Bracon (Bracon) subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI, 1901

Papp, J., 2008, A revision of the Bracon (subgenera Bracon s. str., Cyanopterobracon, Glabrobracon, Lucobracon, Osculobracon subgen. n., Pigeria) species described by SZÉPLIGETI from the western Palaearctic Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Braconinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1741-1837 : 1779-1782

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5431644

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scientific name

Bracon (Bracon) subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI


Bracon (Bracon) subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ( Figs 320-332 View Figs 320-330 View Figs 331-338 )

Bracon subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 183 View in CoL (in key), 272 (description) (in Hungarian), 1904 (1901): 159 (in key), 166 (description) (in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 241 (in key), 342 (redescription), assigned to "Section Striobracon". TELENGA 1936: 158 (in key), 234 (redescription) (in Russian) and 361 (in key, in German). TOBIAS 1961: 155 (as synonym of B. trucidator MARSHALL View in CoL ); l986: not mentioned. PAPP 1968: 203 (as synonym of B. minutator FABRICIUS View in CoL , type designation); 2004: 181 (type depository, as synonym of B. subglaber SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ).

Bracon quinquemaculatus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 265 View in CoL (in key), 279 (description) (in Hungarian), 1904 (1901): 179 (in key), 183 (description) (in German) (type series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: as valid species 250 (in key), 368 (redescription), assigned to "Section Lucobracon ". TELENGA 1936: as valid species 169 (in key), 266 (redescription) (in Russian) and 372 (in key, in German). SHENEFELT 1978: 1624 (as valid species, literature up to 1936). PAPP 2004: 179 (synonymization as B. subglaber var. quinquemaculatus View in CoL ), type designation and depository).

Bracon subglaber SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 183 View in CoL (in key), 272 (description) (in Hungarian), 1904 (1901): as B. subrugosus var. subglaber View in CoL 159 (in key), 166 (description) (in German) (type series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Tarmészettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 342 as B. subrugosus var. subglaber View in CoL after SZÉPLIGETI l.c. TELENGA 1936: 234 (as B. subrugosus var. subglaber View in CoL ). TOBIAS 1961: 158 (as synonym of B. minutator FABRICIUS View in CoL under the valid name B. subrugosus var. subglaber View in CoL ; 1986: 124 (in key as valid species). SHENEFELT 1978: 1512 (as synonym of B. minutator View in CoL , literature up to 1968). TOBIAS & BELOKOBYLSKIJ 2000: 124 (in key as valid species). PAPP 2004: 181 (as valid species, type designation and depository).

Bracon sulcatulus SZÉPLIGETI 1896b: 200 View in CoL (description, in Hungarian), 364 (description, in German) (type series 1), type locality: " Budapest: Lipótmező" ( Hungary; "Lipótmező" a slip of pen, on label "Hűvösvölgy"). Male lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - SZÉPLIGETI 1901: as valid species 262 (in key, in Hungarian) and 1904 (1901): 163 (in key, in German). FAHRINGER 1927: as valid species 279 (in key), 424 (redescription), assigned to "Section Orthobracon ". TELENGA 1936: as valid species 167 (in key), 264 (redescription) (in Russian) and 369 (in key, in German). PAPP 1968: 203 (as synnym of B. minutator FABRICIUS View in CoL ). SHENEFELT 1978: 1511 (as synonym of B. minutator View in CoL after PAPP l.c., literature up to 1974). TOBIAS 1986: not mentioned. PAPP 2004: 182 (as B. subglaber var. sulcatulus View in CoL , type condition and depository).

Bracon trypetanus FAHRINGER 1927: 268 () View in CoL , 278 () (in key), 429 (description) assigned to "Section Orthobracon ", type locality: " Sachsen " ( Germany), male lectotype in Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; examined, syn. n. - TELENGA 1936: as valid species 177 (), 178 () (in key), 299 (redescription) (in Russian) and 379 (), 381 () (in key, in German). SHENEFELT 1978: 1649 (as valid species, lectotype designation, literature up to 1953).

