Bracon (Glabrobracon) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI, 1906

Papp, J., 2008, A revision of the Bracon (subgenera Bracon s. str., Cyanopterobracon, Glabrobracon, Lucobracon, Osculobracon subgen. n., Pigeria) species described by SZÉPLIGETI from the western Palaearctic Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Braconinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1741-1837 : 1761-1763

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5431644

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bracon (Glabrobracon) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI


Bracon (Glabrobracon) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI View in CoL ( Figs 163-174 View Figs 163-174 )

Bracon maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI 1906: 588 View in CoL (syntype series 1), type locality: " Marocco: Tanger ", female holotype (present designation) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. - FAHRINGER 1927: 262 (in key) and 402 (redescription) assigned to "Section Orthobracon ". TELENGA 1936: not mentioned. SHENEFELT 1978: 1640 (literature up to 1927). TOBIAS 1986: not included. PAPP 2004: not included.

T y p e d e s i g n a t i o n: Designation of the female holotype of B. maroccanus View in CoL : (first label, my handscript) " Marocco / Tanger " (after Szépligeti l.c.); second label is my holotype card and the third label is with the inventory number 11000. - Holotype is in poor condition: (1) glued by the right legs 1-2 and by the right margin of the metasoma on a quadratic-formed card, middle femur + tibia less visible owing to the mounting; (2) flagelli missing except first flagellomere of left antenna; (3) both pairs of wings missing; (4) missing: right hind tibia, left fore (except coxa) and middle legs; tarsus of right hind leg and left hind leg (except coxa) glued separately on the quadratic card. - The holotype specimen was quite recently found in among the partly unnamed and partly provisionally named Bracon View in CoL material of the Museum Budapest.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d (2): Female holotype from Morocco ( Tanger). One female from Spain, Malaga, Torremolinos, May 1978, leg. G. E. Bohart. One female from Greece (Crete).

R e d e s c r i p t i o n of the female holotype of Bracon maroccanus: Body 4 mm long. First flagellomere 2.8 times as long as broad apically. - Head in dorsal view tansverse ( Fig. 163 View Figs 163-174 ), 1.8 times as broad as long, eye 1.7 times as long as temple, temple receded, occiput weakly excavated. Eye in lateral view 1.4 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye evenly wide and 0.6 times as wide as eye (i.e. eye 1.6 times wider than temple) ( Fig. 164 View Figs 163-174 , see arrows). Oral opening somewhat wider horizontally than shortest distance between opening and compound eye ( Fig. 165 View Figs 163-174 ). Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.6 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix evenly distinct. Propodeum polished, medio-longitudinally with a carina, along carina rugulose ( Fig. View Figs 163-174

166). - Hind femur 1.6 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 167 View Figs 163-174 ). Claw downcurved, its basal lobe large ( Fig. 168 View Figs 163-174 ).

Wings missing, its description is given at the description of the female specimens.

First tergite ( Fig. 169 View Figs 163-174 ) as long as broad behind and evenly broadening posteriorly, margin of scutum with crenulae, hind part of scutum rugose, otherwise first tergite polished. Second tergite transverse, 2.85 times as broad behind as long laterally; suture between tergites 2-3 bisinuate, subcrenulate; third tergite a bit longer than second tergite. Second tergite medially rugose, otherwise together with further tergites polished. Hypopygium truncate, pointed. Ovipositor sheath long, as long as hind tibia + tarsus. Posterior end of ovipositor sheath and ovipositor as in Fig. 170 View Figs 163-174 .

Ground colour of head + mesosoma black, that of metasoma reddish yellow. Scape, pedicel and first flagellomere blackish. Face, cheek and oral organs reddish yellow. Macula at upper part of eye reddish yellow. Pronotum reddish yellow with dark coloured suffusion. Tegula yellow. First tergite entirely black, further tergites with a median black streak. Legs yellow, hind tibia apically and tarsi entirely brownish fumous.

