Hemicrepidius memnonius ( Herbst, 1806 )

Etzler, Frank E., 2020, A Revision of the Genus Hemicrepidius Germar, 1839 (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of the New World, with Comments on Global Classification, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 18) 74, pp. 1-126 : 50-53

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065X-74.mo18.1

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scientific name

Hemicrepidius memnonius ( Herbst, 1806 )


Hemicrepidius memnonius ( Herbst, 1806)

( Figs. 4b, h View Fig , 5a, d View Fig , 6a–c, e View Fig , 7a–c View Fig , 8a–d View Fig , 9c View Fig , 10a View Fig , 24a–e View Fig , 26a View Fig )

Elater nemnonius Herbst 1806: 29 ; Schönherr 1817: 277.

Elater memnonius Herbst : Melsheimer 1806: 42; Say 1836: 176.

Asaphes memnonius (Herbst) : LeConte 1853: 450; Candèze 1863: 211; Horn 1880: 74; Blatchley 1910: 770.

Hemicrepidius memnonius (Herbst) : Leng 1920: 170; Dietrich 1945: 30; Brooks 1960: 31; Bousquet 1991: 183; Tingsdale 1950; Majka and Johnson 2008: 7; Majka et al. 2011: 139; Webster et al. 2012: 100 View Cited Treatment ; Bousquet et al. 2013: 184. [not exhaustive]

Hemicrepidius nemnonius (Herbst) : Evans 2014: 220.

Elater baridius Say 1836: 176 .

Asaphes baridius (Say) : LeConte 1853: 450; Candèze 1863: 211 (as synonym of H. memnonius ); Horn 1880: 74 (as synonym of H. memnonius ).

Hemicrepidius thomasi Germar 1839: 213 ; LeConte 1853: 450 (as synonym of A. baridius ); Candèze 1863: 211 (as synonym of H. memnonius ).

Diagnosis. Hemicrepidius memnonius can be distinguished from all other species of Hemicrepidius by the combination of an emarginate posterior margin of the hypomeron with a truncate projection of the hind angle, pronotal hind angles with carina, curved prosternal process in lateral view, and the presence of short, depressed setae.

Hemicrepidius memnonius would most easily be confused with H. bilobatus and H. ruficornis . From H. bilobatus , H. memnonius can be easily distinguished by the carina on the pronotal hind angle and the presence of sublateral notches on the posterior edge of the pronotum. From H. ruficornis , H. memnonius can be distinguished by the shorter setae on the pronotum, the less pronounced hind angle projection off of the hypomeron, and the greater sinuation of the lateral edge, and narrowing of the parameres basally to the pre-apical expansion, giving the apical expansion a sharper point.

Redescription. Length 14.0–26.0 mm, width 4.0–8.0 mm; color red-brown to dark brown, elytra not contrasting with pronotum, legs, antennae, posterior edge of pronotum, ventral edges of elytra, and edges of abdominal ventrites sometimes paler, yellow-brown; integument dull to shining. Setae short, depressed, yellow. Head: Punctures subumbilicate, nearly contiguous; frons weakly concave anteromedially, some with slight triangular impression medially in dorsal view; frontal carina roughly V-shaped, often complete, sometimes interrupted medially by punctation when viewed from front, frontoclypeal region reduced to narrow line to absent medially, frontal carina at most weakly projecting in lateral view; eyes large and moderately bulging, ocular index 52–60; antenna serrate, antennomere 2 subcylindrical, a bit longer than wide, antennomere 3 subtriangular, 2× length of 2 and with setae intermediate between antennomeres 2 and 4, antennomere 3 subequal in length to 4, antennomeres 4–11 about 3× longer than wide, each with medial line bearing less setae than edges, less noticeable in specimens with dark antennomeres, antennomere 11 with tip constricted as a pseudosegment, antenna extending beyond pronotal posterior edge by 1.5–2.5 antennomeres. Prothorax: Pronotum 1.1–1.3× wider than long, widest at hind angles or just anterior of midlength; sides weakly arcuate, narrowing at anterior one-fourth; hind angles in most subparallel, in some appearing slightly divergent due to sinuate lateral edge anterior of hind angle, dorsal carina present, directed anteromedially; punctures on disc same size as punctures on head, subumbilicate, separated by one to two puncture diameters, punctures closer and shallower laterally, nearly contiguous, and umbilicate; posterior edge with sublateral notches. Hypomeron with subumbilicate punctures, similar in size to lateral pronotal punctures, nearly contiguous anteriorly and becoming less dense posteriorly towards impunctate area on posterior onefifth to one-fourth, few with impunctate area very small or absent; posterior edge emarginate ( Fig. 24c View Fig ) with hind angle visible in lateral and ventral view and truncate at tip. Prosternum with punctation matching punctation on hypomeron or slightly smaller, separated by one puncture diameter, further apart medially; anterior lobe slightly deflexed, broadly rounded, partially covering to fully covering ventral mouthparts; prosternal process slightly curved dorsad between procoxae in lateral view, narrow and straight past procoxae. Pterothorax: Mesoventral cavity with lateral edges sinuate, not visible anteriad mescoxae; posterior edge of cavity truncate. Metaventrite with punctures simple, smaller than punctures on hypomeron, nearly touching throughout. Scutellar shield elongate, about twice as long as wide, narrowly to broadly rounded posteriorly, sides sinuate, dorsal surface flat to weakly convex, anterior margin nearly straight, setae radiating from midline, similar in length and color to setae on pronotum and elytra. Elytral striae moderately impressed basally; interstriae flat to slightly convex, punctures smaller, even and dense; basal carina crenulate in most, a few with crenulations weakly impressed and intermediate between Figs. 6b and 6d View Fig . Legs with lobes on tarsomeres 2 and 3 wide, visible dorsally, lobe on tarsomere 3 largest, lobe on tarsomere 2 second largest, lobe on tarsomere 1 small, visible laterally, lobe on tarsomere 4 smallest, visible laterally. Abdominal ventrites: Punctures simple, slightly smaller than punctures on metaventrite, nearly touching throughout, separated by less than half puncture diameter; fifth ventrite narrowly to broadly rounded; side of each ventrite with microserrations. Male genitalia ( Figs. 24d, e View Fig ): Parameres parameres subparallel on basal two-thirds and strongly sinuate before pre-apical expansions, pre-apical expansions sharply acute (<45°) and hooked in many, apex of paramere acute, slightly membranous, setose ventral patch near pre-apical expansion and 5–7 apical dorsal setae. Median lobe narrow, gradually narrowing throughout length apically; basal struts forming 90-degree angle laterobasally.