R e m a r k s on type designation of B. trypetanus: In View in CoL the Naturhistorisches Museum (Wien) there is a male labelled (by Fahringer?) as " Holotypus ", an unpublished designation. According to the original description (FAHRINGER l.c.) "Parasit von Trypeta cylindrica R. D. 2, 1 Sachsen ( Deutschland, Schütze)". The two female specimens are not present in the Museum Wien. SHENEFELT (l.c.) indicates that "In Stockholm there are a and a carrying same labels" (these and not seen by me). The present synonymization is based on the original description as well as on the examination of the male type.

T y p e d e s i g n a t i o n s: Designation of the female lectotype of B. subrugosus : (first label, printed) " Budapest / Hűvösvölgy"; (second label) [1]"897. VIII. 28" (handwritten) / "Szépligeti" (printed); third label is the lectotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number "358". Fifth label is with the actual name Bracon subrugosus (SZÉPLIGETI) given by me. - Lectotype is in good condition: (1) micropinned; (2) right flagellum missing, left flagellum deficient.

Designation of the female lectotype of B. quinquemaculatus : (first label) " Budapest / Szépligeti" (printed) "Diósárok / 1896. IX 18. " (handwritten, reverse the first label); second label is the lectotype card, third label is with the inventory number "375". Fourth label is with the actual name Bracon subrugosus var. subglaber (SZÉPLIGETI) given by me. - Lectotype is in fairly good condition: (1) micropinned laterally by mesosoma; (2) both flagelli missing; (3) pair of wings apically damaged.

Designation of the female lectotype of Bracon subglaber : (first label, printed) " Budapest / Mátyásföld"; (second label) [18]"97. VI. 3." (handwritten) / "Szépligeti" (printed); third label is the lectotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number "376". Fifth label is with the actual name Bracon subrugosus var. subglaber (SZÉPLIGETI) given by me. - Lectotype is in fairly good condition: (1) micropinned; (2) both flagelli apically deficient; (3) right fore wing missing.

Designation of the male lectotype of B. sulcatulus : (first label, printed) " Budapest / Hűvösvölgy"; (second label) [1]"895. VIII 7." (handwritten) / "Szépligeti" (printed); third label is the lectotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number "357". Fifth label is with the actual name Bracon subrugosus var. sulcatulus (SZÉPLIGETI) given by me. - Lectotype is in fairly good condition: (1) micropinned; (2) both flagelli distally deficient; (3) left fore wing missing. - Taxonomic remark see in the paragraph "Description of the male (27)".

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:(442 + 236) - England: 4 + 3 from six localities. France: 2 + 2 from four localities. The Netherland: 1. Germany: 8 + 5 from eight localities. Switzerland: 1 + 1 from one locality. Austria: 1 + 1 from two localities. Czech Republic: 4 + 3 from six localities. Poland: 1. Sweden: 1. Hungary: 364 + 203 from 211 localities. Slovakia: 14 + 3 from six localities. Romania: 35 + 12 from 13 localities. Italy: 1 + 2 from three localities. Bulgaria: 3 from three localities. Croatia: 1 + 1 from two localities. Turkey: 2 from two localities. Russia (European part): 1.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n of the female lectotype of B. subrugosus: Body 4.6 mm long. Left flagellum deficient, i.e. with 18 flagellomeres. First flagellomere 1.7 times and 18 th flagellomere 1.4 times as long as broad. According to the original description antenna with 30 antennomeres. - Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 320 View Figs 320-330 ) less transverse, 1.66 times as broad as long, eye nearly 1.8 times as long as temple, temple rounded, occiput weakly excavated. Eye in lateral view 1.6 times as high as wide and one-fifth wider than temple ( Fig. 321 View Figs 320-330 , see arrows). Oral opening 1.5 times longer horizontally than shortest distance between opening and compound eye ( Fig. 322 View Figs 320-330 ). Head polished, face laterally subrugulose.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.4 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix indistinct. Propodeum polished, around lunule with very short rugulae ( Fig. 323 View Figs 320-330 ). - Hind femur 3.3 times as long as broad medially, almost parallel-sided ( Fig. 324 View Figs 320-330 ). Claw downcurved, its basal lobe fairly large as in Fig. 325 View Figs 320-330 .

