
Zhang, Xiao, Zhang, Zehua & Yang, Ding, 2016, Five new species of Geranomyia Haliday, 1833 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from China, Zootaxa 4154 (2), pp. 139-154 : 140-141

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Plazi (2016-08-19 06:26:24, last updated 2016-08-19 06:28:44)

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Key to species of genus Geranomyia from China

1 Wing with only oval dark brown stigma ( Figs. 5, 7, 49)...................................................... 2

- Wing with many spots besides stigma ( Figs. 2–4, 6, 8–17, 22, 28, 35, 42)........................................ 6

2 Basal section of CuA1 more than one-third its length before or beyond fork of M ( Figs. 7, 9, 15–16, 42)................ 3

- Basal section of CuA1 less than one-fourth its length before or beyond fork of M ( Figs. 2–6, 8, 10–14, 17, 22, 28, 35, 49).. 4

3 Basal section of CuA1 more than three-fourths its length beyond fork of M (de Meijere 1911)...................................................................................................... G. argentifera de Meijere, 1911

- Basal section of CuA1 about one-third its length before fork of M ( Fig. 7) ( Alexander 1937a).................................................................................................. G. gracilispinosa (Alexander, 1937)

4 Stigma round and small, covering only 1/4 of distal section of R1 (de Meijere 1911)........... G. nitida de Meijere, 1911

- Stigma oval and large, covering about 1/2 of distal section of R1 ( Figs. 5, 49)..................................... 5

5 Prescutum with three confluent stripes ( Alexander 1937a); female ovipositor with tip of hypogynial valve near 1/2 of cercus.............................................................................. G. c on tr it a (Alexander, 1937)

- Prescutum without stripe ( Fig. 47); female ovipositor tip of hypogynial valve near 3/4 of cercus ( Fig. 48).. G. nigra sp. nov.

6 Basal section of CuA1 more than one-third its length before fork of M ( Figs. 7, 9, 15–16, 42)........................ 7

- Basal section of CuA1 less than one-fourth its length before or beyond fork of M ( Figs. 2–6, 8, 10–14, 17, 22, 28, 35, 49). 11

7 Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with two tubercles on rostral prolongation ( Alexander 1930a)............................................................................................... G. radialis (Alexander, 1930)

- Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with one tubercle or none on rostral prolongation ( Figs. 23–24, 36–37, 43–44, 50–51)................................................................................................... 8

8 Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with one spine arising from a large fleshy tubercle on rostral prolongation and other one arising from rostral prolongation directly ( Alexander 1929a).................... G. tenuispinosa (Alexander, 1929)

- Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium not as above....................................................... 9

9 Wing with a combined spot at middle area of cell CuA1 and tip of CuA2 ( Fig. 42).................. G. maculata sp. nov.

- Wing without combined spot at middle area of cell CuA1 and tip of CuA2 ( Figs. 2–17, 22, 28, 35, 49)................. 10

10 Pleuron without stripe; lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with rostral prolongation pointed at apex ( Alexander 1940)............................................................................. G. obesistyla ( Alexander, 1940)

- Pleuron with a relatively and ill-defined longitudinal stripe; lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with rostral prolongation blunt ( Alexander 1929a)..................................................... G. suensoniana (Alexander, 1929)

11. Prescutum with two lines on posterior half ( Edwards 1921)............................. G. atrostriata Edwards, 1921

- Prescutum not as above.............................................................................. 12

12 Sc1 ending about opposite 1/2 of Rs ( Figs. 2, 10, 13, 22).................................................... 13

- Sc1 ending about opposite 2/3 or more of Rs ( Figs. 3–9, 11–12, 14–17, 28, 35, 42, 49)............................. 17

13 Wing with spots on origin of Rs and fork of Sc combined more or less ( Figs. 2, 16) ( Alexander 1930a)............................................................................................... G. alpestris (Alexander, 1930)

- Wing with spots on origin of Rs and fork of Sc separated observably ( Figs. 3–4, 6, 8–15, 17, 22, 28, 35, 42)........... 14

14 Wing with many small dots near M and CuA ( Fig. 10) ( Alexander 1929b)................. G. pictorum (Alexander, 1929)

- Wing without small dot near M or CuA ( Figs. 2–9, 11–17, 22, 28, 35, 42, 49)................................... 15

15 Prescutum with three broad longitudinal stripes ( Fig. 20)...................................... G. ba is e ns i s sp. nov.

