Syzygium antisepticum (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry

Soh, Wuu-Kuang & Parnell, John, 2015, A revision of Syzygium Gaertn. (Myrtaceae) in Indochina (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam), Adansonia 37 (2), pp. 179-275 : 192-194

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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:14:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:40:09)

scientific name

Syzygium antisepticum (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry


4. Syzygium antisepticum (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry View in CoL ( Fig. 4 View FIG )

Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 18: 159 (1939); M.F.Newman et al., A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Lao PDR: 245 (2007). — Calyptranthes aromatica Blume, Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch-Indië 17: 1092 (1826), nom. illeg., non A.St.-Hil. (1824). — Caryophyllus antisepticus Blume in DC, Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis View in CoL 3: 262 (1828), nom. nov. — Jambosa aromatica Miq. , Flora van Nederlandsch Indië 1(1): 436 (1855). — Eugenia antiseptica (Blume) Kuntze, Revisio Generum View in CoL Plantarum 1: 238 (1891). — Type: Indonesia, Java (Mt. Pantjar in protologue), Blume s.n. (lecto-, NY![00386778], here designated; isolecto-, U![U0258717]) (see Note 1).

Eugenia grata Wight, Illustrations View in CoL of Indian Botany 2: 15 (1841). — [ Syzygium gratum Wall., Wallich Numer. List View in CoL 3586 (1831) (K- W!), nom. nud.]. — Acmena grata (Wight) Walp., Repertorium Botanices Systematicae View in CoL 2: 181 (1843). — Syzygium gratum (Wight) View in CoL S.N.Mitra, The Indian Forester 99: 100 (1973). — Type: Burma, Moulmyne, 1827, Wallich Numer. List 3586 (lecto-, K![‘914 Hb. Mergui’, Herb. Hooker], here designated; isolecto-, K![3 sheets: ‘Mergui, Griffith s.n. ’, Herb. Hooker; ‘Mergui, Griffith s.n. ’, Herb. Hooker; Herb. Bentham]) (fide Noltie [2005: 358]).

Myrtus quadrangularis Buch. View in CoL -Ham. ex Duthie in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 486 (1878), nom. inval., pro syn. — Voucher: n.v. (fide Govaerts et al. [2015]).

Eugenia cuprea Koord. & Valeton , Bulletin de l’Institut Botanique de Buitenzorg 2: 6 (1899), nom. illeg., non (O.Berg) Nied. (1893). — Type: Indonesia, Java, Tjibodas, Preanger , Herb. Koorders (lecto-, L![KDS 5478 β, L0420061], here designated; isolecto-, L![KDS 5631 β, L0420062]).

Eugenia glaucicalyx Merr., Publications View in CoL of the Bureau of Science Government Laboratories 35: 50 (1905). — Syzygium glaucicalyx (Merr.) Merr., Philippine View in CoL Journal of Science 79: 391 (1951). — Type: Philippines, Borden 2748 (lecto-, A n.v. [frag., 69701] designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 71); isolecto-, US!).

Eugenia collinsae Craib View in CoL , Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 1928: 237 (1928). — Type: Thailand, Chonburi, Sriracha, 4.IV.1922, Collins 782 (lecto-, BK! designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 71); isolecto-, ABD n.v., E!, K!, TCD!, US!) .

Eugenia grata Wight var. nervosum Craib, Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 1: 646 (1931). — Type: Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammareat , Sichon, 12.V.1928, Kerr 15690 (lecto-, BK!, designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell [1994: 71]; isolecto-, ABD n.v.).

Syzygium ovatifolium Merr. & L.M.Perry, Memoirs View in CoL of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 18: 161 (1939). — Type: Malaysia, Borneo , Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu , Tenompok , IX.1932, J & M.S. Clemens 28748 (holo-, A n.v. [71377]; iso-, BM!, NY!, K!, L!, M!).

Syzygium gratum var. confertum Chantar. & J.Parn., Kew View in CoL Bulletin 48: 599 (1993). — Type: Thailand, Ranong, Kraburi, Nikom Pak Chom, Pawta Luang Keow, S.Pengnaren & S.S. 534 (holo-, BKF!).

