
Navia, Denise, Duarte, Mercia Elias & Flechtmann, Carlos H. W., 2021, Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Prostigmata) from Brazil: an annotated checklist, Zootaxa 4997 (1), pp. 1-152 : 56-60

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Plazi (2021-07-10 05:26:14, last updated 2023-11-03 08:27:24)

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Eriophyidae , Phyllocoptinae , Anthocoptini

153 * Notostrix acuminata Navia & Flechtmann, 2003: 283 .

Type host. Acrocomia aculeata (Jacquin) Lodd. ex Martius (Arecaceae) .

Type locality. Ibicatu, Piracicaba (22°46’43”S, 47°49’32”W), Sao Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Additional host and locality in Brazil. On Syagrus oleracea (Mart.) Becc. (Arecaceae) : São Pedro (22°38’58”S, 47°48’31”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo.

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants on lower leaf surface; mites are covered with wax and appear as white stripes ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, not endemic, Native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado and Mata Atlântica biomes in all regions ( Vianna & Campos-Rocha 2020).

Additional host plant status. S. oleracea —native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Caatinga and Cerrado biomes ( Soares 2020). Cultivated as an ornamental in urban landscaping; species producing heart of palm, used in cooking ( Lorenzi et al. 1996).

154 Notostrix attenuata Keifer, 1963a: 7 .

Type host. Cocos nucifera L. ( Arecaceae )

Type locality. Guinobatan , Albay Province, Philippine Islands .

Additional host and localities in Brazil. On C. nucifera (Arecaceae) : Pirambu ( Flechtmann & Santana 1997b), Sergipe; on Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart. (Arecaceae) : Piracicaba (22°42’30”S, 47°38’00”W) (Gondim Jr. 2000 in Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman (Arecaceae) : Piracicaba (22°42’30”S, 47°38’00”W) (Gondim Jr. 2000 in Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo.

Relationship to host plant. Leaf vagrants on trees with Cadang ( Keifer 1963a). Collected from the lower surface leaf furrows off coconut ( Navia & Flechtmann, 2003). Symptoms were not reported in the additional host plants.

Remarks. Type species in the genus Notostrix .

Type host plant status in Brazil. Naturalized palm tree ( Vianna 2020c), widely cultivated or disseminated in coastal and tropical areas in Northeast, North, Southeast and Mid-West Regions ( Lorenzi et al. 1996; 2006).

Additional host plant status in Brazil. A. aculeata — native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado and Mata Atlântica biomes in all regions ( Vianna & Campos-Rocha 2020); S. romanzoffiana —native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado, Mata Atlântica and Pampa biomes ( Soares 2020).

155 * Notostrix butiae Gondim, Flechtmann & De Moraes, 2000: 100 .

Type host. Butia eriospatha (Marc.) Becc. (Arecaceae)

Type locality. Campus of Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” ( USP-ESALQ), Piracicaba (22°42’30”S, 47°37’54”W), São Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Additional host and localities in Brazil. On Attalea geraensis Barbosa Rodrigues (Arecaceae) : Luiz Antônio (21°36’13”S, 47°47’17”W), Pirassununga (21°56’20”S, 47°28’26”W) and São Carlos (21°54’50”S, 47°49’21”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Butia archeri (Glassman) (Arecaceae) : Pirassununga (21°56’20”S, 47°28’26”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Butia capitata Beccari (Arecaceae) : Campinas (24°36’41”S, 47°53’23”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Syagrus microphylla Burret (Arecaceae) : Luiz Antônio (21°36’13”S, 47°47’17”W) and Pirassununga (21°56’20”S, 47°28’26”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Syagrus quinquefaria Beccari , presently referred as Syagrus coronata (Mart.) Becc. ( Flora do Brasil 2020) ( Arecaceae ): Piracicaba (22°42’30”S, 47°37’54”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo.

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants on undersurface of leaves ( Gondim et al. 2000); in B. archeri it was collected from buds and leaves ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003). Symptoms were not reported.

Remark. Females from B. archeri , B. capitata and S. microphylla presented slightly longer setae, as well as a shorter and wider coverflap than the holotype ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome, mainly in the south ( Heiden et al. 2020).

