Scaria verutum (Grant, 1956), 2019

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins, Granda, Juan Manuel Cardona, García, Alexander García & Tumbrinck, Josef, 2019, Systematics and biogeography of the genus Scaria Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Batrachideinae), Zootaxa 4675 (1), pp. 1-65 : 32-33

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Plazi (2019-09-30 08:04:24, last updated by Veselin 2019-10-04 10:37:33)

scientific name

Scaria verutum (Grant, 1956)

comb. nov.

Scaria verutum (Grant, 1956) comb. nov.

Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 34 View FIGURE 34

Rehnidium verutum Grant, 1956: 100 .

Type speciments. Holotype: ♀ PERU, Junín, Puerto Bermudez, Río Pichis. 12–19-VII-1920 (Type no. 5899) ( ANSP) . Allotype: ♂ PERU, Huanuco, Upper Río Pachitea. 21-VII-1920 ( ANSP) . Paratypes: 2♂ 4♀ PERU, Huanuco ( ANSP) ; 1♂ Huanuco, Tingo Maria , Huanuco 23-IX-1954 (E. I. Schlinger and E. S. Ross) ( CAS) .

Photographic records. PERU, PN. Manu; Panticola rainforest, 1♀ (Paul Bertner) . BOLIVIA, PN Madidi, 1♀ (Arthur Anker) .

Distribution. Amazonian piedmont of south and central Peru and western Bolivia.

Comments. This species was originally described in Rehnidium . The author mentions than in its external morphology it is very similar to Scaria but for the structure of the spermatheca. He mentioned that he rather preferred to keep the species in Rehnidium ( Grant, 1956a, 1962). When the current phylogenetical analysis was performed, we included this species to corroborate its affiliation, resulting in R. verutum being located within Scaria and related to the species of the Lineata group. It was not clustered with R. omnivagum , which was more related to B. flavonotata . Although we did not study the spermathecae of the species reviewed in this paper, Grant’s observation can result from convergence between the structures of R. verutum and the remaining species of Rehnidium , so a new combination for this species is hereby proposed. This species was sufficiently described in detail so a re-description, as was performed for other species in this paper was deemed not necessary.

Grant Jr., H. J. (1956 a) The taxonomy of Batrachidea, Puiggaria, Lophoscirtus, Eutettigidea and Rehnidium n. gen. (Orthotpera: Acridoidea, Tetrigidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 82, 67 - 108.

Grant, H. J. (1962) A revision of the subfamily Batrachideinae (Orthoptera; Tetrigidae). PhD Thesis, University of Colorado Library, University of Colorado, Colorado, 208 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 17. Scaria verutum (Grant, 1956) comb. nov. A. Habitus in lateral view and. B. dorsal view respectively.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 34. Living female of Scaria verutum comb. nov. from PN Madidi, Bolivia. (Photo: Arthur Anker).


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia


California Academy of Sciences











