Colistra acapitatus, Stiller & Webb, 2022

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D., 2022, Leafhoppers of the Fynbos Biome of South Africa: Colistra, Proekes, Proekoides and a new genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Bonaspeiini), Zootaxa 5199 (1), pp. 1-79 : 29-33

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5199.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Colistra acapitatus

sp. nov.

Colistra acapitatus View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 3F–Q, S–V View FIGURE 3 , 13A–R View FIGURE 13 , 14A–N View FIGURE 14 , 31D View FIGURE 31 )

Material examined.

Type locality. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Cape province; Seekoevlei Farm , near Clanwilliam; - 32.16, 18.75; 1 Aug. 1996; R.G. Oberprieler, R. Stals, M. Stiller leg.; yellow pan trap in five year old plantation of Rooibos tea Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL08555 ; SANC.

Type specimen. Holotype male, glued to triangle card, pinned, with genitalia in a separate microvial. Original label: “ South Africa: / Wcape / Seekoevlei / (farm) near / Clanwilliam / 32°09.3ʹS / 18°45.1ʹE 360 m / 01.viii.1996 / Oberprieler / Stals Stiller” “Collected with / yellow pan traps / in 5 year old / plantation of / rooibos tea / Aspalathus / linearis / ( Fabaceae )” “ SANC Pretoria / Dbase# CCDL / 08555”.

Paratypes. 102♂♂, 78♀♀, 16 nymphs (n=196)

South Africa, Western Cape province:

1♀; Herold; -33.84, 22.44; 15 Jul. 1971; R. Mutare leg.; CCDL 28213; SANC.

3♂♂, 6♀♀; Vanrhynsdorp; -31.61, 18.73; 15 Sep. 1976; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 27832; SANC.

1♂; Cedarberg near Clanwilliam; -32.35, 18.98; 21 Dec. 1976; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28214; SANC.

8♂♂, 8♀♀, 1 nymph; Groenkol Farm; -32.10, 18.70; 1 Aug. 1996; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; sweeping in one year old, two year old, topped and three year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08557; SANC.

26♂♂, 6♀♀, 2 nymphs; ibid holotype; BMNH, INHC, SANC.

1♂; Uitsig Farm; -31.97, 19.11; 5 Aug. 1996; R.G. Oberprieler, R. Stals, M. Stiller leg.; sweeping 4 year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08552; SANC.

14♂♂, 6♀♀, 11 nymphs; Uitsig Farm; -31.97, 19.11; 5 Aug. 1996; R. Stals, M. Stiller, R.G. Oberprieler leg.; sweeping 2–3 year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08553; SANC.

8♂♂, 11♀♀, 1 nymph; Aggenbagskraal Farm; -32.28, 18.88; 26 Nov. 1996; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; DVac 3 year old and 5–6 year of plantations of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08560; SANC.

17♂♂, 13♀♀, 1 nymph; Seekoevlei Farm; -32.16, 18.75; 27 Nov. 1996; O.C. Neser, M. Stiller, R.G. Oberprieler leg.; DVac 5 year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08556; BMNH, INHC, SANC.

2♂♂, 2♀♀; Uitsig Farm; -31.97, 19.11; 28 Nov. 1996; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; DVac 2 year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08554; SANC.

3♂♂, 5♀♀; Seekoevlei Farm; -32.16, 18.75; 15 Apr. 1997; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; on 5 year old plantation of Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08559; SANC.

1♀; Wiedouw Farm base of Gifberg Pass; -31.73, 18.77; 3 Oct. 2002; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping low vegetation in area cleared of bush; CCDL 18286; SANC.

1♂; Gifberg Pass Summit Vanrhynsdorp; -31.77, 18.76; 9 Oct. 2002; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping low grass, forbs and Restio at tower; CCDL 18287; SANC.

2♂♂, 4♀♀; Dwarsrivier Farm Cedarberg SE Citrusdal; -32.45, 19.20; 10 Oct. 2002; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Metalasia fastigiata Asteraceae ; CCDL18288; SANC.

1♀; Jonkiespoort Farm Bokkeveld Mountains ; -32.82, 19.45; 12 Oct. 2002; M. Stiller leg. ; sweeping; CCDL18285 ; SANC .

1♂; Arniston; -34.65, 20.22; 11 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac grasses in depression, Ehrharta sp. Poaceae , and other Poaceae ; CCDL18972; SANC .

1♂, 1♀; De Hoop Nature Reserve ; 34.45, 20.42; 11 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg. ; DVac grass and shrubs; CCDL18512 ; SANC .

