Triphoris crenulatus Deshayes, 1863

Albano, Paolo G., Franco, Davide Di, Azzarone, Michele, J., Piet A., Bakker & Sabelli, Bruno, 2023, Review of the types of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Zoosystema 45 (2), pp. 13-106 : 16

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Felipe (2023-01-25 19:07:50, last updated 2024-11-26 00:25:56)

scientific name

Triphoris crenulatus Deshayes, 1863


Triphoris crenulatus Deshayes, 1863 View in CoL

( Fig. 3 View FIG )

Triphoris crenulatus Deshayes, 1863: 99 View in CoL , pl. 11, figs 21, 22.

TYPE LOCALITY. — La Réunion.

TYPE MATERIAL. — Syntype. Reunion Island • MNHN-IM-2000-721; 1 specimen; from type locality .

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. — Reunion Island • MNHN-IM-2000-720; 5 specimens; St. Pierre ; coll. L. Vignal MNHN-IM-2012-36200; 3 specimens; coll. M. Jay.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — T. testa elongato-turrita , acuminata, transversim inaequaliter trilirata, lira majore, ad suturam posita, atque granulata, spira acuminata, sinistrorsa ; anfractibus quatuordecimis, angustis, planulatis, albis, maculis rufo-castaneis, serialibus pictis atque crenulatis; ultimo anfractu brevi, basi planulato; apertura rotundata, labro in angulo posteriore profunde emarginato, canali terminali brevi, valde obliquo.

[Latin diagnosis followed by a discussion in French]

TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN TEXT. — Elongated and turreted shell, narrow, sharp, with three unequal spiral cords, the largest cord is close to the suture and granulated, narrow spire, left-handed; fourteen narrow whorls, flat, white with red-brownish spots, coloured and crenulated cords; short last whorl, flat at the base; rounded aperture, the lip is strongly expanded in the posterior corner, short and very oblique.

DIAGNOSIS. — Shell cyrtoconoid with flat sides. Syntype here illustrated 4.9 mm high. Teleonconch of 8 whorls. Three spiral cords and a fourth suprasutural cord present, the second cord appearing on the fourth whorl. First, second and suprasutural cords smooth, the more prominent third one with obtuse tubercles giving it an undulated appearance. The other cords becoming tubercled near the peristome. Microsculpture of several fine spiral threads in spiral interspaces. Peristome with additional cords developing near the peristome. Posterior sinus shallow. Base with an additional, weakly granulated, spiral cord. Protoconch of at least c. 5 whorls, their sculpture rather worn in the syntype, but apparently made of two spiral keels and several equally strong axial riblets. First teleoconch whorl white, the following ones with brown flammulae on a white background. Protoconch brown.

DESHAYES G. P. 1863. - Catalogue des mollusques de l'Ile de la Reunion (Bourbon), in MAILLARD L. (ed.), Notes sur l'Ile de la Reunion (Bourbon). Paris, Dentu: 1 - 144.

Gallery Image

FIG. 3. — Triphoris crenulatus Deshayes, 1863, La Réunion: A, original figure in Deshayes (1863);B-K, syntype MNHN-IM-2000-721: front (B, C), side (D, E), back (F), protoconch (G, H), teleoconch microsculpture (I), peristome (J, K); L-N, original labels. Scale bars: B-F, 1 mm; G-I, 0.2 mm; J, K, 0.4 mm.