Distribution. Specimens were examined from the following states and provinces: CANADA: AB, NS, ON, QC, SK; UNITED STATES: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY ( Fig. 26a View Fig ).

Notes. The name for this species has a complex history. It was written as Elater nemnonius in the original description by Herbst (1806), as well as in the reference table at the beginning of the work. In Frederick V. Melsheimer’ s (1806: 42) “A Catalogue of Insects of Pennsylvania”, the name appears as Elater memnonius with a “K” next to it. Melsheimer stated that the “K” represents suggestions from a “Professor Knoch in Brunswick, in Germany ” ( Melsheimer 1806: IV–V). However, handwritten notations from Melsheimer, according to the note at the beginning of the Smithsonian copy, have it written as E. nemnonius (p. 42). The spelling beginning with an “n” also appeared in Schönherr’ s (1817) catalogue. Later, Say (1836) stated that the original spelling was a mistype, likely building off of exchanges between earlier entomologists, and used H. memnonius . The “m” spelling has been used consistently since then. The lone exception is that recently, Evans (2014) resurrected the spelling with a “n” using the name and combination of Hemicrepidius nemnonius in his book Beetles of Eastern North America.

The status of Herbst’ s Coleoptera collection is also unclear. These specimens are likely within the ZMHB, but Klug made no mention of acquiring Herbst material in his report of collections obtained between 1810 and 1824 (B. Jaeger, in litt.). In the ZMHB, there are seven specimens behind a “Memnonius / Kn.*Ht. /Pensylv. Knoch” label, of which only four are Knoch specimens, and three are likely from other collections (B. Jaeger, in litt.). This is the “Knoch” mentioned above by Melsheimer. Of the other three specimens, one with the original label “Amer. Bor” was chosen by Lane to be the lectotype (unpublished, here designated). While not a Knoch specimen, it is unclear if this is a Herbst specimen (B. Jaeger, in litt.), but is chosen here to establish a clear concept for the species. This specimen is a typical dark form representative of the species.

Although the change of “ nemnonius ” to “ memnonius ” may be an unjustified emendation, the name H. memnonius is attributed to the original author and date, and is in prevailing usage (with the lone recent exception of Evans 2014). According to Article ( ICZN 1999) this means it is considered to be justified emendation and the spelling with an “m” is retained. Even if this is an example of an incorrect subsequent spelling, Article 33.3.1 ( ICZN 1999) justifies the maintenance of H. memnonius as this name is in prevailing usage. Maintaining the spelling also reduces confusion and maintains historical integrity, as the species is the type species of Hemicrepidius .

Specimens of H. memnonius are the most common of all species of North American Hemicrepidius . The species also has the widest range of variation, including differences in density of pronotal punctures, the presence or absence of an impunctate area on the hypomeron, size, and coloration. This likely is related to the large geographical range of the species, which is found in nearly all of the lower 48 US states ( Fig. 24a View Fig ). However, preliminary molecular data from across the range and covering different forms support the recognition of only one species ( Figs. 1–3 View Figs View Fig ). A general trend within the species is for populations to be larger and darker to the east and south, and becoming paler and smaller to the north and west of its range.

The type of E. baridius was unavailable for examination. The types of Say are presumed to be either lost or be syntype series that are split between

various European collections ( Prena 2018). However, the original description is of a large, dark brown beetle, similar to the type of H. thomasi . Additionally, the abbreviated and apically confluent second and third elytral striae, which was used to separate E. baridius from E. memnonius , is a highly variable character within Elateridae , sometimes differing between the elytra of the same specimen.

Traditionally, Asaphes ruficornis has been placed in synonymy with H. memnonius , following LeConte (1853). However, an examination of the type revealed that A. ruficornis is a valid species (see below).

Larvae have been associated with this species ( Glen 1950).

Types Examined. Of Elater memnonius : Lectotype (here designated): Amer. bor./ Lektotypus Nr. 17191/ Lectotype, Elater memnonius Herbst, 1806 , M. C. Lane 1964/ Hist.-Coll.( Coleoptera ), Nr. 17191, Athous memnonius Illiger, Amer. bor., Zool. Mus. Berlin; type locality North America, not further limited; in ZMHB. Of Elater baridius : Holotype: Type missing or lost; type locality North Carolina. Of Hemicrepidius thomasi : Lectotype: Coll. Janson., Ex. Schaum [typed]/ Thomasi [unknown], Grm – memno-, nius Hbst, 8166 Amer. Bor./ A. memnonius Herbst , thomasi Germ, Am. Bor. ; female; type locality North America, not further limited; in BMNH. Paralectotypes: Janson Coll., ex Schaum, 1903–130, syntype #1; Janson Coll., ex Schaum/ A. memnonius Herbst , thomasi Germ., Am. Bor. , syntype #2; Janson Coll., ex Schaum/ A. memnonius Herbst , thomasi Germ., Am. Bor / A. memnonius / [female symbol], syntype #3; [female symbol]/ Janson Coll., ex Schaum, 1903–130/ Asaphes memnonius Herbst, Am. Bor. , syntype #5; all in BMNH.