Fore wing as long as body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 326 View Figs 320-330 ) three times as long as wide and issuing r somewhat proximally from its middle; r nearly as long as width of pterostigma, 3-SR 1.65 times as long as 2-SR; SR1 straight, 1.5 times as long as 3-SR and rather approaching tip of wing; 1-R1 clearly 1.5 times as long as pterostigma. First discal cell high, 1-M twice longer than m-cu, two veins parallel with each other, 1-SR-M just bent and a bit longer than 1-M ( Fig. 327 View Figs 320-330 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ) somewhat broader behind than long, slightly broadening posteriorly, lateral part of tergite narrow, margin of scutum crenulate, scutum longitudinally striate-striolate. Second tergite 2.6 times as broad as long laterally, a bit longer than third tergite; second tergite rugose with striolate elements, third tergite rugulose-subrugulose with punctures ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ), further tergites with progressively finer sculpture. Suture between tergites 2-3 bisinuate and crenulate ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ). Hypopygium pointed, ovipositor sheath long, as long as body, posterior end of ovipositor apparatus as in Fig. 329 View Figs 320-330 .

Ground colour of head and mesosoma black, that of metasoma yellow. Antenna black. Mandible, cheek, margin of eye and pronotum yellow. Tegula brown. Scutum of first tergite and tergites 2-4 medially brown. Legs dark brown, femora apically and tibiae basally yellow to yellowish. Wings brownish fumous, pterostigma brownish, vein light brown.

Variable features of the female (442): Body (3.5-) 4.5-5.5 mm long. Antenna with 26- 33, usually with 29-31, antennomeres. First flagellomere 1.6-1.7(-1.8) times and penultimate flagellomere 1.5-1.6(-1.7) times as long as broad, flagellum indistinctly attenuating. Head in dorsal view 1.65-1.75 times as broad as long. Hind femur 3.1-3.3(- 3.4) times as long as broad. 3-SR 1.6-1.7 times as long as 2-SR, SR1 rather approaching, less frequently reaching, tip of wing. First tergite as long as broad behind, minute deviations feasible. Third and further tergites with weakening sculpture (nominate form) or second tergite with longitudinal striations, third and further tergites smooth and shiny (third tergite laterally sometimes uneven to subrugulose) ( var. subglaber , Fig. 331 View Figs 331-338 ). Median black maculae of tergites variably extending.

D e s c r i p t i o n of the male (236): Similar to the female. Body 2.5-3.5(-4) mm long. Antenna nearly as long as body and with (23-)26-32 antennomeres. Head in dorsal view (1.6-)1.7-1.8 times as broad as long. Hind femur 2.9 ( Fig. 330 View Figs 320-330 ) - 3.3 times ( Fig. 324 View Figs 320-330 ) as long as broad. First tergite as long as broad behind to 1.2 times longer than broad behind ( Fig. 332 View Figs 331-338 ). Sculpture of tergites 1-3(-4) with more striate elements, second tergite clearly longer than third tergite ( Fig. 332 View Figs 331-338 ). Black colour of body usually more extended. - T a x o n o m i c r e m a r k:Theform B. sulcatulus is an extreme variety of the male of B. subrugosus : tergites 2-5 with longitudinal striation and tergites with blackish to black suffusion (ground colour of tergites yellow). The variety ( B. subrugosus var. sulcatulus SZÉPLIGETI ) is known in Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Austria, Germany and Romania by a few male specimens. Albeit the name sulcatulus is a senior one over subrugosus by five years (see species quotations before) it is suppressed as the variety of the nominate form subrugosus viewing its extreme form and restricted to the male sex. This taxonomic consideration is in mutual understanding with TOBIAS’ s opinion (by personal discussion) who is a well-known expert of the Palaearctic species of the Bracon species.