Deviating features of two females: Similar to the female holotype. Body 3.5 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 28 antennomeres. First flagellomere 2.8 times, second flagellomere 2.3 times and penultimate flagellomere 1.6 times as long as broad apically ( Fig. 171 View Figs 163-174 ). Fore wing about as long as body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 172 View Figs 163-174 ) 2.5 times as long as wide and issuing r from its middle; r one-third shorter than width of pterostigma, 3-SR 1.6 times as long as 2-SR; SR1 straight, 1.7 times length of 3-SR and reaching tip of wing; 1-R1 1.7 times length of pterostigma. First discal cell fairly high, 1-M 2.1 times as long as m-cu, 1-SR-M almost straight and 1.3 times as long as 1-M ( Fig. 173 View Figs 163-174 ). First tergite less broadening beyond pair of spiracles ( Fig. 174 View Figs 163-174 ).

M a l e and h o s t: unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Morocco, Spain, Greece.

R e m a r k s: Within the subgenus Glabrobracon the species B. maroccanus is near to

B. fuscicoxis Wesmael considering their receded temple, long ovipositor apparatus and

evenly broadening first tergite, however, the distinction between the two species is pre-

sented as follows:

1 (2) Claw downcurved, its basal lobe large ( Fig. 168 View Figs 163-174 ). Second tergite rugose only medially, suture between tergites 2-3 bisinuate, subcrenulate ( Fig. 169 View Figs 163-174 ). Head black, face, cheek, oral organs and tegula reddish yellow to yellow. Tergites reddish yellow, medially with black streak, first tergite entirely black.: 3.5-4 mm .................. ............................................................................. B. (Gl.) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI 1906

2 (1) Claw less downcurved, its basal lobe small ( Fig. 175 View Figs 175-183 ). Second tergite rugulose of variable extense, suture between tergites 2-3 straight, smooth ( Fig. 176, 177 View Figs 175-183 ). Head entirely and tegula black. Metasoma black, tergites 2-3 variably reddish yellow or rusty.: 3-3.6 mm .................................................... B. (Gl.) fuscicoxis WESMAEL 1838

SZÉPLIGETI (l.c.) stated that B. maroccanus is near to B. (Gl.) dallatorrei SZÉPLIGETI , however, the two species are less so near to each other than B. fuscicoxis ; the two species are separated by the features keyed:

1 (2) Head in dorsal view 1.8 times as broad as long, temple receded ( Fig. 163 View Figs 163-174 ).

Propodeum with a medio-longitudinal carina, along it rugulose ( Fig. 166 View Figs 163-174 ). Hind femur thin, 3.8 times as long as broad ( Fig. 167 View Figs 163-174 ). Claw downcurved, its basal lobe large ( Fig. 168 View Figs 163-174 ). First tergite broadening posteriorly, suture between tergites 2-3 bisinuate, second tergite medially rugose ( Figs 169, 174 View Figs 163-174 ). Flagellomeres of female long, 2.6-1.8 times as long as broad ( Fig. 171 View Figs 163-174 ). Head black, face, cheek and oral organs reddish yellow.: 3.5-4 mm .................... B. (Gl.) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI 1906 2 (1) Head in dorsal view 1.6-1.7 times as broad as long, temple fairly strongly rounded ( Fig. 178 View Figs 175-183 ). Propodeum posteriorly rugo-rugulose ( Fig. 179 View Figs 175-183 ). Hind femur thick, 2.5- 2.7 times as long as broad ( Fig. 180 View Figs 175-183 ). Claw moderately downcurved, its basal lobe of usual size ( Fig. 181 View Figs 175-183 ). First tergite beyond pair of spiracles faintly broadening, suture between tergites 2-3 straight, second tergite medio-basally striolate ( Fig. View Figs 175-183

182). Flagellomeres of female less long, i.e. 1.4-1.1 times as long as broad ( Fig. View Figs 175-183

183). Head yellowish brown to blackish.: 2.5-3.5 mm. (= B. facialis THOMSON 1895 ) ...................................................................... B. (Gl.) dallatorrei SZÉPLIGETI 1901














Bracon (Glabrobracon) maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI

Papp, J. 2008

Bracon maroccanus SZÉPLIGETI 1906: 588

SHENEFELT R 1978: 1640
SZEPLIGETI V 1906: 588
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