Proekes tetracaphalis, Stiller & Webb, 2022

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D., 2022, Leafhoppers of the Fynbos Biome of South Africa: Colistra, Proekes, Proekoides and a new genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Bonaspeiini), Zootaxa 5199 (1), pp. 1-79 : 67-71

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5199.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Proekes tetracaphalis

sp. nov.

Proekes tetracaphalis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 27A–D View FIGURE 27 , 28A–I View FIGURE 28 , 29A–H View FIGURE 29 )

Material examined.

Type locality. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Cape province, Grootwinterhoek Nature Reserve,   GoogleMaps Porterville, -32.997, 19.059, 8.ii.2022, M. Stiller; sweeping Erica or Salaxis spp Ericaceae ; CCDL28616 , SANC.

Type specimen. Holotype male, glued to triangle card, pinned, with genitalia in a separate microvial. Original label: “ R.S. A. Groot- / winterhoek / Nature Reserve / -32.997 / 19.059 8.ii. / 2022 M. Stiller” “sweep / Erica or Salaxis spp Ericaceae ” “ SANC Pretoria Dbase# CCDL 28616”. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 33♂♂, 41♀♀

South Africa, Western Cape province.

1♂; Cedarberg near Clanwilliam; -32.35, 18.98; 21 Dec. 1976; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28208; SANC.

32♂♂, 41♀♀; Grootwinterhoek, Porterville; -32.997, 19.059; 8 Feb. 2022; M.Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica or Salaxis spp Ericaceae ; CCDL 28616; SANC. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Crown angle in male 83–86°, female 82–85°. Length from apex of crown to apex of abdomen in male 3.66–3.83 mm, female 3.73–3.91 mm. Subgenital plate with 13–19 macrosetae in distal half. Aedeagus with shaft in lateral view curvate, cross section triangular; apex of shaft with two paired, tubular, elongate teeth, orientation dorsad and ventrad respectively; base of shaft, anteriorly with basal to subbasal paired, furcate, elongate tooth ( Fig. 28B–D, F–L View FIGURE 28 ); dorsal apodeme short, transverse, laterally desclerotized; preatrium short, 0.17–0.33 as long as greatest width across base of aedeagus. Connective articulated with preatrium ( Fig. 28E View FIGURE 28 ).

Etymology. Named in Greek for the apex or head, cephalis, of the aedeagus that has four, tetra, teeth, acaina, contracted to tetra-ca-phalis. Gender feminine.


Male and female.


Head. Male head width/pronotum width=1.13–1.17, female head width/pronotum width=1.14–1.16; crown angle in male 83–86° and female 82–85°; crown length/crown length next to eye in male=1.67–1.75, female=1.65– 1.75.

Ocellus. Male ocellus diameter 25–29 µm; interocular distance 62–73 µm, female ocellus diameter 26–29 µm; interocular distance 60–71 µm; ocellus diameter/interocular distance in male 0.35–0.46, female=0.38–0.47.

Tegmina. Male length/width=2.36–2.55, female length/width=2.46–2.75.

Hind wing. Male length/width=3.29–3.67. Female length/width=3.43–3.81.

Tegmina-hind wing relation. Male ratio of length tegmina/length hind wing=1.19–1.24; width tegmina/width hind wing=1.60–1.85.


Male (n=32). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 3.66–3.83 mm; apex of crown to apex of abdomen 3.55–3.82 mm; crown length 0.73–0.77 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.43–0.45 mm; pronotum length 0.42–0.44 mm; head width 1.34–1.39 mm; pronotum width 1.15–1.22 mm; ocellus diameter 25–29 µm; interocular distance 62–73 µm; crown angle 83–86°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.67–1.75; head width/pronotum width=1.13–1.17; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.35–0.46; crown length/pronotum length=1.69–1.82; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.35–0.37; length from apex of crown to apex of tegmina/length from apex of crown to apex of abdomen=0.98–1.05.

