Wadicosa enucleata ( Roewer, 1959 ), 2023

Kronestedt, Torbjörn, 2023, Species of Wadicosa (Araneae, Lycosidae): transfer of four species from Africa currently placed in Pardosa, Zootaxa 5227 (5), pp. 531-548 : 532-537

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Plazi (2023-01-10 22:17:04, last updated 2023-11-08 12:23:49)

scientific name

Wadicosa enucleata ( Roewer, 1959 )

comb. nov.

Wadicosa enucleata ( Roewer, 1959) comb. nov.

Figs 1F View FIGURE 1 , 2A–C View FIGURE 2 , 3A, D View FIGURE 3 , 4A, D, G View FIGURE 4 , 5A View FIGURE 5 , 6A–B View FIGURE 6 , 7A, D, G View FIGURE 7 , 10 View FIGURE 10 ; Table 1

Pardosa enucleata Roewer, 1959: 123 View in CoL , fig. 62a, b (♀).

Pardosa manubriata View in CoL (misidentification): Lessert 1936: 282, figs 77, 78 (♁).

Type material. Holotype ♀ from SOUTH AFRICA: ‘ Ost-Transvaal’ , RII/4918/256 ( SMF 9904918 About SMF ), examined.

Other material examined. BOTSWANA. Ngamiland: Okavango delta, Mboma Island, [ca 19º11′S, 23°16′E],in Sporobolus spicatus grassland, 18 Oct.1977,A. R.Russell-Smith,1♁ ( CARS).— CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Ouaka: Bambari, [5º46′N 20º41′E], Aug.-Sep. 1967, G. Pierrard, 1♀ ( MRAC 173109).— IVORY COAST. Savanes: N of Korhogo, River Bandama, 9º27′N, 5°38′W, riverine forest, Dec. 1979, J. Everts, 4♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 171891). Woroba: Makono, Ranch de la Marahoué, 8°27′N, 6°52′W, riverine forest, 17 Apr. 1980, J. Everts, 3♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 174087).— KENYA. Narok: Amara river, in riverine woodland, Mar. 1982, C. Dewhurst, 1♁ ( CARS). Taita-Taveta: Mzima Springs, 2°59′S, 38°01′E, damp ground with low vegetation near water, 8 Jan. 1972, T. Kronestedt, 1♀ ( NHRS).— MALAWI. Northern Region: Nyika Plateau, Lake Kaulime, [10º34′S, 33°45′E], alt. 2200 m, bank with Lobelia , 6 Dec. 1981, R. Jocqué, 1♀ ( MRAC 208898); Nyika plateau, Chelinda, [10º35′S, 33°47′E], alt. 2300 m, 8 Dec. 1981, R. Jocqué, 1♁ ( MRAC 156071); Nyika plateau, Chisanga Falls, [10º31 S, 33°40′E], alt. 1800 m, 9 Dec. 1981, R. Jocqué, 1♀ ( MRAC 156514); Chintheche, [11º50′S, 34°10′E], 1 Sep. 1977, R. Jocqué, 1♁ ( MRAC 153385). Southern Region: Mt. Mulanje, Lichenya plateau, Linje river, 16º00′S, 35°30′E, alt. 2000 m, 9 Nov. 1981, R. Jocqué, 1♁ ( MRAC 156538); Zomba, National Botanic Gardens, [15°23′S, 35°19′E], in short grass, 19 Apr. 1991, A. R. Russell-Smith, 1♁ ( CARS).— MOZAMBIQUE. Manica: Chimoio (‘Vila Pery’), [19°06′S, 33°28′E], P. Lesne, 1♁ ( MHNG) ( Lessert 1936 sub Pardosa manubriata ); 50 miles east Mutare (‘Umtali’), Pungwe River, 1903, D. L. Patrick, 1♁ (SAM-ENW-X013571) (previously identified as P. manubriata ).— NIGERIA. Kwara: Ilorin, [8°30′N, 4°33′E], 16 Feb. 1949, B. Malkin, 2♁ ( CAS-ENT 9046054).