Oidaematophorus androsensis Matthews, 2019

Matthews, Deborah L., Miller, Jacqueline Y., Simon, Mark J. & Goss, Gary J., 2019, Additions to the plume moth fauna of The Bahamas (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) with description of four new species, Insecta Mundi 708 (708), pp. 1-35 : 12-13

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Felipe (2020-02-18 12:11:58, last updated 2024-11-27 07:54:30)

scientific name

Oidaematophorus androsensis Matthews

sp. nov.

Oidaematophorus androsensis Matthews View in CoL , new species

Fig. 15 View Figures 10–17 , 53 View Figures 49–53

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from other species of the archipelago by the relatively broad forewings, prominent midleg tibial tufts ( Fig. 15 View Figures 10–17 ), and the distinctive antrum of the female genitalia ( Fig. 53 View Figures 49–53 ). The shape of the antrum, specifically the truncate anterior part, also distinguishes it from mainland nearctic and neotropical species.

Description (female). Based on the holotype. Head. Labial palpi erect, overall length just exceeding eye diameter, first (basal) and second segment mottled with chestnut-brown tipped buff scales; third segment white and cream buff. Front and vertex scaled with drab tipped white scales, uniformly white between antennae. Occipital fringe scales elongate, bifid, drab. Antenna with scape and pedicle white. Flagellum dorsum dotted white and drab basally, shading to all drab distally, venter cream buff, minutely ciliate. Thorax. Dorsum including tegulae white with drab tipped scales, some chestnut-brown tipped scales near head. Foreleg coxa and femur mottled drab and cream buff, distal part of coxa terminating in weak tuft of elongate chestnut-brown scales; tibia proximally white, distally with tuft of elongate drab scales; tarsomeres banded white and cream buff. Midleg coxa and femur mottled drab and cream buff; tibia drab and cream buff with distinct drab tuft at middle and terminus ( Fig. 15 View Figures 10–17 ); spurs white and drab, longitudinally striped; tarsomeres banded white and cream buff. Hindleg coxa and femur white; tibia white near base shading to drab, some chestnut-brown scales near base of both spur pairs, distinct scale tufts absent. Forewing. Length 7.5 mm. Cleft origin at 0.63× wing length from base. Ground color drab with scattered drab, chestnut-brown tipped scales and all white or white, drab tipped scales. A line of chestnut-brown scales trailing along vein Sc. Scattered chestnut-brown and white scales in discal cell. A diffuse chestnut-brown transverse dash along terminus of cell near cleft base. Costal margin of first lobe with distinct chestnut-brown dash at R 2 terminus followed distally by two smaller drab dashes each flanked by subequal patches of white scales. Cleft fringe drab with a small white patch at R 5 terminus. Second lobe with patch of 2–5 chestnut-brown scales marking terminus of M 3, Cu 1, and Cu 2; fringes drab except mixed with some white at terminus of Cu 1 and Cu 2. Forewing venter uniformly drab except fringes and first lobe costa dashes visible as on dorsum. Hindwing and fringes uniformly drab dorsally and ventrally. Venous scales chestnut-brown. Abdomen. Mixed drab and white, scales mostly white with drab tips.

Female genitalia. Papillae anales moderately setose, weakly sclerotized at base. Apophyses posteriores length about 2× that of papillae anales. Apophyses anteriores indistinct in preparation, appearing as curved lateral projections of anterior margin of tergite VIII. Anterior margin of tergite VIII a broad irregular band of double layered integument. Ostium not differentiated from antrum, a broad pocketlike infolding along sternite VII. Antrum weakly sclerotized, bell-shaped with anterior third truncate and posterior two-thirds flared with anterior extending in a curved tail on right side, overall length at least twice that of papillae anales. Anterior part of antrum opening into membranous broad juncture of bursa copulatrix and ductus seminalis. Bursa copulatrix not differentiated into ductus and corpus bursae, instead forming a short lobe-like branch about as long as antrum. Ductus seminalis at least 5× length of bursa copulatrix, broad at base, midsection diameter similar to anterior part of antrum, anterior part coiled.

Type. HOLOTYPE. ♀, with the following labels: ‘ BAHAMAS: North Andros, │ 2.4 mi. S of Staniard Creek, │ 24.797594°, −77.888264° │ 11.vi.2012 at light’ [white printed]; ‘ Mark Simon , Gary │ Goss , Rick Rozycki │ & Michael Simon’ [white printed]; ‘ M. Simon │MGCL Accession │ No. 2012-28 ’ [white printed]; ‘D. MATTHEWS │GENITALIA │PREP. #1670’ [white printed]; ‘ HOLOTYPE ♀ │ Oidaematophorus androsensis │D. Matthews’ [red printed]; ‘ PTERO1277 Pterophoridae Database’ [white printed with barcode]. The holotype is deposited at MGCL.

Life history. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from the female holotype from North Andros Island. The type locality is an unpaved track through Caribbean pine forest ( Pinus caribaea Morelet ).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality. Andros is politically known as one island, the largest of The Bahamas, although it is actually an archipelago of many islets and cays as well as larger islands. These islands are grouped into three large districts (North Andros Island, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros Island) which are separated by major saltwater waterways known as bights.

Comments. This species is placed in the genus Oidaematophorus Wallengren based on the wide bellshaped antrum of the female genitalia. The coiled ductus seminalis and prominent scale tufts at the midleg tibial spurs are also typical for the genus.

Gallery Image

Figures 10–17. Bahamas Pterophoridae pinned adults. 10) Dejongia californicus ♀, San Salvador Island, 26.vii.2015. 11) Exelastis pumilio ♂, Abaco, 2.xi.2014. 12) Exelastis montischristi ♀, Cat Island, 25.vi.2014. 13) Exelastis dowi ♂, Abaco, 30.x.2014. 14) Emmelina buscki ♀, Grand Bahama Island, 27.x.2014. 15) Oidaematophorus androsensis Matthews, new species, ♀, holotype, North Andros Island, 11.vi.2012. 16) Hellinsia paleaceus ♂, Abaco, 6.vi.2016. 17) Hellinsia chlorias ♂, Crooked Island, 20.ix.1988. Scale line below each name equals 1 mm.

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Figures 49–53. Bahamas Pterophoridae female genitalia. 49) Hellinsia unicolor, slide DM 2096. 50) Hellinsia paleaceus, slide DM 2148. 51) Hellinsia lucayana Matthews, new species, paratype, slide DM 2110. 52) Hellinsia bahamensis Matthews, new species, holotype, slide DM 2093. 53) Oidaematophorus androsensis Matthews, new species, holotype, slide DM 1670.