Ziridava mauriakra Schmidt & Tautel, 2022

Schmidt, Olga & Tautel, Claude, 2022, Notes on the Indo-Australian genus Ziridava Walker (Lepidoptera: Geometridae Larentiinae), with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5100 (1), pp. 105-118 : 110-114

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Plazi (2022-02-17 08:04:22, last updated 2024-11-27 05:54:16)

scientific name

Ziridava mauriakra Schmidt & Tautel

sp. nov.

Ziridava mauriakra Schmidt & Tautel , sp. nov.

( Figs 12, 13, 14, 15 View FIGURES 12–15 , 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 View FIGURES 20–24 , 30 View FIGURES 30–31 , 32 View FIGURE 32 )

Type material. Holotype male, Philippines, North Luzon , Cordillera Cent., Barlig, Lake Chatol, 17.059˚ N, 121.068˚ E, 2100m, 8.v.2013, C. Tautel, El-69042, BC-ZSM-CT08 ( MNHN) . Paratypes: two females, same data as holotype , one female, Philippines, North Luzon , Banaue, 16.907˚ N, 121.065˚ E, 1650m, 11.iv.2012, C. Tautel ( MNHN) ; one male, same data as holotype ( SNSB-ZSM) .

Other material examined. One female, Philippines, North Luzon, Mt. Tabayoc, 2300m, 22–24.xi.1997, Mey, Ebert, Nuss ( MfN), one female , North Luzon , Banaue , Rd Banaue to Bontoc, 16.907˚ N, 121.065˚ E, 1650m, 13.xi.2012, C. Tautel ( SNSB-ZSM) .

Diagnosis. Forewings with apex slightly protruded, above pale ochreous-cinereous with greyish scales, slightly paler than in other Ziridava species , with median band not well-defined but with distinct pale greyish blotching in its anteromedial portion, edged with a rather broad half-ring of fuscous-brown scales inwardly; hind wings with median band speckled with black scales at hind margin. Apex of abdomen blackish dorsally, especially pronounced in males. In the male genitalia, juxta with apical margin with two distinct, protruding, apically rounded projections, with medial area broadly scobinate, aedeagus vesica with a large and a medium sized oval patch of spines. In the female genitalia, corpus bursae ovoid, with distinct long longitudinal folds laterally and a larger than in Z. orchidensis , rounded zone of scobination centrally on ventral side.

Description. Labial palpi speckled with blackish scales, with a few pinkish scales on medial segment. Abdomen pale ochreous-cinereous with pale pinkish scales, with dark brownish scales at thorax and small dark brownish dots on abdominal segments dorsally, with apex intensively speckled with blackish scales dorsally in males, with a distinct spot of blackish scales in females. Wing expanse 30–34 mm (n = 5). Forewings above pale ochreous-cinereous with greyish scales, with a narrow area of black scales speckled with pinkish at base of costa, with median band not well-defined but with distinct pale greyish blotching in its anteromedial part, edged with rather broad half-ring of fuscous-brown scales inwardly, pale ochreous outwardly towards termen, with a not quite distinct discal dot, with indistinct fuscous-brown streaks towards apex and a fuscous-brown subterminal patch; underneath patterned as the upper side but with pattern less distinct. Hind wings of the same colour as forewings, with a narrow band speckled with blackish and brownish scales and a few brownish wavy lines at base, with median line pronounced near hind margin and speckled with blackish scales, with narrow, pale ochreous postmedian band less distinct than in Z. orchidensis , with brownish dots along veins postmedially, with termen slightly rounded, underneath coloured and patterned as forewings, with median band pronounced, rather narrow, with a small projecting tooth. Eighth segment of abdomen in males presented in Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30–31 .

Male genitalia ( Figs 20, 21, 22, 23 View FIGURES 20–24 ). Labides consist of rather thin, L-shaped anterior arms connected to juxta laterally and thin, curved posterior arms with mostly membranous papillae, weakly sclerotised ventrally, with a row of short thickened setae apically. Juxta with apical margin with two protruding, apically rounded projections, with medial area rather broadly scobinate. Aedeagus vesica bears a large and a medium sized oval patch of spines.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 20–24 ). Antrum broad, funnel shaped, broadly weakly sclerotised medio-anteriorly. Ductus bursae short, unevenly weakly sclerotised medially. Corpus bursae ovoid, with a shallow basal projection, mostly weakly sclerotised, with long longitudinal folds laterally and a large rounded zone of scobination centrally on ventral side.

Distribution. The Philippines. A view from the type locality is shown in Fig. 32 View FIGURE 32 .

Etymology. The species name combines the Greek μαύΡΟΣ (black) and ΆΚΡΟ (end or tip), and refers to the colour of the apex of the abdomen.

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FIGURE 32. The Philippines, North Luzon, Road from Banaue to Bontoc: Locality of a paratype of Ziridava mauriakra (Photo: Claude Tautel).

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FIGURES 12–15. Ziridava mauriakra, sp. nov., adults: 12. Holotype male, above; 13. Holotype male, underside; 14. Paratype female, above; 15. Paratype female, underside.

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FIGURES 20–24. Ziridava mauriakra, sp. nov., genitalia: 20. Paratype male, armature; 21. Paratype male, labides and juxta; 22. Paratype female, signum; 23. Paratype male, aedeagus with vesica everted; 24. Paratype female.

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FIGURES 30–31. Ziridava spp., males, eighth abdominal segment: 30. Ziridava mauriakra, sp. nov.; 31. Ziridava orchidensis, sp. nov.


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