Smicromorpha attenboroughi Binoy, 2021

Binoy, C., Santhosh, S. & Nasser, M., 2021, Review of Smicromorpha Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) with description of a new species from India, Zootaxa 4991 (1), pp. 131-149 : 134-137

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Plazi (2021-06-24 16:19:09, last updated 2024-11-27 05:24:06)

scientific name

Smicromorpha attenboroughi Binoy

sp. nov.

Smicromorpha attenboroughi Binoy , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–15 View FIGURES 1–9 View FIGURES 10–15 )

Type material. All from India: Kerala: Kozhikode district, collected by C. Binoy. Holotype ♀: Mampetta (11.32º N & 75.98º E, 85 m), 22.vii.2017, ex. nr. nests of Oecophylla smaragdina , in light, direct aspiration (see ‘Material and methods’ for deposition). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: same details as holotype, with terminal flagellomeres, one hind leg and fore leg on card-point (1♀); Mukkam (11.25º N & 75.61º E, 50 m), 13.viii.–12.ix.2018, Malaise trap (2♀); Mukkam (11.25º N & 75.61º E, 50 m), 12.ix.2018, in light, modified light trap (2♀); Mamapetta (11.45º N & 75.75º E, 85 m), 07.iv.2019, in light, modified light trap (1 ♀).

Recognition. Smicromorpha attenboroughi is most similar to S. doddi and thus quite different from S. keralensis , the only other species so far described from India ( Narendran 1979), and from S. masneri , described from Vietnam ( Darling 2009). The new species keys out as S. doddi in the key provided by Naumann (1986). It nevertheless differs from that species by: 1) the presence of an 8-segmented antenna, the clava uniquely being 2-segmented ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–9 ); 2) a different colour pattern of the mesosoma, with more extensive dark parts—mid lobe of mesoscutum ante- riorly with a large petal-like basal brown patch and posterolateral spots, scapulae and axillae mostly dark brown, metanotum laterally and a crescent-shaped strip surrounding the propodeal spiracle anteriorly, black ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–9 ); 3) by the presence of a complete transverse carina on the pronotum collar ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–9 ); and 4) petiole with anterodorsal 0.4× smooth ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–15 ). In addition to having only a 7-segmented flagellum ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 23–31 ), S. doddi has the markings restricted to darker colouration on scapula and axilla outside ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 23–31 ), the pronotal carina is restricted to the sides ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 23–31 ), and the petiole dorsally is minutely reticulate-punctate to rugose ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 23–31 ).

Description: Holotype ♀, length of body 5.47 mm, length of fore wing 3.07 mm.

Colour. Head pale yellowish orange; ocelli brownish black, partly red; mandibles yellowish brown with deep brown tooth; antenna with scape translucent white, pedicel pale yellowish white, fl 1 and fl 2 yellowish brown, remaining segments pale brownish with terminal flagellomere deep brown; mesosoma yellowish orange but mid lobe of mesoscutum anteriorly with a large petal-like brown patch and posterolateral spots, scapulae and axillae mostly dark brown, metanotum laterally and a crescent strip surrounding propodeal spiracle anterolaterally, black; tegula brownish black; fore and mid coxae pale yellowish, hind coxa brownish dorsally, fore femur pale brownish yellow, mid femur pale yellowish, hind femur yellowish orange with basal third deep brown; all tarsi testaceous; wings slightly but uniformly infuscate, with dense brown setation joining stump of basalis, veins brown; metasoma brown- ish orange with dense setation.

Head. Head slightly broader than mesoscutum including tegula, in dorsal view 1.89× as wide as long, in frontal view 1.4× as wide as long; eye 1.25× as high as wide in profile, 1.3× as high as wide in frontal view ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–9 ); LOD 1.53× POL; ocellar angle acute ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–9 ) without longitudinal grove between median ocellus and antennal scrobe; inner edges of eyes strongly convex at lower eye margin, maximum interocular distance (on vertex) more than thrice as great as minimum distance (at mid-length of face); face moderately pubescent with short white hairs; antennal scrobe with carinate margin; malar space quite short, 0.13× length of eye in profile, malar carina absent; lower frons and clypeus with weak striations and moderately long setation ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–9 ); antenna short, ten-segmented with sub-erect setae, antennal formula 11062; flagellum fusiform, collapsing when air dried, ratio of flagellomere lengths 1.0:1.33:1.33:1.24:1.17:1.17:0.8:1.0; length of scape somewhat less than segments 2‒6 combined, fl 1 0.75× length of fl 2, pedicel 2× as long as wide ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 39–45 ).

Mesosoma. Moderately pubescent with adpressed setae; pronotal collar entirely carinate, including dor- sally ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–9 ); mesopleuron rugose-punctate with ventral area transversely strigate ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 46–51 ), sternaulus absent; mesoscutum punctate anteriorly and with fine reticulation posteriorly; scutellum convex ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–9 ); propodeum weak- ly convex, declining posteriorly, spiracular sulcus indistinct ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–9 ).

