Peltariosilis brancuccii, Biffi & Geiser, 2020

Biffi, Gabriel & Geiser, Michael, 2020, A revision of Peltariosilis Wittmer (Coleoptera: Cantharidae), a surprisingly diverse Amazonian radiation, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo) 60 (16), pp. 1-26 : 17-19

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Carolina (2021-06-18 14:48:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 23:55:08)

scientific name

Peltariosilis brancuccii

sp. nov.

Peltariosilis brancuccii sp. nov.

( Figs. 6F View Figure 6 , 10L View Figure 10 , 12L View Figure 12 , 13I View Figure 13 , 14I, 17 View Figure 17 E-H)

Type series: HOLOTYPE ♂ ( NHMB): “Cobija / Bolivia / 12. 1956 Prosen // 21370 // Naturhistorisches / Museum Basel / Coll. W. Wittmer ” . PARATYPE ♂ ( CEMT): “ Brasil: Acre, Assis Brasil, / 10˚35′44″S, 69˚37′11″W, / 170cm, 26.ix.2016, wild / environment, light trap / ( CDC), Ortiz & Borges. // Peltariosilis / n. sp. / near scutulata / det. M. Geiser 2018” ( Fig. 6F View Figure 6 ).

Diagnosis: Antennae not distinctly swollen, ventral surface slightly flattened,antennomeres I-II light brown,III-IX dark brown to black, X-XI orange brown; pronotum and scutellum orange brown to light brown, slightly translucent; elytra dark brown to black, slightly lighter at lateral margins; pronotum with low, sharp dorsal projections, lateral peaks very short, not reaching lateral margins of pronotum; apex of laterobasal lobes truncate, oblique, divided in two flaps; scutellum with a long forked projection strongly narrowed at middle and abruptly widened and split towards apex, forming apical fork, apices of fork acute, long, parallel,pointing anteriorly. Peltariosilis brancuccii sp. nov. is very similar to P. cleidecostae sp. nov. It distinguishes from the later by the less projected anterior margin of pronotum, contiguous with frontolateral lobes, dorsal projections narrower, and longer scutellar projection.

Description: Head black; labium, maxillae, palpi and base of mandibles brown, apex of mandibles dark

brown; antennomeres I-II light brown, III-IX dark brown to black, X-XI orange brown; pronotum and scutellum orange brown to light brown, slightly translucent; elytra dark brown to black, slightly lighter at lateral margins; legs orange brown, infuscate at tarsi; thorax and abdomen dark brown.

Male: ( Fig. 6F View Figure 6 ): Antennae rather long; antennomere I elongate, slightly wider apically, II short, cylindrical, slightly wider apically, III-IX nearly oblong, narrower proximally, flattened at ventral surface, X-XI slightly narrower, slender. Anterior margin of clypeus with a broad arcuate concave notch. Pronotum ( Fig. 10L View Figure 10 ): anterior margin arched, slightly projected; frontolateral lobe narrow, continuous with anterior margin, sides rounded; angles of laterobasal lobe broadly rounded, barely distinct; laterobasal lobe directed posteriorly and dorsally, posterior margin rounded, apex truncate, oblique, split, forming juxtaposed dorsal and ventral flaps; apex of ventral flap with a broad membranous projection; dorsal projections low, transverse, directed postero-dorsally, distal margin arcuate, sharp, forming an inner acute peak and very short lateral peaks not reaching sides of pronotum. Scutellum ( Fig. 12L View Figure 12 ) with a long, forked projection anteriorly; scutellar projection strongly narrowed at middle and abruptly widened and split towards apex, forming apical fork with arched sides; apices of fork acute, long, parallel, pointing anteriorly. Elytra nearly parallel, apex rounded. Abdominal tergite VIII ( Fig. 13I View Figure 13 ) subquadrate, lateral margins broadly arched, wider medially, glandular pores protruding, distal margin sinuous, with a shallow and narrow concave median notch. Ventrite VII ( Fig. 14I) wide, lateral margins arched, wider medially, narrowed posteriorly; posterior margin slightly arched. Aedeagus ( Fig. 17 View Figure 17 E-H): ventral plaque of tegmen laterally elongated, slightly shorter than internal sac, flattened laterally, slightly convergent at base, parallel from middle, strongly narrowed at apex, with a sharp acute tip curved dorsally; parameres fused at base and nearly parallel, slightly curved dorsally, apex rounded, with small acute tip; median lobe membranous, translucent; internal sac elongated, narrow, straight; one single median dorsal sclerite, elongated, narrow, apex acute, arched at base, straight from middle; paramedian dorsal sclerites robust, strongly sclerotised, elongated, apex broadly arched, curved dorsally, before the apex with several irregular furrows of variable length; ventral sclerites slender, shorter than internal sac, apex acute, slightly divergent, slightly divergent; lateral sclerites indistinct or absent.

