Plegmapteroides minutus Dirsh, 1959

Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 95

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Plazi (2020-12-29 01:46:24, last updated 2024-11-29 10:51:34)

scientific name

Plegmapteroides minutus Dirsh, 1959


Plegmapteroides minutus Dirsh, 1959

( Figs.3L View FIGURE 3 , 4M View FIGURE 4 , 6B View FIGURE 6 , 17 View FIGURE 17 )

Plegmapteroides minutus: Dirsh, 1959:25 ; Dirsh, 1965: 277; Johnston, 1968:203.

Type locality. Africa, Southern Africa , Cape Province, Northern Cape Province, Soebatsfontein. No type examined .

Material. SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape: 1 mi S Garies (S30.5917, E17.9934) 03.ix.1961 coll. H.D. Brown, W. Furst— 4♀, 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 1 mi S Nuwerus (S30.3397, E17.8409) 14.ix.1967 coll. H.D. Brown— 2♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 10 mi N Kalkfontein, Richtersveld (S28.8608, E17.2313) 30.xi.1962 coll. H.D. Brown and W. Furst— 1♀, 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 10 mi SW Gamoep S29.9984, E18.2929, 17.ix.1967 coll. H.D. Brown— 6♂, 5♀ ( SANC); GoogleMaps 12 mi N Soebatsfontein (S29.9525, E17.5990) 08.ix.1961 coll. H.D. Brown, W. Furst— 5♀, 4♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 12 mi S of Vioolsdrif (S29.0701, E17.5794) 10.viii.1961 coll. H.D. Brown, W. Furst— 18 ♀ (Transvaal Museum) GoogleMaps ; 16 ♂ GoogleMaps ; 14 km W Bitterfontein (S31.0419, E18.1208) 04.ix.1967 coll. H.D. Brown— 1♀ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 18 mi S Springbok (S29.9306, E17.8866) 04.ix.1961 coll. H.D. Brown— 1♀, 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 3 mi S Kamieskroon (S30.240366, E17.913286) 04.ix.1961 coll. H.D. Brown— 1♀, 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 8 km N Niewoudtville (S31.297238, E19.114006) 28.ix.1972 — 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 8 km S Nababeep (S29.6668, E17.7843) 07.x.1972 coll. H.D. Brown, E. Koster and A. Prinsloo— 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 8 mi NW Vredendal (S31.5651, E18.4287) 30.ix.1967 coll. H.D. Brown— 2♀, 3♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 9 mi N Okiep (S29.4608, E17.8709) 07.x.1972 coll. H.D. Brown, E. Koster and A. Prinsloo— 3♀, 1♂ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 9 mi W Steinkopf (S29.2634, E17.5798) 17.xi.1962 coll. H.D. Brown and W. Furst— 6♂, 2♀ ( SANC); GoogleMaps Aninas Pass, Port Nolloth (S29.2379, E16.9068) 21.viii.1993 — 1♂, 1♀ ( SANC); Buffels River , 22 mi SW Springbok (S29.8989, E17.6453) 18.viii.1993 coll. R. Toms and S. Green— 8♂, 7♀ ( SANC); GoogleMaps Coboop GoogleMaps , 22 mi N Pofadder (S28.8082, E19.3349) 08.iii.1969 coll. H.D. Brown— 1♀ ( SANC); GoogleMaps Namaqua NP, Skilpad (S30.1660, E17.7986) 26.xi.2009 coll. P. Naskrecki and C. Ba-zelet— 1♀ ( USTB) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. This species was previously recorded from Namibia (Brown 1962) and South Africa ( Dirsh 1959).

Remarks. This genus was erected by Dirsh (1959) based on its flat dorsum which is similar to that of Plegmapterus Martinez 1898 , Plegmapteropsis Dirsh 1956 , and Calliptamuloides Dirsh 1956 . The shape of its head is more similar to that of Plegmapteropsis ; however, it differs from Plegmapteropsis by its posterior margin of the last abdominal tergite, supra—anal plate, hind femur and male cercus. Its taxonomic state is satisfactory or stable.

Dirsh, V. M. (1959) New Genera and species of Acridoidea from Tropical Africa (Orthoptera). Eos, Madrid, 35, 21 - 39.

Dirsh, V. M. (1965) The African genera of Acridoidea. Cambridge University Press, New York, xiv + 579 pp.

Johnston, H. B. (1968) Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers: supplement. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 427 pp.

Martinez y Fernandez-Castillo. (1898) Actas dela Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Madrid, 27, 35.

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FIGURE 3. Figure showing generic representation of various shapes of lateral view of male cerci: (A) Pachyphymus, (B) Euryphymus, (C) Aneuryphymus, (D) Rhachitopis, (E) Brachyphymus, (F) Calliptamicus, (G) Rhodesiana, (H) Amblyphymus, (I) Platacanthoides, (J) Plegmapterus, (K) Calliptamuloides, (L) Plegmapteroides, (M) Plegmapteropsis.

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FIGURE 4. Figure showing generic representation of dorsal view of pronotum: (A) Euryphymus, (B) Aneuryphymus, (C) Rhachitopis, (D) Brachyphymus, (E) Rhodesiana, (F) Amblyphymus and (G) Platacanthoides, (H) Calliptamicus, (I) Calliptamulus, (J) Plegmapterus, (K) Plegmapteropsis, (L) Calliptamuloides, (M) Plegmapteroides and (N) Phymeurus.

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FIGURE 6. Photograph showing lateral view of staged: (A) Calliptamicus semiroseus, (B) Plegmapteroides minutus, (C) Plegmapterus irisus, (D) Amblyphymus rubidus, (E) Platacanthoides bituberculatus and (F) Euryphymus tuberculatus.

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FIGURE 17. Map showing collecting localities of Plegmapteroides species.


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