Chanea suukyii Miller, Griswold & Yin, 2009

Miller, Jeremy, Griswold, Charles & Yin, Chang, 2009, The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae: Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers, ZooKeys 11 (11), pp. 9-195 : 54-55

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Plazi (2020-04-27 10:43:22, last updated 2024-11-26 01:02:42)

scientific name

Chanea suukyii Miller, Griswold & Yin

sp. nov.

Chanea suukyii Miller, Griswold & Yin View in CoL , sp. n.

Figs 48-49 View Figure 48 View Figure 49 , 50 View Figure 50 A-C, 51-52 View Figure 51 View Figure 52 , 100 View Figure 100

Material Examined. Holotype: CHINA: Yunnan: Gongshan Co. Dulongjiang Township, Maku forest , 27.68847°N, 98.30065°E, 1870 m, 3 September 2006, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, sifting leaf litter, J.A. Miller, JM06090301 (CASENT 9024342, HNU), 1 ♁. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9029316, HNU), 5 ♀ GoogleMaps ; Gongshan Co. Dulongjiang Township , along trail from Maku Yakou to Qinlangdang village, 27.68336°N, 98.28869°E, 1550 m, 2 September 2006, forest, rocky outcrops, night, J.A. Miller, J. Wang, JM06090201 (CASENT 9024403, CAS), 2 ♀, 1 juv GoogleMaps ; Gongshan Co. Dulongjiang Township , Haban Falls 0.5 airkm from Qinlangdang village along Dulong Jiang, 27.67934°N, 98.27291°E, 1265 m, 1 September 2006, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, sifting leaf litter, J.A. Miller, D.H. Kavanaugh, JM06090105 (CASENT 9024354, CAS), 1 ♀ GoogleMaps ; Gongshan Co. Dulongjiang Township , Maku ridge, 27.67446°N, 98.30083°E, 2000 m, 29 August 2006, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, leaf litter, J.A. Miller, D.H. Kavanaugh, JM06082902 (CASENT 9024317, CAS), 2 ♀, 1 juv GoogleMaps ; [same locality] 29 August 2006, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, sifting leaf litter, J.A. Miller, D.H. Kavanaugh, JM06082904 (CASENT 9024332, CAS), 2 ♁, 8 ♀, 2 juvs GoogleMaps ; [same locality] 29 August 2006, subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, sifting leaf litter, J.A. Miller, D.H. Kavanaugh, JM06082904 (CASENT 9029315, HNU), 9 ♀, 1 juv GoogleMaps ;

Etymology. Patronymic in honor of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Diagnosis. Monotypic genus; see diagnosis for genus.

Description. Carapace tan, male clypeus with pair of macrosetae ( Fig. 52B View Figure 52 ; absent in female, Fig. 52A View Figure 52 ); AME separated by more than one diameter in male, less than one diameter in female. Sternum brown. Legs tan. Femoral spot on leg I. Abdomen tan ( Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ).

Male palp: Cymbium simple, envelopes only ventral face of palpal bulb; tip of cymbium a single piece, without grooves or lobes ( Fig. 49 View Figure 49 A-B). Embolus coil makes ca.10 turns (Fig. 51B). Expanded palp reveals long basal haematodocha permitting bulb to extend far from cymbium ( Fig. 50C View Figure 50 ).

Vulva: Epigynum unsclerotized with only a short fleshy projection ( Fig. 50A View Figure 50 , 52C View Figure 52 ). Spermathecae small and round, set far anterior from epigastric furrow ( Fig. 50B View Figure 50 ). Copulatory ducts make many turns around fertilization ducts (fig. 49C).

Male (CASENT 9024332): Total length 0.63, carapace 0.33 long, 0.29 wide, clypeus 0.12, sternum 0.20 long, 0.21 wide, coxa IV separated by 2.00 times their width. Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1, metatarsus p1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal macrosetae gently curved distally (Fig. 51C). Metatarsal trichobothria:TmI: 0.34; TmII: 0.31; TmIII: 0.36. Leg measurements: see Appendix A. Epiandrous gland spigots in two widely spaced clusters of two spigots each (Fig. 51D).

Female (CASENT 9024332): Total length 0.90, carapace 0.37 long, 0.36 wide, clypeus 0.07, sternum 0.24 long, 0.24 wide, coxa IV separated by 2.00 times their width. Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.34; TmII: 0.31; TmIII: 0.38. Leg measurements: see Appendix A. Spinnerets ( Fig. 52 View Figure 52 D-F).

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Figure 48. Chanea suukyii sp. n. from Maku ridge. A, male, lateral; B, female, lateral; C, female, dorsal; D, female, ventral.

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Figure 49. Chanea suukyii sp. n. from Maku ridge. A, male palp, prolateral; B, male palp, retrolateral; C, cleared vulva, dorsal view. CB: cymbium; CD: copulatory duct; E: embolus; FD: fertilization duct; S: spermatheca; T: tegulum.

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Figure 50. A-C, Chanea suukyii sp. n. from Maku ridge; D-F, Maymena paquini sp. n. from Wayala Ku cave; G, H; Maymena kehen sp. n. from Lishadi, unlabeled arrow indicates diagnostic notch in scape; I, Gaiziapis zhizhuba sp. n. from Nankang Yakou.A, D, G, epigynum, ventral veiw; B, F, H, I, cleared vulva, dorsal view; C, male palp, cleared and expanded. BC: booklung cover; BH: basal hematodocha; CD: copulatory duct; FD: fertilization duct; S: spermatheca.

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Figure 51. Chanea suukyii sp. n. from Maku ridge, SEM of male. A, B, palp, expanded, retrolateral; C, metatarsus I; D, epiandrous gland spigots. BH: basal hematodocha; CB: cymbium; E: embolus.

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Figure 52. Chanea suukyii sp. n. from Maku ridge, SEM. A, female prosoma, lateral; B, male prosoma, lateral; C, epigynum; D, female spinnerets; E, female ALS; F, female PLS, arrow indicates modified PLS seta. AG: aggregate gland spigot; ALS: anterior lateral spinneret; FL: flagelliform gland spigot; MAP: major ampullate gland spigot; n: nubbin; PI: piriform gland spigot; PLS:posterior lateral spinneret; PMS: posterior median spinneret; t: tartipore.

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Figure 100. Distribution map, inset map shows study area. Purple: Mosu nujiang sp. n.; blue: Crassignatha ertou sp. n.; red: Chanea suukyii sp. n.; yellow: Patu jidanweishi sp. n


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