Anomala flavacoma Filippini , Micó
publication ID | 10.11646/zootaxa.3670.2.9 |
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Anomala flavacoma Filippini , Micó |
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Anomala flavacoma Filippini, Micó , & Galante, new species
Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 5
Material examined: Holotype: ɞ "Limon, Costa Rica Reserva Hitoy–Cerere Rio Cerere 100 msnm 24 marzo 1987 Angel Solis / 56 / Costa Rica INBIOCRI002517822" ( INBIO).
Paratypes (11): 1ɞ "Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Prov. Limon, Costa Rica, Nov 1992 G. Carballo L- N / Costa Rica INBIOCRI000926676"; 1ɞ "Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Prov. Limon, COSTA RICA. Abr 1993. G. Carballo. L- N 184200_643300 / Costa Rica INBIOCRI000975444"; 1Ƥ "Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Prov. Limon, Costa Rica, Nov 1992 G. Carballo L- N / Costa Rica INBIOCRI000926686"; 1Ƥ "Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, Prov. Limon, Costa Rica, Nov 1992 G. Carballo L- N / Costa Rica INBIOCRI000926680"; 1ɞ "Cuatro esquinas, P.N. Tortuguero, Prov. Limon COSTA RICA. 0m. 26 Aug– 6 Set 1989. J. Solano 280000, 590500 / Costa Rica INBIOCRI000020620"; 1ɞ "Albergue Heliconias, Bijagua ( Costa Rica). 750m 30–1–2006. Luz casa (18:45–22:00). Leg.: Micó, García, Galante. / CEUA 00003306"; 1ɞ "Volcán Tenorio. Alajuela. Costa Rica. 1160m. 7/4/2008. Leg. J.A. Azofeifa / CEUA 00003320"; 1ɞ "Estación Cabro Muco, Repr. ICE – Z.P. Miravalles, Guanacaste. Costa Rica. 1000m 12/06/2010. L. Filippini, Moraga. / CEUA 00105076"; 1Ƥ "Estación Cabro Muco, Repr. ICE – Z.P. Miravalles, Guanacaste. Costa Rica. 1000m 12/06/2010. L. Filippini, Moraga. / CEUA 00105077"; 1Ƥ "Dos de Tilarán (San Ramón), Prov. Guana. COSTA RICA. 1100m. MAY 1995. G. Rodriguez. L_N_262600_437500 #5891 / INBIOCRI002337626"; 1Ƥ "Dos de Tilarán (San Ramón), Prov. Guana. COSTA RICA. 1100m. MAY 1995. G. Rodriguez. L_N_262600_437500 #5891/ INBIOCRI002337602".
Description. Male. Body shape oval. Length 11.21 mm. Width 6.30 mm. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and pygidium dark brown; legs and underside from reddish brown to dark orange; elytra light brown with suture, humerus, and basal half of lateral margins dark brown. The dark stripe on suture broadens mid elytra, forming a small expansion. Surface all covered with fine, blonde setae.
Clypeus trapezoidal, densely punctate-reticulate; ratio width/length 1.88. Anterior angles rounded. Frons densely punctate, flat; vertex with apparent boundary. Ocular canthum long, thin, and rounded at apex. Interocular ratio (interocular width/width of eye): 3.20. Male antenna: ratio funiculus/club 0.76.
Pronotum trapezoidal, width 1.71 times length. Lateral margins forming an obtuse angle at 1/3 of pronotum length. Anterior angles right and sharp, posterior angles obtuse and sharp. Basal margin thin and complete, sinuate. Entire surface with deep punctures.
Scutellum subpentagonal to subtriangular in shape, with rounded sides and acute apex. Ratio width/length 1.38. Sparsely punctate.
Elytra with striae defined by dark punctures. Subsutural interstice with 2–3 rows of sparse punctures, 2nd–4th interstices with one irregular secondary striae. Surface covered with shallow setigerous punctures. Lateral margin convex, larger at base, disappearing on apex. Marginal membrane almost complete.
Pygidium finely granulate, with longer setae at hind margins. Triangular in shape. Slightly convex in lateral view. Ratio width/length 1.69.
Metasternal disc slightly sulcated, densely punctate. Space between the mesocoxae narrow, slightly convex; width 0.22 mm. Mesometasternal suture well defined, at base of mesocoxae.
Abdominal sternites completely covered with dense setae, arranged in about 7–10 irregular rows, with strigate surface. Male last sternite strigate-imbricate, with apical margin well defined and rounded.
Protibia with 2 teeth ( Fig 8 View FIGURES 7 – 10 ); apical tooth long and curved; second tooth at the same level of internal apex of protibia, triangular in shape, obtuse. Metatibia stout, slightly narrower subapically. Ratio length/width 2.95. First carina well developed. Surface with elongate punctures above second carina and rugose below. Protarsal claws: external claw strongly curved; ratio length/height: 1.37; internal claw bifurcate, with upper branch slightly shorter and half the width of the lower one. Inferior margin sinuate.
Aedeagus ( Figs 17–19 View FIGURES 11 – 25. 11 – 16 ): parameres pointed and narrow. Endophallus ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 26 – 32. 26 – 29 ) wide, with 2 short sacculi. The wider, ventral one has a strip of thick spines, with defined margins that extend frontally from side to side in a horseshoe shape. The dorsal sacculus is covered with fine setation, slightly thicker than the microsetation that commonly covers the entire surface of endophallus. Median lobe sclerotized.
Female. Similar to male. Scutellum with blunt apex. Internal protarsal claw narrower than in male, inferior margin straight. Protibia ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7 – 10 ) with apical tooth wider and longer than in male; second tooth above internal apex. Metatibia wider than in males. Last abdominal sternite with curved margin.
Variation. Dark pigmentation of elytra margin can extend to the tip of elytra; the expansions of sutural dark stripe mid length of elytra can be inconspicuous or form a complete band across the elytra (as in specimens from P.N. Tortuguero, Est. Cabro Muco, Heliconias). Body length 10.86–11.21 mm, body width 6.04–6.30 mm. Clypeus w/l: 1.88–2.04. Interocular ratio (interocular width/width of eye): 3.15–3.32. Pronotum w/l: 1.56–1.71. Scutellum w/l: 1.33–1.49. Pygidium w/l: 1.66–1.77. Width between mesocoxae: 0.19–0.22 mm. Metatibia w/l: 2.68–2.95. External claw l/h: 1.37–1.58.
Diagnosis. Anomala flavacoma can be differentiated from similar species using the combination of the following characters: medium size (10–12 mm) elytra light brown, with a dark central spot to a complete medium transversal band; metatibia with oblong punctures above second carina, abdominal sternites with dense setae, endophallus with two short and swollen sacculi.
Slightly smaller and more slender than A. eucoma and A. pseudoeucoma , it can be distinguished by the much lighter colour of elytra, pronotum, and underside; slender apex of parameres and endophallus that is shorter and wider. The specimens that develop a horizontal dark band on elytra may look similar to the lighter specimens of A. eucoma , but in A. flavacoma the band is much darker than in A. eucoma , and there is just one. Moreover, the puncture on the elytra is shallow and not coalescent in A. flavacoma , with clear differentiation between setigerous punctures and striae punctures, the latter being larger and dark coloured; whereas in A. eucoma both types of punctures are deep, and coalescent. A. megaparamera is much smaller and darker in colour, with a proportionally wider pygidium, wider parameres and proportionally longer and thinner endophallus.
Distribution. Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 ).
Etymology. From Latin "flava", blonde, and "coma", hair, for its pale colour and setation.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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