Leptoglossus polychromus, Brailovsky, Harry, 2014

Brailovsky, Harry, 2014, Illustrated key for identification of the species included in the genus Leptoglossus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini), and descriptions of five new species and new synonyms, Zootaxa 3794 (1), pp. 143-178 : 149-151

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3794.1.7

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scientific name

Leptoglossus polychromus

sp. nov.

Leptoglossus polychromus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , 9 View FIGURES 6 – 10 , 15 View FIGURES 11 – 15 , 67 View FIGURES 64 – 67 )

Description. Holotype male. Dorsal color. Head black with three dark orange narrow stripes, one on middle line, other two shorter, running between eye-ocelli up posterior third of neck; antennal segment I yellowish orange with outer face reddish brown, segments II and III yellowish orange and IV yellowish orange scattered with pale brown irregular marks; pronotum dark reddish brown with humeral areas and posterior margin black; scutellum, clavus, and corium dark reddish brown with claval and corial veins black; hemelytral membrane bronzy brown; connexivum light reddish brown with anterior angle dark yellow; dorsal abdominal segments black, with scars IV–V and V–VI pale yellow. Ventral color. Head dark orange with broad longitudinal stripe black, running through midline; rostral segment I reddish brown, II to IV dark chestnut orange (apex of IV black); prosternum black; mesosternum with two broad longtudinal stripes black, running lateral to midline; metasternum pale reddish orange; acetabulae with apical margin black; anterior and posterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme dark yellow; coxae black with apical margin pale yellowish orange; trochanters pale yellowish orange; fore and middle femora yellowish orange with black spines; hind femora yellowish orange with spines and posterior half of dorsal surface black; fore and middle tibiae yellowish orange; hind tibiae with outer and inner dilations dark reddish brown, undilated portion yellowish orange; tarsi yellowish orange; abdominal sterna and genital capsule pale reddish orange; intersegmental border of sterna V–VI and middle third of sternite VII black. Structure. Head longer than wide, shorter than maximum length of pronotum; tylus blunt, slightly exceeding juga, with tiny subapical tubercle difficult to see in dorsal view; antennal segment I shortest, II longest, and IV longer than III; rostrum reaching posterior border of abdominal sternite III; rostral segment I equal to maximum length of antennal segment I; rostral segment I longest, III shortest, and IV longer than II. Thorax. Pronotum. Anterolateral borders entire; posterolateral borders serrate; humeral angles broadly expanded, subacute; calli uniformly elevated; raised area between calli with two small circular pits; anterior lobe behind calli with low median fovea ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ). Legs. Hind tibiae. Outer dilations phylliform, at least with three deep emarginations, occupying 44 % of maximum length of tibiae; inner dilations lanceolate, shorter, occupying 52 % of maximum length of tibiae ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 6 – 10 ). Genital capsule. Posteroventral edge obliquely straigth, with deep mesial concavity ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11 – 15 ).

Integument. Body surface subshining, sparsely clothed with short decumbent to semidecumbent setae; calli almost glabrous; antennal segments I to III with erect, short bristle-like setae, not densely adpressed, segment IV almost glabrous; femora, tibiae, and tarsi densely clothed with large bristle-like setae; posterior lobe of pronotum, clavus and corium strongly punctate; scutellar disk transversely striate and scattered punctate; head, anterior lobe of pronotum, thorax, abdominal sterna, male genital capsule, and female genital plates almost impunctate.

Measurements (mm). Length head 2.35, width across eyes 1.98, interocular space 0.99, interocellar space 0.43, preocular distance 1.25; length antennal segments I, 2.35, II, 3.90, III, 2.79, IV, 3.84, length rostral segments I, 2.33, II, 2.01, III, 1.36, IV, 2.07. Length pronotum 2.79, width across humeral angles 4.27. Hind tibiae. Total length 8.70; length outer dilation 3.90; length inner dilation 3.60. Scutellar length 1.98, width 1.61. Total body length 14.68.

Female. Habitus and color similar to male holotype. Head dark orange with juga, ocellar tubercle and two broad longitudinal stripes black; antennal segments I to III yellowish orange, IV lighter; pronotum, scutellum, clavus and corium dark reddish brown with claval and corial veins, and apical corial margin light reddish tan; middle third of collar black; pro-, meso-, and metathorax reddish orange; connexival segments VIII and IX black with upper margin dark orange; dorsal abdominal segments black; genital plates reddish orange. Rostral segment II longer than IV. Hind tibiae. Outer dilations phylliform occupying 54% of maximum length of tibiae; inner dilations lanceolate, occupying 52% of maximum length of tibiae. Genital plates. Abdominal sternite VII with plica and fissura; plica wide, rectangular; gonocoxae I triangular, large, in caudal view closed; paratergite VIII subtriangular with visible spiracle; paratergite IX squarish, larger than paratergite VIII.

Measurements (mm). Length head 2.10, width across eyes 1.92, interocular space 0.99, interocellar space 0.48, preocular distance 1.24; length antennal segments I, 1.98, II, 3.47, III, 2.54, IV, 3.65; length rostral segments I, 2.20, II, 1.92, III, 0.96, IV, 1.81. Length pronotum 2.97, width across humeral angles 4.65. Hind tibiae. Total length 7.10; length outer dilation 3.90; length inner dilation 3.70. Scutellar length 1.94, width 1.73. Total body length 14.30.