LeConte Collection (6, MCZC). [pink disc]/ A. memnonius Herbst , baridius Say , thomasi Germar , ruficornis Kirby / memnonius #1; [pink disc]/ memnonius #2; [pink [?] disc]/ A. baridius (Say) / memnonius #6; Ga./ memnonius #7; [yellow disc]/ memnonius #10.

Horn Collection (13, MCZC). In Asaphes memnonius tray: Can., #1; Pen., #2; Pen., #3; yellow disc, #4; Pen., #5; Tenn., #6; Neb., #7; “4”, #8. In sp. nr. memnonius tray: I.T., #1; Col., #2; Col., #3; Col., #5; Col., #6.

Melsheimer Collection (2, MCZC). Asaphes baridius [labeled “basideus”] #1, no locality; Asaphes memnonius #1, no locality.

Ziegler Collection (4, MCZC). Asaphes memnonius : [pale green disc], #1; [pale green disc], #4; [pale green disc], #5, ID label with Pa; [pale green disc], #8.

Other Specimens Examined (1,676). NORTH AMERICA: Amer. Bor./ ex Mus, Murray (2, BMNH); Amer. Bor./ Coll. Janson (3, BMNH); Coll. Janson, Ex Dejean/ Asaphes memnonius

Hrbst/ Athous monachus mihi, h. in Amer.bor. D. LeConte (1, BMNH); Coll. Janson, Ex Dejean/ Dicrepidius picicornis mihi, h. in Amer.bor., D. LeConte/ Asaphes memnonius (1, BMNH); [red rectangle]/ 297/ ex Deyrolle, Coll. Janson/ Asaphes memnonius Herbst, Am. Bor. (1, BMNH); [red rectangle]/ Ex Deyrolle, Coll. Janson (1, BMNH); Etats – Unis/ ID label/ M. Cameron Coll., B.M.1936—555 (1, BMNH); Amer. Bor./ Hemicrepid. Thomasi var?/ Coll. Janson (1, BMNH); Amer. Bor./ Hemicrepid. Thomasi Germar / Coll. Janson/ Asaphes memnonius (1, BMNH); ID label, Et. Unis (1, BMNH); Coll. Janson, Ex Dejean/ Asaphes memnonius Herbst , Athous monachus Dejean, Am. Bor. (1, BMNH). CANADA: W. Canada (1, BMNH). Alberta: Edmonton, VII-25- 1924, D. Mackie (1, CASC); Medicine Hat, VIII-5- [19]34, J. Carr (1, CASC); Edmonton, in garden, 5 Aug 1987, J. E. O’ Mara (1, ERFC); Edmonton, 16 Jul 1991, J. Wojcicki (1, ERFC); Medicine Hat, 20 AUG 1999, D. Macauley (1, ERFC); Taber Prov. Pk., light, 12 Jul 1989, 890998, E. Fuller (1, ERFC). Manitoba: Norquay PP, light, 22 JUN 1988, EF#88092, E. Fuller (3, ERFC); Oak Hammock, 31-vii-1983, 2-viii-1983, 3-viii-1983, 26-viii-1983, light trap (6, ERFC); Winnipeg, UM For. 19, 23-vii- 1984, suct. Trap (1, ERFC). Nova Scotia: [no data] (3, BMNH; 1, INHS830523); [no data]/ Coll. Janson (1, BMNH); Bridgetown, 6-VIII-1913, 16-VIII-1913, G. E. Sanders (2, INHS830534, INHS830362). Ontario: Dunnville, 29-VII-1966, W. Plath, Sr. (1, FSCA); J. Brimley, 1915—94/ Grimsby, Ont., 11-6-1913 (3, BMNH); L. Joseph, VII-1923, K. F. Auden (2, INHS830354, INHS830385); Jeannettle’ s Creek, June 1967 (1, FSCA); Muskoka Co., Gull Lake, VII-7-1921, VII-8-1921, H. S. Parish (7, OSAC0000537356, OSAC0000537358, OSAC0000537362–OSAC0000537366); Toronto (1, MCZC; 1, OSAC0000537369); Wheatley, 22- VII-1965, W. Rosenberg Collection (1, FSCA); Wheatley, VII-12-1965, IX-1967, Karl Stephan, leg (2, FSCA). Saskatchewan: [no data] (2, BMNH); Fertile, June-1949, G. E. Belisle (6, WSUC); Pennant, VIII-1-1935, Roy Graham (1, CASC). Dubious Record: British Columbia:?Vancouver I., Coll. Janson (1, BMNH). UNITED STATES: [pink disc] (1, MCZC); [yellow disc] (1, MCZC). Alabama: [no data] (2, MCZC). Arizona: Apache Co., St. Johns, VII-29-[19]59/ at light/ R. S. Beal collector (4, ASUC); White Mts, July-12-1933, Parker, Lot 108 (1, CASC); [Cochise Co.], Chiricahua Mts, 7-[19]36, E. S. Ross (1, CASC); [Coconino Co.], Flagstaff, Clayton May/ July-14- 1960 (1, CASC); Oak Creek Canyon, 6000ft, Aug, F. H. Snow (1, SEMC); Oak Creek Cn., 8-9-[19]32, R. H. Beamer (1, SEMC); Oak Creek Canyon, 1829m, 25-VII-1936, Owen Bryant (1, CASC); Oak Creek Canyon, 29-VII-[19]67/ J. W. Tilden collector (1, CASC); Sedona, 29-VII-1972, Suzy Frommer (1, CASC); [Gila Co.], Payson/ 