Proekes cephaleus (Naudé), Stiller & Webb, 2022

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D., 2022, Leafhoppers of the Fynbos Biome of South Africa: Colistra, Proekes, Proekoides and a new genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Bonaspeiini), Zootaxa 5199 (1), pp. 1-79 : 62-64

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5199.1.1

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scientific name

Proekes cephaleus (Naudé)


Proekes cephaleus (Naudé) View in CoL

( Figs 22A–H View FIGURE 22 , 23A–U View FIGURE 23 , 24A–R View FIGURE 24 , 25A–I View FIGURE 25 , 33A View FIGURE 33 )

Proekes cephaleus (Naudé) View in CoL comb.n. Theron, 1975: 191, 204, 205.

Deltocephalus cephaleus Naudé, 1926: 53 View in CoL .

Aconura ceresensis Naudé, 1926: 54 View in CoL , syn. nov.

Type material, not examined.

Type locality. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Cape province, Viljoen’s Pass, -31.97, 19.11, 12 Jan. 1923, F.W. Pettey; USIC.

Additional material examined. South Africa, Western Cape province: 1♀; Kleinmond; -34.34, 19.03; 18 Nov. 1969; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL04168 ; SANC .

1♂, 2♀♀; Slagboom; -33.23, 19.28; 13 Dec. 1969; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL01628 ; SANC .

1♀; Pearly Beach; -34.66, 19.50; 15 Dec. 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL28210 ; SANC .

1♂; Suurvlak Wolseley; -33.42, 19.13; 23 Nov. 1972; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL08756 ; SANC .

1♀; Viljoens Pass; -31.97, 19.11; 5 Dec. 1974; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL01629 ; SANC .

1♂; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 5 Dec. 1977; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL28207 ; SANC .

1♂, 1♀; Caledon; -34.22, 19.41; 9 Dec. 1985; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL28206 ; SANC .

1♀; Kogelberg Nature Reserve ; -34.28, 19.02; 16 Nov. 1998; Malaise trap; S. van Noord leg.; CCDL28209 ; SANC .

1♂; Hawekaberg, Du Toits Kloof Pass; -33.70, 19.11; 28 Dec. 2005; M. Stiller leg.; CCDL28211 ; SANC .

1♂, 3 nymphs; Fisantekraal site 1; -33.76, 19.14; 7 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica fastigiata Ericaceae ; CCDL 27925; SANC.

40♂♂, 3♀, 6 nymphs; Fisantekraal; -33.78, 19.16; 8 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica fastigiata and low shrubs; CCDL27932 ; SANC .

5♂♂, 3♀♀, 6 nymphs; Fisantekraal; -33.79, 19.16; 8 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Psoralea sp. Fabaceae ; CCDL27945 ; SANC .

1♂, 4 nymphs; Fisantekraal; -33.78, 19.17; 8 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Passerina -like shrub; CCDL27939 ; SANC .

5♂♂, 6♀♀; Verlorenvlei farm #2, Touws River; -33.288, 19.714; 27 Jan. 2022; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica sp. and other shrubs; CCDL28615 ; SANC GoogleMaps .

11♂♂, 4♀♀; Kogelberg Nature Reserve #1, Kleinmond; -34.322, 18.963; 12 Feb. 2022; M.Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica gysbertii Ericaceae ; CCDL28614 ; SANC GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Crown angle in male and female 82–86°. Length from apex of crown to apex of abdomen in male 4.07–4.39 mm, female 4.05–4.44 mm. Subgenital plate with 18–24 macrosetae in three quarters. Aedeagus with shaft in lateral view sublinear, strongly compressed, 2.28–3.58 times wider medially in lateral view than width medially in anterior or posterior view; apex of shaft with two paired, very short teeth; dorsal apodeme reduced; preatrium short, 0.16–0.34 as long as greatest width across base of aedeagus. Connective articulated with preatrium ( Fig. 28E View FIGURE 28 ).

Etymology. Retrospectively, Greek, kephale, feminine, head, transliterated as cephale, with suffix – us; additionally to refer to the apex, as in head of the aedeagus, that is wide with four short teeth. Gender feminine, as an exception.


Male, female and nymph.


Head. Male head width/pronotum width=1.09–1.15, female head width/pronotum width=1.11–1.14; crown angle in male and female 82–86°; crown length/crown length next to eye in male=1.69–1.79, female=1.64–1.81.