Female: Unknown.

Etymology: The specific epithet is patronymic, named in honour of the second author’s late advisor, Dr Michel Brancucci (1950-2012), in appreciation of his contributions to Cantharidae systematics and in gratitude for his constant encouragement to specialise in the neglected “malacoderm” families Cantharidae and Prionoceridae .

Distribution: Bolivia and Brazil (Acre state) ( Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ).

Constantin, R. 2017. Les Silinae de Guyane avec la description de quatorze especes nouvelles (Coleoptera: Cantharidae). Le Coleopteriste, Paris, (Suppl. 11): 41 - 67.

Pic, M. 1906. Noms nouveaux et diagnoses de Cantharini (Telephorides) europeens et exotiques. L'Echange, Revue Linneenne, 22 (264): 90 - 93.

Wittmer, W. 1952. 13. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Malacodermata (Coleoptera). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 2: 197 - 205.

Wittmer, W. 1966. 27. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Malacodermata (Coleoptera). Studia Entomologica, 9: 411 - 416.

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Figure 6. Habitus of Peltariosilisspecies.(A)P.gracilicornis sp.nov.(B) P.scutulata (Wittmer,1952).(C) P.flavicornis sp.nov.(D) P.orientalis sp.nov.(E) P.cleidecostae sp.nov.(F) P.brancucciisp.nov.Allfigures inthe same scale.Scale bar = 2.0 mm.

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Figure 10. Pronotum of Peltariosilis species, males. (A) P. amapaensis (Wittmer, 1966). (B) P. guyanensis (Pic, 1906). (C) P. mensaemontis Constantin, 2017. (D) P. lamellata Constantin, 2017. (E) P.diversicollis sp. nov. (F) P.major sp. nov. (G) P.gracilicornis sp. nov. (H) P.scutulata (Wittmer, 1952). (I) P.flavicornis sp. nov. (J)P.orientalis sp.nov.(K) P.cleidecostae sp.nov.(L) P.brancuccii sp.nov.(M) P.parviscutellarissp.nov.(N) P.mitarakaemontis Constantin,2017.(O) P.brunneoapicalis sp.nov.B, C,D and N modified from Constantin (2017).All figures in the same scale,except B, C,D and N.Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Figure 12. Scutellar projection of Peltariosilis species, males. (A) P. amapaensis (Wittmer, 1966). (B) P. guyanensis (Pic, 1906). (C) P. mensaemontis Constantin, 2017. (D) P.lamellata Constantin, 2017. (E) P.diversicollis sp. nov. (F) P.major sp.nov.(G) P.gracilicornis sp.nov.(H) P.scutulata (Wittmer,1952). (I) P. flavicornis sp. nov. (J) P. orientalis sp. nov. (K) P. cleidecostae sp. nov. (L) P.brancuccii sp. nov. (M) P.parviscutellaris sp. nov. (N) P. mitarakaemontis Constantin, 2017. (O) P.brunneoapicalis sp.nov.All figures in the same scale. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Figure 13. Tergite VIII of Peltariosilis species, males. (A) P. amapaensis (Wittmer,1966).(B) P.diversicollissp.nov.(C) P.major sp.nov.(D) P.gracilicornis sp.nov.(E) P.scutulata (Wittmer,1952).(F) P.flavicornis sp.nov. (G) P.orientalis sp.nov.(H) P.cleidecostae sp.nov. (I) P.brancuccii sp. nov.(J) P.parviscutellaris sp. nov. (K) P.brunneoapicalis sp. nov. All figures in the same scale. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Figure 17. Aedeagi of Peltariosilis species (dorsal,lateral,dorsolateral and ventral views).(A-D) P.cleidecostae sp.nov.(E-H) P.brancuccii sp.nov.(I-L) P.parviscutellaris sp.nov.(M-P) P.brunneoapicalis sp.nov.All figures in the same scale.Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Figure 18. Distribution of Peltariosilis species.


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