Bracon (Lucobracon) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI, 1896

Papp, J., 2008, A revision of the Bracon (subgenera Bracon s. str., Cyanopterobracon, Glabrobracon, Lucobracon, Osculobracon subgen. n., Pigeria) species described by SZÉPLIGETI from the western Palaearctic Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Braconinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1741-1837 : 1772-1774

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5431644

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bracon (Lucobracon) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI


Bracon (Lucobracon) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ( Figs 260-268 View Figs 260-271 )

Bracon ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI 1896b: 289 View in CoL (description, in Hungarian), 363 (description, in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: "Crkvenicza" ( Croatia), female holotype (designated by PAPP in 1969) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 267 (in key), 408 (redescription), assigned to "Section Orthobracon ". TELENGA 1936: 173 (in key), 282 (redescription) (in Russian) and 375 (in key, in German). PAPP 1969: 318 (in key), 331 (synonymization, type designation). SHENEFELT 1978: 1623 (literture up to 1969). TOBIAS 1986: 141 (in key, in Russian). PAPP 2004: 179 (type depository, synonym of B. flagellaris THOMSON View in CoL ).

Bracon gracilis SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 184 View in CoL (in key), 272 (description) (in Hungarian), 1904 (1901): 162 (in key), 174 (description) (in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype (designated by PAPP in 1968) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: as valid species 267 (in key), 395 (redescription), assigned to "Section Orthobracon ". TELENGA 1936: as valid species 162 (in key), 246 (redescription) (in Russian) and 364 (in key, in German). PAPP 1969: 331 (as new synonym of B. ochraceus View in CoL ). SHENEFELT 1978: 1623 (as synonym of B. ochraceus View in CoL after PAPP l.c., literature up to 1969). TOBIAS 1986: 141 (as synonym of B. ochraceus View in CoL ).

T y p e d e s i g n a t i o n s: Designation of the female holotype of B. ochraceus View in CoL : (first two labels) "Crkvenica" (printed) / "25. VI." (handwriting, according to the original description taken in the year 1892), " Croatia "; third label is the holotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number "1350", fifth label is with the actual name B. (Lu) ochraceus given by me in 2006. - Holotype is in fairly good condition: (1) micropinned, micropin covered with copper vitriol crystals, left fore leg partly "hidden" by the crystals; (2) both flagelli deficient; (3) tarsomeres 4-5 of right middle leg missing; (4) right hind wing missing.

Designation of the female holotype of B. gracilis : (first label, printed) " Budapest / Sas- hegy"; (second label) [1]"896. VI. 17." (handwriting) " Szépligeti " (printed) ; third label is the holotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number "1351"; fifth label is with the actual name B. (Lu) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI given by me in 2006. - The holotype is in fairly poor condition: (1) micropinned laterally by mesosoma; (2) left antenna missing, right flagellum deficient distally; (3) metasoma broken and glued to propodeum; (4) left oviposior sheath deficient (present its anterior fourth).

R e m a r k on the above type designations: (1) The species B. ochraceus was described in 1896, however, in his revisional paper SZÉPLIGETI (1901a) did not take it into consideration, i.e. it was not included in the key to the European species of the genus Bracon , on one hand, and a new species was described in 1901a by him under the name B. gracilis , on the other. The two descriptions unambiguously refer to the same species, the repeated description (under the new species name) is a taxonomic enigma. - (2) In my paper ( PAPP 2004) I placed the names B. gracilis and B. ochraceus in synonymy with B. flagellaris THOMSON. A re-identification of these three taxa led me to the recognition that B. ochraceus (= gracilis) differs from B. flagellaris by subgeneric as well as a few specific features keyed: 1 (2) Oral opening less large, its horizontal diameter 1.4-1.5 times as long as shortest

distance between opening and compound eye (subgeneric difference of

Glabrobracon , Fig. 275 View Figs 272-278 ). Tergites 2-3 polished, second tergite antero-medially

striolate-substriolate ( Fig. 276 View Figs 272-278 ). Vein SR1 of fore wing reaching tip of wing ( Fig. View Figs 272-278

277). Hind femur 3.3-3.4 times as long as broad ( Fig. 278 View Figs 272-278 ).: 3.2-3.5 mm ................

.................................................................................. B. (Gl.) flagellaris THOMSON 1894 View in CoL 2 (1) Oral opening large, its horizontal diameter twice as long as shortest distance

between opening and compound eye (subgeneric difference of Lucobracon , Fig. View Figs 260-271

262). Tergites 2-3 rugo-rugulose ( Fig. 268 View Figs 260-271 ). Vein SR1 of fore wing approaching tip

of wing ( Fig. 266 View Figs 260-271 ). Hind femur 2.8-2.9 times as long as broad ( Fig. 264 View Figs 260-271 ).: 2.2-3

mm ............................................................................ B. (L.) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI 1896

