Bracon (Bracon) rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI, 1901

Papp, J., 2008, A revision of the Bracon (subgenera Bracon s. str., Cyanopterobracon, Glabrobracon, Lucobracon, Osculobracon subgen. n., Pigeria) species described by SZÉPLIGETI from the western Palaearctic Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Braconinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1741-1837 : 1774-1777

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5431644

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bracon (Bracon) rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI


Bracon (Bracon) rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ( Figs 279-296 View Figs 279-289 View Figs 290-300 )

Bracon rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 262 View in CoL (in key), 277 (description) (in Hungarian), 1904 (1901): 162 (in key), 172 (description) (in German) (syntype series 3), type locality: "P.- Maróth" (=Pilismarót, Hungary), female lectotype (and two female paralectotypes) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 238 (in key), 336 (redescription), assigned to "Sektion Striobracon". TELENGA 1936: 160 (in key), 242 (redescrption) (in Russian) and 363 (in key, in German). PAPP 1969b: 200 (as synonym of B. longicollis WESMAEL View in CoL ); 1983: 333 (sp. rev.). SHENEFELT 1978: 1639 (as synonym of B. longicollis View in CoL after PAPP l.c., literature up to 1969). PAPP 1983: 333 (sp. rev.). TOBIAS 1986: 129 (as synonym of B. longicollis View in CoL in key, in Russian). PAPP 2004: 180 (as valid species, type designation and depository).

Bracon depressiusculus SZÉPLIGETI 1904 (1901) View in CoL : 178 (in key), 182 (description) (in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: "P.-Maróth" (=Pilismarót, Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: as valid species 266 (in key), 379 (redescription), assigned to "Section Orthobracon ". Telenga 1936: 170 (in key), 270 (redescription) (in Russian) and 373 (in key, in German). PAPP 1969b: 200 (as B. longicollis var. depressiusculus View in CoL ). SHENEFELT 1978: 1640 (type designation, as B. longicollis var. depressiusculus View in CoL after PAPP l.c., literature up to 1936). PAPP 2004: 173 (synonymization, type depository).

Bracon neglectus SZÉPLIGETI 1904 (1901) View in CoL : 162, as a variety ("var. ") of the nominate from B. rugulosus View in CoL with black pattern on its legs and supplied with the preliminary name " B. neglectus View in CoL m. ", locality not given; essentially a nomen nudum, syn. n. - SHENEFELT 1978: 1640 (as B. longicollis var. neglectus View in CoL , literature up to 1936).

Bracon spurnensis HINCKS 1951: 232 View in CoL (syntype series 1 + 2), type locality: "Spurn Peninsula, S.E. Yorks." ( England), female holotype (and two male paralectotypes) in The Manchester Museum, Manchester; examined, n. syn. - SHENEFELT 1978: 1542 (as valid species, literature up to 1951). PAPP 1999c: 145 (synymization). - Holotype and two paralectotypes are in good condition.

T y p e d e s i g n a t i o n s: Designation of the female lectotype of B. rugulosus View in CoL : (first label, printed) "P.-Maróth /Szépligeti"; second label is the lectotype card, third label is with the inventory number "1401". - Lectotype is in good condition: micropinned, fore pair of wings medially torned by the pin.

Designation of the two female paralectotypes of B. rugulosus: One female (No. 1402) from Pilismarót, transferred to B. longicollis WESMAEL. Its condition is good: micropinned, both flagelli distally deficient, left fore leg (except coxa + trochanter) missing. One female (No. 1403) from Budapest "Palatinus" (handwriting) [1]"895. VII. 18. / Szépligeti" (printed). Its condition is good: micropinned.

Designation of the female lectotype of B. depressiusculus : (first label, printed) "P.- Maróth" (=Pilismarót, Hungary) / "Szépligeti"; second label is the lectotype card, third label is with inventory number "1400", fourth label is with the actual name B. rugulosus Szépligeti given and attached by me. - Lectotype is in good condition: (1) micropinned; (2) right flagellum apically deficient. M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d (39 + 17): Hungary: 18 + 11 from 23 localities.

Slovakia: 4 + 3 from four localities. Romania (Transylvania): 5 + 1 from three

localities. England: 10 + 2 from six localities. Sweden: 2 from two localities. Armenia:


R e d e s c r i p t i o n of the female lectotype of B. rugulosus: Body 4 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 34 antennomeres. First flagellomere 2.6 times as long as broad, further flagellomeres indistinctly shortening and attenuating so that penultimate flagellomere 1.75 times as long as broad ( Fig. 279 View Figs 279-289 ). - Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 280 View Figs 279-289 ) less than 1.8 times as broad as long, eye clearly one-fifth longer than temple, temple rounded, occiput excavated. Eye in lateral view 1.6 times as high as wide, temple ventrally broadening so that almost as wide as eye ( Fig. 281 View Figs 279-289 , see arrows). Oral opening small, its horizontal diameter just shorter than shortest distance between opening and compound eye ( Fig. 282 View Figs 279-289 ). Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view elongate, twice as long as high, polished. Notaulix distinct. Propodeum with a medio-longitudinal keel, along keel striate, otherwise propodeum polished ( Fig. 283 View Figs 279-289 ). - Hind femur fairly thick, 2.6 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 284 View Figs 279-289 ). Claw less downcurved, its basal lobe less large ( Fig. 285 View Figs 279-289 ).

