Azana frizzelli, Kerr, 2010

Kerr, Peter H., 2010, New Azana species from Western North America (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), Zootaxa 2397 (1), pp. 1-14 : 6-10

publication ID

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Felipe (2021-08-22 21:57:13, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 10:22:34)

scientific name

Azana frizzelli

sp. nov.

Azana frizzelli sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1–2 , 8–12 View FIGURES 8–12 , 14 View FIGURES 13–14 , 16 View FIGURES 15–16 , 19–20 View FIGURES 17–20 , 22 View FIGURES 21–22 , 23–24 View FIGURES 23–24 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, USA: CA: Del Norte Co , SixRiversNF, ForRoute 16N02, nr. BearBasin Outlk, 41.8016°N, 123.7369°W, 1500masl,–24.vii.2009 P.H.Kerr & O.Lonsdale, 6m MT, CSCA09 About CSCA L526 [ CSCA]. Complete specimen (#09D439) on point mount. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 11 ♂, 4 ♀♀, USA: CALIFORNIA, same data as holotype [8 ♂, 1 ♀ CSCA / 1 ♀ CSCA- FTC / 1 ♂, 1 ♀ CASC / 1 ♀ ZMUO] GoogleMaps ; 2 ♀♀, USA: CA : Calaveras Co., BigTreesSP, South Grove, Sequoia #298 ( Creek ), canopy trap nr. ground, top bottle, 38.2415°N 120.2554°W 1405masl, 16.v– P.Kerr & R GoogleMaps . Frizzell , CSCA09 About CSCA L247 [ CSCA-FTC]; 1 ♂, USA: CA : Calaveras Co., BigTreesSP South Grove, Sequoia #282 ( Stellar ), canopy trap nr. ground, top bottle, 38.2407°N 120.2546°W 1425masl, 16.v– P.Kerr & R GoogleMaps . Frizzell , CSCA09 About CSCA L253 [ CSCA]; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, USA: CA : Calaveras Co., BigTreesSP, South Grove, Sequoia #317( Neighbor ), canopy trap nr. ground, top bottle, 38.2405°N 120.2562°W 1410masl, 16.v– P.Kerr & R GoogleMaps . Frizzell , CSCA09 About CSCA L259 [ PHKC]; 1 ♀, USA: CA : Calaveras Co., BigTreesSP, South Grove, Sequoia #317( Neighbor ), canopy trap nr. ground, bottom bottle, 38.2405°N 120.2562°W 1410masl, 16.v– P.Kerr & R GoogleMaps . Frizzell , CSCA09 About CSCA L260 [ CSCA-FTC]; 1 ♂, USA: CA : Calaveras Co. Calaveras Big Trees SP, South grove old fire road, MT#4 , 38°14.4’N 120°15.7’W 1390masl, 22.v.–, P.H.Kerr & M. Hauser 07LOT089 [ CSCA] GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis This species is very similar to A. malinamoena sp. nov. and can be distinguished from all other non-Californian Azana species in the same way, as indicated in the species diagnosis above. It is distinguished from its sympatric congener by having setae predominately brown on head and thorax, antennae and thorax entirely brown, mid and hind coxae brown or light brown, a smoothly rounded anterior margin of the epandrium ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15–16 ), and aedeagal sheath that is narrowly produced medially ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–20 ).

Description Body length (n=10): 1.7–2.1 mm (avg = 1.9 mm). Wing length: 1.7–2.1 mm (avg = 2.0 mm). Males and females approximately the same size.

Coloration ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–2 ). Head dark brown, face and clypeus brown; basal palpomeres light brown, segments becoming increasingly white distally; palpomere 5 entirely white. Antennal scape brown, pedicel brown or light brown, flagellomeres dark brown. Scutum yellowish brown to pale yellow at anterior margin, laterally, and this light coloration extending approximately halfway along lateral margin, otherwise scutum brown; scutellum brown. Thoracic sclerites brown. Fore coxa brown at uppermost margin, otherwise cream-colored; mid and hind coxae brown, usually slightly lighter in color than thoracic sclerites; fore femur cream-colored to light brown, mid and hind femora light brown, darkening to dark brown distally; fore tibia pale brown, lightening to yellowish or cream-colored distally, mid and hind tibiae brown; tibial spurs yellowish brown to brown; tarsi brown. In female, tibiae pale brown to yellowish, tibial spurs usually yellow, and tarsi pale brown to yellowish. Wing lightly infuscate without markings, membrane densely microtrichose, with scattered macrotrichia; where present, wing veins thick and dark brown (except CuA 1, which is faint); haltere stem and knob white. Abdominal segments brown to black (in female, light brown to brown), darker at posterior margin, with mostly dark brown setae. Terminalia brown in male; in female, cercus white.

Head ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 8–12 ). Three ocelli, middle one approximately half the size (or less) and slightly anterior of others; lateral ocellus approximately five times its widest diameter from eye margin. Frons with short brown setae. Frontal tubercle between antennal bases; transverse frontoclypeal membrane present; face longer than wide, converging with straight edges to a point dorsally, with short, appressed microsetae throughout; clypeus longer than wide, with microsetae throughout. Palpus approximately long enough to reach dorsal margin of antennal scape; five palpomeres, successively longer distally; palpomere l short, slightly longer than wide; palpomere 5 cylindrical, approximately 1.7x length of palpomere 4; third palpomere with small area of sensilla cochleariformis on aboral surface. Antennal length in male approximately 3.5x the length of head; in female, antennal length approximately 2–2.5x the length of head; antennal bases separated by approximately 1/5 width of scape; scape with ring of dark setae around distal margin, setae approximately as long as length of scape, without setae ventrally; pedicel in lateral view wider than scape, with ring of dark setae distally, approximately as long as length of pedicel; all flagellomeres densely setulose, flagellomeres 1–13 longer than wide (becoming more so distally), terminal flagellomere approximately 3x longer than wide.

