Tephritis kogardtauica Hering, 1944
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.1515/vzoo-2015-0013 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03B99B0B-FFFE-FF82-FF5F-60CDFD8E7D8C |
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Felipe (2022-04-12 13:47:43, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 23:55:47) |
scientific name |
Tephritis kogardtauica Hering, 1944 |
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Tephritis kogardtauica Hering, 1944 View in CoL
Hering, 1944: 15; 1947: 9; Foote, 1984: 130; Norrbom et al., 1999: 217.
Material. Type. Holotype ♀: [Kyrghyzstan:] “Togus Tjurae; Kogard Tau (Centralasien), leg. R. Tancre (erhalten geblieben)” ( ZMUH) (destroyed) . Neotype: ♀, [Kyrghyzstan:] “Kara-Tyt 10.6km from Tash-Kumyr, 41°26.3ʹ N 72°13.4ʹ E, h = 950–1100 m, 20– 21.05.1994 (Korneyev) ( SIZK). Paraneotypes: same label as for the holotype 11 ♂, 4 ♀ ( SIZK) GoogleMaps .
Рис. 1. Tephritis kogardtaucia (♀ из Ирана): 1 — общий вид; 2 — брюшко (вид сверху); 3 — крыло; 4 — акулеус (вид снизу); 5 — выворачиваемая мембрана (вид снизу); 6 — вершина акулеуса (вид снизу); 7 — сперматеки.
Рис. 2. Tephritis kogardtaucia из Узбекистана (1, 2, 3), неотип ♀ (4) и паранеотипы (5–9) из Кыргызстана: 1, 4 — общий вид; 2, 5 — акулеус, вентральная сторона; 3, 6 — выворачиваемая мембрана, вентральная сторона; 7 — вершина акулеуса, вентральная сторона; 8 — сперматеки; 9 — гланс фаллюса; 10 — оригинальная иллюстрация голотипа.
Non-type material. Azerbaijan: Kjalvaz, Zuvand , 20.05.1936, 1 ♀ (Arnoldi) ( ZISP) . Iran: Western Azerbaijan Province: Qazemloo valley , 37°18.01ʹ N 45°07.08ʹ E, h = 1450 m, 15.05.2014, 79 ♂, 39 ♀ (S. & V. Korneyev, Y. Karimpour) ( SIZK) GoogleMaps ; idem, ex flower heads of Inula stenocalathia , coll. 19.06.2014, em. 27.06– 12.07.2014, 35 ♂, 33 ♀ (S & V. Korneyev) ( SIZK) GoogleMaps ; idem, from flower heads of I. stenocalathia , coll. 19.06.2014, em. 29.06– 15.07.2014, 90 ♂, 71 ♀ (Mohamadzade) ( SMNC) GoogleMaps ; Kurdistan Province, Marivan, Dezli Valley , 35°18.19ʹ N, 46°11.42ʹ E, 1900 m, ex flower heads of Inula sp. , coll. 16.06.2014, em. 30.06 – 15.07.2014, 5 ♂, 3 ♀ (Mohamadzade & S. Korneyev) ( SMNC) GoogleMaps . Kazakhstan: Kyrday pass, 13.07.1977, 5 ♂, 1 ♀ ; 5 km SW Alma-Aty, near Kargalinka vil., 5.05.1974, 1 ♂, 1specimen (sex unknown, abdomen lost) ; idem, 8.05.1974, 1 ♂, 6 specimens (sex unknown, abdomen lost) idem, 6 km SW, Alma-Aty, near. vil. Kargalinki , 13.05.1974, 2 ♂ (Ivannikov) ( SIZK) . Kyrgyzstan: Takyr-Ter mt. , 20.07.1913, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (Chernav [skiy]) ; Talas Ridge, 120 verst E from Aulie Aga , 1 ♂ (Reitter) ; Air-Tash pass, h = 2460, 18.07.1928, 4 ♀ ; Alai Ridge, h = 2600 m, Toku- Bay , 09.08.1928, 1 ♂ ; Ak-Bel River , 10.08.1928, 2 ♂ (Kuznetsov) ( ZISP) ; Arslanbob , h = 2500, 20.08.1972, 1 ♂ (S. Parkhomenko) ; Boom valley , 29.08.1996, 1 ♂ ( V. Korneyev) ( SIZK) ; Kara-Archa village, SW Kyrghyz Alatau Mts. , 35 km ESE Dzhambyl, 3.05.1994, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (Korneyev) ( SIZK) ; idem, Kara-Arthsa