Female (n=41). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 3.73–3.91 mm; apex of crown to apex of abdomen 4.28–4.75 mm; crown length 0.77–0.80 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.45–0.48 mm; pronotum length 0.43–0.45 mm; head width 1.38–1.43 mm; pronotum width 1.20–1.25 mm; ocellus diameter 26–29 µm; interocular distance 60–71 µm; crown angle 82–85°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.65–1.75; head width/pronotum width=1.14–1.16; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.38–0.47; crown length/pronotum length=1.73–1.84; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.30–0.40.



Segment 10. Narrowly conical in dorsal view, lateral margins straight, greatest width/least width=1.50–1.79, greatest length/greatest width=1.06–1.32 ( Fig. 28A View FIGURE 28 ); greatest width segment 10/width across pygofer at point greatest width segment 10=0.51–0.53.

Pygofer lobe. 2–3 short macrosetae (44–69 µm long).

Subgenital plate. Length/width=1.25–1.52; 13–19 macrosetae in distal half, length 105–166 µm.

Valve. Length/width=0.19–0.22.

Style. Greatest length/greatest width=2.86–4.22, length apophysis/greatest length=0.14–0.20.

Connective. Width stem/width arms=0.49–0.56; length arms/length stem=0.86–1.96; angle of arms 78–106°; greatest length/greatest width=0.49–0.66; length stem/width greatest=0.19–0.31, Fig. 28E View FIGURE 28 .

Aedeagus. Aedeagal shaft in lateral view curvate, tubular, tapered distad, slightly compressed basally ( Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 ), apex with two paired, elongate tubular narrow teeth, orientation dorsad and ventrad respectively ( Fig. 28F, J–L View FIGURE 28 ), shaft at anterior basal margin with symmetrically or asymmetrically forked tooth, ( Fig. 28C View FIGURE 28 ) or separate, slightly asymmetric, paired teeth ( Fig. 28G View FIGURE 28 ). Dorsal apodeme reduced, or in Clanwilliam specimen with lateral desclerotized lobes ( Fig. 28G View FIGURE 28 ), preatrium short, length preatrium/greatest width across base in aedeagus=0.17–0.33. Atrium and preatrium transverse, rectangular ( Fig. 28C, H View FIGURE 28 ), narrower than in other species of Proekes .


Sternite 7. Posterior margin sublinear. Length/width=0.45–0.54; width across apex/width across base=0.65– 0.76; medial length/average lateral length=0.92–1.04.

Valvula 1. Sculpture laterally reticulate submarginally ( Fig. 29F View FIGURE 29 ), striate marginally ( Fig. 28F View FIGURE 28 ); sculpture medially finely striate ( Fig. 29E View FIGURE 29 ).

Valvula 2. Lateral sculpture in Fig. 29G View FIGURE 29 , medially with fine teeth and curvate, anastomosing transverse basal sculpture ( Fig. 29H View FIGURE 29 ); length to confluence of paired apex/length greatest=0.34–0.37.

Valvula 3. Extended beyond posterior margin of pygofer ( Fig. 24J View FIGURE 24 ), 1.42–1.48 times longer than greatest length of pygofer in lateral view; 30–50 macrosetae at apex and subapex, length 14–35 µm ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 , D).

Valvifer 1. Length/width=1.70–2.35).

Valvifer 2. Shape as in Fig. 29A View FIGURE 29 , length/width=2.75–3.14, sculpture submarginal with few microtrichia and circular pore-like structures ( Fig. 29B View FIGURE 29 ).

Remarks. This species is recognized by the double, paired teeth at the apex of the narrow, aedeagal shaft. At present the specimen from Clanwilliam with additional, elongate teeth medially ( Fig. 28H, I View FIGURE 28 ) and subapical anterior, short paired teeth, is included here. These lateral teeth resemble those of P. diacaphalis sp.n., but included here for the apical dentation. The short, paired teeth on the anterior, subbasal margin of the aedeagal shaft are considered equivalent to those in Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 . This species was clearly associated with Ericaceae , that was easy to sweep in short plants all appearing as one species.


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Botanische Staatssammlung München













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