Centris aureiventris, Vivallo, Felipe, Vélez, Danny & Fernández, Fernando, 2013

Vivallo, Felipe, Vélez, Danny & Fernández, Fernando, 2013, A new species of Centris (Xanthemisia) Moure, 1945 from South America with a synopsis of the known species of the subgenus in Colombia (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Centridini), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 81-91 : 82-84

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Plazi (2016-04-14 18:08:12, last updated 2024-11-29 17:22:30)

scientific name

Centris aureiventris

sp. nov.

Centris aureiventris View in CoL new species

( Figures 1–4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 and 13 View FIGURE 13 )

Diagnosis. Both sexes with integument predominantly dark brown to black, brown in legs. Body completely covered with dark brown to black pubescence, except white yellowish hairs on the ventral surface of the mesepisternum, yellowish to orange on distal terga and sterna ( Figs. 2 and 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). F10 bigger than F 9 in females. Centris aureiventris new species is the largest known species of C. (Xanthemisia). Morphologically, this new species is quite different from other taxa of the subgenus, although the yellowish pubescence on the metasoma resembles the Central American C. carolae Snelling, 1966 . Despite this similarity, these two species differ in the size and the coloration of the head’s pubescence (completely black in C. aureiventris new species; yellow on labrum and whitish behind the antennae, on the lower paraocular area and gena in C. carolae ) and on the mesoscutellum (black in C. aureiventris new species; yellow in C. carolae ).

Description. Holotype female. Measurements: Approximately body length: 19.3; head width: 6.1; intertergular span: 6.3; forewing length: 15.7; UID: 3.1; LID: 2.9; mandible length: 3.1; mandible basal width: 1.4; labrum length: 0.9; labrum width: 1.6; F1 length: 1.2; F2 length: 0.4; F3 length: 0.4; scape length: 1.2; diameter of the median ocellus: 0.4; distance between the lateral ocellus and the eye: 0.6. Coloration: Integument black except occipital area and legs dark brown. Wing membrane and veins dark brown ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ) with greenish iridescence. Sculpture: Clypeus mostly coriaceus, with coarse and sparse punctation; upper half with an irregular, relatively rounded, shining and unpunctated area; surface near the lower margin with transverse striations ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Labrum with fine and dense punctation. Tergites with fine and dense punctation. Pubescence: Body completely covered with black hairs except ventral surface of the mesepisternum with white yellowish pubescence; lateral areas of T2?T7 with yellow hairs, orange at middle and extended to the apex of the metasoma. Sterna with hairs of the same color. Prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae yellowish brown. Structures: Flabellum elliptic with the anterior margin acute and projected forward. Maxillary palpus with four palpomeres (2nd>3rd>1st>4th). Mandible with four teeth, along the fifth on the inner surface of the mandible. Apices of first, second and fourth teeth acute, the third with apex truncated and a small longitudinal concavity on the anterior margin. Trimmal angle acute, poorly developed. Acetabular carina reaching the base of the third tooth. Clypeal disc longitudinally concave, with two small elevations near the upper margin. Labrum semicircular. Vertex above the upper ocular tangent. Inner orbits of compound eyes sub-parallel. Fore elaiospathe with the anterior secondary comb formed by three hairs, being the most external hair shorter than the other two. Primary basitibial plate lanceolate with elliptical secondary plate.

Male. Measurements: Approximately body length: 18.0; head width: 5.7; inter-tegular span: 6.3; forewing length: 16.0; UID: 2.35; LID: 2.6; mandible length: 2.3; mandible basal width: 1.3; labrum length: 0.9; labrum width: 1.7; F1 length: 1.0; F2 length: 0.3; F3 length: 0.4; scape length: 1.0; diameter of the median ocellus: 0.4; distance between the lateral ocellus and the eye: 0.6. Coloration: Integument entirely black, except hind leg brown, lighter on the ventral surface of the tibia. Wing membrane and veins dark brown ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ) with greenish iridescence. Sculpture: Clypeus mostly coriaceus, with coarse and sparse punctation near in the latero-inferior margin. Lower margin with transverse striations. Disc of clypeus with a large, irregular, shiny and unpunctated area, with only few scattered punctures near the upper margin ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Labrum with fine and dense punctation, with a small, irregular and narrow smooth area near the base. Terguites with fine and dense punctation. Pubescence: Body completely covered with black hairs, except ventral surface of mesepisternum with white yellowish pubescence; lateral areas of T2?T7 with yellow hairs, slightly orange at middle and extended to the center of the metasoma ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Sterna with hairs of the same color, but longer in the distal margin and darker on the disc. Hairs of the distal margin of S3, S4, S5 and S6 with curved apex. Structures: Flabellum relatively elliptic with acute and projected forward apex. Maxillary palpus with four palpomeres (2nd>3rd>1st>4th). Mandible short and robust, with three teeth of acute apex, except the third one truncated ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Trimmal angle acute, poorly developed. Acetabular carina reaching the base of the second tooth. Clypeal disc longitudinally concave, with two small elevations near the upper margin. Labrum semicircular. Vertex above the upper ocular tangent. Inner orbits of compound eyes sub-parallel. Distance between the lateral ocellus and the eye approximately twice the diameter of the median ocellus. Hind femur widened. T7 with a glabrous central area extended toward the distal edge, resembling a pygidial plate.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: female with the following information: Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Dovio, Bellavista, 1750m 19-05-2012 T. Malaise Col: J. M. Rosso (LABUN). PARATYPES: BOCAYÁ: 1 male: Col., Boyaca, Buenavista, Vereda Patiño 1990m alt en granadilla 14/08/06 Melo, D. (LABUN). HUILA: 1 female: Colombia, Huila, La Argentina Vereda El Progreso Col: A. Parra-H. 15-set-05 2007. M. 17.1\ 18394\ LABUN 0 0 7574 (LABUN). NORTE DE SANTANDER: 1 female: Colombia, Norte de Santander, Labateca, Vda. El Volcán, Fca. El Triunfo, 1810 m alt. N7°19’ W72°30’ Captura jama aérea 09-ene-2012 O. Vera\ 110 (UNAB). ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN (not paratype): 1 female: Peru (CRBC).

Type locality. COLOMBIA: VALLE DEL CAUCA: Bellavista (latitude: -76.275797, longitude: 4.527551).

Etymology. From Latin aureus (golden) and venter (abdomen) due the yellow pubescence of the metasoma. Floral record. “granadilla” ( Passiflora ligularis Juss. ( Passifloraceae )).

Distribution. COLOMBIA: BOYACÁ: Patiño. HUILA: El Progreso. NORTE DE SANTANDER: El Volcán (Finca El Triunfo). VALLE DEL CAUCA: Bellavista. PERU: unknown locality. The distribution records available so far, indicate this new species is apparently restricted to the Andean region of Colombia ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ) and probably extended to mountainous areas in Peru.

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FIGURE 13. Distribution records for the species of Centris (Xanthemisia) inhabiting Colombia.

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FIGURES 1 – 4. Centris aureiventris new species. Fig. 1. (holotype female). Head, frontal view (scale bar 1 mm). Fig. 2 (holotype female). Habitus, lateral view (scale bar 5 mm). Fig. 3. (paratype male). Head, frontal view (scale bar 1 mm). Fig. 4 (paratype male). Habitus, lateral view (scale bar 5 mm).