9-3-[19] 38 (1, CASC); Red Lake, Young, VII-16-1955, R. R. Johnson (1, ASUC); Navajo Co., Pine Forest, 4mi SW of Forestdale, 23-24-VIII-[19]52/ H. B. Leech, J. W. Green, collectors (2, CASC); [Pinal Co.], S. Catalina Mts , 7-[19]36, E. S. Ross (1, CASC); Yavapai Co., Antelope Pk, VII-10-1910 / Van Dyke Collection (1, CASC); Prescott, 8-26- [19]17/ H. C. Fall collection (1, MCZC, MCZ- ENT00641984); Prescott, VIII-21-1953, G. H. Nelson/ collected at light (1, FSCA); Prescott, 7-30- [19]70, McCleve, at light (2, ERFC). Arkansas: Drew Co., 6-14-1939 / M. W. Sanderson collector (1, INHS830424); Washington Co., 6-22-[19]38, 6-24-[19]38, 7-5-[19]38/ Mt. Sequeyah [sic], collected at light, M. W. Sanderson (4, INHS830378, INHS830379, INHS830388, INHS830406); 7-18- [19]38/ Mt. Sequeyah [sic], bait trap (1, INHS830427); 7-28-[19]40/ M.W.Sanderson collector (1, INHS830418); Fayetteville, VI-28-1942, VI-30-1942, VII-9-1942, M. W. Sanderson/ collected at light (3, INHS830216, INHS830238, INHS830541). California: [Los Angeles Co.], Whittier, lite trap, 6-25-[19]50/ M. W. Stone, col. (1, CASC). Colorado: [County?] Clear Creek (1, MCZC); [Arapahoe Co.?], Aurora, Fleck, coll. (1, CASC); Bent Co., La Junta, 4000ft, June- 24-25-1885 / F.C. Bowditch, Coll. (1, MCZC); Boulder Co., Boulder, 22-VII-1951, 23-VII-1951, 24-VII-1951, 26-VII-1951 / collector Helen H. Shinn (7, SEMC); Boulder, 16-VII-[19]63, coll. E. Vogel (1, LSAM); Front Range, Fourmile Cr. 0.1mi N Hwy119, 5800’, 11-Aug-[19]73, D. H. Kavanaugh col. (1, CASC); [Denver Co.], Denver (2, INHS830198, INHS830199); Denver, VI-30-1911, C. A. Frost (1, MCZC); Denver, VII-14-[19]38, VII-15-[19]38, VII-18-[19]38, VII-10-[19]39, VII-19-[19]39, VII-23- [19]39, J. W. Green (12, CASC); [El Paso Co.], Col [orado] Spr[ings] (2, INHS830200, INHS830429); Colo[rado] Springs, July-August-[19]38, alt. 6,300ft, Bob Potts coll. (1, CASC); [Fremont Co.], Phantom Canyon, 21-VII-1964, Benj. H. Banta/ Fremont Co. Station No.74, el 5830ft (1, CASC); Phantom Canyon, 28-VIII-1964, Benj. H. Banta/ F. Co. Station No. 66, el. 6295ft (1, CASC); as previous except/F. Co. Station No. 32, el. 8650ft (1, CASC); Phantom Canyon, 4-VIII-1964, Benj. H. Banta/ F. Co. Station No. 59, el. 6780ft (1, CASC); Phantom Canyon, 18-X-1964, Benj. H. Banta/ F. Co. Station No. 74, el. 5830ft (1, CASC); Jackson Co., Cowdrey, 8000’ elev., July-1986, leg. Wilbur G. Downs (4, PMNH); [Jefferson Co.], Lookout Mt., el. 7000’/ Golden, VII-10-[19]71, C. A. Frost (1, MCZC, MCZ-ENT00641994); Larimer Co., 7-30-[19]51 (1, WSUC); Berthout [sic], VII-6-1962, G. H. Nelson, at light (3, FSCA); Ft. Collins, 10-15-1951 (1, WSUC); Fort Collins, 21-June-1952, 22-June- 1952, collected J. A. Quist (2, WSUC); Ft. Collins, VIII-6-[19]68 (1, FSCA); [Las Animas Co.], Trinidad, 7-20/ Liebeck collection (1, MCZC, MCZ- ENT00641995); [Prowers Co.], Koen, light trap, 7- 1-[19]52, 7-17-[19]52, G. R. Pesho, coll (15, WSUC); [Pueblo Co.], Pueblo, VIII-17-[19]49, VIII-16-[19]52, G. H. Nelson (2, FSCA); [Weld Co.], Greeley, 7-8-[19]52/ collector K. Maehler (1, CASC); Greeley, 20-June-1952, collected J. A. Quist (2, WSUC); St. Vrain Nuclear Plant Site, Platteville, pitfall trap, 9-Aug-1973, Brewer (1, MTEC). Connecticut: [no data]/ 558/ Andrewes Bequest, B.M.1922–221 (1, BMNH); Fairfield Co., Chimon Is., Norwalk, VII-19-1984, VII-20-1984, leg. Douglas J. Comboni (2, PMNH); Chimon Is., Norwalk, June 1984, July 1984, leg. Scott Magnotta (6, PMNH); Fairfield, VII-7-1962, 4-July-1983, Douglas J. Comboni (2, PMNH); Newtown, VII- 17-1983, leg. Douglas J. Comboni (1, PMNH); Noroton (1, PMNH); [Hartford Co.], Avon, June- 24-1929, J. N. Belkin (1, FSCA); New Haven Co., Mt. Carmel, 