Pteroplatus Buquet, 1840
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Plazi (2019-08-21 05:24:52, last updated 2019-10-18 11:19:43) |
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Pteroplatus Buquet, 1840 |
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Pteroplatus Buquet, 1840: 287 ; 1841a: 285; Drapiez, 1844: 227; Guérin-Méneville, 1844: 233; Blanchard, 1845: 146; Chevrolat, 1847: 615; Desmarest, 1860: 311; Strauch, 1861: 127; Thomson, 1861: 255; 1864: 257; 1865: 458; Lacordaire, 1869: 164; Bates, 1870: 428; Desmarest, 1870: 311; Gemminger, 1872: 2966 (cat.); Bates, 1880: 72; Blackwelder, 1946: 588 (checklist); Linsley, 1959: 127; Linsley, 1961a: 632; 1961b: 9; Zajciw, 1963: 64; Monné & Giesbert, 1994: 132 (checklist); Monné, 1994: 47 (cat.); Monné & Hovore, 2006: 114 (checklist); Monné, 2005: 450 (cat.); Napp & Martins, 2006: 68; Swift, 2008: 5; Monné, 2012: 45; 2018: 670 (cat.).
Type species: Pteroplatus pulcher Buquet, 1840 (Thomson designation, 1864: 258).
Redescription. Frons transverse, at least partially pubescent. Mandibles short. Eyes finely faceted; upper eye lobes narrow; lower eye lobes gradually widened toward genal area, nearly tear drop-shaped. Genae slightly shorter than greatest width of lower eye lobe. Antennae 11-segmented, reaching about posterior fifth of elytra in male, about posterior third in female; antennomeres III–VI with tuft of long setae ventrally; antennomere V at most as long as VI, usually shorter; antennomeres III–V/VI distinctly widened toward apex; antennomeres VI/VII–XI cylindrical or slightly widened toward apex (except XI). Prothorax slightly transverse; sides from uniformly rounded to somewhat rounded or obtusely tuberculate about center; anterior area usually narrower than posterior one. Prosternum with sexually dimorphic punctation: coarser in male than in female. Elytra flattened dorsally; with two distinct carinae, humeral one almost reaching elytral apex, innermost at most reaching posterior quarter; sides slightly or strongly widened from basal quarter or midlength; apex uniformly rounded; sutural angle unarmed (at most slightly projected). Femora pedunculate-clavate. Metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together.
Remarks. Dickinson (2011) found evidence to question the date of publication of the issues of the “Revue Zoologique.” According to him: “It is recommended that every issue be dated the month following the specified date (apart from the exceptions mentioned above, and any others found where evidence demonstrates a publication date that does not fit the policy).” This does not affect the year of publication of the work by Buquet in the Revue Zoologique, where Pteroplatus and its species are described.
According to the website of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum (, part 4 of volume 9 of the “Annales de la Société Entomologique de France ” ( ASEF) was published on 5 May 1841. Also, according to this website: “Unless otherwise specified, dating below from 1832–1860 derives from manuscript notes of C.D. Sherborn, which are held in the Palaeontology Library of the Natural History Museum, London.” Additionally, the remarks on this part contain the following information: “see Vol. 10: lvi.” Apparently, it would be the volume 10 of the ASEF. However, there is no information on this page about the publication dates for Volume 9. Nevertheless, the following information is present on page “vi” (meeting of 3 Mars 1841) (translated): “… on the other hand, the Society remains burdened with a debt of 1,750 francs, and, moreover, it has to provide for the printing of its Annals for the third and fourth quarters of 1840.” This statement makes it unquestionable that the last two parts of Volume 9 were not published in 1840. Thus, although we were not able to confirm the exact date (5 May 1841), the part of the work where Buquet wrote on Pteroplatus was not published in 1840. The volume 9 of the “Annales de la Société Entomologique de France ” has incorrect page numbering after page 254. Page 255 is numbered as being 355, and all subsequent pages follow this incorrect numbering. Accordingly, the number of the pages of the work by Buquet (1841a) is 285–291, and not 385–391.
