Orchestina andianavarroi Izquierdo, 2017

Izquierdo, Matías Andrés & Ramírez, Martín J., 2017, Taxonomic Revision Of The Jumping Goblin Spiders Of The Genus Orchestina Simon, 1882, In The Americas (Araneae: Oonopidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2017 (410), pp. 1-1 : 1-

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Carolina (2021-08-30 17:45:49, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:20:39)

scientific name

Orchestina andianavarroi Izquierdo

sp. nov.

Orchestina andianavarroi Izquierdo View in CoL ,

new species

Figures 178E View FIGURE 178 , 186 View FIGURE 186 , 195B, E–G View FIGURE 195 , 197D View FIGURE 197 , map 32

TYPE: Female holotype from Argentina: San Juan: Departamento de Valle Fértil: Las Tumanas (cruce ruta Provincial 510 y Rio Las Tumanas), 731 m, -30.86500°, -67.32222°, Jan. 21, 2012, J.M. Andía Navarro and J. Aguilera, deposited in MACN 27083, PBI_OON 42192.

ETYMOLOGY: The name is a patronym in honor of Juan Manuel Andía Navarro, colleague and collector of the type material.

DIAGNOSIS: Females resemble those of O. luispi by the long anterior apodemes of the ante- rior receptaculum but can be distinguished by the more sclerotized lateral chambers of the anterior receptaculum that are visible through the transparent abdominal cuticle (figs. 195B, E–G, 197D).

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE (PBI_OON 14868): Habitus as in figure 186. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace length 0.67. Sternum as long as wide. Labium elongated hexagon. GENITALIA: External, interal pockets absent; anterior receptaculum with two long anterior apodemes, three membranous chambers at base, those at sides with strongly sclerotized walls, lumen well developed; posterior receptaculum absent, posterior apodeme formed by entire plate (figs. 195B, E–G, 197D).

DISTRIBUTION: Jujuy, Tucumán, and San Juan provinces, Argentina (figs. 178E, map 32).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Provincia de Jujuy: Departamento de Ledesma: P.N. Calilegua, Aguas Negras, altura Km 2 de la ruta Provincial Nº 83, 705 m, -23.750742, -64.855036, Aug. 4, 2010, M. Andía Navarro, 1♀ ( MACN 27209, PBI_OON 51193). Provincia de Tucumán: Cochuna, 1073 m (-27.34202°, -65.89976°), July 02, 1995, M. Ramírez, P. Goloboff, 1♀ ( MACN 15340, PBI_OON 14868).

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FIGURE 178. Habitats of Orchestina in Chile (A–D) and Argentina (E–F). A. Totoralillo Norte (Elqui), type locality of O . totoralillo. B. Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar (Huasco), type locality of O . pandeazucar. C. Caleta Chañaral de Aceituno (Huasco), type locality of O . caleta. D. Parque Nacional La Campana (Quillota), type locality of O . granizo. E. Las Tumanas (San Juan), type locality of O . andianavarroi. F. One of the localities where O . jaiba can be found in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. Photos by A. Jaime Pizarro. B, C, F. Martín Ramírez. E. J.M. Andia-Navarro.

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FIGURE 186. Orchestina andianavarroi, habitus of female. A. Dorsal. B. Lateral. C. Ventral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. (PBI_OON 14868).

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FIGURE 195. Orchestina spp., female genitalia. D–H. Cleared. A, D. O . ucumar. B, E–G. O . andianavarroi. C, H. O . luispi. A–E. Ventral. H. Dorsal. G. Anterodorsal. F. Lateral. Abbreviations: AR, anterior receptaculum; M2, M3, muscles 2 and 3 respectively; PA, posterior apodeme. Asterisks indicate the membranous chambers of the anterior receptaculum. Scale bars: A. 0.25 mm. B, C. 0.1 mm. D–H. 0.025 mm. (PBI_OON 1656, 14896, 14868, 14998, 14809).

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FIGURE 197. Orchestina spp., drawings of female genitalia, ventral. A. O . moyuchi, paratype. B. O . grismadoi, paratype. C. O . ucumar. D. O . andianavarroi . E. O . luispi. Abbreviations: IP, internal pocket; LD, lateral depression; M1–M4, muscles 1–4 respectively; PA, posterior apodeme. Asterisks indicate additional membranous receptacles. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. (PBI_OON 42253, 43298, 14896, 14868, 14811).


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