27-July-1966, leg. R. T. Cail/ by lite (1, PMNH); Hamden, VII-29-[19]42, S. C. Ball (1, PMNH); New Haven, 3-Aug-1914, H. J. Goodman (1, PMNH); New Haven, July-1955, W. D. Hartmann (1, PMNH); North Haven, Ridgewood Ave, July-19-1982, leg. E. M. Mahoney (1, PMNH); Wallingford, 15-July-1912, D. J. Caffrey (1); No. Plains, 9-23-[19]34, S. C. Ball (1, PMNH); Windham Co., Willimantic, South Ridge Drive, at light, 21-July-1990,13- July-2002, 22-July-2002, leg. Raymond J. Pupedis (5, PMNH; DNA—M- TEC023698); Pomfret (1, MCZC). District of Columbia: Rock Creek Park, 8-7-[19]22, D. H. Brannon (1, WSUC). Florida: Leon Co., Tall Timbers Res. Sta., 20 m. N. Tallahassee, July-23- 31-1972, R. L. Jacques, Jr (1, FSCA;?2, FSCA). Georgia: [no data] (1, MCZC); Clarke County, Whitehall Forest, 5-8-VI-1979, 28-VI-2-VII-1979, R. H. Turnbow, Jr., Insect Flight Trap (2, FSCA); [Fannin Co.], Blue Ridge, 7-23-1954, C. N. Patton (1, FSCA); Blue Ridge, July-6-12-1955, R. & C. Patton (1, FSCA); Hart Co., Nuberg, BLT, VII-4-6- 1975, F. N. Young (1, FSCA); Lamar Co., Barnesville vic, 23-VI-[19]83, R. Morris (2, FSCA); Murray Co., Fort Mtn. State Park, 14-VII-1982, P. M. Choate (1, FSCA); Union Co., light trap, July-7-1976, col. W. Morris (1, MTEC); Wheeler Co., along Ocumulgee [sic] riv., VI-1997, BLT, E. Donalson (1, FSCA). Illinois: [no data] (9, INHS830189, INHS830242,INHS830247, INHS830254, INHS830298–INHS830301, INHS830410); N. Ill/ [no date], Aug (9, INHS830211, INHS830215, INHS830349, INHS830361, INHS830384, INHS830391, INHS830397, INHS830433, INHS830438; 3, WSUC); [no data]/ 31273 (1, BMNH); [Champaign Co.], Cham[paign], 7-8-1914,Coll. T. H. F. (1, INHS830249); Urbana, [no date], VII-7-[19]11, VII-8-[19]11, VII-12-[19]11 (5, INHS830365, INHS830375, INHS830381, INHS830515, INHS830539); Coles Co., Burgner Acres, 9-16-July-1992, R. S. Hanley, malaise trap (1, WSUC); Charleston, Aug- 20-[19]10/ forest (1, INHS830521); [Cook Co.], Chicago/ Aug/ A. L. Melander collection (3, WSUC); Chicago, VII-2-[19]08 (1, MCZC); Chicago, VII-17-[19]23/ col. by Owen Bryant (1, CASC); Oak Park/ July/ O. S. Westcott collection (3, WSUC); Willow Springs, VIII-16-[19]23/ Coll.by Owen Bryant (2, CASC); Jackson Co., 7 mi W Carbondale, 137m, mixed hardwood forest, Malaise, July-3-11-1993, M. A. Goodrich coll. (2, WSUC); [McHenry Co.], Algonquin, [no date], July-13-[19]05, July-12-1907, July-19-[19]07, July-26-1907, July-30-[19]07, August-19-[19]07, July-16-[19]08, July-8-[19]09, July-13-[19]09, July-20-[19]09, July-24-[19]09, July-13-1910, July-25-[19]10, July-3-[19]12, [W. A.] Nason (28, INHS830206, INHS830212, INHS830213, INHS830218, INHS830221, INHS830226, INHS830228, INHS830233, INHS830234, INHS830237, INHS830239, INHS830246, INHS830248,INHS830258–INHS830260,INHS830262, INHS830302, INHS830351, INHS830352, INHS830358, INHS830359, INHS830426, INHS830434, INHS830443, INHS830500, INHS830520, INHS830527, INHS830528; 3, MCZC); [Morgan Co.], Jacksonville, July-7- 1935, John Bigger, Light trap (1, INHS830402); [Peoria Co.], Peoria, May-26-1938, June-27-1938, July-23-1940, F. F. Hasbrouck (6, INHS830387 [ Fig. 24a View Fig ], INHS830389, INHS830394, INHS830399, INHS830401, INHS830403); Peoria, Aug-1-1941, F. F. Hasbrouck/ at light, Main St (1, INHS830428); Pope Co., Dixon Springs St. Park, 27-June-1987, W. G. Ruesink (1, INHE830241); Putnam Co., July-12- 1915, July-5-1931, June-26-1932, M. C. Glenn (4, INHS830505, INHS830513, INHS830517, INHS830529); [Sangamon Co.], Spgfld [Springfield], 7-9-[19]57/ M. G. Naumann collector (1, SEMC); [Washington Co.], Dubois, Jun-22-[19]05/ at light (1, INHS830526); [Whiteside Co.], Prophetstown, July-19-1937, coll. T. H. F. & R. D. G. (2, INHS830355, INHS830441); [Localities?] [14] (1, INHS830208); [204], [213], [214]/ Hart Coll’ n (3, INHS830264, INHS830377, INHS830386); [7305] (1, INHS830210); [7313] (1, INHS830220); [14003] (1, INHS830207); [14006] (1, INHS830265); [18503] (1, INHS830383); [18506] (1, INHS830369);[18517](2, INHS830363,INHS830376); [38960] (1, INHS830533). Indiana: Allen Co., New Haven, 7-15-1981, 7-17-1981, 7-18-1981, 7- 20-1981, 7-23-1981, N. M. Downie (14, FSCA); [Brown Co.], Bear Wallow, July-3-1965, Charles E. White (1, FSCA); Blacklight trap at Bear Wallow, VII-21-[19]68, C. E. White (1, FSCA); Howard Co., NW Howard Co., 4-VII-1984, 12-18-VIII-1985, D. A. Rider/ collected at light (3, LSAM); Knox Co., VII-8-1940 / E. N. Kjellesvig-Waering coll. (1, FSCA); [Kosciusko Co.], Mineral Springs, VII-29- [19]23/ col. by Owen Bryant (1, CASC); Winona L., July-21-1936, M. H. Hatch (1, OSAC0000569417); Lawrence Co., Bedford, VII-20-1969, R. L. Jacques (1, FSCA); [Marion Co.], Indianapolis, July-15-31- 1958, Aug-1-25-1958, August-1-1959, July-15- 1960, David S. White (8, FSCA); Indianapolis, August-2-1963, June-30-1964, July-20-1964, Charles E. White (4, FSCA); Indianapolis, Camp Belzer, BSA, July-26-1966, Charles E. White (2, OSAC0000569407, OSAC0000569414); [Monroe Co.], Bloomington, 7-27-[19]40 (1, PMNH); [Porter Co.], Chesterton, VII-10-[19]34/ Thos. Craig collector (1, CASC); [St. Joseph Co.],Notre Dame, VI- 1965 (2, PMNH); Tippecanoe Co., VII-21-1974, VII-3-1987, 7-12-1989, N. M. Downie (3, FSCA); VII-3-1977, R. M. Brattain (3, BYUC); Lafayette, 7-7-1982, 7-12-1982, 7-16-1982, 7-20-1982, 7- 23-1982, 7-13-1983, 7-15-1983, 7-17-1983, 7-23- 1983, 7-24-1983, 2[?]-Aug-1984, VII-4-1987, VII-7-1987, 7-11-1987, 7-17-1989, 7-25-1989, 7- 19-1990, 7-25-1990, 28-July-1990, 18-August-1990, 25-August-1990, U. V. light, N. M. Downie (24, FSCA; 3, WSUC); W. Lafayette, McCormick’ s Wds., 26-July-1990, N. M. Downie (1, WSUC); 4mi SW Shadeland, 23-Jul-2012, J. D. Holland, general (4, MTEC). Iowa: [no data] (1, CASC); Adair Co., Stuart, 5-VII-1992, Robert L. Langston (2, CASC); [Bremer Co.], Plainfield, VII-9-1955, VII-19-1955, R. A. Didriksen (4, LSAM); [Des Moines Co.], Burlngtn (1, MCZC); Dickenson Co., VI-30-1920, col. F. M. Blanchard (1, OSAC0000537361); [Johnson Co.], Iowa City, 9-3-[19]31/ collector K. Maehler (1, CASC); [Lee Co.], Keokuk (1, MCZC); [Louisa Co.], Columbus Jct., VII-20-1931, G. L. Weber (1, WSUC); Polk Co., VII-6-1951, T. J. Walker, Jr. (1, FMNH); W. Saylorville Lk., VI-14, 30-85, R. Schieferstein (2, FSCA); [Story Co.], Ames, [no date], July-7-1954 (2, BYUC; 2, LSAM); Ames, July-14-[19]31, H. A. Scullen, coll. (1, OSAC0000569409); Ames, Aug-1-1935, H. L. Stahnke (1, CASC); Ames, VII-5-1955, VII-6- 1955, VII-9-1955, VII-10-1955, VII23-1955, R. A. Didriksen (14, LSAM); Ames, 7-VII-1955, Wm. L. Downes (1, FSCA); Ames, VII-20-1958, A. H. Bamum (1, BYUC); Ames, July-12-1961 / collector J. J. Dinsmore (1, FSCA); 2mi S Ames, ISU farm, SE ¼, Sec.21, T83N R24W, VIII-5-8-1968, VIII- 19-22-1968, IX-15-18-1968, coll Pitfall trap (8, FSCA); [Woodbury Co.], Sioux City, Hawerden [?]/ G. E. Thomas Collr (1, CASC). Kansas: [no data] (4, MCZC); Atchison Co., 7-9-[19]24, E. P. Breakey (1, SEMC); 7-9-1924, R. H. Beamer (1, SEMC); Bourbon Co., Ft. Scott, 9mi SW, 37°46.978’N, 94°49.421’W, 26-VI-6-VII-2006, G. A. Salsbury, ex. Canopy trap, KAN1S06 073 (1, SEMC, SM0792344); Cherokee Co, 888ft, 1915, R. H. Beamer (1, SEMC); 2mi S. Galena, 37°38.18’W, 94°38.18’W, 28-VI-13-VII-2005, G. A. Salsbury ex canopy trap, KAN1S05 141 (1, SEMC, SM0704948); Cheyenne Co., 7-2-1925, R. H. Beamer (3, SEMC); 3300ft, F. X. Williams (1, SEMC); Comanche Co., Coldwater Lake, 14-Jul-2009, UV light, C. Ely, 37.25678°N, 99.34640°W (1, SEMC1098950); Crawford Co., 3 mi NE Pittsburg, 37°26.64’N, 94°37.04’W, 13-27-VI-2005, G. A. Salsbury, ex canopy trap, KAN1S05 120 (1, SEMC, SM0757283); Decatur Co., 2560ft, F. X. Williams (3, SEMC); Dickenson Co., L [?] 