I. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. London: Robert Hardwicke.

Hedicke H. 1935. Heteroptera. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas (IV) 3: 15 - 70.

Hsiao TY. 1942. A list of Chinese Miridae (Hemiptera) with keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species. Iowa State College Journal of Science 16: 241 - 269.

Kelton LA. 1959. Male genitalia as taxonomic characters in the Miridae. Canadian Entomologist 91: 1 - 71.

Kerzhner IM. 1988. Novye i maloizvestnye poluzhestkiokrylye nasekomye (Heteroptera) Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR (1987). Akademiya Nauk USSR, Vladivostok 1987: 1 - 84.

Kerzhner IM, Konstantinov FV. 1999. Structure of the aedeagus in Miridae (Heteroptera) and its bearing to suprageneric classification. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 63: 117 - 137.

Kiritshenko AN. 1951. [True bugs of the European parts of the USSR (Hemiptera): Key and bibliography]. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 42: 1 - 423.

Kirkaldy GW. 1902. Hemiptera. Fauna Hawaiiensis 3: 93 - 174.

Kirkaldy GW. 1906. List of the genera of the pagiopodous Hemiptera-Heteroptera, with their type species from 1758 to 1904 and also of the aquatic and semi-aquatic Trochalopoda. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 32: 117 - 156, 156 a - 156 b.

Knight HH. 1923. Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part

Knight HH. 1941. The plant bugs, or Miridae of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 22: 1 - 234.

Linnavuori RE. 1994. Orthotylinae of West, Central and North-East Africa (Heteroptera, Miridae). Acta Zoologica Fennica 193: 1 - 84.

Oshanin B. 1910. Verzeichnis der Palaearktischen Hemipteren. Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg 3: 1 - 218.

Oshanin B. 1912. Katalog der palaarktischen Hemipteren. Berlin: Friedlander & Sohn.

Poppius B. 1911. Beitrage zur Miriden-Fauna Australiens. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar 53 A: 1 - 6.

Poppius B. 1914. Die Miriden der Athiopischen Region II - Macrolophinae, Heterotominae, Phylinae. Acta Societatis Scientarum Fennicae 44: 1 - 138.

Puton A. 1886. Catalogue des Hemipteres (Heteropteres, Cicadines et Psyllides) de la faune Palearctique. Caen: Henri Delesques.

Reuter OM. 1883. Hemiptera Gymnocerata Europae. Hemipteres Gymnocerates d'Europe, du bassin de la Mediterranee et de l'Asie Russe. III. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 13: 313 - 496.

Reuter OM. 1891. Hemiptera Gymnocerata Europae. Hemipteres Gymnocerates d'Europe du bassin du Mediterranee et de l'Asie Russe. Tome IV. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 23: 1 - 179.

Reuter OM. 1905 a. Hemipterologische Spekulationen. I: Die Klassifikation der Capsiden. Festschrift fur Palmen No. 1. Helsinfors.

Reuter OM. 1909. Charakteristik und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hemipterenfauna (Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha und Psyllidae) der palaearktischen Coniferen. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 36: 1 - 129.

Reuter OM. 1910. Neue Beitrage zur Phylogenie und Systematik der Miriden nebst einleitenden Bemerkungen uber die Phylogenie der Heteropteren-Familien. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 37: 1 - 167.

Schuh RT. 1974. The Orthotylinae and Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) of South Africa with a phylogenetic analysis of the ant-mimetic tribes of the two subfamilies for the world. Entomologica Americana 47: 1 - 332.

Schuh RT. 1975. The structure, distribution and taxonomic importance of trichobothria in the Miridae (Hemiptera). American Museum Novitates 2585: 1 - 22.

Schuh RT. 1976. Pretarsal structure in the Miridae (Hemiptera) with a cladistic analysis of relationships within the family. American Museum Novitates 2601: 1 - 39.

Schuh RT, Slater JA. 1995. True bugs of the world (Hemiptera: Heteroptera): classification and natural history. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Slater JAS. 1950. An Investigation of the female genitalia as taxonomic characters in the Miridae (Heteroptera). Iowa State College Journal of Science 25: 1 - 81.

