Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux. ex Beauvois) Hitchcock (1913: 343)

Sandoval-Ortega, Manuel Higinio, 2023, Taxonomy of Bouteloua juncea and Bouteloua triaena, two species confused for more than a century, Phytotaxa 612 (3), pp. 261-271 : 262-263

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Plazi (2023-09-07 06:31:32, last updated 2023-11-10 16:45:29)

scientific name

Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux. ex Beauvois) Hitchcock (1913: 343)


Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux. ex Beauvois) Hitchcock (1913: 343) View in CoL View at ENA . Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 .

Triaena juncea (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Griffiths (1912: 354) View in CoL .

Cynodon junceus (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Raspail (1825: 303) View in CoL .

Eutriana juncea (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Trinius (1824: 238) View in CoL .

Atheropogon domingensis Sprengel (1825: 293) View in CoL .

Triathera juncea Desvaux ex Beauvois View in CoL (in Beauvois 1812: 40).

Lectotype (designated by Sandoval-Ortega et al. 2019): — Plate IX, figure IVa-d in Essai d’une Nouvelle Agrostographie 1812. Epitype (designated by Sandoval-Ortega et al. 2019): — DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Barahona, Quita Coraza: Entrada a Pueblo Quita Coraza , orilla de carretera, 18°28’16.7”N 71° 3’37.7”W, 126 m., 19 June 2018, Sandoval-Ortega 1006 ( HUAA 30899 About HUAA !) GoogleMaps .

Description:— Herbs perennial, stoloniferous, tufted; culms 10–20 cm tall, thin, the fertile ones erect, ascending or geniculate, nodes pubescent; leaves with glabrous sheath, blade flat or involute, 8–50 × 1–1.2 mm; ligule a membrane, long ciliate ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), trichomes 0.3–0.5 mm long; synflorescence a terminal spike 1–2(3) cm long ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ); spikelets (8)10–25(35), drooping, solitary ( Fig. 2B and 2C View FIGURE 2 ); glumes linear lanceolate, 1-nerved, acuminate, distinct, the first ca. 1 mm long, the second 2–2.5 mm long ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ); fertile floret 1 ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ), lemma ovate elliptic 2–3 mm long, 3-nerved, apex 3-mucronate ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ), palea ovate-lanceolate, shorter than lemma, ca. 2 mm long, apex 2-mucronate ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ); sterile floret 1, reduced to a short column with three scabrous awns ≤ 1 cm long ( Fig. 2H View FIGURE 2 ); caryopsis oblong-elliptic, ca 1.5 mm long ( Fig. 2I View FIGURE 2 ).

Phenology:— Specimens with spikelets have been collected from March to June.

Distribution and habitat:— Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It grows close to the coast in coastal and subcoastal xeric scrub, microphyllous evergreen forest and dry forest, between -30 and 400 m.

