Samadinia pulchra (Miers, 1885)

Muñoz, Isabel, García-Isarch, Eva & Cuesta, Jose A., 2021, Annotated and updated checklist of marine crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Mozambique supported by morphological and molecular data from shelf and slope species of the “ MOZAMBIQUE ” surveys, Zootaxa 5056 (1), pp. 1-67 : 33

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5056.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Samadinia pulchra (Miers, 1885)


Samadinia pulchra (Miers, 1885) View in CoL

( Figures 9D View FIGURE 9 , 12 View FIGURE 12 )

Material examined. M07, Stn. 34, 627m, ♂ 17× 16.6mm; ♂ 11.5× 17.5mm (broken lateral spines) (IEO-CD-MZ07/1893); M08, Stn. 22, 618m, ♀ 17.8× 17.8mm; ♀ 13.9× 14.9mm; ♀ 14.1× 14.6mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1819-1), 16S ( MZ 424949 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434794 View Materials ) ; ♂ 10× 11.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ08/1819-2), 16S ( MZ 424950 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434795 View Materials ) ; M09, Stn. 31, 457m, ♀ 17.2× 17.8mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1817); M09, Stn. 34, 628m, ♀ 13.8× 15.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1758); M09, Stn. 51, 548m, ♀ 12.8× 14mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1818); M09, Stn. 53, 619m, ♂ 14× 13.9mm (IEO-CD-MZ09/1783), 16S ( MZ 424951 View Materials ) , COI ( MZ 434796 View Materials ) .

Habitat and distribution. IWP from east Africa to Philippines and Japan (Griffin & Tranter 1986). It was recorded in waters of Mozambique by Richer de Forges & Ng (2013) at 355–636m depth.

Results and remarks. The specimens examined conform to the description made by Griffin & Tranter (1986). The ten specimens studied were collected during M07, M08 and M09, between 457 and 628m depth. This is the second published record of Samadinia pulchra off Mozambique, although according to the collection date, our specimens from 2007 and 2008 surveys represent the firsts collected in these waters. The species was reported as Rochinia pulchra by Richer de Forges & Ng (2013) from the MB-exp in 2009. The specimens reviewed here differ in the length and morphology of the rostrum, as it was already observed by Richer de Forges & Ng (2013). There are specimens with the rostral spines very curved downwards, while others have them almost straight. The same occurs with the opening angle between both rostral spines, exceptionally long and outwards curved in some specimens. Apart from the shape differences observed in the rostrum, we have also found differences between the lengths of the pseudo-thorn spines of the studied individuals (see Figure 12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Colouration observed. The body was whitish, with orange carapace spines, rostral spines and chelipeds and pink ambulatory legs.

DNA barcodes. There are not 16S sequences available for this species or close relatives in Genbank. These equal three 16S sequences of the two males and one female are the first ones and differ in 13 mutations from the 16S sequences of S. galathea (97.5% similarity), in the expected interspecific range. The three specimens present the same COI haplotype, that fit 100% with one COI sequence deposited in BOLD ( MDECA049-10 ), corresponding to a specimen identified by Chan as Rochinia sp. , collected in Mozambique by the MB-exp in 2009 (date collection: 2009-04-09) and deposited at the MNHN ( MNHN _ IU200810330 About MNHN ). According to these new data, this record must be attributed to S. pulchra .


Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













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