Thorax ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 8–12 ). Scutum with dark brown and golden brown setae scattered throughout, longest setae along anterior margin of scutum, extending over head; scutellum relatively small, approximately 2/3 width of thorax, with setal pattern as on scutum; setae of mesopleuron yellowish or golden in color; antepronotum and proepisternum bearing setae; anepisternum with short setae on dorsal half of sclerite; laterotergite with long but relatively weak setae; mediotergite longer than wide, with setae on lower half, longest near base; remaining thoracic sclerites without setae. Fore coxa setose anteriorly, bare laterally; mid and hind coxae setose laterally, in distal half only. Femur covered in short, pale to dark brown setae, approximate femur length to tibia length ratio 1.0 (fore leg), 1.0 (mid leg), and 0.8 (hind leg); all tibial setae short, shorter than width of tibia; fore tibia with ovate anteroapical depressed area apically, bearing several rows of small yellowish setae; mid tibia with 3 anterior setae and a single dorsal seta, located on distal half; hind tibia with a row of 5 anterior setae, 1 anterodorsal, and 6–7 dorsal setae. Wing ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 13–14 ) with densely arranged and relatively long microtrichia and scattered macrotrichia over membrane surface; costal vein extends beyond R 5, approximately 0.2 of distance between R 5 and M 1; Sc short, ending free; R 1 reaching C at approximately middle of wing; M 1 obsolete at base, but well defined in apical 2/3, extending to wing margin clearly beyond level at which costal vein ends; CuA 1 present as light vein or fold, most visible near wing margin, obsolete at its base; CuA 2 strong, slightly curved; A 1 present as fold; all wing veins except A 1 setulose on upper surface.

Male Genitalia ( Figs. 9–10, 12 View FIGURES 8–12 , 16 View FIGURES 15–16 , 19–20 View FIGURES 17–20 , 22 View FIGURES 21–22 ). Epandrium longer than wide, with anterior margin forming ring that arcs ventrally and connects to hypandrium anteriorly, ring with central, posteriorlyprojecting process ventrally. Gonocoxites not fused; gonostylus simple, with cluster of setae at proximal half, bearing minute teeth on inner margin and bearing long, thin process on ventral surface and directed inwardly; parameres absent. Aedeagal sheath broad with paired apodemes arcing anteriorly and with two small lobes extending posteriorly, near center; aedeagal apodeme small, forked, forming ‘Y’ shape.

Female Genitalia ( Figs. 23–24 View FIGURES 23–24 ). First cercus segment broad, with moderately produced dorsal lobe, second cercus segment ovoid, flattened; 2 spermathecae, unsclerotized, spherical, spermathecal duct long, extending to fourth or fifth abdominal segment.

Comments The biogeographic patterns of Azana frizzelli were nearly the same as those observed for A. malinamoena , although A. frizzelli was found only at elevations above 1300 masl. Until more collecting can be done to verify their ranges, both species are expected to have largely overlapping distributions, covering the north coastal ranges of California and Oregon and extending southward in the western Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Etymology Named in honor of Randall Frizzell of Nevada City, CA, professional arborist, who assisted in the collection of this species by leading a team of collectors into the canopies of giant sequoias ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ), specifically in pursuit of fungus gnats.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–2. Azana spp. from California, habitus, lateral view. 1, Azana malinamoena, holotype; 2, Azana frizzelli, holotype. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 8–12. Azana frizellii, male. 8, anteroventral view of head; 9, lateral view of genitalia; 10, ventral view of genitalia; 11, lateral view of thorax; 12, posterior view of genitalia. In figures 8–10 and 12, scale bar = 0.05 mm; in figure 11, scale bar = 0.1 mm.

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FIGURES 13–14. Azana spp. from California, right wings, dorsal view, scale bar = 0.5mm. 13, Azana malinamoena; 14, Azana frizzelli.

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FIGURES 15–16. Azana spp. from California, male genitalia, epandria, dorsal view. 15, Azana malinamoena; 16, Azana frizzelli. Scale bar = 0.05 mm.

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FIGURES 17–20. Azana spp. from California, male genitalia. 17. Azana malinamoena, dorsal view; 18. Azana malinamoena, lateral view; 19. Azana frizzelli, dorsal view; 20. Azana frizzelli, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.05 mm. Abbreviations: aed apod = aedeagal apodeme; aed sh = aedeagal sheath; goncx = gonocoxite; gonst = gonostylus.

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FIGURES 21–22. Azana spp. from California, male genitalia, gonostylus, ventral view; 21, Azana malinamoena; 22, Azana frizzelli. Scale bar = 0.01 mm.

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FIGURES 23–24. Azana frizzelli, female genitalia. 23, lateral view; 24, Sternite 9, ventral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.


Chicago Academy of Sciences


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


California State Collection of Arthropods


University of Oulu Zoological Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