Van Duzee EP. 1916. Check list of the Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America, North of Mexico. New York: New York Entomological Society.

Wagner E. 1952. Blindwanzen oder Miriden. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 41: 1 - 218.

Wagner E. 1961. Unterordnung: Ungleichflugler, Wanzen, Heteroptera (Hemiptera). Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas 4: 1 - 173.

Wagner E, Weber HH. 1964. Heteropteres Miridae. Faune de France 67: 1 - 592.

Wagner E. 1973. Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Entomologishe Abhandlungen 39: 1 - 423.

Zimmerman EC. 1948. Insects of Hawaii. Heteroptera, vol. III. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

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Figure 3. Photographs of Halticini genera: Acratheus–Halticus. Abbreviations: F, female; M, male.

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Figure 4. Photographs of Halticini genera: Labops–Strongylocoris. Abbreviations: F, female; M, male.

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Figure 5. Scanning electron micrograph images of Acratheus ocellaris. A, dorsum; B, head and thorax, lateral view; C, head, dorsal view; D, detail of evaporative bodies; E, thoracic pleura; F, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland; G, tarsus; H, pygophore.

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Figure 6. Male and female genitalia of Acratheus ocellaris. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, first gonapophyses; F, posterior wall. Abbreviations: DS, ductus seminis; PB, phallobase; PT, phallotheca; SG, secondary gonopore; SR, sclerotized ring.

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Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph images of Anapus longicornis (male). A, dorsum; B, lateral view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland; E, venter; F, tarsus; G, abdomen, lateral view.

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Figure 8. Male and female genitalia of Anapus kirshbaumi. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix (dorsal view); E, posterior wall. Abbreviations: EN, endosoma; IRL, inter-ramal lobe; SG, secondary gonopore; SP, spicule.

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Figure 9. Male and female genitalia of Anapus dorsalis. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, bursa copulatrix, ventral view; F, posterior wall, ventral view.

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Figure 10. Female genitalia of Anapus americanus. A, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; B, posterior wall; C, first gonapophyses, ventral view. Abbreviations: IRL, inter-ramal lobe; SR, sclerotized ring.

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Figure 11. Scanning electron micrograph images of Barbarosia punctulata (male). A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland (MTG), detail; E, MTG efferent system; F, tarsus.

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Figure 12. Male and female genitalia of Barbarosia punctulata. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, first gonapophyses, ventral view; F, posterior wall.

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Figure 13. Scanning electron micrograph images of Chorosomella jakwoleffi (male). A, body, lateral view; B, head and thorax, lateral view; C, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, detail; E, tarsus.

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Figure 14. Male and female genitalia of Chorosomella jakowleffi. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, vestibulum; E, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view. Abbreviations: SC, seminal conceptacle; SR, sclerotized ring.

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Figure 15. Scanning electron micrograph images of Compositocoris senecionus (male and female). A, head of female, dorsal view; B, head and prothorax of female, lateral view; C, head of male, dorsal view; D, meso- and metathorax of male, lateral view; E, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland, detail; F, dorsum of female, showing apically stellate setae; G, detail of apically stellate seta; H, pygophore. Modified from Schwartz et al. (2008).

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Figure 16. Male and female genitalia of Compositocoris senicionus. A, detail of secondary gonopore and endosoma; B, aedeagus; C, left paramere; D, right paramere; E, detail of sclerotized ring, dorsal view; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view; G, posterior wall. Modified from Schwartz et al. (2008).

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Figure 17. Scanning electron micrograph images of Dampierella schwartzi (male). A, dorsum; B, head, anterior view; C, head and prothorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, pygophore, posterior view; F, pygophore, posteroventral view; G, pygophore, lateral view; H, pretarsus. Modified from Tatarnic (2009).

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Figure 18. Male and female genitalia of Dampierella schwartzi. A, left paramere; B, right paramere; C, aedeagus; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, posterior wall. Modified from Tatarnic (2009).

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Figure 19. Male and female genitalia of Dasyscytus sordidus. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, posterior wall; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view.