H o s t s (the sign "!" indicates the authenticity of the host): Lep.: Paranthrene tabaniformis ROTTENBURG , Pennisetia hylaeiformis LASPEYRES. (Aegeriidae) , Epichnopteryx sieboldi ROTTENBURG ( Psychidae ), Aethes williana BRAHM (Tortricidae) , Metzneria lapella LINNAEUS ( Gelechiidae ). - Dipt.:! Chaetoriella jaceae ROBINEAU- DESVOIDY,! Noeeta pupillata FALLÉN, Sitarea scorzonerae ROBINEAU- DESVOIDY, S. lurida LOEW ,! Tephritis leontodontis DE GEER,! Terellia serratullae LINNAEUS (in heads Cirsium vulgare),! Urophora cardui LINNAEUS ,! U. jaceana HERING ,! U. quadrifasciata MEIGEN ,! U. solstitialis LINNAEUS (Tephritidae) - Col.: Ceutorhynchus fairmairi BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE ( Curculionidae ).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Europe.

R e m a r k s: Within the subgenus Bracon s.str. the species B. subrugosus is nearest to

B. trucidator MARSHALL and B. intercessor NEES , the three species are distinguished by

the features keyed:

1 (2) Temple in dorsal view receded ( Fig. 333 View Figs 331-338 ) to rounded-receded ( Fig. 334 View Figs 331-338 ). First tergite usually gradually broadening posteriorly ( Fig. 335 View Figs 331-338 ) or, less usually, somewhat less broadening beyond pair spiracles ( Figs 336, 337 View Figs 331-338 ). Tergites 3-5 before their hind margin without fine furrow ( Fig. 335 View Figs 331-338 ). Legs yellow or reddish yellow, body reddish yellow with more or less blackish to black pattern.: 3-5(-

6) mm ............................................................................... B. (B.) intercessor NEES 1834

2 (1) Temple in dorsal view rounded ( Figs 320 View Figs 320-330 , 338 View Figs 331-338 ). First tergite beyond pair of spiracles parallel- ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ) to subparallel-sided ( Fig. 332 View Figs 331-338 ).

3 (4) Tergites 3-5 before their hind margin with fine furrow ( Fig. 22 View Figs 15-23 ). Notaulix distinct to just distinct ( Fig. 23 View Figs 15-23 ). First tergite anteriorly somewhat more narrowing ( Fig. 22 View Figs 15-23 ). Hind femur yellow, reddish yellow.: (2.3-2.5-5(-6) mm .......................................... .................................................................................. B. (B.) trucidator MARSHALL 1888

4 (3) Tergites 3-5 before their hind margin without fine furrow ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ). Notaulix indistinct. First tergite anteriorly somewhat less narrowing ( Fig. 328 View Figs 320-330 ). Hind femur black.: 3.5-5.5 mm,: 2.5-3.5 mm .................... B. (B.) subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901














Bracon (Bracon) subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI

Papp, J. 2008

Bracon subrugosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 183

PAPP J 1968: 203
TOBIAS V 1961: 155
TELENGA N 1936: 158
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 183

Bracon quinquemaculatus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 265

PAPP J 2004: 179
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1624
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 265

Bracon subglaber SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 183

PAPP J 2004: 181
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1512
TOBIAS V 1961: 158
TELENGA N 1936: 234
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 183

Bracon sulcatulus SZÉPLIGETI 1896b: 200

PAPP J 2004: 182
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1511
PAPP J 1968: 203
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1896: 200
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