2♂♂; De Hoop Nature Reserve; 34.45, 20.42; 11 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac Themeda triandra Poaceae ; CCDL18516; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Sanddrift farm; -32.47, 19.22; 5 May 2011; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping, beating and DVac Restio , Cliffortia and Phylica ; CCDL28212; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Klondyke farm; -33.31, 19.59; 29 Nov. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Restio , Dicerothamnus , other shrubs and grass; CCDL27892; SANC.

4♂♂, 4♀♀; Kleinkliphuis farm, Clanwilliam; -32.133, 18.947; 4 Feb. 2022; M. Stiller leg. GoogleMaps ; sweeping all shrubs, forbs, restios etc.; CCDL28609 ; SANC .

5♂♂, 5♀♀;De Pakhuys farm,Clanwilliam; -32.118, 19.068; 6Feb.2022;M.Stiller; leg.;sweeping Anthospermum sp. Rubiaceae ; CCDL28603; SANC. GoogleMaps

1♂, 2♀♀; Grootwinterhoek Nature Reserve, Porterville; -32.997, 19.059; 8 Feb. 2022; M.Stiller leg.; sweeping Agathosma capensis Rubiaceae ; CCDL28604; SANC. GoogleMaps

South Africa, Northern Cape province:

1♀; Doltuin Oorlogskloof; -31.48, 19.08; 19 Dec.2016; M.Stiller leg.;sweeping Phylica plumigera Rhamnaceae ; CCDL26708; SANC.

Diagnosis. Aedeagus with width at apex 1.1–1.8 times wider than medial width of shaft; dorsal apodeme reduced; single or paired teeth on shaft variable in position, size and orientation; preatrium about as long as shaft.

Etymology. Named for the small-headed aedeagus, Latin, prefix a -, not, without, capitatus, head. Gender masculine.


Male, female and nymph.


Head. Marking similar to that of C. bucapitatus , C. acapitatus in Fig. 3F, G, J, L–Q View FIGURE 3 , or absent ( Fig. 3K View FIGURE 3 ) or small ( Fig. 3H, I, M View FIGURE 3 ).

Pronotum. Dorsally 2–4 pairs of brown marks, variable, separate or partially or entirely merged ( Fig. 3F–Q View FIGURE 3 ).

Nymph. Mottled with brown ( Fig. 3S, T, V View FIGURE 3 ) or pale ( Fig. 3U View FIGURE 3 ) with deltate brown marking on head distinct in Fig. 3T View FIGURE 3 .

Tegmina. Costa yellow, other veins light to dark brown; cells translucent, except discal, brachial and jugal cells, whitish opaque, brown marking in inner and outer discal cells, apical cell 3 and between claval vein 1 and 2 (males in Fig. 3F–L View FIGURE 3 ); females often more markings, including reticulation in claval cells ( Fig. 3M–Q View FIGURE 3 ).


Tegmina. Veins in male in Fig. 13Q View FIGURE 13 , female in Fig. 14N View FIGURE 14 .

Hind wing. Length/width=2.26–2.46, triangular, costal margin slightly convex, veins in male, Fig. 13R View FIGURE 13 , female, Fig. 14M View FIGURE 14 .


Male (n=85). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.85–3.29 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 3.16–3.67 mm; crown length 0.50–0.55 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.35–0.39 mm; pronotum length 0.38–0.43 mm; head width 1.05–1.22 mm; pronotum width 0.92–1.14 mm; ocellus diameter 26–31 µm; interocular distance 53–66 µm; crown angle 90–97°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.35–1.45; head width/pronotum width=1.02–1.11; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.42–0.55; crown length/pronotum length=1.26–1.35; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.36–0.41.

Female (n=57). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.99–3.45 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 3.78–4.29 mm; crown length 0.54–0.59 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.38–0.43 mm; pronotum length 0.41–0.45 mm; head width 1.13–1.27 mm; pronotum width 1.04–1.18 mm; ocellus diameter 26–31 µm; interocular distance 54–69 µm; crown angle 90–96°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.34–1.45; head width/pronotum width=1.06–1.10; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.38–0.54; crown length/pronotum length=1.27–1.37; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.37–0.41.



Segment 10. Lateral margin convergent, sublinear, in dorsal view length/width=0.92–1.10 (n=6).

Pygofer lobe. 3–6 macrosetae, rarely seven, 74–156 µm in length (similar to that of C. bucapitatus sp. n.).

Subgenital plate. Greatest length/greatest width=1.15–1.49. Apex of apophysis extended three quarters into plate (similar in C. bucapitatus sp. n.).