Additional host plant status. A. geraensis —native palm, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado biome ( Flora do Brasil 2020); B. archeri and B. capitata — native palm, endemic, occurring in Cerrado biome, mainly in the Central- West and Southeast regions ( Heiden et al. 2020); S. coronata and S. microphylla —native palm trees, endemic, occurring in Caatinga and Cerrado biomes ( Soares 2020).

156 * Notostrix exigua Flechtmann, 1998a: 113 .

Type host. Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae)

Type locality. Itatiaia (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia 1000 m altitude), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .

Additional host and localities in Brazil. On Bactris setosa Mart. (Arecaceae) : Pariquera-Açu (24°36’41”S, 47°53’23”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on E. edulis (Arecaceae) : Reserva Estadual de Paraiso (22°29’23”S, 42°54’47”W) Guapimirim/ Cachoeiras de Macacú) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), Teresópolis (22°29’23”S, 42°54’47”W) (Navia et al. 2007), Rio de Janiero; Cananéia and Pariquera-Açu, (Gondim 2000), Piracicaba (22°42’30”S, 47°37’54”W) ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Euterpe sp. (Arecaceae) : Igarassu (Gondim 2000), Pernambuco.

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants on upper leaf surface; mites are covered with wax ( Flechtmann 1998a); in B. setosa it was collected from buds and leaves ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003). Symptoms were not reported

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado and Mata Atlântica biomes ( Vianna 2020d).

Additional host plant status. B. setosa —native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Cerrado, Mata Atlântica and Pampa biomes ( Lorenzi 2020a); Euterpe sp. — native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia, Cerrado and Mata Atlântica biomes ( Vianna 2020d).

157 * Notostrix fissipes Navia & Flechtmann, 2003: 273 .

Type host. Attalea dubia (Mart.) Burret (Arecaceae)

Type locality. Pariquera-Açu (24°36’41”S, 47°53’23”W), São Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on upper leaf surface; mites are covered with wax and appear as white stripes ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Remark. Only known from the type host/locality.

Type host plant status. Native palm, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome, in the South and Southeast regions ( Flora do Brasil 2020) .

158 Notostrix jamaicae Keifer, 1970: 27 .

Type host. Cocos nucifera L. ( Arecaceae )

Type locality. Woodstock , Jamaica .

Additional host and localities in Brazil. On Attalea sp. (Arecaceae) : Brasília ( Santana & Flechtmann 1998) , Distrito Federal; on Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassmann (Arecaceae) : Brasília ( Santana & Flechtmann 1998) , Distrito Federal; locality not informed ( Santana & Flechtmann 1998), Rio de Janeiro.

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants in leaf furrows on the undersurface ( Keifer 1970). Symptoms were not reported.

Type host plant status in Brazil. Naturalized palm tree ( Vianna 2020c), widely cultivated or disseminated in coastal and tropical areas in Northeast, North, Southeast and Mid-West Regions ( Lorenzi et al. 1996; 2006).

Additional host plant status. Attalea sp. - native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia, Caatinga, Cerrado and Mata Atlântica biomes; S. romanzoffiana - native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Cerrado, Mata Atlântica and Pampa biomes ( Soares 2020).

159 * Notostrix juma Reis & Navia, 2014 b in Reis et al. 2014b: 237.

Type host. Bactris glaucescens Drude (Arecaceae) .

Type locality. Pantanal, (16º36′11″S, 56º45′29″O), Mato Grosso, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on the lower leaf surface, along midribs. No symptoms were observed ( Reis et al. 2014b).

Remark. Only known from the type host/locality.

Type host plant status. Native palm, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia and Cerrado biomes ( Lorenzi 2020a).

160 * Notostrix longiseta Navia & Flechtmann, 2003: 280 .

Type host. Butia archeri (Glassman) Glassman (Arecaceae)

Type locality. Pirassununga (21°56’20”S, 47°28’26”W), São Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on upper leaf surface; mites are covered with wax and appear as white stripes ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Remark. Only known from the type host/locality.

Type host plant status. Native palm, endemic, occurring in Cerrado, in the Central-west and southeast regions ( Heiden et al. 2020).

161 * Notostrix miniseta Navia & Flechtmann, 2003: 285 .