[ Eugenia scabrida Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3564D (1831) (K- W!), nom. nud.].

[ Eugenia zeylanica View in CoL auct. non (L.) Wight (1841): Gagnep. in Lecomte, Flore générale de l’Indochine 2: 804 (1920), incl. forma angustifolia, forma parvifolia et forma laxiflora. — Syzygium zeylanicum View in CoL auct. non (L.) DC. (1828): Merr. & L.M.Perry, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19: 101 (1938); P.H.Hô, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam (Câyco Viêtnam) 2: 62, fig. 3771 (1992); K.D.Nguyen, ( Myrtaceae View in CoL ) Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam 2: 910 (2003)] (see Note 2).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Cambodia. Kampong Chhnang: Kralanh forest reserve, 13.III.1914, Chevalier 31945 (P); idem, 12.II.1918, Chevalier 36889 (P); idem, 12.II.1918, Chevalier 36974 (P). — Kampong Speu: Kirirom , 27.II.1966, Dy Phon 95 (P); Samroang Tong , Phnum Chreav [Mt. Cherev], IV.1870, Pierre 979 (P). — Kampong Thum: Lecomte & Finet s.n. (P). — Kampot: Mt. Bokor , 4.II.1999, Bansok 26 ( K); 26.III.1904, Geoffray 372 (P); 24.II.1896, Hanh s.n. (P); Phnom Kamchay, 8.II.1896, Hanh 97 (P); Mt. Bokor , 10.III.2001, Middleton & M.Monyrak 669 (A, P); idem, 20.II.1960, Smitinand & Abbe 6489 ( K); idem, Popok Vil waterfall, 17.III.1970, Stone 9216 (P); idem, 20.XII.1965, Vidal 4773 (P). — Kandal: Phnom Penh,. VI.1909, d’Alleizette s.n. (L). — Koh Kong: Che Ko, 24.II.1965, T.Kira, K.Hozumi, K.Yoda & S.Kokawa 952 ( BKF). — Preah Vihear: Mlu Prey,. I.1876, Pierre 3195 (Harmand 252) (P). — Pursat: Kol Totung, VII.1965, Martin 164 (P); 26.II.1960, Smitinand, L.B., E.C. Abbe & Rollet 9662 ( K). — Siem Reap: VI.1909, d’Alleizette s.n. (L); Kralanh, Prey Kralanh, 18.IV.1909, Magnen, Gourgand & Châtillon 2 (P); idem, Magnen, Gourgand & Châtillon 3 (P). — sin. loc. Aubréville 29 (P); sin. loc., Collard 54 (P); sin. loc., Guinet 108 (P) .

Laos. Semoun basin, 1875-1877, Harmand s.n. ( K). — Attopeu: Bolaven plateau [Attopeu plateau], III.1877, Pierre 3197 (Harmand 1333) (P). — Bolikhamxai: Khamkeuth, Temple Garden, 2 km southeast of town, 23.IV.2000, Soejarto, S. Bouamanivong, S.Vorasing & M.Sensavang 11419 ( GH). — Khammouan: Nakai, 24.V.2006, K . Nanthavong & Ridsdale BT 512 (E). — Viangchan: Pha That Luang, 6.IV.1949, Vidal 1107B (P); Ban Saphang Meuk, 5.II.1950, Vidal 1169B (P); Phou Khaokhoay , 29.X.1971, Vidal 5626 (P). — between Ubon and Kemmarath: 1866-1868, Thorel s.n. ( BM, P) .

