Melika, G. & Ros-Farré, P., 2005, Ufo Abei Melika Et Pujade-Villar (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) New Genus And New Species From Japan, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (4), pp. 313-327 : 319-324

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586069

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scientific name


sp. nov.

Ufo abei MELIKA & PUJADE-VILLAR , sp. n.

( Figs 4e–f View Fig , 5a–e View Fig , 6a–e View Fig , 7a–c View Fig )

Description – Female. Body reddish brown to black; metasoma uniformly reddish, lighter than head and mesosoma; antennae uniformly yellow; legs including coxae yellow to white-yellow; wings semi-transparent with short uniformly distributed white setae. Head ( Figs 4a–d View Fig , 5a–d View Fig ). Lower face, malar space and clypeus with relatively dense, very short and uniformly distributed very thin indistinct white setae (visible under an appropriate light source), row of same setae along inner margins of compound eye; frons with only a few scattered setae; gena behind eye and postgena with less dense setae than on lower face; postocciput and vertex without setae. Head transverse, 1.45–1.47 times as broad as high in front view; nearly as broad or slightly broader than mesosoma, 2.7–2.8 times as broad as long in dorsal view. Lower face (measuring from lower edge of antennal socket till the tip of clypeus) 1.36 times as high as height of compound eye. Clypeus and malar space with very delicate (http://morphbank.ebc.uu.se))

indistinct irradiating striae, surface between striae smooth, shining; clypeus straight on the proximal edge, epistomal sulcus indistinct, and, thus clypeus smoothly joins the central area of lower face; anterior tentorial pits small and hardly visible, only very small impression at the location of tentorial pits visible under correctly orientated light; proximal edge of malar space along mouthparts emarginated; malar space 0.77–0.82 times as long as height of compound eye. Frons smooth shining or delicately coriaceous, with row of setae along inner margin of compound eye and in front of frontal ocellus; distance prolong transfacial line 1.4–1.5 times as long as height of lower face and 1.4–1.5 times as long as height of compound eye; distance between inner margin of compound eye and antennal socket very slightly more than diameter of antennal socket and distance between antennal sockets equal to diameter of antennal socket; POD 2.8–3.3 times as long as OOD; POD 2.1–2.2 times as long as LOL; OOL 6.0 times as long as cross diameter of lateral ocellus; posterior edge of frontal ocellus lies on a line between anterior edges of lateral ocelli. Vertex very narrow, smooth and shining. Occiput smooth and shining, descending nearly vertically and not concave backwards; occipital carina absent. Gena not broadened behind eye in front view, smooth, shining. Postgena and postocciput smooth, shining, with some short white setae along hypostomal carina. Gula reduced to long, narrow median strip; gular sulci united well before reaching hypostomata; posterior tentorial pits visible, area around occipital foramen well-impressed, smooth and shining. Antenna 13-segmented ( Fig. 5e View Fig ). Scapus nearly equal in length to F1; pedicellum nearly 2.0 times as short as F1, which is the longest flagellomere, except F11, which is nearly equal or even very slightly longer than F1; ratio of scapus, pedicellum and F1–F11 follows 0.95:0.6:1:0.71:0.66:0.8:0.76:0.76:0.76:0.64:0.61:0.57:1.04 (measured on the holotype). Mesosoma ( Figs 4c–f View Fig , 6a–e View Fig ) 1.3 times as long as high in lateral view. Pronotum anteriorly nearly rectangular in dorsal view, anterior and lateral sides form a right angle; pronotum descending vertically to propleura; lateral part of pronotum going down from the dorsal part also nearly at a right angle; strong pronotal carina divides lateral part from frontal part, which are also oriented almost at a right angle to each other; pronotum dorsally punctate, very finely coriaceous, laterally with longitudinal and parallel striae, area between them weakly coriaceous or almost smooth and shining; frontal part of pronotum around propleura smooth, shining, without sculpture, with some micropunctures around pronotal pits only; dorsal and lateral parts uniformly with very delicate short white setae, visible in proper light; submedial pronotal pits present, small rounded, sepadorso-median part, with pronotal submedial pits, dorsal view; e = propodeum, dorsal view rated by a distance 4.0 times as long as pit transverse width; two short carinae extending from submedial pronotal pits define the most anterior part of pronotal plate. Propleuron coriaceous with some transversely orientated striae in the anterior half. Scutum slightly longer than broad measuring along anterior edge of tegulae; notauli distinct in posterior half, slightly broadened posteriorly, with smooth shining bottom, very indistinct or even absent in anterior half; anterior parallel lines very indistinct, reach 1/3 of scutum anteriorly; parapsidal lines very narrow, reach to half of scutum; scutum punctate and finely coriaceous, ridges orientated mainly transversely giving a view of a minute transverse sculpturing, area between ridges smooth and shining; scutum uniformly with very short sparse white setae, visible under proper light source; scutum laterally with distinct parascutal carina. Dorso-axillar area very finely coriaceous, shining; latero-axillar area joins dorso-axillar area at an acute angle. Scutellum 1.25 times as long as broad in dorsal view; emarginated and rugose around lateral and posterior edges, very finely coriaceous centrally, area between ridges smooth and shining; scutellar foveae ovate, posterior lateral edge of foveae reach to 0.4 of scutellum length, bottom mat and smooth, with very few minute striae. Mesopleuron smooth, shining with some longitudinal striae, especially in central and postero-dorsal parts; acetabular carina strongly raised, broad. Propodeum slightly lighter than scutum and scutellum, with uniform sparse short white setae laterally of central propodeal area; laterally finely coriaceous; lateral propodeal carinae distinct, uniformly thin, straight, slightly diverging anteriorly; central propodeal area very delicately alutaceous; metanotum smooth, shining, short; metanotal trough smooth, shining, with dense pubescence; propodeal spiracle with strong raised carina along anterior border; metanotal sulcus reach mesopleuron in postero-dorsal corner; axillula smooth, shining with dense white setae; nucha dark brown with longitudinal parallel ridges. Fore wing ( Fig. 7a View Fig ) semi-translucent, veins very pale, hardly traceable; wing margin with long cilia; radial cell opened, 3.3 times as long as broad; Rs and R1 straight, areolet absent. Legs with dense short white setae, tarsal claws with distinct basal lobe ( Fig. 7b View Fig ). Metasoma ( Figs 4f View Fig , 7c View Fig ). Abdominal tergite 2 sulcate, with strong longitudinal parallel rugae; tergites 3 and 4 fused, smooth and shining, covered entire metasoma. Prominent part of ventral spine of hypopygium very short and slender; hypopygium micropunctate, with very few short white setae along ventral edge. Length 1.3–1.5 mm.

Male unknown.

Type material – Holotype female “Hiroshima, Japan, ⊕ 9.3.39, Kuenburg 240”, handwriting label “Q.variab., f 9.4–6-.39”, deposited in HNHM, Budapest, Hungary.

Two paratype females with the same labels as the holotype are deposited in the collection of SPL, Kőszeg , Hungary; two other paratype females labelled as “ MT Hiko, 18–2-5-. IX.1989, Takeno & H. Sharkey col.” ; one paratype female is deposited in CNCI, Ottawa , Canada and another female paratype in the collection of UB, Barcelona, Spain .

Etymology – Species name is given in honour of our Japanese colleague, Dr. YOSHIHISA ABE (Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


Canadian National Collection Insects


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie













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