Style. Greatest length/greatest width=3.58–4.22, length apophysis/greatest length=0.20–0.24; apophysis angle 39–57° ( Fig. 13L View FIGURE 13 ).

Connective. Greatest width across arms/width of apex of stem=1.70–2.02, length arms/length stem=0.84–1.84; angle of arms 73–88°; greatest length/greatest width=0.52–0.66 ( Fig. 13O, P View FIGURE 13 ).

Aedeagus. Narrow apex, 1.1–1.8 times wider than medial width of shaft ( Fig. 13A–F View FIGURE 13 ). Anterior margin variable with apical ( Fig. 13C, D, F View FIGURE 13 ) to subapical ( Fig. 13A, B, E View FIGURE 13 ) tooth-like projection or paired, sclerotized teeth or tooth fused entirely or with apex free; posterior margin with distinct apical and subbasal paired teeth or apical teeth reduced or absent and subbasal teeth damaged in some specimens, variable in orientation and length, i.e., transverse or longitudinal, orientation, laterad or posteriad ( Fig. 13A–K, M, N View FIGURE 13 ). Dorsal apodeme reduced, pygofer membrane attached at junction between shaft and preatrium. Preatrium elongate, variably angled to shaft (i.e., acute ( Fig. 13F View FIGURE 13 ), right angle ( Fig. 13B–E View FIGURE 13 ) or obtuse ( Fig. 13A View FIGURE 13 )).


Sternite 7. Rectangular to trapezoid (distal width/basal width=0.74–0.83, greatest length/greatest width=0.41– 0.45), lateral margins convergent, straight or curved, posterior margin with shallow V-shaped notch ( Fig. 14A–C View FIGURE 14 ) or without notch ( Fig. 14D, E View FIGURE 14 , specimens from Uitsig), basal length at notch/greatest length laterally=0.72–0.85 (based on measurements from drawings and in situ).

Valvula 1. Parallel-sided, apex acuminate ( Fig. 14F View FIGURE 14 ), sculpture pattern commonly reticulate, striate towards base, similar to pattern in other species of Colistra .

Valvula 2. As in Fig. 14J View FIGURE 14 ; narrow, short teeth with trough finely serrate, similar pattern in other species of Colistra .

Valvula 3. 8–21 marginal to submarginal macrosetae at apex, 26–43 µm long.

Valvifer 1. About as long as wide, dorsal margin right-angled, ventral margin shallowly rounded, anterior and posterior apices acute. Length/width=1.35–1.77 ( Fig. 14K, L View FIGURE 14 ).

Valvifer 2. Whole part in Fig. 14G View FIGURE 14 , length/width=2.81–3.15; sculpture pattern with submarginal circular porelike structure ( Fig. 14H View FIGURE 14 , Groenkol specimen); Seekoevlei specimen with circular pore-like structure and triangular denticles ( Fig. 14I View FIGURE 14 ). Sculpture in 20 examined valvifers without setae out of 27 dissected ovipositors.

Remarks. This species has the narrow apex of the aedeagal shaft, reduced dorsal apodeme and elongated preatrium.The dorsal apodeme is considered reduced with the point of attachment to the pygofer phragma recognized at the junction of the base of the shaft and apex of the preatrium. The denticulation of the apex of the shaft is variable. In 11 dissected males from Uitsig, the anterior tooth is usually paired and close-set, but in two specimens, the base is fused. The position of this tooth is subapical to medial, whereas in 22 dissected males from other localities the anterior tooth is apical, and smaller than in the males from Uitsig. The large, single, median anterior tooth in Fig. 13E View FIGURE 13 is found in two specimens from two localities in close proximity, i.e., Dwarsrivier and Sanddrift. This large, single tooth on the anterior margin of the shaft in lateral view resembles that of P. piketensis but that are paired in the latter and with paired apical teeth on the posterior margin ( Fig. 16C View FIGURE 16 ). All species of Proekoides however, have the crown more acute and with a median longitudinal brown marking ( Fig. 15A–L View FIGURE 15 ). Posterior teeth on the aedeagus in C. acapitatus are rarely absent, obscure in lateral view, but visible in lateroventral or laterodorsal or caudal view, and variable in position and orientation. The connective stem and arm length is variable due to variable width of the membrane at the base of the stem and arms. In females the sternite 7 appear to have a shallow notch, except in specimens from Uitsig with a near rounded posterior margin, as in C. parvulus ( Figs 1G View FIGURE 1 , 8A View FIGURE 8 ) and C. semialius ( Fig. 10A, B View FIGURE 10 ). Distribution and potential natural distribution model in Fig. 31D View FIGURE 31 .


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanische Staatssammlung München













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