Tal 35 km ESE Dzhambyl, h = 1550 m, 3.05.1994, 3 ♂, 1 ♀ (Merz) ( ZISP) ; Bishkek, Tshon-Aryk h = 1500 m, 5.06.1994, 5 ♂, 6 ♀ , idem, h = 1200 m, 26.05.1994, 1 ♂, 2 ♀ , idem, 29.06.1996 3 ♂, 1 ♀ , idem, 20.06.1999 2 ♂, 7 ♀ ( V. Korneyev) ( SIZK) ; idem, Orto-Sai , 26.05.1994, 1 ♀ (Merz) ( BMNH) ; Chatkal River valley, 15.3 km from Jangy-Bazar , 41°41.1ʹ N 70°39.7ʹ E, h = 1400–1700 m, 20– 1.07.1998, 1 ♂, 2 ♀ (Kameneva & V. Korneyev) ( SIZK) GoogleMaps ; Ak- Terek, 15 km SW, Arslanbob , h = 1800 m, 13.08.1969 1 ♀ (Gorodkov) ( SIZK) ; 11 km N Tas Kumyr , h = 900 m, 21.05.1994, 1 ♂ (Merz) ( RMNH) ; Ferghana Ridge, Mikhaylovka, vic. of Kugart , 16.05.1925, 23 ♂, 32 ♀ (Th. Dobrzansky) ( ZISP) . Uzbekistan: Pacha-Ata, Namangan, Ferghana , 26.08.1928, 1 ♀ (Dzens-Litovskaya) ; Chatkal Nature Reserve, Bashkyzylsai , southern slope, Inula grandis , 16.06.1981, 1 ♀ , idem, I. grandis , 10.07.1982, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ , idem, I. grandis , 13– 16.07.1982, 1 ♀ , idem, 6.06.1982, I. grandis 1 ♂ (L. B. Volkova) ( SIZK) . Tadjikistan: Kondara pass, Varzob valley , h = 1100 m, 10.08.1937, 1 ♂ (Gussakovsky) ( ZISP) .
D i a g n o s i s. Tephritis kogardtauica is a medium-sized (wing length 5.1–6.2 mm) species, mostly yellow colored with pale yellow wing pattern. T. kogardtauica can be easily distinguished from other Palaearctic species of Tephritis by the combination of pale yellow wing pattern and two separated spots on the apex of veins R 4+5 and M, two hyaline spots in cell r 1, and the dark pattern in cell M not reaching posterior margin of the wing, oviscape widely white setulose and aculeus long and wide, evenly narrowed towards apex and narrowly rounded at apex, without steps or incisions. Thorax and abdomen are densely yellow-grey microtrichose, white setulose. The overwintered females differ by having black oviscape, whereas the fresh-reared flies of the summer generation have mostly brownish yellow oviscape. This species is associated with Inula grandis and I. stenocalathia ( fig. 3 View Fig ).
D e s c r i p t i o n. Head ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ; 2 View Fig , 1 View Fig , 4 View Fig ). Yellow, except black ocellar triangle and occiput, length: height: width ratio 1: 1.1: 1.4. Frons as wide as long. Eye 1.4 times as high as long. First flagellomere of antenna 1.5 times as long as wide. Gena 0.5 times as high as length of first flagellomere. Ocellar, medial vertical, anterior orbital and frontal setae brown. Posterior orbital and lateral vertical white to yellowish white. Postocular and genal setulae mixed black and white, and setulae on distal part of palpus and on pedicel black.
Thorax ( fig. 1, 1–2; 2, 1 View Fig View Fig , 4 View Fig ). Ground colour of scutum and scutellum brown to black, densely ochreous-grey microtrichose (golden-yellow in fresh specimens). Setulae white and acuminate; posterior notopleural seta whitish and lanceolate; posterior anepisternal and anepimeral setae brown. Apical scutellar seta 1/2 as long as basal scutellar seta.