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Figure 20. Scanning electron micrograph images of an undescribed species of Dicyphopsis (male). A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head, ventral view; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, lateral view; H, pygophore, posterior view.

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Figure 21. Male and female genitalia of an unidentified species of Dicyphopsis. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, ventral view; E, posterior wall; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view.

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Figure 22. Scanning electron micrograph images of Dimorphocoris gracilis (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head and prothorax, ventral view; C, head, anterior view; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, thorax, lateral view; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, ventral view; H, pygophore, lateral view.

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Figure 23. Male and female genitalia of Dimorphocoris gracilis. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, first gonapophyses, ventral view; F, posterior wall.

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Figure 24. Scanning electron micrograph images of Ectmetopterus micantulus (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head and pronotum, anterior view; C, head, ventral view; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, thoracic pleura, lateral view; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, posterodorsal view; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 25. Male and female genitalia of Ectmetopterus micantulus. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, posterior wall; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view.

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Figure 26. Scanning electron micrograph images of Euryopicoris nitidus (female). A, dorsum; B, head and pronotum, dorsal view; C, head, anterior view; D, head, ventral view; E, head and thorax, lateral view; F, thorax, lateral view; G, detail of external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland evaporative bodies; H, tarsus.

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Figure 27. Male and female genitalia of Euryopicoris nitidus. A, left paramere; B, right paramere; C, aedeagus; D, bursa copulatrix, ventral view; E, opening of vestibulum; F, posterior wall.

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Figure 28. Scanning electron micrograph images of Goodeniaphila cassisi (male). A, dorsum; B, head, anterior view; C, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, pygophore, posterior view; F, pygophore, lateral view; G, pygophore, posteroventral view; H, pretarsus. Modified from Tatarnic (2009).

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Figure 29. Male and female genitalia of Goodeniaphila cassisi. A, right paramere; B, left paramere; C, aedeagus; D, aedeagus (phallotheca removed); E, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; F, posterior wall; G, first gonapophyses, ventral view. Modified from Tatarnic (2009).

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Figure 30. Scanning electron micrograph images of Halticus apterus (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, antenna; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, thorax, lateral view; F, detail of external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland evaporative bodies; G, tarsus; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 31. Male and female genitalia of Halticus apterus: A, phallotheca; B, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; C, secondary gonopore, ventral view; D, left paramere; E, right paramere; F, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; G, posterior wall; H, bursa copulatrix, ventral view.

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Figure 32. Female genitalia of Halticus luteicollis. A, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; B, first gonapophyses, ventral view; C, posterior wall.

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Figure 33. Scanning electron micrograph images of Labops sahlbergii (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, tarsus; F, pygophore, posterior view; G, pygophore, ventral view; H, pygophore, lateral view.

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Figure 34. Male and female genitalia of Labops sahlbergii. A, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, apex of phallotheca, ventral view; E, apex of phallotheca, left side; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view; G, bursa copulatrix; H, posterior wall. Abbreviations: IRB, inter-ramal bridge; IRL, inter-ramal lobe; MP, medial process of ventral labiate plate and ramus.

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Figure 35. Female genitalia of Labops hesperius. A, bursa copulatrix; B, posterior wall. Abbreviations: IRL, inter-ramal lobe; VLP, ventral labiate plate.

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Figure 36. Male and female genitalia of Labops tumidifrons. A, phallotheca; B, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; C, left paramere; D, right paramere; E, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; F, inter-ramal bridge; G, posterior wall.

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Figure 37. Scanning electron micrograph images of Microtechnites altigena (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, posterior view; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 38. Male and female genitalia of Microtechnites altigena and Microtechnites canus. Microtechnites altigena: A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, posterior wall; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view. Microtechnites canus: G, posterior wall.

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Figure 39. Scanning electron micrograph images of Myrmecophyes alboornatus (male). A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head, anteroventral view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland (MTG) and the metathoracic spiracle; E, detail of MTG evaporative bodies; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, posterior view; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 40. Male and female genitalia of Myrmecophyes alboornatus. A, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, first gonapophyses, ventral view; F, posterior wall.

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Figure 41. Scanning electron micrograph images of Namaquacapsus melanostethoides (male). A, lateral view; B, metatarsus.