Legs. Hind leg: coxa 3.5× as long as wide; femur 1.7× as long as wide with a median depression on outer disc, and a basal tooth at proximal third followed by serrulation forming two weak lobes; tibia slender with an apical spine. All tarsi slender ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10–15 ).

Fore wing. Almost 3× times as long as wide with dense brown hairs near veins and distributed along entire surface; STV shorter than MV, at a slightly obtuse angle with the coastal margin; brownish infuscation near STV with well-developed flexion lines; PMV absent; stump of basalis present ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–15 ).

Petiole. Length 3.5× width and 4.8× height, not swollen basally, reticulate-punctate basolaterally, anterior 0.4× smooth and remainder minutely reticulate dorsally, transverse lamina distinct, extending posteroventrally to mid length, and lateral margins carinate basally and apically ( Figs 12, 13 View FIGURES 10–15 ).

Gaster. Length 3.71 mm. Gaster slender, distinctly setaceous; Gt 6 the largest; collapsing on drying; ovipositor sheath slightly visible dorsally ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 10–15 ).

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a commemorative, genitive noun in apposition taken from the patronym Attenborough after the naturalist and broadcaster, Sir David Frederick Attenborough for making the world’s natural history accessible and understandable to millions with his outstanding documentaries

Distribution. Oriental ( India).

Host. Unknown, recovered near the nest of Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius) ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae ) ( Figs 58–61 View FIGURES 58–61 ), possibly parasitizing the same.

Darling, D. C. (2009) A new species of Smicromorpha (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae) from Vietnam, with notes on the host association of the genus. ZooKeys, 20, 155 - 163. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 20.195

Narendran, T. C. (1979) A new species and a new record of the interesting genus Smicromorpha Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) from Oriental region. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 75, 908 - 911.

Naumann, I. D. (1986) A revision of the Indo-Australian Smicromorphinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 22, 169 - 187.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–9. Smicromorpha attenboroughi Binoy, sp. nov., holotype ♀: 1, habitus, lateral view; 2, antenna; 3, clypeus; 4, head, frontal view; 5, head, dorsal view; 6, head and pronotum in part, dorsal view showing pronotal carina; 7, head and meso- soma, lateral view; 8, mesosoma, dorsal view; 9, scutellum (in part), propodeum and petiole (in part), dorsal view. Scale bar: Fig. 1: 1 mm; Figs 2, 3: 100 μm; Figs 4–6, 8, 9: 200 μm; Fig. 7: 500 μm.

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FIGURES 10–15. Smicromorpha attenboroughi Binoy, sp. nov., holotype ♀: 10, hind leg; 11, fore wing venation; 12, petiole, dorsal view; 13, petiole, lateral view; 14, metasoma, lateral view; 15, terminal segments of metasoma and ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bar: Figs 10–13, 15: 200 μm; Fig. 14: 500 μm.

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FIGURES 23–31. Smicromorpha doddi Girault: 23, habitus, lateral view (♀); 24, head, frontal view (♀); 25, head, frontal view (♂); 26, antenna (♀); 27, head, dorsal view (♀); 28, mesosoma, dorsal view (♀); 29, pronotum, lateral view showing pro- notal carina (♀); 30, petiole, dorsal view (♀); 31, petiole, lateral view (♀). Scale bar: Fig. 23: 1 mm; Figs 24, 25, 27, 29, 31: 200 μm; Fig. 28: 500 μm; Figs 26, 30: 100 μm.

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FIGURES 39–45. Smicromorpha keralensis Narendran (39, 40, 45 holotype ♂; 41–43 non-type ♀): 39, habitus, lateral view; 40, head, mesosoma and petiole, dorsal view; 41, habitus, lateral view; 42, dorsal view; 43, mesosoma, lateral view (arrow showing sternaulus); 44, head, frontal view; 45, labels. Scale bar: Fig. 39: 1 mm; Figs 40–42: 500 μm; Fig. 43: 200 μm.

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FIGURES 46–51. Smicromorpha lagynos Naumann, holotype ♀: 46, habitus, lateral view; 47, head, frontal view; 48, head, dorsal view; 49, mesosoma and petiole, dorsal view; 50, fore wing; 51, type labels. Scale bar: Fig. 46: 1 mm; Figs 47, 48, 50– 200 μm; Fig. 49: 500 μm.

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FIGURES 58–61. Nest of Green weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina Fab.: 58, initiation of nest on Mangifera indica L.; 59, silken threads of final formed nest (ant larvae in background); 60, final formed nest on M. indica with green weaver ants and parasitoid; 61, Green Weaver Ant, Oecophylla smaragdina Fab. ♀.