Bates, H. W. (1870) Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1870, 391 - 444. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1870. tb 01879. x
Bates, H. W. (1880) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera. London, 5, 17 - 152.
Blackwelder, R. E. (1946) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part 4. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 551 - 763. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.185. 4
Blanchard, C. E. (1845) Histoire des insectes, traitant de leurs moeurs et de leurs metamorphoses em general, et comprenant une nouvelle classification fondee sur leurs rapports naturels, vol. 2. Didot, Paris, 524 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 3582 0
Buquet, J. B. L. (1840) Une notice sur un genre nouveau de longicornes, de la tribu des cerambycins, et designe sous le nom de Pteroplatus, dans la troisieme edition du catalogue de M. le Comte Dejean. Revue Zoologique, 1840, 287.
Buquet, J. B. L. (1841 a) Notice sur un genre nouveau de longicornes, de la tribu des cerambycins, et description de plusieurs especes qui se rattachent. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 9 (1), 285 - 291.
Chevrolat, L. A. (1847) Pteroplatus. In: D'Orbigny, C. V. D. (Ed.), Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle resumant et completant tous les faits presentes par les encyclopedies, les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques, les oeuvres completes de Buffon, et les meilleurs traites speciaux sur les diverses branches des sciences naturelles; donnant la description des etres et des divers phe-nomenes de la nature, l'etymologie et la definition des noms scientifiques, les principales applications des corps orga-niques et inorganiques, a l'agriculture, a la medecine, aux arts industriels, etc.; dirige par M. Charles d'Orbigny, et enrichi d'un magnifique atlas de planches gravees sur acier, vol. 10. Langlois & Leclercq, Fortin, Masson & Cie., Paris, 615 pp.
Desmarest, E. (1860) Encyclopedie d'histoire naturelle ou traite complet de cette science d'apres les travaux des naturalistes les plus eminents de tous les pays et de toutes les epoques; Buffon, Daubenton, Lacepede, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, de Jussieu, Brongniart, etc., etc. Ouvrage resumant les observations des auteurs anciens et comprenant toutes les decouvertes modernes jusqu'a nos jours. Par le Dr Chenu. Coleopteres buprestiens, scarabeiens, pimeliens, curculioniens, scolytiens, chrysomeliens, etc. Avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest, du Museum d'Histoire naturelle, secretaire de la Societe Entomologique de France, etc. Troisieme partie. Marescq et Compagnie, Paris, iii + 360 pp. + 48 pls.
Desmarest, E. (1870) Coleopteres. In: Chenu, J. C. (Ed.), Encyclopedie d'histoire naturelle, ou traite complet de cette science d'apres les travaux des naturalistes les plus eminents de tous les pays et de tous les epoques; Buffon, Daubenton, Lacepede, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, de Jussieu, Brongniart, etc., etc. Ouvrage resumant les observations des auteurs anciens et comprenant toutes les decouvertes modernes jusqu'a nos jours. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 3, 1 - 360 pp. [2 e. ed.]
Dickinson, E. C. (2011) Revue zoologique par la Societe Cuvierienne (1838 - 1848). In: Dickinson, E. C., Overstreet, L. K. Dowsett, R. J. & Bruce, M. D. (Eds.), Priority! The Dating of Scientific Names in Ornithology: a Directory to the literature and its reviewers. Aves Press, Northampton, pp. 243 - 244.
Drapiez, M. (1844) Dictionnaire classique des Sciences Naturelles presentant la definition, l'analyse et l'histoire de tous les etres qui component les trois regnes, leur application generale aux arts, a l'agriculture, a la medicine, a l'economie domestique, etc.; resumant tous les faits presentes par les dictionnaires d'histoire naturelle, augmente des nombreuses decouvertes acquises depuis la publication de ces ouvrages, vol. 9. Meline, Cans et Compagnie, Bruxelles, 704 pp.
Gemminger, M. (1872) Cerambycidae, pp. 2751 - 2988. In: Gemminger, M. & Harold, E. (Eds.), Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus, vol. 9. Gummi, Monachii, pp. 2669 - 2988.
