Bracon (Glabrobracon) novus SZÉPLIGETI, 1901

Papp, J., 2008, A revision of the Bracon (subgenera Bracon s. str., Cyanopterobracon, Glabrobracon, Lucobracon, Osculobracon subgen. n., Pigeria) species described by SZÉPLIGETI from the western Palaearctic Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Braconinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1741-1837 : 1769-1770

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5431644

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bracon (Glabrobracon) novus SZÉPLIGETI


Bracon (Glabrobracon) novus SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ( Figs 220-238 View Figs 220-230 View Figs 231-242 )

Bracon novus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 263 View in CoL (in key) and 278 (description) (in Hungarian); 1904 (1901): 176 (in key) and 181 (description) (in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 252 (in key) and 364 (redescription) assigned to "Section Lucobracon ",. TELENGA 1936: 172 (in key), 281 (redescription) (in Russian) and 375 (in key, in German). SHENEFELT 1978: 1642 (literature up to 1974). TOBIAS 1986: 137 (as synonym of B. epitriptus MARSHALL View in CoL ). PAPP 2004: 178 (type designation and depository).

Bracon View in CoL maculifer SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 264 (in key) and 279 (description) (in Hungarian); 1904 (1901): 177 (in key) and 181 (description) (in German) (syntype series 1), type locality: " Budapest " ( Hungary), female lectotype in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined, syn. n. - FAHRINGER 1927: as valid species 255 (in key) and 361 (redescription), assigned to "Section Lucobracon ",. TELENGA 1936: as valid species 174 (in key), 288 (redescription) (in Russian) and 377 (in key, in German). SHENEFELT 1978: 1642 (literature up to 1974). TOBIAS 1986: 137 (as synonym of B. epitriptus MARSHALL View in CoL ).

T y p e d e s i g n a t i o n: Designation of the female lectotype of B. novus View in CoL : (first label, printed) " Budapest / Szépligeti" ( Hungary); second label is my lectotype card, third label is with the inventory number 1404. - Lectotype is in good condition: (1) micropinned; (2) left antenna deficient distally, i.e. with 15 flagellomeres; (3) wings slightly creased, fore pair of wings somewhat torned.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d (16 + 3): Hungary: 11 + 1 (from 12 localities). Slovakia: 1. Romania (Transylvania): 2 (from two localities). Austria (Niederösterreich): 1. Czech Republic: 1. Germany: 1. Italy, "Südtirol": 1.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n of the female lectotype of B. novus: Body 3.3 mm long. Antenna about as long as body and with 31 antennomeres. First flagellomere twice, second flagellomere a bit shorter than twice and penultimate flagellomere 1.7 times as long as broad; flagellomeres apically slightly obliquely truncate ( Fig. 220 View Figs 220-230 ). - Head in dorsal view transverse ( Fig. 221 View Figs 220-230 ), 1.87 times as broad as long, eye more than twice as long as temple, temple receded, occiput weakly excavated. Eye in lateral view 1.3 times as high as wide, eye 2.5 times as wide as temple, temple evenly wide beyond temple ( Fig. 222 View Figs 220-230 , see arrows). Oral opening 1.4 times wider horizontally than shortest distance between opening and eye (cf. Fig. 282 View Figs 279-289 ). Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.4 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix distinct as shallow sulcus. Propodeum polished, around lunule with short oblique rugae ( Fig. 223 View Figs 220-230 ). - Hind femur 2.9 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 224 View Figs 220-230 ). Fifth tarsomere less than twice as long as fourth tarsomere in hind tarsus ( Fig. 225 View Figs 220-230 ). Claw deeply downcurved, its basal lobe small ( Fig. 226 View Figs 220-230 ).

Fore wing about as long as body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 227 View Figs 220-230 ) less wide, 2.8 times as long as wide and issuing r from its middle, r 0.7 times as long as width of pterostigma; 3-SR somewhat longer than 2-SR, SR1 straight, almost twice as long as 3-SR and reaching tip of wing; 1-R1 1.75 times length of pterostigma. First discal cell fairly high, 1-M clearly 1.8 times as long as m-cu, 1-SR-M almost staright and 1.25 times as long as 1-M ( Fig. 228 View Figs 220-230 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 229 View Figs 220-230 ) just broader behind than long, beyond pair of spiracles moderately broadening, scutum posteriorly rather longitudinally rugo-rugulose, lateral margin of scutum crenulate. Second tergite transverse, 2.6-2.7 times as broad behind as long laterally and slightly longer than third tergite. Fore two-thirds of second tergite longitudinally rugo-rugulose, further tergites polished. Suture between tergites 2-3 weakly bisinuate, subcrenulate ( Fig. 229 View Figs 220-230 ). Hypopygium pointed, ovipositor sheath as long as hind tibia + half basitarsus combined, ovipositor apically pointed ( Fig. 230 View Figs 220-230 ).

