Colistra semialius, Stiller & Webb, 2022

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D., 2022, Leafhoppers of the Fynbos Biome of South Africa: Colistra, Proekes, Proekoides and a new genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Bonaspeiini), Zootaxa 5199 (1), pp. 1-79 : 20-23

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5199.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Colistra semialius

sp. nov.

Colistra semialius View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 2A–K View FIGURE 2 , 9A–P View FIGURE 9 , 10A–P View FIGURE 10 , 31B View FIGURE 31 )

Material examined.

Type locality. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Cape province, Grootwinterhoek Nature Reserve   GoogleMaps , Porterville, -32.997, 19.059, 8 Feb. 2022, M. Stiller leg., sweeping Erica inflata Ericaceae ; CCDL28602 , SANC.

Type specimen. Holotype male, glued to triangle card, pinned, with genitalia in microvial pinned to specimen. Original label “ R.S. A. Groot- / winterhoek / Nature Reserve / -32.997 / 19.059 8.ii. / 2022 M. Stiller” “sweep / Erica / inflata / Ericaceae ” “ SANC Pretoria / Dbase# CCDL / 28602”. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 80♂♂, 55♀♀, 99 nymphs.

South Africa, Western Cape province:

9♂♂, 10♀♀ 7 nymphs; Algeria Forest Station; -32.37, 19.06; 4 May 2011; ibid. holotype, and 1♂ DVac Restio ; CCDL 27860; BMNH, INHS, SANC.

1♂; wetland near Cedarberg Pass; -32.41, 19.12; 5 May 2011; M. Stiller leg.; DVac Restio sp. Restionaceae ; CCDL 28552; SANC.

1♂; Jamaka farm #1; -32.34, 19.02; 11 Dec. 2016; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Metalasia densa Asteraceae ; CCDL 26706; SANC.

1♀; Jamaka farm #7; -32.34, 19.01; 12 Dec. 2016; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Aspalathus acocksi Fabaceae ; CCDL 26705; SANC.

3♂♂, 3♀♀; Jamaka farm #6; -32.34, 19.01; 12 Dec. 2016; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Stoebe sp. Asteraceae ; CCDL 26704; SANC.

9♂♂, 9♀♀, 8 nymphs; Kruisementvlei & Wolf Kloof farms, Piketberg; -32.805, 18.662; 7 Feb. 2022; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica sp. Ericaceae ; CCDL 28607; SANC. GoogleMaps

34♂♂, 17♀♀, 60 nymphs; ibid holotype; BMNH, INHS, SANC.

20♂♂, 12♀♀, 15 nymphs; Grootwinterhoek Nature Reserve, Porterville; -32.997, 19.059; 8 Feb. 2022; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica or Salaxis sp. Ericaceae ; CCDL 28605; SANC. GoogleMaps

2♂♂, 3♀♀, 9 nymphs; Grootwinterhoek Nature Reserve, Porterville; -32.997, 19.059, 8 Feb. 2022; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Anthospermum sp. Rubiaceae ; CCDL 28606; SANC. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Apex of shaft about as wide as midsection; aedeagus with dorsal apodeme short, partially fused to shaft, about one third as long as shaft; lateral paired teeth subbasally on shaft, subapical posterior margin with single tooth; preatrium elongated, slightly shorter than shaft.

Etymology. Named for the intermediate features of the aedeagus, i.e., shaft apex as in C. parvulus , and elongate preatrium as in C. bucapitatus sp. n. and C. acapitatus sp. n. Latin, semi, half and alius, another, other. Gender masculine.


Male, female and nymph.


Head. Deltate marking at apex of crown small as in Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 , or well developed as in Fig. 2B–E View FIGURE 2 ; paired circular marking near base of head weak ( Fig. 2A, B, D View FIGURE 2 ) or well developed ( Fig. 2C, E View FIGURE 2 ).

Nymphs. As in Fig. 2J, K View FIGURE 2 .

Pronotum. Dorsally 2–4 pairs of brown marks, variable, separate ( Fig. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ) or partially or entirely merged ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ).

Tegmina. Costa white to yellow, brown marking in inner and outer costal cells next to R1a (cross vein between outer and inner costal cells); brown marking in inner and outer discal cells, claval cells and 1–3 apical cells ( Fig. 2A–G View FIGURE 2 ).


Tegmina. Veins in male in Fig. 9O View FIGURE 9 , female in Fig. 10O View FIGURE 10 .

Hind wing. Elongate (length/width=3.17–3.54), narrow, costal margin straight ( Fig. 9P View FIGURE 9 ); female in Fig. 10P View FIGURE 10 .


Male (n=70). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.80–3.12 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 2.65–3.13 mm; crown length 0.48–0.53 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.34–0.38 mm; pronotum length 0.34–0.39 mm; head width 1.10–1.22 mm; pronotum width 1.00– 1.12 mm; ocellus diameter 24–29 µm; interocular distance 42–56 µm; crown angle 93–102°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.35–1.48; head width/pronotum width=1.07–1.12; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.45–0.67; crown length/pronotum length=1.29–1.53; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.32–0.36.