Legs ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ; 2 View Fig , 1 View Fig ; 2 View Fig , 4 View Fig ). Entirely yellow to brownish yellow. Fore femur with two posterodorsal rows of shorter white setae and one posteroventral row of long yellowish brown setae.
Wing ( fig. 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig ) with reticulate pale brownish yellow pattern. Cells bc and c hyaline. Pterostigma brown, without hyaline spots. Cell r 1 posterior to pterostigma brownish yellow, two trapeziform hyaline spots distal to R 1 apex separated by narrow brown band; apex of cell r 1 entirely brownish yellow. Cell r 2+3 hyaline at base, with dark area posterior to
Рис. 3. Inula stenocalathia (Rech. f.) Soldano, кормовое растение T. kogardtauica (1); самка T. kogardtauica (2, 3) на его соцветиях.
pterostigma; three hyaline spots posterior to spots in r 1 separated by narrow yellow bands, medial one 2–3 times as wide as proximal and distal spots. Preapical brown area (posterior to cell r 1 apex) with 2–4 smaller hyaline spots. Apex hyaline with small triangular dark spot on R vein. Cell br hyaline in basal half and dark in apical half, usually with 2 small round hyaline spots. Crossvein r–m dark with 4 hyaline dots usually merged into narrow hyaline vertical lines. Cell r 4+5 at the level of dm-cu with large hyaline spot, middle third of cell r 4+5 brown; with 3–5 round hyaline spots, often merging, subapical hyaline spot in cell r 4+5 subrectangular, apex with small triangular dark spot on R 4+5 and M. Cell m with conspicuously reduced brownish yellow pattern usually not reaching its posterior margin. Cell dm with hyaline base, and two dark spots in apical part of cell divided by hyaline area. Cell cu in its medial part with 3 brownish or greyish bars separated by large hyaline spots posteriorly opened into entirely hyaline posterior half of cell cu, and 2 brownish areas at base and apex of it. Anal cell with one pale-yellow spot. Anal lobe is entirely hyaline.
Abdomen ( fig. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig ). Abdominal tergites yellow; densely microtrichose, white setulose and setose; male tergite 5 and female tergites 5 and 6 with dark brown to black marginal setae. Sternites brown, white setulose, moderately wide, male sternite 5 posteriorly incised. Female sternite 6 with anteromedial apodeme. Abdominal pleura matt grey or black.
Terminalia. Male. Epandrium and glans ( fig. 2 View Fig , 9) similar to other Tephritis species.
Female. Oviscape longer than four posteriormost abdominal tergites combined but shorter than abdomen, widely white setulose ventrally and on anterolateral corners dorsally, black setulose and setose dorsomedially and posteriorly ( fig. 1, 1–2; 2, 1 View Fig View Fig , 4 View Fig ). Overwintered specimens with black oviscape, but females of summer generation normally with brownish yellow oviscape ( fig. 1, 1–2 View Fig View Fig ). Eversible membrane with two pairs of taeniae 0.25 times as long as membrane itself; membrane with dentate scales, large and blunt ( fig. 1 View Fig , 5; 2, 3, 6). Aculeus 4.5 times as long as wide, with evenly acute apex ( fig. 1 View Fig , 4 View Fig ; 2, 2 View Fig , 5). Two moderately long, papillose spermathecae 4 times as long as wide ( fig. 1 View Fig , 7; 2, 8).
Measurements. WL = 5.1–6.2 mm; CL = 1.25 mm. AL = 2.1 mm; BL = 5.8–6.5 mm (n = 5) (♂), 7.2–7.9 mm (n = 5) (♀).
H o s t p l a n t s. The larvae feed in flower heads of Inula grandis Schrenk ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey (reared in Uzbekistan by L. Volkova and swept from this plant in Kyrgyzstan by V. Korneyev) and a plant, originally identified as I. stenocalathia (Rech. f.) Soldano ( fig. 3 View Fig ), from which it was reared in West Azerbaijan ( Iran) by S. Mohamadzade Namin, S. Korneyev, and V. Korneyev; the same plant has been identified later as I. peacockiana (Aitch. & Hemsl.) Korovin by Prof. V. Mozaffarian (Department of Botany, Research Inst. of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran). The differences between two latter nominal plant species is unclear, as well as their possible synonymy. I. peacockiana occurs from Iran through Turkmenistan to Kyrghyzstan.