Fore wing somewhat shorter than body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 286 View Figs 279-289 ) 2.8 times as long as wide and issuing r from its middle, r shorter than width of pterostigma; second submarginal cell fairly long, 3-SR 1.4 times as long as 2-SR, SR1 straight and reaching tip of wing; 1- R1 nearly twice as long as pterostigma. First discal cell less high, 1-M 1.5 times as long as m-cu, 1-SR-M 1.4 times longer than 1-M ( Fig. 287 View Figs 279-289 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 288 View Figs 279-289 ) evenly broadening posteriorly, as long as broad behind, hind half of scutum rugose. Second tergite about three times as broad behind as long laterally, third tergite a bit longer than second tergite, suture between them distinct, bisinuate, smooth. Second tergite rather longitudinally rugose, third tergite subrugulose-uneven, fourth tergite uneven-smooth, further tergites polished. Hypopygium pointed, ovipositor sheath just shorter than hind tarsus, posterior end of ovipositor as in Fig. 289 View Figs 279-289 .

Antenna blackish. Head and mesosoma black. First tergite entirely blackish and further tergites with posteriorly widening pattern, tergites 2-5(-6) laterally reddish yellow. Oral part reddish yellow, palpi yellow. Margin of eye (or orbit) reddish. Tegula dark reddish. Sternites and legs yellow. Wings faintly fumous, pterostigma and veins brown to light brown.

Deviating features of the female paralectotype of B. rugulosus: Similar to the female lectotype. Body 4.1 mm long. Antenna with 37 (right one) and 38 (left one) antennomeres. Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 280 View Figs 279-289 ) subcubic, 1.7 times as broad as long.

Deviating features of the female lectotype of B. depressiusculus: Similar to B. rugulosus . Body 4.2 mm long. Antenna longer than body and with 38 antennomeres. Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 280 View Figs 279-289 ) 1.7 times as broad as long. Propodeum laterally from medio-longitudinal keel widely rugo-rugulose ( Fig. 291 View Figs 290-300 ). Hind femur 2.9 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 292 View Figs 290-300 ). Pterostigma 3.3 times as long as wide.

Variable features of the female (39): Body (3.5-)3.7-4.3(-4.5) mm long. Antenna with (26-)32-38 antennomeres. Head in dorsal view 1.57-1.8 times as broad as long ( Figs 280 View Figs 279-289 , 290 View Figs 290-300 ). Sculpture medially on propodeum variably extending ( Figs 283 View Figs 279-289 , 291 View Figs 290-300 ). Hind femur 2.6-2.8 times as long as broad medially ( Figs 292-293 View Figs 290-300 ). First tergite usually as long as broad behind, rarely a bit either longer or shorter than broad behind. Tegula rarely reddish yellow.

D e s c r i p t i o n of the male (17): Similar to the female. Body (2.5-) 3-3.5 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with (27-)32-35(-40) antennomeres. Head in dorsal view 1.7-1.8 times as broad as long. Hind femur 2.9-3.3 times as long as broad ( Figs 292, 294 View Figs 290-300 ). First tergite either as long as ( Fig. 295 View Figs 290-300 ) or somewhat longer than broad behind, second tergite either as long as ( Fig. 295 View Figs 290-300 ) or longer than third tergite ( Fig. 296 View Figs 290-300 ). Tegula frequently reddish yellow or yellow.

H o s t: unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: England, Sweden, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania (Transylvania), Armenia.

R e m a r k: Within the subgenus Bracon s.str. the species B. rugulosus is very near to B. longicollis WESMAEL considering their common features as elongated mesosoma, sculpture of tergites and colour of body; the two species are separated by the features not easy to recognize:

1 (2) Head in dorsal view somewhat more transverse, 1.85-1.9(-2) times as broad as long, temple receded ( Fig. 297 View Figs 290-300 ). First tergite beyond pair of spiracles subparallel sided, usually somewhat longer than broad behind ( Fig. 298 View Figs 290-300 ). Hind femur 3-3.2 times () and 3-3.5 times () as long as broad medially ( Figs 299, 300 View Figs 290-300 ). Sculpture of tergites 2-3 relatively less strong. Tegula usually reddish yellow.: 3-5 mm ............. ................................................................................... B. (B.) longicollis WESMAEL 1838

2 (1) Head in dorsal view somewhat less transverse, 1.7-1.8 times as broad as long, temple rounded ( Figs 280 View Figs 279-289 , 290 View Figs 290-300 ). First tergite evenly broadening posteriorly, as long as broad to somewhat longer than broad behind ( Figs 288 View Figs 279-289 , 295, 296 View Figs 290-300 ). Hind femur 2.6-2.8 times () and 2.9-3.3 times () as long as broad medially ( Figs 292- 294 View Figs 290-300 ). Sculpturte of tergites 2-3 relatively strong ( Fig. 288 View Figs 279-289 ). Tegula usually black to brown.: 3.5-4.5 mm,: 2.5-3.5 mm ..................... B. (B.) rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901














Bracon (Bracon) rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI

Papp, J. 2008

Bracon spurnensis

PAPP J 1999: 145
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1542
HINCKS W 1951: 232

Bracon rugulosus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 262

PAPP J 2004: 180
TOBIAS V 1986: 129
PAPP J 1983: 333
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1639
PAPP J 1969: 200
TELENGA N 1936: 160
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 262
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