7-16-[19]23, C. H. Martin (1, SEMC); Douglas Co., 900ft, F. H. Snow (1, CASC); E. S. Tucker/ July (1, SEMC); July-25-1919, July-6- 1920, July-7-1920, July-9-1920, William E. Hoffman (4, SEMC); Lawrence, VII-14-1922, C. H. Curran (1, CASC); Lawrence, 6-17-1925, 6-26- 1925, W. Benedict (2, SEMC); Lawrence, 29-VI- [19]66 (1, FSCA); Ellis Co., 2000ft, F. X. Williams, July-18-1912 (2, SEMC); Ellsworth, 7-12-[19]23, G. H. Martin (1, SEMC); Ellsworth, 7-12-[19]23, L. C. Woodruff (1, SEMC); Gove Co., Gove, Hackberry Creek, 27-VII-1976, leg, P. Huggins, P. Liechti, DGH3; US. KSHuggensLietchti 1976.07.27.27 002 (3, SEMC1057583-SEMC1057585); Graham Co., 2130ft, F. X. Williams, Aug-16-1912 (1, SEMC); Hodgman Co., July-17-25-1917 (5, SEMC); Jewell Co., Lovewell Reservoir, Cedar Point, 10-VII-1978, leg M. Dubois, F. Gilbert, US.KS.DuboisGilbert 1978.07.10 003 (2, SEMC1057563, SEMC1057564); Kiowa Co., Greensburg, 17-June-1992, 10-July-1992, 17- July-1993, Glenn Salsbury, blacklight (3, SEMC); 4.5S Greensburg, 3-July-1992, 18-July-1992, Glenn Salsbury, blacklight (3, SEMC); 5SE Greensburg, 16-July-1993, Glenn Salsbury, blacklight (3, SEMC); [McPherson Co.], McPherson, VI- 10 (1, CASC); Pot[tawatomie] Co., June-16-1955 / McReynolds (1, FSCA); Rawlins Co., 2850ft, F. X. Williams (7, SEMC); [County?] Republican R., 8-4- [19]54, P. S. Bartholomew (1, CASC); [Riley Co.], Manhattan, Vasco M. Tanner collector (1, BYUC); Rooks Co. (1, SEMC); 1 mi W Webster State Park, 39°22.84’N, 99°32.31’W, 29-VI-19-VII-2005, R. Buhler, ex canopy trap, KAN1S05 112 (2, SEMC, SM0755353, SM0755354); Saline Co., July-23- 1923, C. H. Martin (1, SEMC); Scott Co., 6-20- [19]25, H. J. Grady (1, SEMC); [Sedgwick Co.], Mt. Hope, W. C. Warren, 7-8-[19]09 (1, SEMC). Kentucky: [McCracken Co.], Paducah, 2 mi W., Bk Lite, 5-24-June-1968, Don R. Harris (1, BYUC); [Montgomery Co.], Crall [?] Hope, VI-18-1946, Car, Cook (1, WSUC). Louisiana: Caddo Parish, 10-VI-1978 / C. B. Barr collector (1, LSAM); [Livingston Parish], Denham Springs, VI-26-1968, P. W. Humphreys/ light trap (1, LSAM); Morehouse Par., Chemin-A-Haut St. Pk, 11-VII-1983, coll. A. Bressler (1, LSAM). Maine: [Cumberland Co.], N. Bridgeton [sic], Van, VII-13-1963 (1, PMNH); [Hancock Co.], Mt. Desert, August-8-1929, J. N. Belkin (1, FSCA); Mt. Desert Is., Tremont, Hodgdon Pd., Black light, 25-August-1992, leg. Martin Hamerman (1, PMNH); [County?], Ogangrist(?), W. P. K. (1, MCZC); [Washington Co.], Jonesboro, Aug-5-1948 / collector D. M. Tuttle (2, INHS830230, INHS830244); York Co., West Newfield, UV trap, 28-July-1983, 30-July-1983, 4- 5-August-1983, leg. David S. MacDonald (10, PMNH). Maryland: [no data]/ Coll. Janson (4, BMNH); [County?], Potomac River, Cabin John, 11.vii.1959 / W.R.B. Hynd Coll., BMNH(E), 1998–129 (1, BMNH); Allegany Co., Green Ridge S. P., 10-August-1988, R. J. Rabaglia (2, FSCA); Little Orleans Twp, Little Orleans Campground, N39.630467, W78.388961, at light, 27 June 2014, 28 June 2014, Anthony Martin Deczynski (3, AMDC); Anne Arundel Co., Annapolis, 4-VII- 1987, 9-VII-1987, 8-June-1991, 14-June-1991, 16-June-1991, 18-19-June-1991, 30-June-1991, 2-July-1991, 5-July-1991, 10-July-1991 11-July- 1991, 20-July-1991, 26-July-1991, H. G. Stevenson (28, FSCA); Crofton, 25-VII-1988, R. J. Rabaglia (2, FSCA); Crownsville, 1-VII-1990, C. L. Staines (1, FSCA); Edgewater, 7-3-[19]80, 27- VI-1982, 30-VI-2-VII-1983, 20-23-VII-1983, 27- VI-2-VII-1984, 15-18-VI-1990, 