R e m a r k s. Tephritis kogardtauica is recorded here for the first time from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iran. In Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan it is associated with Inula grandis Schrenk ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey ; another species infesting flower heads of that plant is Goniurellia tridens (Hendel, 1910) ( SIZK collection data), whereas in Iran (and possibly in Azerbaijan) larvae of Tephritis kogardtauica infest flower heads of Inula stenocalathia (Rech.f.) Soldano, which is a superficially similar tall plant with big leaves, but with somewhat larger flower heads with longer semifloscules. G. longicauda Freidberg, 1980 , another associated fruit fly species, infests this plant in Iran (S. Korneyev, Karimpour & Mohamadzade Namin, unpublished data), but the two mentioned species of Goniurellia have only minor differences (presence or absence of small hyaline dots on the wing pattern) ( Freidberg, 1980).
No reliable differences between the specimens of T. kogardtauica reared from I. grandis in Kyrgyzstan and I. stenocalathia in Iran were found in body coloration, wing pattern and genital structures, and we consider them conspecific.
T. kogardtauica occurs in the lower and middle belt of mountains, from 900 to 2600 m a. s. l. on non-grazed grasslands, often on steep slopes filled mainly by Serratula spp. (Aster-
Рис. 4. Распространение T. kogardtauica на Среднем Востоке.
aceae), and with Inula spp. plants as subdominants. The map ( fig. 4 View Fig ) shows a disjunction between the localities in Azerbaijan and Western Iran, on one hand, and Western Ten- Shan, on the other hand. The areas in between, in Khorassan ( Iran) and Kopetdagh ( Turkmenistan) are still poorly examined, so T. kogardtauica is believed to occur in that area at least as a very local species.
This work results from studies of the senior author that were financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant No 13-04- 90909 in 2013 and also by the German Agency of Academic Exchange ( DAAD) stipend in 2014.
Our sincere thanks are due to Valery A. Korneyev, the advisor of this work, for his valuable comments and reading this paper at its early stages. SVK thanks Dr. O. G. Ovchinnikova and the late Dr. V. A. Richter for the opportunity to work with specimens deposited in ZISP, and the two anonymous reviewers of the manuscript for their critical comments and corrections.
Foote, R. H. Family Tephritidae // Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 9. Micropezidae. Agromyzidae / Eds A. Soos, L. Papp. - Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984. - P. 66 - 149.
Freidberg, A. A revision of the genus Goniurellia Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae) // Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. - 1980. - 43. - P. 257 - 274.
Hering, E. M. Bestimmungstabelle der Gattung Tephritis Latreille, 1804 // Siruna Seva. - 1944. - 5. - S. 17 - 31.
Hering, E. M. Neue Gattungen und Arten der Fruchtfliegen // Siruna Seva. - 1947. - 6. - S. 1 - 12.
Norrbom, A. L., Carroll, L. E., Thompson, F. C. White, I. M., Freidberg, A. Systematic database of names / Ed. F. C. Thompson. Fruit fly expert identification system and systematic information database // Myia. - 1999 (1998). - 9. - P. 65 - 299.
Fig. 3. Inula stenocalathia (Rech. f.) Soldano, the host plant of T. kogardtauica (1), and a female of T. kogardtauica (2, 3) on its flower heads.
Fig. 1. Tephritis kogardtaucia (♀ from Iran): 1 — habitus; 2 — abdomen (dorsal view); 3 — wing; 4 — aculeus (ventral view); 5 — eversible membrane (ventral view); 6 — aculeus tip (ventral view); 7 — spermathecae.
Fig.2. Tephritis kogardtaucia from Uzbekistan (1, 2, 3), neotype ♀ (4) and paraneotypes (5–9) from Kyrgyzstan: 1, 4 — habitus; 2, 5 — aculeus, ventral view; 3, 6 — eversible membrane; 7 — aculeus tip, ventral view; 8 — spermathecae; 9 — glans of phallus; 10 — original illustration of holotype.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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