Ground colour of body black with much light pattern. Scape ochreous, pedicel ochreous with brownish suffusion, flagellum brown, proximally with ochreous tint. Oral part yellow, palpi straw yellow. Margin of compound eye rusty to faintly rusty. Mesoscutum postero-medially and upper part of pronotum ochreous to yellowish; tegula yellow. Tergites laterally reddish yellow. Legs yellow, tarsi weakly brownish fumous. Wings faintly subhyaline, pterostigma light brown, veins yellowish brown.

Variable features of the females (16): Similar to the female lectotype. Body 3.2-3.8 mm long. Antenna with 28-32 antennomeres Flagellomeres sometimes slightly less long (7). Head in dorsal view less transverse, 1.75-1.8 times as broad as long (3); temple slightly less receded ( Fig. 231 View Figs 231-242 ). Propodeum above lunule with a fairly thick and short keel, around it with short rugulae (2, Fig. 232 View Figs 231-242 ). Hind femur 3-3.1 times as long as broad somewhat distally (5, Fig. 233 View Figs 231-242 ). Extension of the sculpture on second tergite variable, in extreme form restricted to antero-medially and less strong ( Fig. 234 View Figs 231-242 ). Ovipositor sheath as long as hind tibia + basitarsus combined. Metasoma (except first tergite) reddish yellow, i.e. blackish to black streak restricted medially ( var. maculifer SZÉPLIGETI ). Mesoscutum (6) and almost entire pronotum and mesopleuron reddish yellow to yellow (4).

D e s c r i p t i o n of the males (3): Similar to the female lectotype and to females. Body 3-3.8 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 32-34 antennomeres (2). Head in dorsal view 1.8 times as broad as long. Eye somewhat less than twice as long as temple ( Fig. 235 View Figs 231-242 ). Oral opening 1.4-1.5 times wider horizontally than shortest distance between opening and compound eye. Propodeum with a short keel and rugulae ( Fig. 236 View Figs 231-242 ). Hind femur 3.3-3.5 times as long broad somewhat distally ( Fig. 237 View Figs 231-242 ). First tergite somewhat longer than broad behind, second tergite distinctly longer than third tergite ( Fig. 238 View Figs 231-242 ) and either similarly sculptured to that of female ( Figs 234 View Figs 231-242 ) or second tergite entirely and third tergite basally rugo-striate. Second tergite nearly reddish yellow, i.e. only medially blackish. Legs yellow (2), femora 2-3 brown (1).

H o s t unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Hungary, Slovakia, Romania (Transylvania), Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy (South Tyrol).

R e m a r k s: Within the subgenus Glabrobracon the species B. novus is related to B. crassungula THOMSON , the two species are very similar to each other and they are differentiated by a few features keyed: 1 (2) Temple in dorsal view receded ( Figs 221 View Figs 220-230 , 231 View Figs 231-242 ). Fifth tarsomere less than twice as

long as fourth tarsomere of hind leg ( Fig. 225 View Figs 220-230 ). Claw downcurved ( Fig. 226 View Figs 220-230 ).

Second tergite longer than third tergite ( Figs 229 View Figs 220-230 , 238 View Figs 231-242 ). Pterostigma 2.8-3 times as

long as wide ( Fig. 227 View Figs 220-230 ).: 2.8-3.4 mm ...................... B. (Gl.) novus SZÉPLIGETI 1901 2 (1) Temple in dorsal view rounded ( Fig. 239 View Figs 231-242 ). Fifth tarsomere twice as long as fourth

tarsomere of hind leg ( Fig. 240 View Figs 231-242 ). Claw less downcurved ( Fig. 241 View Figs 231-242 ). Third tergite

somewhat longer than second tergite ( Fig. 242 View Figs 231-242 ). Pterostigma 3-3.6 times as long as

wide.: 3-3.8 mm .............................................. B. (Gl.) crassungula THOMSON 1894














Bracon (Glabrobracon) novus SZÉPLIGETI

Papp, J. 2008

Bracon novus SZÉPLIGETI 1901a: 263

PAPP J 2004: 178
TOBIAS V 1986: 137
SHENEFELT R 1978: 1642
TELENGA N 1936: 172
SZEPLIGETI Gy 1901: 263
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