Cameraria perodeaui De Prins, 2012
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Felipe (2021-08-24 19:35:22, last updated 2024-11-24 23:18:27) |
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Cameraria perodeaui De Prins |
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sp. nov. |
9. Cameraria perodeaui De Prins View in CoL , new species
( Figs 14 View FIGURES 11–20 , 33, 34 View FIGURES 33–38 , 302 View FIGURES 300–302 , 363 View FIGURES 356–366 , 443 View FIGURES 441–445 , 447 View FIGURES 446–447 )
Diagnosis. The wing pattern of C. perodeaui superficially resembles that of Pyllonorycter lemarchandi . However, the female genitalia of the two species are very different: 1) narrow, sclerotized slender papillae anales with spirally turned sharp ventral ends separated by broad gap in C. perodeaui and broad well developed papillae anales in P. lemarchandi ; 2) ductus bursae and corpus bursae not separated in C. perodeaui and clearly separated in P. lemarchandi ; and 3) heavy sclerotized antrum well developed extending all along segment VII in P. lemarchandi , the sterigma represented by a small, narrow, crescent-shaped lamella antevaginalis in C. perodeaui . Cameraria perodeaui also differs in COI sequence (“DNA barcode").
Holotype: ♀, [1] ‘Congo Dem. Rep. [ Democratic Republic of the Congo]’ [2] ‘ Bas-Congo 320 m / Nat.[ure] Res.[erve] Luki-Mayumbe / 05°37’S 13°05’E / 16.v.2007 / leg. J. & W. De Prins; [3] ‘Gen. Prep. 3743♀ / De Prins’; [4] ‘MRAC/KMMA / 00451’; specimen ID: [5] ‘ RMCA ENT 000004799 ’; [6] ‘DNA leg voucher / AK-07- 063, in UM-SI’; [7] ‘Holotype ♀ / Cameraria / perodeaui / De Prins, 2012 ’, in RMCA. GoogleMaps
Paratype: 1♀ (including 1♀ genitalia preparation). Democratic Republic of the Congo: 1♀, Bas-Congo, 320 m, Nat.[ure]. Res.[erve] Luki-Mayumbe, 05°37’S 13°05’E, 23.v.2007, leg. J. & W. De Prins, gen. prep. De Prins 3742♀ (MRAC/KMMA 00450), wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00453, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000004798, in RMCA, DNA voucher AK-07-136, in UM-SI .
Description. Adult ( Figs 33, 34 View FIGURES 33–38 ). Forewing length: 2.1–2.3 mm.
Head: Anterior part of vertex with suppressed white piliform scales with metallic shine, a bunch of erected pale-ochreous piliform scales on posterior part of vertex and occiput; basic colour of erected scales pale ochreous intermixed with slight suffusion of dark brown piliform scales, a few of them, mostly those situated at outer margin with shiny golden tips; longer tufted scales on posterior part of vertex project latero-dorsally, shorter tufted scales on occiput project posteriorly; frons smooth, white, with silver gloss. Maxillary palpus rudimentary. Labial palpus white without gloss with slight beige shading, drooping, terminal palpomere with sharply pointed apex, directed downwards. Haustellum of medium length, 2× curved, whitish pale beige. Antenna slightly shorter than forewing, consisting of 32–33 flagellomeres, each flagellomere dark fuscous with narrow shiny pale ochreous base and apex dorsally, light grey ventrally; pedicel slightly thicker and shorter than following flagellomere, concolourous with remaining flagellomeres; scape dark fuscous anteriorly and pale beige posteriorly with 6–8 white thick, long as diameter of compound eye, pecten of similar length.
