Rismethus pakistanicus, Platia & Ahmed, 2016

Platia, Giuseppe & Ahmed, Zubair, 2016, Contribution to the fauna of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Pakistan., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 16, pp. 3-28 : 5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12765875

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scientific name

Rismethus pakistanicus

sp. nov.

Rismethus pakistanicus n. sp. ( Figs. 3 View Figs , 29 View Figs , 42 View 52 53 )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Pakistan: Noshero Feroz distr. , 8.V.2013 ( ZACP); 6 Paratypes 2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀ - same data as HT; Tharparkar distr. , Mithi , 18.IX.2012; Trai, Lower Dir, 3.V III.2014 ( CPG; ZACP).

Diagnosis. Second species of this genus from Pakistan, separated from Rismethus pistrinarius (Candèze, 1857) because of the slenderer body, lighter colour and pronotum as long as wide.


Male. Moderately shiny; entirely yellowish to partially ferruginous with very vague, lighter spots on base and after the middle of elytra; entirely clothed with short, thickened, whitish scales that generally hide the integuments.

Head with the eyes just narrower than the anterior margin of pronotum with the frons slightly impressed in the middle between the eyes, then flat before the anterior margin, densely punctu red.

Antennae very short, strongly serrated from the fourth article on, second and third articles subcylindrical with the second larger in diameter and length, taken together notably longer than fourth; fourth-tenth quadrangular, wider than long, last longer than penultimate and subellipsoidal.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at the middle, strongly convex, abruptly sloping at sid es, nearly vertically sloping on base with a trace of a narrow mid -longitudinal depression in the slope; sides arcuate in the middle, constricted before the anterior margin and prolonged to include the half of the head; slightly sinuate before the posterior angles, the latter short and widely truncate; lateral carina crenulate, visible in a dorsal view and interrupted just before the anterior constriction; punctures uniformly distributed, coarse, deep, with interstices smaller than their own diameters, generAlly the punctuAtion is few visible becAuse it’s hidden by the scAles.

Scutellum convex with a distinct mid-longitudinal carina.

Elytra 1,95x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, convex; sides subparallel in the first third then very gradually dilated until the middle and further very gradually narrowing to the apices; striae well marked and deeply punctured, interstriae flat with roughly surface.

Male genitalia as in the Fig. 3 View Figs (length 0.37 mm).

Female. Extremely similar to the male and distinct with difficulty without examination of genitalia.

Size. Length 2.8-3.4 mm; width 1.00-1.12 mm.

Etymology. The name is derived from Pakistan, the country where the species was collected.













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