By this distinction the species B. ochraceus is revalidated. The synonymization explains the absence of B. (Lu.) ochraceus from the revision of the Bracon (Lucobracon) species by SZÉPLIGETI ( PAPP 2005). The present revalidation is an addition to this revision.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d (2 + 2): Two female holotypes of B. ochraceus (from Croatia) and B. gracilis (from Hungary). Croatia: 1. Spain: 1.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n of the female holotype of B. ochraceus: Body 3 mm long. Right antenna deficient, i.e. flagellum with 16 flagellomeres. First flagellomere twice and 16 th flagellomere 1.2 times longer than broad, flagellomeres proximo-distally slightly thickening. According to the original description antenna with 28 antennomeres. - Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 260 View Figs 260-271 ) less transverse, nearly 1.6 times as broad as long, eye nearly 1.4 times as long as temple, temple rounded, occiput weakly excavated. Eye in lateral view ( Fig. 261 View Figs 260-271 ) 1.45 times as high as wide and one-fifth wider than temple, temple evenly wide beyond eye. Oral opening large, its horizontal width twice as long as shortest distance between opening and compound eye ( Fig. 262 View Figs 260-271 ). Head polished; face laterally just (or very finely) granulose.

Mesosoma in lateral view nearly 1.7 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix distinct, i.e. moderately deep and smooth. Propodeum polished, along its hind margin crenulateshaped ( Fig. 263 View Figs 260-271 ). - Hind femur somewhat less than 2.6 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 264 View Figs 260-271 ). Claw curved with distinct basal lobe as in Fig. 265 View Figs 260-271 .

Fore wing about as long as body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 266 View Figs 260-271 ) three times as long as wide and issuing r from its middle; r one-sixth shorter than width of pterostigma; 3-SR a bit longer than 2-SR (i.e. second submarginal cell short), SR1 straight, almost twice as long as 3-SR and approaching tip of wing; 1-R1 somewhat less than 1.5 times as long as pterostigma ( Fig. 266 View Figs 260-271 ). First discal cell less high, 1-M almost 1.9 times as long as m-cu, the two veins not parallel with each other ( Fig. 267 View Figs 260-271 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 268 View Figs 260-271 ) as long as broad behind, beyond pair of spiracles weakly broadening, hind part of scutum rugo-rugulose with striate elements, margin of scutum crenulate. Second tergite clearly twice as broad behind as long laterally; tergites 2-3 equal in length, suture between them bisinuate, subcrenulate. Second and third tergite rugo-rugulose ( Fig. 268 View Figs 260-271 ), rest of tergites smooth and shiny. Hypopygium elongate and pointed, ovipositor sheath long, as long as hind femur + tibia + tarsus combined.

Ground colour of body reddish yellow with dark colour pattern. Dark brown: antenna, propodeum, scutum of first tergite and small antero-median macula on second tergite. Legs yellow, hind tibia apically and hind tarsus entirely brown. Wings subhyaline, pterostigma yellow, veins brownish yellow.

Deviating features of the female holotype of B. gracilis: Body 3 mm long. Temple in dorsal view somewhat less rounded ( Fig. 269 View Figs 260-271 ). Second submarginal cell somewhat less short, 3-SR 1.3 times as long as 2-SR ( Fig. 270 View Figs 260-271 ). Rugo-rugulosity of second tergite somewhat less strong ( Fig. 271 View Figs 260-271 ).

D e s c r i p t i o n of the male (2). - Similar to the female. Body 2.2 mm (1) and 2.5 mm (1) long. Antenna as long as body and with 24 antennomeres (1). First flagellomere three times and penultimate flagellomere twice as long as broad. Sculpture of tergites 1-3 stronger, rest of tergites with gradually weakening rugulo-subrugulosity.

H o s t: unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Hungary, Croatia, Spain.

R e m a r k s: Within the subgenus Lucobracon the species B. ochraceus is nearest to B. fortipes WESMAEL viewing their vein SR1 approaching tip of wing and ground corporal colour is reddish yellow; the distinctive features between the two species are keyed: 1 (2) Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.7-1.85 times as broad as long ( Fig. 272 View Figs 272-278 ). Tergites

2-3 broad, second tergite 3.3-3.5 times as broad behind as long laterally and

somewhat shorter than third tergite ( Fig. 273 View Figs 272-278 ). Second submarginal cell long, 3-SR

(1.25-)1.4 times length of 2-SR ( Fig. 274 View Figs 272-278 ). Pterostigma light brownish.: (3-)3.5-

4.3 mm,: 2.8-3.5 mm ................................................. B. (Lu) fortipes WESMAEL 1838 2 (1) Head in dorsal view less transverse, 1.5-1.6 times as broad as long ( Figs 260, 269 View Figs 260-271 ).

Tergites 2-3 less broad, second tergite twice as broad behind as long laterally,

tergites 2-3 equal in length ( Fig. 268 View Figs 260-271 ). Second submarginal cell less long, 3-SR 1.1-

1.3 times as long as 2-SR ( Figs 266, 270 View Figs 260-271 ). Pterostigma yellow.: 3 mm,: 2.2-2.5

mm .......................................................................... B. (Lu.) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI 1896














Bracon (Lucobracon) ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI

Papp, J. 2008

Bracon gracilis SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 184

TOBIAS V 1986: 141
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1623
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 184

Bracon ochraceus SZÉPLIGETI 1896b: 289

PAPP J 2004: 179
TOBIAS V 1986: 141
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1623
TELENGA N 1936: 173
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1896: 289
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