Thorax: Fuscous; tegulae fuscous, concolourous with shading of thorax. Forewing ground colour brownish ochreous with white markings: one fascia, 3 costal strigulae and 2 dorsal strigulae; basal streak absent, fascia at 1/4 of forewing, almost straight, rather wide, edged on both sides with an irregular row black scales; first costal strigula just situated slightly beyond half of forewing, comma shaped, oblique towards apex, rather short, just reaching a fourth of width of forewing, edged with black scales on both sides, in right forewing of paratype black edging of first strigula extends along costa; second costal strigula at 3/4, short stripe shaped, oblique towards base, edged on both sides by a row of black scales; a suffusion of fuscous scales between second and third costal strigulae on right forewing of paratype, absent on left forewing; third costal strigula at apex, rodshpaed or rounded spot ca. twice as large as first two costal strigulae, edged by blackish scales on both sides; first dorsal strigula opposite first costal strigula, oblique towards apex, extending slightly longer than midline of forewing, edged on both sides, tips of first costal strigula and first dorsal strigula touching each other; in paratype, first costal strigula and first dorsal strigula joined with each other to form slightly angulated fascia; second dorsal strigula opposite second costal strigula, rod-shaped, not reaching midline of forewing, edged on both sides; black fringe line running along termen, also at tornus and apex; fringe greyish beige, short along termen, long at dorsum. Hindwings pale greyish; fringe slightly darker than hindwing, very long at middle and gradually shorter towards apex of hindwing. Fore femur and fore tibia fuscous dorsally, pale gray ventrally, tarsomeres pale fuscous with slight beige shading, terminal tarsomere beige ochreous; mid-femur and mid-tibia fuscous dorsally, pale grey ventrally, tibial spurs fuscous, tarsomeres I–II fuscous, tarsomeres III–IV fuscous with dirty white in basal half, terminal tarsomere dirty white; hind femur shiny dirty white with a few fuscous scales subbasally and medially, hind tibia shiny greyish ochreous with pale grey subbasally, intermixted with ochreous grey shiny scales; appressed scales at basal 1/3, appressed loose hairs at apical 2/3; medial spurs long, ca. 2/3 of tibial length, pale grey with metallic shine and dark fuscous median part, apical spurs short, hald as long as medial spurs, pale shiny grey with fuscous subapex, tarsus white with three blackish fuscous rings, tarsomere I white with blackish apical half, tarsomere II grey basally, white medially and fuscous apically, tarsomere III white with blackish fuscous base and grey apex, tarsomere III blackish fuscous subbapically, tarsomere IV entirely greyish fuscous, tarsomere V white with very narrow grey basal ring.
Variation of wing pattern: The suffusion of fuscous scales at the termen area can significantly vary in its intensity. Apex of left and right forewing of same specimen may be different, e.g., in one paratype; apex of right forewing has a large fuscous patch and terminal area of the left forewing lacks fuscous irroration.
Abdomen: Fuscous grey dorsally, pale grey with metallic shine ventrally.
Male genitalia. Unknown.
Female genitalia ( Fig. 302 View FIGURES 300–302 ). Papillae anales joined by strongly sclerotized basal bar, with narrow, getntly roundled, turned ends, contiguous dorsally, somewhat triangular with rounded tips, ventrally separated by rather wide gap; radially setose with long (140 µm) stiff setae intermixed with shorter, more slender (ca. 75 µm) setae; inner surface of papillae anales+basal bar covered with numerous rounded tubercles. Bases of posterior apophyses fused with basal bar, posterior apophyses short, ca. 180 µm in length, slender, slightly bent inwards, reaching posterior edge of segment VII with their sharply pointed apices. Segment VIII short, unsclerotized, weakly connected to segment VII only dorsally by narrow band, ventrally segment VIII with a broad irregularly shaped “hole”. Anterior apophyses with very broad, hooked, shoulder-like bases, anastomosed with posterior margin of segment VIII; anterior apophyses+broadly dilated bases of anterior apophyses ca. 260 µm long, caudal part of anterior apophyses ca. 170 µm; anterior apophyses slender, bent inwardly with sharp apices pointing outward, extending well into segment VII, ending just before middle. Segment VII medium sized, ca. 330 µm long, slightly enlarged towards anterior margin, middle area of ventral posterior margin with rounded emargination bordering sterigma anteriorly, tubular, more numerous laterally. Ostium bursae opening at middle of emargination of posterior margin of segment VII; lamella antevaginalis a thickly sclerotized crescent, encircling ostium bursae. Antrum short tubular melanized, articulated from two parts. Ductus bursae gradually widening to corpus bursae, without distinct separation. Ductus bursae plus corpus bursae ca. 820 µm long, weakly sclerotized; corpus bursae without signum. Ductus spermathecae narrow, sclerotized, ca. 145 µm long, gently and broadly coiled, of medium size, irregularly rounded, situated close to posterior margin of segment VI.
DNA sequences. Sequence data are available for CAD ( JN125085 View Materials ) and 3007fin ( JN124967 View Materials ; Table S1 View TABLE 1 ).