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Figure 42. Male genitalia of Namaquacapsus melanostethoides. A, aedeagus (phallotheca removed); B, left paramere; C, right paramere.

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Figure 43. Scanning electron micrograph images of Nanniella chalybea (male). A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head and pronotum, anterior view; C, head and prothorax, ventral view; D, thorax, lateral view; F, external efferent system of the metathoracic scent gland; G, pygophore, ventral view; H, pygophore, lateral view.

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Figure 44. Male and female genitalia of Nanniella chalybea. A-B, aedeagus; C, left paramere; D-E, right paramere; F, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; G, first gonapophyses, ventral view; H, posterior wall.

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Figure 45. Scanning electron micrograph images of Orthocephalus brevis (male). A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and prothorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, tarsus; F, pygophore, dorsal view; G, pygophore, posterior view; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 46. Male and female genitalia of Orthocephalus brevis. A, aedeagus; B, secondary gonopore; C, left paramere; D, right paramere; E, posterior wall; F, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view.

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Figure 47. Scanning electron micrograph images of Pachytomella passerini (male). A, head and thorax, lateral view; B, head and pronotum, dorsal view; C, head, anterior view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, detail of metathorax; F, tarsus; G, pygophore, lateral view; H, pygophore, ventral view.

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Figure 48. Male and female genitalia of Pachytomella passerini. A-B, aedeagus; C, left paramere; D, right paramere; E, first gonapophyses, ventral view; F, sclerotized rings, dorsal view; G, posterior wall.

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Figure 49. Male and female genitalia of Piezocranum simulans. A, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; E, detail of bursa copulatrix, ventral view; F, posterior wall; G, first gonapophyses, ventral view.

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Figure 50. Scanning electron micrograph images of Plagiotylus maculatus (male). A, lateral view; B, head and thorax, anterodorsal view; C, head and prothorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, tarsus; F, pygophore, lateral view (note: most setae missing from specimen).

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Figure 51. Male and female genitalia of Plagiotylus maculatus. A, aedeagus; B, secondary gonopore; C, left paramere; D, right paramere; E, bursa copulatrix; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view; G, posterior wall.

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Figure 52. Scanning electron micrograph images of Schoenocoris flavomarginatus (male). A, dorsum; B, head and pronotum, dorsal view; C, head, anterior view; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; F, venter; G, pygophore, posterior view; H, pygophore, lateral view.

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Figure 53. Male and female genitalia Schoenocoris flavomarginatus. A, aedeagus; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, posterior wall; E, bursa copulatrix, ventral view; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view.

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Figure 54. Scanning electron micrograph images of Scirtetellus brevipennis. A, head and thorax, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and prothorax, ventral view; D, head and thorax, lateral view; E, tarsus; F, pygophore, ventral view; G, pygophore, dorsal view; H, pygophore, lateral view (note: most setae missing from specimen).

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Figure 55. Male and female genitalia of Scirtetellus brevipennis. A, aedeagus, phallotheca removed; B, left paramere; C, right paramere; D, posterior wall; E, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view.

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Figure 56. Female genitalia of Scirtetellus seminitens, Scirtetellus gudali, and Scirtetellus brachycerus. Scirtetellus seminitens: A, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view; B, vestibulum; C, posterior wall; D, bursa copulatrix, ventral view. Scirtetellus gudali: E, posterior wall. Scirtetellus brachycerus: F, posterior wall. Abbreviations: MP, median process formed by ventral labiate plate and ramus; VLP, ventral labiate plate.

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Figure 57. Scanning electron micrograph images of Strongylocoris niger (male). A, head and pronotum, dorsal view; B, head, anterior view; C, head and thorax, lateral view; D, meso- and metathorax, lateral view; E, tarsus; F, pygophore, lateral view; G, pygophore, ventrolateral view.

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Figure 58. Male and female genitalia of Strongylocoris leucocephalus. A, left paramere; B, right paramere; C, aedeagus; D, secondary gonopore; E, posterior wall; F, first gonapophyses, ventral view; G, bursa copulatrix, dorsal view.