- Prescutum with scarcely evident markings ( Alexander 1937a).......................... G. spectata (Alexander, 1937)

16 Wing with a large spot existing throughout entire wing tip and spot on origin of Rs bifurcated, forming an open ring ( Fig. 3) ( Alexander 1930b)......................................................... G. apicifasciata (Alexander, 1930)

- Wing not as above.................................................................................. 17

17 Wing without evident spot at base ( Figs. 5, 7–8, 12–13, 49).................................................. 18

- Wing with a evident spot at base ( Figs. 2–4, 6, 9–11, 14–17, 22, 28, 35, 42)..................................... 19

18 Wing with basal section of CuA1 a short distance beyond fork of M; lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with both two spines arising from tip of tubercle on rostral prolongation ( Alexander 1937b)............ G. kiangsiana (Alexander, 1937)

- Wing with basal section of CuA1 a short distance before fork of M; lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with one spine arising from tip of tubercle on rostral prolongation, other one near base of tubercle ( Alexander 1937a)............................................................................................ G. sparsiguttata (Alexander, 1937)

19 Costal region of wing with a clear stigma and some spots at root of R (de Meijere 1911)...... G. montana de Meijere, 1911

- Costal region of wing with six to seven large spots ( Figs. 2, 4, 6, 9–11, 14–17, 22, 28, 35).......................... 20

20 Prescutum with only one broad median longitudinal stripe ( Alexander 1934).............. G. unifilosa ( Alexander, 1934)

- Prescutum with three longitudinal stripes ( Figs. 20, 27, 33,40)................................................ 21

21 Wing with a large and clear spot on tip of A2 ( Figs. 2–3, 10, 17, 42) ( Edwards 1916)....... G. septemnotata Edwards, 1916

- Wing without clear spot on tip of A2 ( Figs. 4–9, 11–16, 22, 28, 35, 49)......................................... 22

22 Costal region of wing with a small spot in cell C between second and third large spots ( Fig. 6) ( Alexander 1937a)...................................................................................... G. fremida (Alexander, 1937)

- Costal region of wing without spot in cell C between second and third large spots ( Figs. 2, 4, 8–17, 22, 28, 35).......... 23

23 Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with two spines, each arising from a tubercle on rostral prolongation ( Alexander 1937a).................................................................... G. subradialis (Alexander, 1937)

- Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with only one spine ( Figs. 29–30, 36–37)............................... 24

24 Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with rostral prolongation small, a very long and slender spine arising from a tubercle on rostral prolongation (Figs. 36–37)..................................................... G. longispina sp. nov.

- Lobe of gonostylus of male hypopygium with rostral prolongation long and slender, a long and powerful spine arising from rostral prolongation directly ( Figs. 29–30)............................................................... 25

25 Male hypopygium with posterior margin of tergite nine deeply and narrowly notched, clasper of gonostylus small, slender and nearly straight ( Alexander 1933)................................................. G. bifurcula ( Alexander, 1933)

- Male hypopygium with posterior margin of tergite nine emarginate, clasper of gonostylus inexistent ( Figs. 29–30)........................................................................................... G. degenerata sp. nov.

Alexander, C. P. (1929 a) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). IV. Philippine Journal of Science, 40, 317 - 348.

Alexander, C. P. (1929 b) New or little-known Tipulidae from the Philippines (Diptera). V. Philippine Journal of Science, 40, 239 - 273.

Alexander, C. P. (1930 a) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). VI. Philippine Journal of Science, 42, 59 - 83.

Alexander, C. P. (1930 b) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). VIII. Philippine Journal of Science, 43, 507 - 536.

Alexander, C. P. (1933) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XII. Philippine Journal of Science, 50, 129 - 162.

Alexander, C. P. (1934) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XVIII. Philippine Journal of Science, 53, 267 - 300.

Alexander, C. P. (1937 a) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XXXV. Philippine Journal of Science, 63, 365 - 404.

Alexander, C. P. (1937 b) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern China. Part II. Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise, 4, 65 - 88.

Alexander, C. P. (1940) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XLII. Philippine Journal of Science, 71, 169 - 204.

Edwards, F. W. (1916) New and little-known Tipulidae, chiefly from Formosa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 8, 18, 245 - 269. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222931608693846

Edwards, F. W. (1921) New and little-known Tipulidae, chiefly from Formosa. Part II. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 9, 8, 99 - 115. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222932108632560

Meijere, J. C. H. de (1911) Studien uber Sudostasiatische Dipteren, 5. Ostindische Tipulidae. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 54, 21 - 79.