Examined material:— CUBA. Granma: Farallón de El Dudoso , oeste de ensenada de Mora -Pilón- (Oriente), 30 December 1938, León 18610 ( HAC) . Guantánamo: US Naval Base , Guantánamo bay, Kittery Beach , ca. 0 m., 19°53’45.7’’N 75°77’51.1’’W, 4 October 1996, Areces 6540 ( UPRM) ; Imías , 5 February 1976, Catasús 979 ( HAC) ; Orillas de la Vía Azul, Yacabo, 12 January 1960, Alain & Acuña 7483 ( HAC) ; Zona seca Baitiquiri, Sur de Baracua , Provincia Oritente, 12 January 1969, Alain s.n. ( HAC) ; Macambo , 28 May 1982, Bisse s.n. ( HAC) ; Imías , camino de Yacabo arriba, 7 February 1976, Bisse s.n. ( HAC) ; La Chivera, 23 May 1982, Günther s.n. ( HAJB) ; Imías , Por el camino a Yacabo Arriba . Guantánamo, 7 February 1976, Catasús s.n. ( HAJB) ; Playa Borracho , 6 July 1984, Bermúdez 2221 ( HAJB) ; Próximo a San Antonio del Sur . Guantánamo, 25 November 1978, Catasús 1189 ( HAJB) ; Vía Azul , 12 January 1960, Alain 7483 ( HAJB) . HAITI. Dept . Ouest: Montagnes du Trou d’Eau, Between Source Matelas and Source Puantes, 15 October 1924, Ekman 1057 ( P) . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Azua: al N de la población, Howard 8640 ( USD) ; a 2.3 km al NO de la entrada al poblado de Hatillo, 30 m., 16 September 1999, Veloz 1776 ( JBSD) ; Hatillo, Entrada al pueblo Hatillo, orilla de carretera, 126 m., 18°24’00’’N 70°31’53.1’’W, 19 June 2018, Sandoval-Ortega 1005 ( JBSD, HUAA, USON) GoogleMaps ; Dry hills N of Azua, 29 August 1946, Howard 8640 ( P) . Barahona: Las Salinas, 19 August 1946, Howard 8363 ( USD) ; 2 km desde Fondo Negro en la carretera a Quita Coraza y Azua, 100 m., 18°27´N 71°05´W, 15 June 1982, Zanoni 20935, ( JBSD) GoogleMaps ; Quita Coraza: Entrada a Pueblo Quita Coraza , orilla de carretera, 126 m., 18°28’16.7”N 71°3’37.7”W, 19 June 2018, Sandoval-Ortega 1006 ( JBSD, HUAA, USON) GoogleMaps . Independencia: Hoya de Enriquillo , 10 km al oeste de Duverge, en el camino viejo a Jimaní, en la orilla del lago Enriquillo, - 30 m., 18°25´N 71°37´W, 16 April 1987, Zanoni 39083 ( JBSD) GoogleMaps . Monte Cristi: 2 km antes de la ciudad, entre ésta y el poblado El Rincón, 10– 20 m., 19°47´N 71°38´W, 16 August 1984, García 168 ( JBSD) GoogleMaps . Peravia: Aprox. 3 km al este de Las Calderas (o 18.5 km desde Baní en la carretera a Las Calderas), 30 m., 18°13´N 70°28´W, 23 July 1982, Zanoni 22016 ( JBSD) GoogleMaps ; Baní, 8 km al Oeste de Baní , 28 August 1946, Howard 8627 ( USD, P) ; Carretera Baní-Azua , 20 m., 23 June 2006, Siqueiros-Delgado s.n. ( HUAA, IEB) ; Matanzas, Playa Matanzas , 18°13’53.6’’N 70°24’45.0’’W, 19 June 2018, Sandoval-Ortega 1004 ( JBSD, HUAA, USON) GoogleMaps . Valverde: 1.5 km al NE del cruce Los Quemados , sobre una loma en el lado N de la carretera hacia Mao, 180 m., 19°30’N 71°9.5´W, 9 June 1987, García 2216 ( JBSD) GoogleMaps . PUERTO RICO. Guánica: Bo. Montalva , Guanica Forest Reserve , along dirt road over Monte de la Brea to seashore, 5– 20 m., 17°56.03´N 66°56.34´W, 26 March 1995, Axelrod 8856 ( UPRRP) GoogleMaps ; Bo. Montalva, Guanica Forest Reserve , along dirt road over Monte de la Brea to seashore, 5– 20 m., 17°56.03´N 66°56.34´W, 26 March 1995, Axelrod 8862 ( UPRRP) GoogleMaps ; Montalva , Monte de la Brea , Guanica Forest Reserve . From road 325 taking a dirt road south to Punta Manguillo, 12 m., 17°56’11’’N 66°56’33’’W, 20 November 2004, Monsegur 278, ( UPRM) GoogleMaps ; Punta La Brea , 30 m., 17°56’11’’N 66°56’3’’W, 30 June 20018 Sandoval-Ortega 1007, ( UPRRP, HUAA, USON) GoogleMaps ; Guanica State Forest: Barrio Montalva. Interior slopes of Monte de la Brea, 40– 50 m., 9 December 1987, Proctor 44315 ( HAJB) . VIRGIN ISLANDS. Salt Island , S of Tortola, NW bay, ca. 10 m., 22 June 1968, Byer 68-1729 ( UPRRP) .

Beauvois, P. (1812) Essai d'une nouvelle Agrostographie. Imprimerie de Fain, Paris, 198 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 474

Griffiths, D. (1912) The grama grasses: Bouteloua and related genera. Contributions from the United States national Herbarium 14 (3): 343 - 428. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 53625

Hitchcock, A. S. (1913) Mexican grasses in the United States National Herbarium. Contributions from the United States national Herbarium 17 (3): 181 - 389.

Raspail, F. V. (1825) Classification generale des Graminees, fondee sur l'etude physiologique des caractes de cette familie. Seconde partie. Annales des Sciences naturelles (Paris) 5: 287 - 311.

Sandoval-Ortega, M. H., Siqueiros-Delgado, M. E., Perez-Molphe-Balch, E. & Cerros-Tlatilpa, R. (2019) The holotype of Atheropogon stolonifer (= Bouteloua reederorum) and lectotypification of the name Triathera juncea (= B. juncea) (Poaceae, Chloridoideae). Phytotaxa 415 (1): 79 - 84. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 415.1.7

Sprengel, C. (1825) Systema Vegetabilium, editio decima sexta, Vol. I. Librariae Dieterichianae, Gottingae. 992 pp.

Trinius, C. B. (1824) De graminibus Unifloris et Sesquifloris. Impensis Academiae Imperialis scientiarum, Petropoli, 314 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15650

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Hitchcock. Quita Coraza, Barahona, Dominican Republic.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Detail of different structures of Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Hitchcock.A) Ligule.B) Inflorescence. C) Spikelet. D) Glumes. E) Fertile floret. F) Lema. G) Palea. H) Rudimentary floret. I) Caryopsis.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Distribution of Bouteloua juncea (Desvaux ex Beauvois) Hitchcock. CU= Cuba, DR= Dominican Republic, HT= Haiti, JM= Jamaica, PR= Puerto Rico, SI= Salt Island.


Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática


University of Stellenbosch


University of Puerto Rico at Mayagueez, Rhizobium Culture Collection


Jardín Botánico Nacional


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nanjing University


University of South Dakota


Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso


Universidad Autónoma de Aquascalientes


Universidad de Sonora


Instituto de Ecología, A.C.


University of New England


University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History