Ocellus. Male ocellus diameter 25–32 µm; interocular distance 61–81 µm, female ocellus diameter 27–31 µm; interocular distance 69–82 µm; ocellus diameter/interocular distance in male=0.33–0.44, female=0.34–0.43.

Tegmina. Male length/width=2.44–2.57 ( Fig. 23I, U View FIGURE 23 ). Female length/width=2.27–2.70 ( Fig. 23I, U View FIGURE 23 ).

Hind wing. Male length/width=3.73–4.49. Female length/width=3.81–4.19; costal and vanal margins slightly concave ( Fig. 23T View FIGURE 23 ).

Tegmina-hind wing relation. Male ratio of length tegmina/length hind wing=1.12–1.18; width tegmina/width hind wing=1.76–2.02. Female ratio of length tegmina/length hind wing=1.15–1.19; width tegmina/width hind wing=1.77–2.01.


Male (n=62). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 4.07–4.39 mm ( Theron 1975, 3.8–4.32 mm); apex of crown to apex of abdomen 3.88–4.28 mm; crown length 0.79–0.84 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.45–0.49 mm; pronotum length 0.45–0.49 mm; head width 1.42–1.52 mm ( Theron 1975, ‘width of head across eyes 3 mm’ [1.3 mm]); pronotum width 1.27–1.36 mm ( Theron 1975 ‘maximum width of pronotum 2.6 mm’); ocellus diameter 25–32 µm; interocular distance 67–81 µm; crown angle 82–86°; length from apex of crown to apex of tegmina/length from apex of crown to apex of abdomen=0.99–1.08.

Female (n=21). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 4.05–4.44 mm ( Theron 1975, 3.88–4.00 mm); apex of crown to apex of abdomen 4.79–5.37 mm ( Theron 1975, 4.9–5.1 mm); crown length 0.82–0.89 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.48–0.51 mm; pronotum length 0.46–0.51 mm; head width 1.49–1.59 mm ( Theron 1975, ‘width of head across eyes 1.5 mm’); pronotum width 1.32–1.42 mm ( Theron 1975, ‘maximum width of pronotum 1.3 mm’); ocellus diameter 27–31 µm; interocular distance 69–82 µm; crown angle 82–86°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.64–1.81; head width/pronotum width=1.11–1.14; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.34–0.43; crown length/pronotum length=1.68–1.85; pronotum length/pronotum width=0.34–0.36; length from apex of crown to apex of tegmina/length from apex of crown to apex of abdomen=0.80–0.87.



Segment 10. Narrowly conical, greatest width/least width=1.38–1.68, lateral margins straight, greatest length/ greatest width=1.18–1.41 ( Fig. 23J View FIGURE 23 ), rarely almost rectangular; greatest width segment 10/greatest width across pygofer at point of greatest width segment 10=0.50–0.59.

Pygofer lobe. 2–3 short macrosetae, 35–76 µm long ( Fig. 23C, R View FIGURE 23 ).

Subgenital plate. Length/width=1.37–1.64; 18–24 macrosetae ( Fig. 23D, K View FIGURE 23 ) in distal three quarters, length 76–158 µm.

Valve. As in Fig. 23D, K View FIGURE 23 , length/width=0.18–0.21.

Style. Greatest length/average width=4.92–6.04, length apophysis/greatest length=0.15–0.21; Fig. 23G View FIGURE 23 in Theron (1975).

Connective. Width arms/width stem=1.60–1.92; length arms/length stem=0.87–1.96; angle of arms 75–96°; greatest length/greatest width=0.51–0.70; length stem/width greatest=0.21–0.32; Fig. 23H View FIGURE 23 in Theron (1975).