Female (n=55). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.81–3.09 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 2.61–3.36 mm; crown length 0.46–0.56 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.33–0.40 mm; pronotum length 0.32–0.40 mm; head width 1.05–1.29 mm; pronotum width 0.95–1.18 mm; ocellus diameter 24–30 µm; interocular distance 40–56 µm; crown angle 88–106°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.26–1.54; head width/pronotum width=0.99–1.19; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.46–0.69; crown length/pronotum length=1.24–1.57; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.30–0.37.



Segment 10. Lateral margin convergent, slightly convex, in dorsal view length/width=0.86–0.98 (n=5) ( Fig. 9A, B View FIGURE 9 ).

Pygofer lobe. 4–5 macrosetae, 55–76 µm in length; membranous lobe as in Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 , detail in Fig. 9D, E, F View FIGURE 9 .

Subgenital plate. Greatest length/greatest width=0.93–1.26. Apex of apophysis of style extended less than half-way into subgenital plate ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ).

Style. Greatest length/greatest width=3.47–4.38, length apophysis/greatest length=0.21–0.23; apophysis apex narrowly rounded, apophysis angle 49–70°; anterior lateral lobe subparallel to base of style, broad ( Fig. 9G View FIGURE 9 ); apophysis acuminate, apex straight, base curvate.

Connective. Greatest width across arms/width of apex of stem=1.97–2.25, length arms/length stem=1.36–2.04; angle of arms 83–91°; greatest length/greatest width=0.44–0.56 ( Fig. 9N View FIGURE 9 ).

Aedeagus. Apex of shaft slightly wider than medial width ( Fig. 9K–M View FIGURE 9 ). Anterior apex of shaft with slight rounding, broadly rounded or acute ( Fig. 9K–M View FIGURE 9 , respectively); apical to lateroapical margin denticulate; posterior subapical margin with single tooth at margin of gonopore and lateroposterior to lateral margin subbasally to medially with triangular, paired teeth ( Fig. 9J–M View FIGURE 9 ). Dorsal apodeme about one third as long as shaft, with short, transverse, rounded dorsal apices, in posterior or anterior view with concavity between apices ( Fig. 9H, I View FIGURE 9 ). Preatrium elongate, about as long as shaft, obtusely angled to shaft ( Fig. 9H, I View FIGURE 9 ).


Sternite 7. Isosceles trapezoid (distal width/basal width=0.60–0.63, greatest length/greatest width=0.48–0.55), lateral margins curvate or straight; medially margin rounded with small, narrow, bilobed projection ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ), or narrow, uniform projection ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 ).

Valvula 1. Parallel-sided, apex acuminate ( Fig. 10G View FIGURE 10 ), sculpture pattern commonly reticulate, striate towards base ( Fig. 10M View FIGURE 10 ); sculpture at apex ( Fig. 10K View FIGURE 10 ), midsection ( Fig. 10L View FIGURE 10 ).

Valvula 2. Serration less than half the length of valvula 2 ( Fig. 10H View FIGURE 10 ), teeth curvate, trough with fine teeth; serration and sculpture at apex in Fig. 10N View FIGURE 10 .

Valvula 3. 5–12 marginal to submarginal macrosetae at apex, 25–36 µm in length, short setae up to 17 µm ( Fig. 10E, F View FIGURE 10 ).

Valvifer 1. Rhomboid with dorsal and ventral margin somewhat rounded, anterior margin narrowly rounded, posterior margin acute ( Fig. 10C, D View FIGURE 10 ). Length/width=1.16–1.64.

Valvifer 2. Apices narrowly rounded, sculpture pattern confined, marginal and submarginal reticulate or densely set with microtrichia and few circular structures, one specimen with seta ( Fig. 10I, J View FIGURE 10 ). Length/width=2.52–2.82. Sculpture examined in four valvifers of four dissected ovipositors.

Remarks. This species has the short dorsal apodeme, about one third as long as shaft, and an elongate preatrium about as long as the shaft. Variation is the acute to rounded anterior apex of the aedeagus and position of paired teeth more medial or more posterior, closer to or more basal of the single, posterior tooth. There is resemblance to the denticulate apex of the aedeagal shaft in this species and in C. parvulus , but C. semialius sp. n. with greater variability ( Fig. 9K–M View FIGURE 9 ) as well as in the medial denticulation. The shape of the female sternite 7 resembles that of C. parvulus but is more trapezoid, i.e., width apex/width base in C. semialius 0.60–0.63, and C. parvulus 0.65–0.67. Proportions of valvifers 1 and 2 are similar in C. semialius and C. parvulus . Modelled distribution is in Fig. 31B View FIGURE 31 .


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Botanische Staatssammlung München


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