Etymology. The specific name honours Bruno Perodeau, the principal technical advisor and the director of the projects at the World Wildlife Foundation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for his generous and heartwelcome support during the field work in the DRC, his intensive efforts to conserve nature in Africa and his sincere interest in insect biodiversity issues of this country.
Habitat. Primary rain forest ( Figs 443 View FIGURES 441–445 , 447 View FIGURES 446–447 ).
Host plant(s). Unknown.
Flight period. Adults have been collected in late May.
Distribution ( Fig. 363 View FIGURES 356–366 ). Known only from Luki-Mayumbe, the type locality in the West of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
De Prins, J. & Sruoga, V. (2012) A review of the taxonomic history and biodiversity of the genus Urodeta (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Elachistinae), with description of new species. Zootaxa, 3488, 41 - 62.
FIGURES 11–20. Wing morphology of the Afrotropical Lithocolletinae genera. 11, Hyloconis luki, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00454. 12, Neolithocolletis mayumbe, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00535. 13, Neolithocolletis nsengai, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00427. 14, Cameraria perodeaui, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00453. 15, Cameraria torridella, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00490. 16, Phyllonorycter grewiaecola, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00528. 17, Phyllonorycter melanosparta, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00497. 18, Cremastobombycia kipepeo, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00494. 19, Cremastobombycia morogorene, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00667. 20, Porphyrosela teramni, wing venation prep. MRAC/KMMA 00434.
FIGURES 33–38. Adults. Scale bar 1 mm. 33, Cameraria perodeaui, holotype ♀, DRC, Bas-Congo, Luki-Mayumbe NR, 16.v.2007, leg. J. & W. De Prins, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000004799. 34, Cameraria perodeaui, paratype ♀, DRC, Bas-Congo, Luki-Mayumbe NR, 23.v.2007, leg. J. & W. De Prins, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000004798. 35, Cameraria sokoke, holotype ♂, Kenya, Arabuko Sokoke Forest, 30.iii.2004, leg. J. De Prins, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000003275. 36, Cameraria zaira, holotype ♂, DRC, Ht. Katanga, Panda, 04.ii.1930, leg. J. Romieux, in MHNG. 37, Cameraria torridella, holotype ♂, Kenya, Rift Valley, Turi, 02.xii.1998, leg. D.J.L. Agassiz, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000003121. 38, Phyllonorycter achilleus, holotype ♂, Kenya, Rift Valley, Turi, ex mine 16.x.1999, leg. D.J.L. Agassiz, specimen ID: RMCA ENT 000003125.
FIGURES 300–302. Female genitalia. Scale bar 200 µm. 300–301, Cameraria varii, paratype, genitalia prep. De Prins 3453, in TMSA. 300, segments VII–X, ventral view. 301, corpus bursae. 302, Cameraria perodeaui, holotype, genitalia prep. MRAC/ KMMA 00451, in RMCA.
FIGURES 356–366. Distribution of Afrotropical Lithocolletinae species. 356, Hyloconis luki. 357, Neolithocolletis mayumbe. 358, Neolithocolletis nsengai. 359, Cameraria hexalobina. 360, Cameraria fara. 361, Cameraria landryi. 362, Cameraria varii. 363, Cameraria perodeaui. 364, Cameraria sokoke. 365, Cameraria zaira. 366, Cameraria torridella.
FIGURES 441–445. Habitats of Afrotropical Lithocolletinae species. 441, Kakamega Forest, Kenya, April 2003. The habitat is the most eastern relict of the Guineo-Congolian rainforest. 442, Faro River area, Cameroon, May 2005. The habitat is a repeatedly burned savannah and bush land. 443, Mayumbe Forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo, May 2007. The habitat is an undisturbed primary rain forest. 444, Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda, August 2008. The habitat is a montane rain forest. 445, Morogoro are, Tanzania, July 2009. The habitat is variable: transitional dry lowland /submontane woodland.
FIGURES 446–447. Contributors to this study. 446, from left: Lajos Vári, Jurate De Prins and Willy De Prins in the Lepidoptera collection of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (formerly Transvaal Museum), Pretoria, South Africa, 20 November, 2004. 447, from left: Akito Kawahara, Jurate De Prins, Willy De Prins and local forest guide in Mayumbe Forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo after 8 hours of tracking, 23 May 2007.
Belgium, Tervuren, Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale |
Royal Museum for Central Africa |
ATOLep Collection |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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