Type host. Bactris vulgaris Barbosa Rodrigues (Arecaceae)

Type locality. Pariquera-Açu (24°36’41”S, 47°53’23”W), São Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Additional host plant. On Bactris setosa Mart. (Arecaceae) : Pariquera-Açu (24°36’41”S, 47°53’23”W), São Paulo ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants on upper leaf surface; mites are covered with wax and appear as white stripes ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003). Symptoms were not reported.

Remarks. Specimens collected from B. setosa were slightly different from the type specimens ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome ( Lorenzi 2020a).

Additional host plant status. B. setosa —native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Cerrado, Mata Atlântica and Pampa biomes ( Lorenzi 2020a).

162 * Notostrix nasutiformes Gondim, Flechtmann & De Moraes, 2000: 102 .

Type host. Cocos nucifera L. ( Arecaceae )

Type locality. Igarassu (27°53’28”S, 34°58’35”W), Pernambuco, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Additional host and localities in Brazil. On C. nucifera L. ( Arecaceae ): Manaus ( Navia & Flechtmann 2004), Amazonas; Guaramiranga (4°16’S, 38°54’W) ( Barros 2017), Ceará; Recife (08°04’06”S, 34°55’00”W) (Vasconscelos et al. 2005), Pernambuco; on Attalea dubia (Mart.) Burret. (Arecaceae) : locality not informed ( Gondim et al. 2000), Pariquera-Açu ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003) São Paulo; on Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng. (Arecaceae) : locality not informed ( Gondim et al. 2000), Piracicaba ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Bactris gasipaes Kunth. (Arecaceae) and Bactris setosa Mart. (Arecaceae) : locality not informed ( Gondim et al. 2000), Pariquera-Açu ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), São Paulo; on Bactris ferruginea Burret. (Arecaceae) : locality not informed ( Gondim et al. 2000), Igarassu ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003), Pernambuco; on Syagrus flexuosa (Mart.) Becc. (Arecaceae) : Pantanal Norte (16°30′23″S, 56°40′34″N) ( Reis et al. 2014b), Mato Grosso.

Relationship to host plants. Vagrants on undersurface of leaves ( Gondim et al. 2000; Navia & Flechtmann 2003). Symptoms were not reported.

Type host plant status. Naturalized palm tree ( Vianna 2020c), widely cultivated or disseminated in coastal and tropical areas in Northeast, North, Southeast and Mid-West Regions ( Lorenzi et al. 1996; 2006).

Additional host plant status. A. dubia —native palm, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome, in South and Southeast regions; A. phalerata — native palm, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia and Cerrado biomes ( Flora do Brasil 2020); B. ferruginea — native palm, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome; B. gasipaes — native palm, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia biome; B. setosa — native palm trees, endemic, occurring in Cerrado, Mata Atlântica and Pampa biomes ( Lorenzi 2020a); S. flexuosa — native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Caatinga and Cerrado biomes ( Soares 2020).

163 * Notostrix speciosa Reis & Navia, 2014 b in Reis et al. (2014b: 231).

Type host. Attalea speciosa Mart. ex. Spreng ( Arecaceae ).

Type locality. Guajará Mirim (10°48′01.47″S, 65°18′28.83″W), Rondônia, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on the lower leaf surface, along midribs. No symptoms were observed ( Reis et al. 2014b).

Additional localities in Brazil. Pantanal Norte (16°30′23″S, 56°40′34″N) ( Reis et al. 2014b), Mato Grosso, Brazil, Brazil .

Type host plant status. Native palm, endemic, occurring in Amazônia and Cerrado biomes ( Flora do Brasil 2020) .

164 * Notostrix spinula Navia & Flechtmann, 2005b: 45 .

Type host. Mauritia flexuosa L. ( Arecaceae ).

Type locality. Manaus (2°57’S, 59°57’W), Amazonas , Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on lower surface of leaves, causing no apparent symptoms ( Navia & Flechtmann 2005b).

Remark. Only known from the type host/locality.

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, not endemic, occurring in Amazônia, Caatinga and Cerrado biomes ( Vianna 2020e).

165 * Notostrix trifida Navia & Flechtmann, 2003: 276 .

Type host. Lytocaryum hoehnei (Burret.) Toledo , presently referred as Syagrus hoehnei (Burret.) Toledo (Arecaceae) ( Soares 2020).