Guerin-Meneville, F. E. (1844) Iconographie du regne animal de G. Cuvier, ou representation d'apres nature de l'une des especes les plus remarquables et souvent non figurees de chaque genre d'animaux. Avec un texte descriptif mis au courant de la science. Ouvrage pouvant servir d'atlas a tous les traites de zoologie. Insectes, vol. 7. Bailliere, Paris, iv + 576 pp.
Lacordaire, J. T. (1869) Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coleopteres, ou expose methodique et critique de tous les genres proposes jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. Vol. 9 (1). Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 409 pp.
Linsley, E. G. (1959) Mimetic form and coloration in the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 52, 125 - 131. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / aesa / 52.2.12 5
Linsley, E. G. (1961 a) Lycidlike Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 54 (5), 628 - 635. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / aesa / 54.5.62 8
Linsley, E. G. (1961 b) A review of the Pteroplatini of North and Central America (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 37 (1), 1 - 15.
Monne M. A. (2018) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical region. Part I. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Available from: http: // cerambyxcat. com / (Accessed 20 March 2018)
Monne, M. A. & Giesbert, E. F. (1994) Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere. Wolfsgarden Books, Burbank, 409 pp.
Monne, M. A. (2005) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part I. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Zootaxa, 946, 1 - 765. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 946.1. 1
Monne, M. A. & Hovore, F. T. (2006). A Checklist of the Cerambycidae, or longhorned wood-boring beetles, of the Western Hemisphere. Bio Quip Publications, Rancho Dominguez, California, 394 pp.
Monne, M. A. (2012) Catalogue of the type-species of the genera of the Cerambycidae, Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae and Vesperidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Zootaxa, 3213, 1 - 183. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3213.1. 1
Napp, D. S. & Martins, U. R. (2006) Revisao do genero Cosmoplatidius Gounelle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 23 (2), 471 - 479. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0101 - 8175200600020002 2
Strauch, A. (1861) Catalogue Systematique de tous les Coleopteres decrits dans les Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1859. H. W. Schmidt, Libraire-Editeur, Halle, i-iv + 160 pp.
Swift, I. (2008) A new genus and two new species of Pteroplatini Thomson from Central America (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Insecta Mundi, 0045, 1 - 9.
Thomson, J. (1861) Essai d'une classification de la famille des cerambycides et materiaux pour servir a une monographie de cette famille. Bouchard-Huzard, Paris, 129 - 396 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 920 6
Thomson, J. (1864 - 1865) Systema cerambycidarum ou expose de tous les genres compris dans la famille des cerambycides et familles limitrophes. H. Dessain, Liege, 578 pp. [1864, pp. 1 - 352; 1865, pp. 353 - 578]. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 4845 8
Zajciw, D. (1963) Novos longicorneos neotropicos VII (Col., Cerambycidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 23 (1), 55 - 64.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Pteroplatus Buquet, 1840
Botero, Juan Pablo, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Bezark, Larry G. 2019 |
Monne M. A. 2018: 670 |
Monne, M. A. 2012: 45 |
Swift, I. 2008: 5 |
Monne, M. A. & Hovore, F. T. 2006: 114 |
Napp, D. S. & Martins, U. R. 2006: 68 |
Monne, M. A. 2005: 450 |
Monne, M. A. & Giesbert, E. F. 1994: 132 |
Zajciw, D. 1963: 64 |
Linsley, E. G. 1961: 632 |
Linsley, E. G. 1961: 9 |
Linsley, E. G. 1959: 127 |
Blackwelder, R. E. 1946: 588 |
Bates, H. W. 1880: 72 |
Gemminger, M. 1872: 2966 |
Bates, H. W. 1870: 428 |
Desmarest, E. 1870: 311 |
Lacordaire, J. T. 1869: 164 |
Thomson, J. 1864: 257 |
Strauch, A. 1861: 127 |
Thomson, J. 1861: 255 |
Desmarest, E. 1860: 311 |
Chevrolat, L. A. 1847: 615 |
Blanchard, C. E. 1845: 146 |
Drapiez, M. 1844: 227 |
Guerin-Meneville, F. E. 1844: 233 |
Buquet, J. B. L. 1841: 285 |
Buquet, J. B. L. 1840: 287 |
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