Variation. 1, antennal segment I entirely yellowish orange. 2, antennal segment IV reddish orange to yellowish orange. 2, head ventrally black with yellowish orange stripe lateral to midline. 4, pronotum dark reddish with humeral areas and posterior margin black, and four yellow ovoid to rounded spots, two on the anterior lobe, and two on posterior margin and lateral to midline. 5, pronotum dark reddish with humeral areas and posterior margin black, without yellow marks. 6, anterolateral margins of pronotum dark yellowish orange to dark chestnut orange. 7, anterior and posterior metathoracic peritreme pale yellow. 8, propleura with or withtout contrasting yellowish orange maculae. 9, anterior third of pro-acetabulae with two, and meso-, and meta-acetabulae with one contrasting yellowish orange maculae. 10, transverse yellowish fascia on corium absent or present on the last condition irregular or rectangular with anterior and posterior borders straight and not reaches the costal margin. 11, clavus and corium black with claval and corial veins, and posterior third of corium including the posterior margin dark reddish orange. 12, abdominal sterna black with pleural margins, abdominal sternite VII (except the midline), paratergite VIII and IX, and external face of gonocoxae I reddish.

Type material. Holotype, male, Ecuador, Napo Province, Res. Ethnica Waorami, 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp, Trans. Ent. 220m, 00°39’10’’S – 76°26’00’’W, 3-X-1996, leg. T. L. Erwin et al. ( USNM). Paratypes, 1 male, 2 females, Ecuador, Napo Province, Res. Ethnica Waorami, 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp, Trans. Ent. 220m, 00°39’10’’S- 76°26’00’’W, 29-VI-1994, 3-X-1996, T. L. Erwin et al. ( UNAM, USNM). 1 female, Ecuador, Napo Province, Yasuni National Park, Yasuni Research Station, 00°38’S- 76°36’W, 3-20-XI-1998, T. Pape & B. Viklund ( NHRS). 1 male, Ecuador, Napo, Misahualli, nr. Tena, 6-19-X-2001, leg. C. Brammer ( USUL). 1 male, Cooperative Republic of Guiana ( British Guiana), Kartabo, 7-VIII-1922, leg. M. D. Haviland ( BMNH). 1 male, French Guiana, 33 km SE Roura, on Kaw Rd (mv. light), 227 m, 04°34.135’N- 052°11.150’W, 16-17-IV-2007, leg. D. G. Hall & J. E. Eger ( UNAM). 1 male, 1 female, French Guiana, Mount Baruol, Bar, 400 m (luminating trap), 2-III-2013, leg. S. Brule ( UNAM).

Biology. The material collected with insecticidal fogging of mostly bare green leaves, some with covering of lichenous or bryophtic plants in terre firme forest. Lot 1732, Trans. T-8 and Lot 757 at 6 x-trans (59m mark prof.maxus).

Etymology. From the Latin word, polychromus , in reference to the high variation in color of this species.

Distribution. Ecuador, Cooperative Republic of Guiana ( British Guiana) and French Guiana.

Diagnosis. The position of L. polychromus sp. nov., among the various groups proposed to unite the different species that belong in the genus Leptoglossus is uncertain. This species has considerable chromatic variation, which is reflected in the beginning of the dichotomous key; this species can key in either of the coupletts 6 and 6’. In the first condition (couplet 6) the pronotum lacks yellowish spots and the pronotal disk is entirely dark reddish brown or almost entirely yellow, contrasting with the remainder of the pronotum; in the second option (couplet 6’) the pronotum has four small yellowish spots, two on anterior disk and two on posterior marginal area (some fusion may occur) or pronotum with two large yellowish spots on anterior disk or on posterior border. If the pronotal disk lacks yellowish spots, this species is included in the cinctus species group in which the clavus and corium are dark brown with veins concolorous or at most shiny red to black but never pale yellow, and pronotal disk without yellowish transverse fascia. The cinctus species group is represented by four known species: L. cinctus (Herrich- Schaeffer), L. crassicornis (Dallas) , L. fasciatus (Westwood) , and L. katiae Schaefer & Packauskas. In L. crassicornis and L. katiae the outer dilations of hind tibiae are lancelolae, narrow, and entire, without emarginations, in the other species included L. polychromus sp. nov., the outer dilations are phylliform. The pronotal disk of L. cinctus and L. fasciatus are almost entirely yellow, contrasting with remainder on pronotum and hemelytra, the anterolateral margins of pronotum are serrate, and the thorax has one or two yellowish maculae absent in L. polychromus in which the anterolateral margins of pronotum are entire and the pronotal disk reddish brown with humeral areas and posterior margin black. If the specimen has two or four yellowish spots on the pronotal disk, then the couplet 7’ will be used and the species will belong to the harpagon species group which includ seven species, L. dialeptos Brailovsky & Barrera , L. fasciolatus (Stål) , L. flavosignatus Blöte , L. harpagon (Fabricius) , L. manausensis Brailovsky & Barrera , L. sabanensis Brailovsky & Barrera , and L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera. In this group, L. polychromus is related to L. flavosignatus and L. tetranotatus by having the head, pronotum and femora without blue-green iridescence, the posterior border of pronotum not entirely yellowish, the antennal segment I unicolorous, entirely chestnut orange, and outer dilations of hind tibiae expanded. Leptoglossus polychromus is distinguished from the latter by having the thorax shiny reddish brown without orange or pale yellowish contrasting spots clearly present on the other species. However, in L. polychromus specimens from different populations and even from the same population both have and lack yellowish spots and key in separate couplets; therefore this is found twice in the dichotomus key.


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