— SOUTH AFRICA. Eastern Cape: Grahamstown, 33°18′S, 26°30′E, 8 Oct. 1905, W. F. Purcell, 7♁ 6♀ (SAM-ENW-B002383) (previously identified as P. manubriata ); Dunbrody, 33°30′S, 25°36′E, 1898, J. A. O’Neil, 3♀ (SAM-ENW-X008385) (together with 3♀ of P. manubriata ; all previously identified as P. manubriata ); Van Stadens River, 33°54′S, 25°06′E, 29 Jan. 1899, I. L. Drege, 1♁ (SAM-ENW-X005373) (previously identified as P. manubriata ). KwaZulu-Natal: 7 km N Margate, [30°48′S, 30°23′E], 6 Jan. 1977, A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman & C. Cilliers, 1♁ ( NCA 77/283) (previously identified as P. manubriata ). Limpopo: Blouberg, 23°17′S, 28°49′E, 5 Mar. 2009, S. Foord, 1♁ ( NCA 2016/3434) (previously identified as P. manubriata ); 21 mi. S of Musina (‘Messina’), [22°36′S, 29°56′E], alt. 660 m, 25 Mar. 1958, E.S. Ross & R.E. Leech, 1♀ (CAS-ENT 9046034, together with 1♀ of W. oncka ). Mpumalanga: Pier Retief, [27°00′S, 30°48′E], 1 Oct. 1977, E. Klingenberg, 1♁ ( NCA 2001/167) (previously identified as P. manubriata ).— TANZANIA. Kilimanjaro: Mkomazi Game Reserve, 2 km NW of Ibaya camp, [3º58′S, 37°46′E], in grass tussocks near pool in rocky valley, 22 Jan. 1996, A. R. Russell-Smith, 1♁ 3♀ ( CARS). Mbeya: Ikombe, 9°30′S, 34°03′E, large canyon 2 km upstream of mouth, 21 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 2♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 173569); Kyela, 9°35′S, 33°48′E, 4 km E. direction Ipinda, river bank, 19 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 3♁ 2♀ ( MRAC 173509, together with 1♀ of W. oncka ); Matema, 3 km S, ca 9°30S, 34º03E, Livingstone Mts, river bank, 12 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 1♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 173300); do., 1 km N., Livingstone Mts., 1 st canyon N. with permanent water, on stones in river, 14 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 1♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 173306); do., 7 km N, large canyon in Livingstone Mts, sieved litter, 16 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 1♀ ( MRAC 173383); do., 4 th canyon S. with permanent water, river bank, 12 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 2♁ 1♀ ( MRAC 173418); do., 1 km N, forest at foot of Livingstone Mts, sieved litter, 25 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 1♁ ( MRAC 173510): do., 4 th canyon S. with permanent water, in moss waterfall, 21 Nov. 1991, R. Jocqué, 2♁ ( MRAC 173533). Morogoro: Uluguru Mts, Morningside, [6°53′S, 37°40′E], Dec. 1989, C. Dewhurst, 1♁ ( CARS).— TOGO. Kara: Bassari, 9°15′N, 0°47′E, pitfall, 24 Jul. 1984, P. Douben, 1♀ ( MRAC 174088).— ZAMBIA. Central Province: Lusaka, 15º25′S, 28º17′E, Dec. 1970, J. C. Cloudsley-Thompson, 1♀ ( MRAC 137574). — ZIMBABWE. Harare: Mbizi Game Park, [17°54′S, 31°07′E], 6 Jul. 1997, W.J. Pulawski, 1♁ ( CAS-ENT 9046029). Matabeleland North: Batoka Gorge & Dibu Dibu River, 17º58′S, 25º57′E, 27–28 Oct. 1990, V. D. & B. Roth, 3♁ 8♀ ( CAS-ENT 9046031).

Diagnosis. The male differs from other Wadicosa species except W. mabweana and W. manubriata by a long and looped embolus. It differs from W. mabweana and W. manubriata by the flat shape of the retrolateral tegular processes ( Figs 4D View FIGURE 4 : p.rl.p, 4G: arrow). The female is similar to W. mabweana in configuration of the epigyne but differs by the cavity ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 : ca) often being wider and the foveolae larger and more distinct (cf. Figs 6A–B and C–D View FIGURE 6 ).