Aedeagus. Aedeagal shaft in lateral view, strongly compressed, medial width in lateral view/medial width in anterior or posterior view=2.28–3.58 ( Fig. 23E, F, L–Q View FIGURE 23 ); dorsal margin in Verlorenvlei specimens narrow ( Fig. 23O View FIGURE 23 ), commonly wider ( Fig. 23E, L, M View FIGURE 23 ). Shaft in anterior view, distal margin with paired, apical to subapical, short teeth, orientation anteriad to ventrad; basal ( Fig. 23M–P View FIGURE 23 ) to subbasal ( Fig. 23E, L View FIGURE 23 ) paired teeth, slightly longer than distal teeth. Anterior subbasal teeth rarely with small, subapical dorsal tooth in Wolseley specimen. Anterior basal teeth variable in size and symmetry, medial pair longer, laterad teeth variable in number, position and symmetry ( Fig. 23M, N View FIGURE 23 ), absent in one specimen from Verlorenvlei. Posterior margin of shaft with apical and 1–2 median paired teeth, large ( Fig. 23F, Q View FIGURE 23 ), one median pair common ( Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 , E, L, M), two median pairs in Verlorenvlei specimens ( Fig 23O, Q View FIGURE 23 ). Dorsal apodeme reduced. Preatrium short, 0.16–0.34 times longer than greatest length across base of aedeagus.


Sternite 7. Distal margin variable, either sublinear ( Fig. 24A View FIGURE 24 ), slightly concave or convex; Pearly Beach specimen, distal margin partially damaged. Length/width=0.49–0.59; width across apex/width across base=0.60– 0.68; medial length/average lateral length=0.98–1.08.

Valvula 1. As in Fig. 24H View FIGURE 24 , sculpture, apically Figs 24K View FIGURE 24 , 25F View FIGURE 25 , medially Figs 24L View FIGURE 24 , 25G View FIGURE 25 .

Valvula 2. Distal half slightly wider than base ( Fig. 24I View FIGURE 24 ), margin with pore-like structure in Figs 24N, O View FIGURE 24 , 25B, C View FIGURE 25 , margin with minute, irregular teeth in Figs 24M View FIGURE 24 , 25A, D, E View FIGURE 25 . Length to confluence of paired apex/length greatest=0.31–0.39.

Valvula 3. Extended beyond posterior margin of pygofer ( Fig. 24J View FIGURE 24 ), 1.49–1.53 times longer than greatest length of pygofer in lateral view, 30–50 macrosetae at apex and subapex, length 14–35 µm ( Fig. 24P View FIGURE 24 ).

Valvifer 1. Longer than wide ( Fig. 24B, C View FIGURE 24 ) (length/width=1.39–1.73), variable dorsal margin, narrowly rounded, rectangular anteriorly ( Fig. 24B View FIGURE 24 ) or dorsal and ventral margins sublinear ( Fig. 24C View FIGURE 24 ); fused in dorsal view ( Fig. 24G View FIGURE 24 ).

Valvifer 2. Shape as in Fig. 24D View FIGURE 24 , with uniformly curved anteroventral margin and straight posterodorsal margin (length/width=2.48–2.81), sculpture submarginal with few microtrichia and circular pore-like structures ( Figs 24E, F View FIGURE 24 , 25H, I View FIGURE 25 ).

Remarks. This species is recognized in the male by the strongly compressed aedeagal shaft, demonstrated by the ratio=2.28–3.58 times wider medially in lateral view than the width in medially anterior or posterior view. Male and female features are repeated here with additional measurements, descriptions, images and illustrations of specimens and male ( Figs 22 View FIGURE 22 , 23J–V View FIGURE 23 ) and female terminal segments ( Figs 22F–J View FIGURE 22 , 24 View FIGURE 24 , 25 View FIGURE 25 ). The male head, tegmina and genitalia as in Theron (1975) are copied in Fig. 23A–I View FIGURE 23 . Males from Fisantekraal have the basal anterior spines with short teeth at their bases. In the female the lack of distinct teeth on the valvula 2 is consistent in examined specimens, observed at all possible angles. The small teeth at the subapex are variably marginal but consistently medial or sometimes obscured by lateral sculpture, as in Fig. 25E View FIGURE 25 . Fine teeth are absent or not distinguished in specimens from Ceres, Kleinmond, and one from Fistantekraal, but distinct in another specimen from Fisantekraal, Kogelberg and Pearly Beach. Distribution and potential natural distribution model in Fig. 33A View FIGURE 33 .


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute














Proekes cephaleus (Naudé)

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D. 2022

Proekes cephaleus (Naudé)

Theron, J. G. 1975: 191

Deltocephalus cephaleus Naudé, 1926: 53

Naude, T. J. 1926: 53

Aconura ceresensis Naudé, 1926: 54

Naude, T. J. 1926: 54
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