Type locality. Morro Grande, Cotia (23°43’S, 46°51’W), São Paulo, Brazil GoogleMaps .

Relationship to host plant. Vagrants on upper leaf surface; mites are covered with wax and appear as white stripes ( Navia & Flechtmann 2003).

Remark. Only known from the type host/locality.

Type host plant status. Native palm tree, endemic, occurring in Mata Atlântica biome, in the South and Southeast Regions ( Soares 2020).

Barros, M. E. N. (2017) Estabelecimento do acaro-vermelho-das-palmeiras, Raoiella indica Hirst, sugere mudancas na acarofauna dos foliolos de coqueiro. MSc Thesis, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza, 47 pp.

Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Santana, D. L. Q. (1997 b) Ocorrencia de Notostrix attenuata Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) em coqueiros no Brasil. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Salvador, Bahia, 1997, pp. 40 - 40.

Flechtmann, C. H. W. (1998 a) Mite (Arthropoda: Acari) associates of palms (Arecaceae) in Brazil. IV. Description of two new species in the family Eriophyidae. International Journal of Acarology, 24 (2), 113 - 117. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647959808684138

Flora do Brasil (2020) Reflora. Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 113393 / (accessed 1 May 2020)

Gondim, M. G. C. J., Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Moraes, G. J. (2000) Mite (Arthropoda: Acari) associates of palms (Arecaceae) in Brazil: IVdescriptions of four new species in the Eriophyoidea. Systematic & Applied Acarology, 5, 99 - 110. https: // doi. org / 10.11158 / saa. 5.1.12

Heiden, G., Ellert-Pereira, P. E. & Eslabao, M. P. (2020) Butia. Flora do Brasil 2020 under construction. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 26574 / (accessed 20 May 2020)

Keifer, H. H. (1963 a) Eriophyid Studies B- 9. Bureau of Entomology. California Department of Agriculture, 1963, 1 - 20.

Keifer, H. H. (1970) Eriophyid Studies C- 4. Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 1970, 1 - 24.

Lorenzi, H., Souza, H. M., Medeiros-Costa, J. T., Cerqueira, L. S. C. & Behr, N. (1996) Palmeiras no Brasil: nativas e exoticas. Plantarum, Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo, 303 pp.

Lorenzi, H., Bacher, L., Lacerda, M. & Sartori, S. (2006) Frutas Brasileiras e Exoticas Cultivadas (de consumo in natura). Instituto Plantarum de Estudos da Flora, Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo, 640 pp.

Lorenzi, H. (2020 a) Bactris. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 22113 / (accessed 9 September 2020)

Navia, D. & Flechtmann, C. H. W. (2003) Mites (Acari) of the genus Notostrix Keifer (Eriophyidae): new records, description of six new species and key to the world species. Acarologia, 43 (3), 271 - 289.

Navia, D. & Flechtmann, C. H. W. (2004) Acaros Eriophyoidea (Prostigmata) associados a palmeiras na Amazonia Central. Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, 2004, 164.

Navia, D. & Flechtmann, C. H. W. (2005 b) A new genus and five species of Eriophyoidea (Prostigmata) associated with palm trees from Brazilian Amazon. Zootaxa, 1078 (1), 41 - 58. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 1078.1.4

Reis, A. C., Gondim Jr., M. G. C., Ferragut, F. & Navia, D. (2014 b) New eriophyoid mites (Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) associated with palm trees (Arecaceae) from South America. International Journal of Acarology, 40 (3), 230 - 246. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2014.905296

Santana, D. L. Q. & Flechtmann, C. H. W. (1998) Mite (Arthropoda: Acari) associates of palms (Arecaceae) in Brazil. I. Present status and new records. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 15 (4), 959 - 963. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0101 - 81751998000400014

Soares, K. P. Syagrus. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 44820 / (accessed 28 March 2020)

Vianna, S. A. & Campos-Rocha, A. (2020) Acrocomia. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 15663 / (accessed 27 March 2020)

Vianna, S. A. (2020 c) Cocos. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 44018 (accessed 9 September 2020)

Vianna, S. A. (2020 d) Euterpe. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 15711 (accessed 9 September 2020)

Vianna, S. A. (2020 e) Mauritia. Flora do Brasil 2020 em construcao. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / floradobrasil / FB 15723 (accessed 9 September 2020 e)