Description. Male ( Zimbabwe: Batoka Gorge). Total length 5.3. Carapace 2.80 long, 2.10 wide.

Cephalothorax ( Fig. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). Carapace greyish brown with wide greyish yellow median field in thoracic part, widest aside of fovea. No lateral bands. Sides of carapace with short black pubescence. Median field with recumbent longer white pubescence, often more or less missing due to wear. Recumbent white hairs in between eyes extending forwards to AME (often present as a spot of white hairs between PME). Clypeus greyish brown. Chelicerae greyish brown with sooty longitudinal markings. Sternum greyish brown.

Eyes. Width of row I 48, row II 64, row III 80, row II–III 62. Diameter of AME 13, ALE 9, PME 22, PLE 19. Distance between AME 7, between AME and ALE 2.

Abdomen ( Fig. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). Dorsum anteriorly with greyish brown lanceolate stripe. Latter with a large whitish to yellowish elongated patch on each side ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). From back of lanceolate stripe and rearwards dark chevrons and transverse bars on whitish to yellowish ground. (Lanceolate stripe, and transverse bars yellowish brown in the two males from Nigeria ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Whitish to yellowish colour due to underlying guanocytes. Venter light yellowish with recumbent short light hairs and scattered dark hairs.

Legs (Table I). Light greyish brown with weak indistinct darker annulation, Fe darker. Coxae light yellowish, suffused with grey.

Palp ( Figs 3A, D View FIGURE 3 , 4A, D, G View FIGURE 4 ). Pt 0.50, Ti 0.40, Cy 1.25. All segments greyish brown, Cy distally yellowish, apically with 0–2 small spines. Tegular apophysis in ventral view ( Figs 3A View FIGURE 3 , 4A View FIGURE 4 ) about same length and width, widest distally, with hook-like process in lower distal corner. Anterior retrolateral tegular process comparatively long, widest proximally, continuing into a flat posterior retrolateral process ( Figs 3D View FIGURE 3 , 4D, G View FIGURE 4 ). Conductor not discerned. Embolus ( Figs 3A, D View FIGURE 3 , 4A, D View FIGURE 4 ) long, looped, wide, tapering close to tip.

Female ( Zimbabwe: Batoka Gorge). Total length 6.8. Carapace 3.65 long, 2.80 wide.

Cephalothorax and abdomen ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Carapace brownish with yellowish wide median field in thoracic part, widest beside fovea. Lateral bands present only as some separate dots of whitish hairs. Sides of thoracic part covered with short recumbent dark and light hairs, median field with dense whitish pubescence and short dark hairs. Abdomen patterned as in the male.

Eyes. Width of row I 63, row II 77, row III 94, row II–III 76. Diameter of AME 16, ALE 12, PME 29, PLE 25. Distance between AME 9 between AME and ALE 2.

Legs ( Table 1). Coxae yellowish, other segments yellowish brown with greyish annulation.

Female genitalia ( Figs 5A View FIGURE 5 , 6A, B View FIGURE 6 , 7A, D, G View FIGURE 7 ). Epigyne with median cavity wider than long, anteriorly covered by cuticular extension forming a transversal edge posteriorly ( Figs 5A View FIGURE 5 , 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7A View FIGURE 7 ).Anterior to the latter two comparatively large foveolae. Accessory structures wide apart, partly surrounding spermathecae ( Fig 7D View FIGURE 7 ).

Size variation. Carapace lengths of material measured: males 2.35–2.90 (N=15), females 2.90–3.65 (N=15).

Distribution ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ). Botswana, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Lessert, R. de (1936) Araignees de l'Afrique orientale portugaise recueillies par MM. P. Lesne et H. - B. Cott. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 43 (9), 207 - 306. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 144393

Roewer, C. F. (1959) Araneae Lycosaeformia II (Lycosidae). Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba, Mission G. F. De Witte, 55, 1 - 518.

