Gynochthodes Blume

Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G. & Bremer, Birgitta, 2011, Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae), Adansonia (3) 33 (2), pp. 283-309 : 286-287

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Carolina (2021-08-13 19:26:16, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 23:35:56)

scientific name

Gynochthodes Blume


Genus Gynochthodes Blume View in CoL

Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indië 16: 993. (Oct. 1826 - Nov. 1827). — Type: Gynochtodes coriacea Blume.

Guttenbergia Zoll. & Moritzi , Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor Nederlandsch-Indië 2: 2 (1845), syn. nov. — Type: Guttenbergia umbellata (L.) Zoll. & Moritzi.

Sphaerophora Blume , non (A. H. Hassall) J. Lindley (1846), Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum sive stirpium Exoticarum 1: 179 (1850). — Type: Sphaerophora glomerata Blume. (lecto-, designated by Johansson [1994: 15], L!).

Pogonanthus Montrouz., Mémoires de l’Académie View in CoL royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Section des Sciences 10: 225 (1860). — Type: Pogonanthus candollei Montrouz. View in CoL

Tetralopha Hook. View in CoL f., Hooker’s Icones Plantarum 11: 57, t. 1072 (1870). — Type: Tetralopha motleyi Hook. View in CoL f.

Imantina Hook. View in CoL f., Genera Plantarum 2: 120 (1873). — Type: Imantina deplanchei Hook. View in CoL f.


Lianas, rarely shrubs or trees. Leaves petiolate, chartaceous to more or less coriaceous. Inflorescences terminal, terminal on axillary (lateral) shoots, or axillary, solitary or composed of 2 to 10 heads arranged into umbel-like, racemose or cymose or terminal. Flowers polygamous (hermaphrodite and functionally unisexual) or dioecous, mostly completely to basally fused when clustered in heads, sometimes in multiflorous compound dichasia or rarely single, sessile or sometimes pedicellate; corolla tubes shorter than corolla lobes, rarely as long as or longer than corolla lobes; filaments inserted in corolla throat, linear, glabrous, white, anthers partly exserted; disk annular, persistent in fruit; styles fi liform, terete; stigmatic lobe bilobate, exserted; ovary inferior, bilocular, with longitudinal false dissepiment separating the ovules, ovaries of all flowers of a head basally to completely fused; locule biovular. Fruits fused into syncarps or simple drupes. Seeds globose or semi-globose.


93 species (see Appendix 1).


Tropical Asia, Australasia and Madagascar.


We favor the orthographic variant Gynochthodes over the original spelling Gynochtodes , as Blume himself made the correction in his Flora javae ( Blume 1828). Brummitt &Taylor (1990) consider that the spelling corrected by the original author should be followed. Tetralopha is long established synonym of Gynochthodes . The synonymy was already proposed by Razafimandimbison et al. (2009: 885) for Imantina , Pogonanthus , and Sphaerophora .


BLUME C. L. 1828. - Enumeratio plantarum Javae et Insularum adjacentium minus cognitarum vel novarum. Fasciculus II. Lugduni Batavorum, Leiden, v-viii.

BRUMMITT R. K. & TAYLOR N. P. 1990. - To correct or not to correct? Taxon 39: 298 - 306.

JOHANSSON J. T. 1994. - The genus Morinda (Morindeae, Rubioideae, Rubiaceae) in New Caledonia: Taxonomy and phylogeny. Opera Botanica 122: 5 - 67.

RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G., MCDOWELL T. D., HALFORD D. A. & BREMER B. 2009. - Molecular phylogenetics andgeneticassessmentinthetribeMorindeae (Rubiaceae- Rubioideae): How to circumscribe Morinda L. to be monophyletic? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52: 879 - 886.











