Aphelocerus cirritus, OPITZ, 2005

OPITZ, WESTON, 2005, Classification, Natural History, And Evolution Of The Genus Aphelocerus Kirsch (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 (293), pp. 1-128 : 47

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Felipe (2021-08-29 11:46:03, last updated 2021-09-08 06:10:59)

scientific name

Aphelocerus cirritus

new species

Aphelocerus cirritus , new species Figures 262, 263 View Figs , 270, 274 View Figs ; map 4a

HOLOTYPE: Male. Nicaragua: Matagalpa: 10 km NW Matagalpa, Selva Negra , 128599N, 858549W, 16–22­IV­2002 ( AMNH). (Specimen point mounted, sex label affixed to paper point, white, machine printed; support card, white; locality label, white, machine and hand printed; AMNH repository label, white, machine printed; holotype label, red, machine printed; plastic vial with abdomen and aedeagus.)

PARATYPE: Four specimens from the same locality as the holotype ( WOPC, 3: JNRC, 1).

DIAGNOSIS: Specimens of this species closely resemble members of A. inconstans (Gorham) and A. patulus , n.sp. From the former, A. cirritus , n.sp., specimens may be distinguished by their distinctly more elongated pronotum (compare figs. 269, 270) and by the abbreviated nature of the middiscal elytral setal tuft (compare figs. 26, 274). In A. patulus , n.sp., specimens, the pronotum lacks the dense aggregate of white setae on the lower margin of the pronotum which are clearly present in specimens of A. cirritus , n.sp.

DESCRIPTION: Size: Length 5.8–6.0 mm; width 2.1–2.2 mm. Integument: Mouthparts, cranium, antenna, thoracic venter, elytra, and legs black, abdomen dark brown. Vestiture: Head, antenna, venter of thorax, pro­, meso­, and metathoracic femora and meso­metathoracic tibiae, posterior margin of protibiae, discal portion of elytral apex, tarsi, and abdomen profusely vested with white setae; pronotal lower side margins with dense line of white setae; elytral disc with dark setae and middiscal setal tuft comprised of few 28 setae. Head: Width across eyes and across pronotum equal (40:40), finely punctate; interocular depression and fronal umbo moderately developed; eyes subspherical, moderately convex. Thorax: Pronotum longer than wide (50:42), considerably narrower than width of elytra across humeri (42:58), pronotal arch coarsely punctate, pronotal disc finely sparsely punctate, side margins nearly parallel, anterior transverse depression prominent; elytra very feebly convex when viewed from side; depth at humerus 27, greatest depth in posterior half 30, humeral tumescence indistinct. Abdomen: Pygidium posterior margin evenly arcuate; aedeagus as in figure 262. Male internal reproductive organs (fig. 263): Two pairs of accessory glands, lateral pair short, curvate apically, and diverticulated at base. Medial gland much longer and coiled/convoluted.

VARIATION: The dark posterior portion of the elytral disc varies in intensity.

NATURAL HISTORY: The available specimens are quite homogeneous.

DISTRIBUTION (map 4a): Known only from the type locality.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a Latin adjectival meaning ‘‘having filaments’’. I refer to the setiferous lower margins of the pronotum.

Gallery Image

Figs. 261–268. Aedeagi, male internal reproductive organs and elytra. 261. Aphelocerus nitidus, aedeagus. 262–263. A. cirritus (262, aedeagus; 263, internal reproductive organs). 264. A. dispilis, aedeagus. 265. A. torosus, aedeagus. 266. A. capillus, internal reproductive organs. 267. A. torosus, elytron. 268. A. acutus, elytron.

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Figs. 269–277. Pronota, elytral setal patches, tegmen. 269. Aphelocerus inconstans, pronotum. 270. A. cirritus, pronotum. 271. A. nitidus, elytral setal patches. 272. A. batesi, pronotum. 273. A. bufustis, pronotum. 274. A. cirritus elytral setal patch. 275. A. torosus, pronotum. 276–277. A. olanchoensis (276, pronotum; 277, tegmen).


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