Polycirrus coibensis, Glasby & Hutchings, 2014

Glasby, Christopher J. & Hutchings, Pat, 2014, Revision of the taxonomy of Polycirrus Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Terebellida: Polycirridae), Zootaxa 3877 (1), pp. 1-117 : 41-42

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3877.1.1

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scientific name

Polycirrus coibensis

sp. nov.

Polycirrus coibensis View in CoL n. sp.

Figs 18a–e View FIGURE 18 , 19a–f View FIGURE 19

Polycirrus sp. A . Capa, 2003: 335–336.

Type locality. Pacific coast of Panama .

Material examined. HOLOTYPE: Panamá, Parque Nacional de Coiba , Isla de Granito de Oro, Stn CM1 J96, 7º35ʹ30′′ N, 81º42′20′′ W, 2.3 m, dead coral substrate, MNCN 16.01 About MNCN /14703 GoogleMaps , PARATYPE AM W43207. Both from same locality GoogleMaps .

Description. Holotype complete, gravid, 18 mm long, 1 mm wide, about 75 chaetigers ( Capa 2003). Dorsum anteriorly smooth. Venter anteriorly with mid-ventral groove and discrete ventro-lateral pads; pads more-or-less smooth, extending from segment 2 to 10. Mid-ventral groove from segment 3, not extending posteriorly beyond segment 10 ( Figs 18a View FIGURE 18 , 19f View FIGURE 19 ).

Buccal tentacles numerous, of three types: (1) leaf-shaped, deeply furrowed, (2) cylindrical, thickened distally, distinctly grooved, and (3) cylindrical, uniformly thin, weakly grooved, all arising dorsally on prostomial ridge. Prostomial ridge slightly curved, not extending laterally. Upper lip trefoiled with lateral, blindly ending enclosed diverticulae, margin of medial lobe thickened and overturned; oral surface glandular and ciliated. Inner lower lip circular, smooth; outer region flat, shield-like (slightly inflated), subtriangular and pointing toward mouth, weakly rugose, extending posteriorly to segment 3. Achaetous segments visible dorsally but obscured by expanded outer lower lip ventrally.

Notochaetigerous segments 39 or 40 (left side 39), extending to segments 41 or 42. Notopodia digitiform, prechaetal lobe low, postchaetal lobe digitiform, slightly longer than prechaetal ( Fig. 19a,f View FIGURE 19 ). Notochaetae within a chaetiger consisting of two types (chaetiger 3 examined), smooth, narrowly winged and faintly hirsute, uniformly tapered, posteriorly same form as those anteriorly; secondary notochaetae in all chaetigers pinnate ( Figs 18b, c View FIGURE 18 ; 16d View FIGURE 16 ). Neurochaetae beginning on segment 7. Neuropodial tori ridge-like anteriorly or erect pinnules posteriorly. Uncini with short neck and straight to convex base (Type 1), teeth above main fang arranged in double transverse series (MF:3–5:8–10) enlarged median tooth above main fang present, subrostral process absent ( Figs 18d, e View FIGURE 18 ; 19b, c,e View FIGURE 19 ).

Nephridial papillae present, globular. Pre-gular membrane nephridial papillae absent. Post-gular membrane nephridial papillae present, extending from segment 5 to 8; situated at base of notopodia. Pygidium simple rosette.

Comments. Polycirrus coibensis n. sp., appears to be closest to several Polycirrus species described from the Pacific coast of the Americas and P. swakopianus from Namibia. It differs from P. californicus (San Diego) and P. chilensis (Valparaiso) in having a smooth anterior dorsum (tessellated in P. californicus ; papillose in P. chilensis ) and it differs from P. swakopianus in having digitiform, more slender notopodia and with uncini lacking a subrostral process. Polycirrus coibensis n. sp., differs from P. mexicanus (La Paz, Mexico) in the dentition of the uncini—a single tooth above MF in P. mexicanus versus a double transverse series in P. coibensis n. sp.

Etymology. The species name refers to the type locality, the National Park de Coiba, Panama.

Habitat. In amongst dead coral substrate in shallow water.


Australian Museum














Polycirrus coibensis

Glasby, Christopher J. & Hutchings, Pat 2014

Polycirrus sp. A

Capa, M. 2003: 335
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