Trachelas fasciae, Zhang, Feng, Fu, Jian-Ying & Zhu, Ming-Sheng, 2009

Zhang, Feng, Fu, Jian-Ying & Zhu, Ming-Sheng, 2009, A review of the genus Trachelas (Araneae: Corinnidae) from China, Zootaxa 2235, pp. 40-58 : 49-51

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.190413

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scientific name

Trachelas fasciae

sp. nov.

Trachelas fasciae sp. nov.

( Figs. 20–22 View FIGURES 20 – 22 )

Type material. Holotype female, CHINA: Hunan Province, Yizhang County, Mangshan Town [N 25.24 °, E 112.57 °], Mt. Mang, 24 May 2002, J. Y. Yang leg. ( MHBU).

Diagnosis. This new species resembles Trachelas japonicus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 , but can be distinguished from the latter by: (1) bursa situated medially of copulatory openings; (2) the transverse stripes on abdomen dorsally.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the transverse stripes on abdomen dorsally.

Description. Female (holotype). Total length 3.06: cephalothorax 1.28 long, 1.07 wide; abdomen 1.89 long, 1.22 wide. Carapace elongate-ovoid in dorsal view ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 20 – 22 ), narrower in eye region, bulging; highest near fovea, widest at coxae II and III; light yellow, usually darker in eye area. Clypeal height almost equal to AME diameter. Eyes moderately large; AER slightly recurved, PER slightly wider than AER, and recurved when seen from above; eye diameters: AME 0.05, ALE 0.06, PME 0.05, PLE 0.06; eye interdistances: AME – AME 0.05, AME –ALE 0.03, PME –PME 0.13, PME –PLE 0.13; MOA 0.15 long, front width 0.18, back width 0.23. Chelicerae with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Fovea longitudinal, dark. Endites and labium brown. Sternum shield-shaped, light brown and with faint radiating groove. Leg formula: 1423 ( Table 6).

Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total I 0.90 0.35 1.05 0.70 0.33 3.33 II 0.80 0.30 0.85 0.58 0.28 2.81 III 0.75 0.25 0.78 0.55 0.25 2.58 IV 0.86 0.32 0.98 0.65 0.30 3.11 Abdomen ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 20 – 22 ) yellowish dorsally, with several pairs of irregular grey marks forming transverse band. Sigilla indistinct. Venter of abdomen light brown.

Epigynum as illustrated ( Figs 21–22 View FIGURES 20 – 22 ). Copulatory openings concave, expanded to half moon-shaped atrium anteriorly. Bursa situated on the inner part of copulatory openings, almost oval; spermathecae globose, smaller than bursa, situated in the posterior part of epigynum, connecting with the copulatory ducts through thinner and longer ducts; fertilization ducts short, arising from the posterolateral ends of the spermathecae. Distribution. Presently known only from the type locality.













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