Strand, E. (1908) Nordafrikanische, hauptsachlich von Carlo Freiherr von Erlanger gesammelte Lycosiden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 73, 291 - 376.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. A–C. Wadicosa manubriata (Simon), male. A. Right palp in retrolateral view, from Simon (1898: fig. 356). B–C. Holotype, right palp in retrolateral view (B), and left palp in antero-ventral view (C). Photographs by C. Hervé, MNHN. D–E. W. sordidecolorata (Strand), epigynes, from Strand (1908): D pl. 8, fig. 16 (“Lycosa sordide-colorata”) and E pl. 8, fig.9 (“Lycosa darolii”). F. W. enucleata (Roewer), epigyne, from Roewer (1959, fig. 62b). G–I. W. manubriata (Simon), from Roewer 1959, fig. 63a–c), G. Right palp in retrolateral view. H. Left palp in ventral view. I. Epigyne. (G and H obviously drawn from microslide SMF 13616 (RII 4914/252) in which the embolus in ventral view is distorted similarly to that shown in H.) K. W. mabweana (Roewer), epigyne, from Roewer (1959, fig. 54a). L–M. W. sordidecolorata (Strand), from Roewer (1959, fig. 30a–c). L. Right male palp. M. “Lamella characteristica”= tegular apophysis. N. Epigyne. O. Pardosa darolii (Strand). from Roewer (1959, fig. 20).

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FIGURE 2. Habitus, dorsal view.A–C. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer).A ♁ from Tanzania: Mkomazi, B ♁ from Nigeria: Ilorin. C ♀ from Tanzania: Kyela. D–F. W. mabweana (Roewer). D ♁ and F ♀ from DR Congo: Mikembo, E ♁ from Namibia:Andara. G–I. W. manubriata (Simon). G ♁ from Namibia: Brukkaros Crater. H ♁ from South Africa: Dendron. I ♀ from Zimbabwe: Umguza River. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–I).

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FIGURE 3. Right male palp, ventral view (A–C) and retrolateral view (D–F). A, D. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer) from Tanzania: Kyela. B, E. W. mabweana (Roewer) from DR Congo: Mikembo. C, F. W. manubriata (Simon) from Namibia: Brukkaros Crater. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A–F).

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FIGURE 4. Bulbus of left male palp in ventral (A–C) and retrolateral (D–F, detail enlarged in G–I), view. A, D, G. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer) from Tanzania: Kyela. B, E, H. W. mabweana (Roewer) from DR Congo: Mikembo. C, F, I. W. manubriata (Simon) from Namibia: Windhoek. Arrows point at posterior retrolateral tegular process. Scale bars: 300 µm (A–F), 200 µm (G–I).

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FIGURE 5. Epigyne, ventral view. A. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer) from Tanzania: Kyela. B, C. W. mabweana (Roewer), from DR Congo: Mikembo. D. W. manubriata (Simon), from Zimbabwe: Umguza River. E. W. sordidecolorata (Strand), from Cameroon: Koum. Scale bar: 0.2 mm (A–E).

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FIGURE 6. Epigyne, ventral view.A–B. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer), A holotype, B from Zimbabwe: Batoka Gorge. C–D. W. mabweana (Roewer), C lectotype, D from Namibia:Andara. E–F. W. manubriata (Simon), E from Namibia: Windhoek, F from Namibia: Brukkaros Crater. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

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FIGURE 7. Epigyne in ventral (A, B, C) and female genitalia in dorsal (D–F, details in G–I) view.A, D, G. Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer) from Zimbabwe: Batoka Gorge. B, E, H. W. mabweana (Roewer) from DR Congo: Mikembo. C, F, I. W. manubriata (Simon), C from Namibia: Windhoek, F from South Africa: Paarl (F). Scale bars: 300 µm (A–F), 50 µm (G–I).

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FIGURE 10. Collection localities for Wadicosa enucleata (Roewer), W. mabweana (Roewer), W. manubriata (Simon) and W. sordidecolorata (Strand).


University of Surinam, Center for Agricultural Research


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle











