Cenopalpus adventicius Ueckermann and Ripka, 2015

Ueckermann, Edward A. & Ripka, Géza, 2015, Three new species and a new record of tenuipalpid mites (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Hungary, Journal of Natural History 50, pp. 989-1015 : 999-1008

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Carolina (2020-08-18 17:36:27, last updated by Plazi 2023-10-31 21:09:02)

scientific name

Cenopalpus adventicius Ueckermann and Ripka

sp. nov.

Cenopalpus adventicius Ueckermann and Ripka sp. nov.

( Figure 2A–P View Figure 2 )


Female. Dorsum completely reticulate. The dorsal body setae broadly lanceolate, serrate. Setae f2 absent. Venter smooth, reticulate anterior to coxae III, posterior to setae 4a and with a few reticulations lateral to coxae III and IV. Ventral, genital and anal shields reticulate. Ventral and genital shields are flanked by three prominent lines and reticulations. Dorsal setae on tibiae I–II, genua I–II and femora I–II broadly lanceolate and serrate. Spermatheca a very long, slender tube terminating into a lobed knob. Femur IV with two setae, d present. Deutonymph with most dorsal setae very long and serrate, except for setae d, e1 and h1, which are minute. Dorsum with prodorsum and posterior half of opisthosoma smooth with striae posterior to c -setae.

Female (n = 6) ( Figure 2A–J View Figure 2 )

Dimensions. Length of body (v2–h1) 248(241–265); width (sc2–sc2) 128(126–137), length of gnathosoma 51(45–51); Legs: I 124(123–136); II 111 (105–120); III 106 (106–113); IV 112 (112–122); setae: v2 38(38–55); sc1 41(43–51); sc2 41(36–48); c1 40(35–48); c2 40(36–41); c3 37(36–47); d1 28(33–40); d3 37(33–46); e1 22 (22–29); e3 32 (32–39); f329 (27–33); h1 14(12–16); h2 24(24–32) .

Dorsum ( Figure 2A–C View Figure 2 ). Dorsum completely reticulate. Dorsal body setae broadly lanceolate and serrate, marginal setae almost, or as long as, distances to setae next behind. Setae f2 absent. Rostrum deeply emarginated with two median lobes and two sub-median lobes. Two pairs of eyes between setae sc1 and sc2.

Venter ( Figure 2D, E View Figure 2 ). Venter smooth between setae 3a and 4a. Reticulate anterior to coxae III, posterior to setae 4a and a patch laterally between coxae III and IV. Seta 3a much shorter than very long 4a. Ventral, genital and anal shields reticulate. Ventral and genital shields flanked laterally by three prominent lines and reticulations. One pair of aggenital, two pairs of genital and two pairs of anal setae, all serrate. Outer pair of genital setae slightly anterior to inner pair. Spermatheca a very long tube terminating in a lobed knob.

Gnathosoma ( Figure 2F, G View Figure 2 ). Rostrum reaching to about middle of femur I. Palp foursegmented, tarsus with a eupathidium and a solenidion distally, tibia with two, femur, genu with one long serrated seta and trochanter without setae ( Figure 2G View Figure 2 ).

Legs ( Figure 2H–J View Figure 2 ). Counts of setae and solenidia (included in counts) on podomeres of legs I–IV: coxae 2-2-1-1, trochanters 1-1-2-1, femora 4-4-2-2, genua 3-3-1-0, tibiae 5-5-3-3, tarsi 9(ω)-9(ω)-5-5. Leg chaetotaxy as follows: trochanters I, II, IV v', III v', l'; femora I–II d, v', bv“, l'; femur III d, ev'; femur IV d, ev ’; genua I–II l', d, l“; III l“ IV nude; tibiae I–II d, l', l“, v', v“; III-IV d, v', v“; tarsi I-II u', u“, p', p“, tc', tc“, ft', ft“, ω; III–IV u', u“, tc', tc“, ft'.

Seta d on tibiae I–III, genua I–II and femora I–II strongly serrate and broadly lanceolate. Femora I–II with seta l' also strongly serrate. Solenidion on tarsi I and II longer than half width of segment. Dorsal setae ft' on tarsi I–IV very long. Tarsal claws uncinate. Tarsi I and II with Iω 10 and IIω 9.

Male (n = 2). ( Figure 2K, L View Figure 2 )

Dimensions. Length of body including gnathosoma 270–283; width 134–135, length of gnathosoma 43–54; Legs: I 112–122; II 100–109 ; III 98 ; IV 102–105 ; setae: ve 34–37; sci 32–33; sce 38–43; c1 27–28; c2 47–50; c3 29–32; d1 23–24; d3 55–56; e1 22; e3 51 –58; f2 33–40; h1 17–18; h2 29–31 . Tarsi I and II with Iω 16 and IIω 13 .

Dorsum ( Figure 2K View Figure 2 ). Rostral shield comprising two median and two submedian lobes. Prodorsal shield entirely reticulated, metapodosoma and opisthosoma separated by transverse band of coarse striae. Opisthosoma without pores. All dorsal setae narrowly lanceolate and barbed with dorsocentral setae shorter than lateral setae. Setae f2 absent.

Venter ( Figure 2L View Figure 2 ). Area posterior to legs I and II and cuticle anterior to setae 4a smooth, behind 4a slightly reticulate and with coarse transverse striae. Reticulate posterior to aggenital setae (ag). Latter barbed and longer than genital setae (g1–2) and ps1, latter three setae also barbed. Setae ps2 much longer than genital setae and ps1 and smooth.

Gnathosoma. Rostrum extending almost to anterior margin of femur I. Palp as in female.

Legs. Similar to those of female. Tarsi I and II with Iω 16 and IIω 13.

Deutonymph (n = 2) ( Figure 2M–P View Figure 2 ).

Dimensions. Length of body 206–235; width 102–120, length of gnathosoma 41–51; Legs: I 98–111; II 81–91 ; III 77–82 ; IV 82–94 . Setae: v2 70–73; sc1 71–77; sc2 71–73; c1 80–82; c2 82–88; c3 70–76; d1 5; d3 83; e1 5; e3 81–83; f3 71–77; h1 76; h2 minute.

Dorsum ( Figure 2M View Figure 2 ). Smooth except for striae between c - and e -setae, all setae very long and spiculate except for d1, e1 and h1 which are minute.

Venter. Completely covered with striae, with one pair of setae 1a, 3a and 4a, one pair of aggenital, one pair of genital and two pairs of anal setae, all slightly serrate.

Gnathosoma. Similar to that of female.

Legs ( Figure 2N–P View Figure 2 ). The leg chaetotaxy only differs from that of female in that trochanter IV is without setae. Dorsal setae on tibiae, genua and femora I and II broadly lanceolate and serrate. Tarsi I and II with Iω 7 and IIω 6.

Relationship to host plant

The carmine adults were collected from the shoots, twigs and leaf underside of the host plant.


This species was intercepted at the quarantine station in Budapest, Hungary on imported potted plants from Italy.

Type material

The holotype female is circled with black ink among 11 paratype females, two males and five deutonymphs, all collected from Rosemary, Rosmarinus o ffi cinalis L. (Fam. Lamiaceae ), slide # 1103, coll. Mrs. Klára Reiderné Saly, 17 April 2002, and deposited in the Department of Plant Protection Development and Coordination, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-environment, National Food Chain Safety Office, Budapest, Hungary.


The specific designation is derived from the Latin word adventicius meaning introduced, referring to the introduced host plant ( Rosmarinus o ffi cinalis of Mediterranean origin) and the introduced mite. The gender is masculine.


This species belongs to the pterinus- group of species ( Baker et al. 1975; Hatzinikolis et al. 1999), in which setae f2 is absent. It includes: Cenopalpus pterinus Pritchard and Baker, 1958 , Cenopalpus arbuti Hatzinikolis and Emmanouel , Cenopalpus pistaciae Papadoulis and Panou , Cenopalpus o ffi cinalis Papaioannou-Souliotis, 1986 and Cenopalpus creticus Hatzinikolis, Papadoulis and Panou. However , Cenopalpus adventicius sp. nov. differs mainly in the deutonymph having all dorsal setae very long, except for setae d1, e1 and h1, which are minute. The females further differ in the shape of the spermatheca being lobed in the new species whereas in the other species it varies, being a large pearshaped sac, kidney-shaped or small pear-shaped knobs. A spermatheca for C. pterinus is not known. The rostrum of the new species extends almost to anterior margin of femur I as in C. arbuti and C. o ffi cinalis, in the other species it extends beyond the anterior margin of femur I. The new species differs from C. arbuti and C. pistaciae in that trochanters III and IV bear two and one seta instead of one and no setae, respectively, while the trochanters’ setal formula of C. o ffi cinalis is 1-1-1-1, and 1-1-2- 1 in the new species. The femora setal formula of C. creticus is 4-3-2-0, as opposed to 4-4-2- 2 in the new species and in C. o ffi cinalis. The chaetotaxy of the tarsi of C. arbuti and C. creticus are 6(2)-6(2)-5-5 and 7(1)-7(1)-5-5, whereas it is 9(1)-9(1)-5- 5 in the new species. According to Hatzinikolis and Papadoulis (1987) tarsi I and II of C. arbuti each have two solenidia, but judging from the figure it seems as if they considered one of the p setae, as a solenidion. The new species is most similar to C. o ffi cinalis and shares the same host. It differs from C. o ffi cinalis as mentioned above. The spermatheca of the female of C. o ffi cinalis is kidney-shaped whereas it is lobed in the new species; the rostral shield has two median and two submedian lobes in the new species, and two median, two submedian and two lateral lobes in C. o ffi cinalis. The male of the new species differs from that of C. o ffi cinalis in that the reticulations of the dorsal shields are smaller, the rostrum extends almost to the anterior margin of femur I, instead of beyond, the rostral shield has four blunt median lobes, as opposed to only two long, median lobes, and setae v2 is slightly longer than distance v2–v2 whereas it is twice as long as v2–v 2 in C. o ffi cinalis.

Baker EW, Tuttle DM, Abbatiello MJ. 1975. The false spider mites of northwestern and north central Mexico (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae). Smithson Contrib Zool. 194: 22.

Hatzinikolis EN, Papadoulis GTh. 1987. A revision of genus Cenopalpus in Greece (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae). Entomologia Hellenica. 5: 13 - 26.

Hatzinikolis EN, Emmanouel NG, Panou HN. 1999. Revision of the genus Cenopalpus Pritchard and Baker (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) and description of two new species from Greece. Int J Acarol. 25: 129 - 140.

Papaioannou-Souliotis P. 1986. Phytophagous mites of the family Tenuipalpidae in Greece and description of three new species. Annals Inst Phytopath Benaki (NS). 15: 11 - 27.

Pritchard AE, Baker EW. 1958. The False Spider Mites (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae). Univ Calif Publ Entomol. 14: 175 - 274.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Cenopalpus adventicius sp. nov. (A) Dorsal view – female. (B) Dorsal seta sc2 – female. (C) Dorsal seta h1 – female. (D) Ventral view – female. (E) Spermatheca. (F) Gnathosoma – female. (G) Palp – female. (H) Right leg I – female. (I) Right leg III – female. (J) Right leg IV – female. (K) Dorsal view – male. (L) Ventral view – male. (M) Dorsal view – deutonymph. (N) Right leg I – deutonymph. (O)Right leg III – deutonymph. (P) Right leg IV – deutonymph.