Vietnam. Annam: Pierre s.n. (P). — Cochinchina : Pierre s.n. ( BM, P); between Ho Chi Minh and Cay Cong , IV.1866, Pierre 6253 (P); 1862-1866, Thorel s.n. ( K) ; Thuoc Thau ?, 1862-1866, Thorel s.n. ( K) . — Da Nang: Tourane and vicinity, V.1927, J. & M.S. Clemens 3778 (A, BM) ; idem, V.1927, J. & M.S. Clemens 4215 (A, K) ; idem, 5-9.IX.1927, J. & M.S. Clemens 4490 (P). — Dac Lak: 11.III.1953, Schmid s.n. (P); Ban Trang, Schmid 1001 (P). — Khanh Hoa: Poulo- Condor, Germain 56 (P). — Kon Tum: Dak Poko river, 20 km from Dak Glei village, 30.III.1995, Ayeryanov et al. VH 1000 (P); Ngoc Linh, NW slope of Mt. Ngoc Linh , 15.IV.1995, Averyanov et al. VH 1412 (P); Dak Glei, 18.III.1978, Bien 483 ( HN) ; Dak To , 4.IV.1978, Phuong 464 ( HN) . — Lam Dong: Dalat , 22.IV.1955, Schmid s.n. (P) ; idem, 29.IV.1955, Schmid s.n. (P). — Quang Tri: Chevalier 40207 (de Pirey 21) (P); 1919, Chevalier 41215 (de Pirey 20) (P). — Tay Ninh: Cai Cong, 23.IV.1866, Pierre 106 ( BM) .

DISTRIBUTION. — Widespread from India to Southeast Asia. In Indochina, found in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam ( Fig. 5 View FIG ).

ECOLOGY OR HABITAT. — Occurs in wide range of habitat, in primary and secondary forest, dwarf forest, bush, savanna, along roadsides, marshes and by the sea shore, to 1300 m.

CONSERVATION STATUS. — IUCN Global Status: Least Concern ( LC); IUCN Regional (Indochina) Status: Least Concern ( LC).

PHENOLOGY. — Flowering: January to October. Fruiting: February to May.

VERNACULAR NAMES. — Cambodia: Pring lies (Kampot), Renh (Kampong Chhnang), Smach (Pursat, Kampong Chhnang & Kampong Thum), Smach daom (Kampot, Kampong Spoe & Koh Kong), Sme (Siem Reap). Laos : Phak Sa Mek (Viangchan). Vietnam : Chen (Quang Tri), Tram tich lan ( Vietnam), Tram sang (Tay ninh), Tram vo do ( Vietnam) .

USES. — The fruit and young leaves edible, the bark is used for making torches and as red dye for fabrics and fishing nets. The plant is also used as traditional medicine against syphilis and dysentery ( Dy Phon 2000). The wood is used as timber for building houses ( Lemmens et al. 1995).


Shrub (2-3 m) or tree to 20 m tall. Glabrous.

CHANTARANOTHAI P. & PARNELL J. A. N. 1994. - A revision of Acmena, Cleistocalyx, Eugenia s. s. & Syzygium (Myrtaceae) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 21: 1 - 23.

DY PHON P. 2000. - Plant Use in Cambodia. Imprimerie Olympic, Phnom Penh, 915 p.

GOVAERTS R., SOBRAL M., ASHTON P., BARRIE F., HOLST B. K., LANDRUM L. L., MATSUMOTO K., FERNANDA MAZINE F., NIC LUGHADHA E., PROENCA C., SOARES- SILVA L. H., WILSON P. G. & LUCAS E. 2015 - onwards. - World Checklist of Myrtaceae. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; http: // www. kew. org / wcsp / [accessed January 2015].

LEMMENS R. H. M. J., SOERIANEGARA I. & WONG W. C. (eds) 1995. - Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 5 (2). Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 655 p.

NOLTIE H. J. 2005. - The botany of Robert Wight. Regnum Vegetabile 145. IAPT, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Austria.

WIGHT R. 1841. - Illustrations of Indian Botany, 2. J. B. Pharoah, Madras, 189 p.

Gallery Image

FIG. 4. — Infructescence of Syzygium antisepticum (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry. Photo courtesy of Nguyen Van Dung and John Tan. Scale bar: 5 cm.

Gallery Image

FIG. 5. — Distribution of Syzygium antisepticum (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry (), Syzygium araiocladum Merrill & L. M.Perry () and Syzygium attenuatum (Miq.) Merr. & L.M.Perry () in Indochina.


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