19-22-VI-1990, 22-25-VI-1990, 25-29-VI-1990, 29-VI-2-VII-1990, 16-20-VII-1990, 23-30-VII-1990, 28-31-May- 1991, 3-11-June-1991, 10-17-June-1991, 17-21- June-1991, 21-24-June-1991, 24-28-June-1991, 28- June-1-July-1991, 12-15-July-1991, 15-19-July-1991, 30-IX-4-X-1991, 01-02-July-1992, 02-03-July- 1992 [ Figs. 24d, e View Fig ], 06-07-July-1992, 07-08- July-1992, 08-10-July-1992, 24-27-July-1992, 27-29-July-1992, 29-31-July-1992, C. L. Staines, Jr., blacklight (75, FSCA); Jug Bay, 20-VI-5-VII- 1991, 25-VI-3-VII-1991, 7-12-July-1991, H. G. Stevenson (4, FSCA); [Baltimore Co.], Johnnycake Rd., 9-July-1985, E. J. Gerberg (1, FSCA); Baltimore, VI-18-[19]09, VII-3-[19]09, VII-4-[19]09, VII-12-[19]09/ F. E. Blaisdell collector (6, CASC); Sparrows Pt., VII-9-[19]32, J. W. Green (1, CASC); Calvert Co., Flag Ponds, 18-June-1991, 13- July-1991, H. G. Stevenson (2, FSCA); Cecil Co., North East Twp., “Rodney Scout Reservation” 8/ 13 July 2007, 10 July 2007, 12 July 2009, Anthony Martin Deczynski (4, AMDC); as previous except, at light, 12 July 2010 (1, AMDC); Kent Co., Kennedyville, 5-July-1983, C. L. Staines, Jr. (1, FSCA); Montgomery Co., Bethesda, 9-VII-1984, 11-VII-1984, Howard V. Weems, Jr., UV light (8, FSCA); 2 mi. S Burtonsville, 20-vi-10-vii-1980 / Scott E. Miller Collector (3, MCZC); North Potomac, Quince Orchard Rd. at 39.02725°N, 77.08879°W, UV/porch lights, 10-12 July 2015, A. K. Tishechkin, AT-1332’ (1, LSAM); Silversprings [sic], VI-26-1962, H. P. Lanchester (1, WSUC); Takoma Park, VI-24-[19]50, VII-23-[19]50, VI-26- [19]51, VII-3-[19]52, G. H. Nelson/ to light (4, FSCA); Plummers Id, 16-VII-1920, 10-Aug-1920 / H. S. Barber (2, WSUC); [Prince Georges Co.], Beltsville, VI-30-1964, H. P. Lanchester (1, WSUC); College Park, 7-1-[19]32 (1, WSUC); College Park, VII-29-[19]50, G. H. Nelson/ to light (1, FSCA); College Park, VII-2-1961, B. K. Dozler/ light (1, FSCA); College Park, 16-June-1981, M. J. Rothschild (1, FSCA); Lake Arbor, Bowie, 25- VII-2003, T. P. Blumer (1, BYUC; DNA—M- TEC023694; [ Fig. 24b View Fig ]). Massachusetts: [no data] (7, MCZC; 1, WSUC); [no data]/ F. E. Blaisdell collector (2, CASC); [Barnstable Co.], Woods Hole, [no date], 7-16-2/ A. L. Melander collection (4, WSUC); Orleans, July 16-23, 1984, Youssef, MT (8, CESC); [Bristol Co.], Fall River, VII-23-[19]12, VII-13-[19]14, 7-19-[19]14, N. S. Easton (3, MCZC); Fall River, V-1-[19]29 (1, MCZC); [Dukes Co.], Elizabeth Is., Nashawena Is., VII-7-[19]71, C. T. Parsons/ under stone (1, MCZC); Elizabeth Is., Penekise Is., VIII-11-[19]72, C. T. Parsons (2, MCZC); Martha’ s Vineyard, VII-25-[19]28, C. T. Parsons/ Edgartown (1, MCZC); [Essex Co.], Beach Bluff, 18-VII-[19]15, H. M. Parshley/ Ocean Beach (1, CASC); Franklin Co., Heath, 15-July-1984, 15- July-1985, leg. Sophie Dobzhansky Coe & Michael D. Coe (2, PMNH); [Hampden Co.], Chicopee (1, MCZC); Springfield, G. Dimmock (2, MCZC); Middlesex Co., Lincoln, 10-24-vii-1982, window trap, E. T. Armstrong (1, MCZC); Arlington, VII- 16-1924 / Darlington (1, MCZC); [brown disc] [Cambridge, 1871, Hubbard and Schwarz] (1, MCZC); Cambridge (1, MCZC); Cambridge, verrill (1, MCZC); Malden, VII-24-[19]03, C. A. Frost (1, MCZC); Framingham, VII-4-[19]04, C. A. Frost/ At light (1, MCZC); Framhamm, VII-14-[19]30, C. A. Frost/ in house at night (1, MCZC); Fram., IX-26- 1916, Coll. C. A. F. (1, INHS830235); Framingham, 5-VII-1934 / C. E. Tottenham Coll., B.M.1963–414 (1, BMNH); Framingham, VII-8-1953,C. A. Frost (1, FSCA); Lowell, 9-3-[18]93 (1, MCZC); Natick, South Natick Border, 22-VI-2005, Col. S. LaFlour (1, BYUC; DNA—MTEC023699); Sudbury, VIII- 8-[19]24 (1, MCZC); Tyngsboro, [no date], 1906, well [19]07-VII-5 (3, MCZC); Tyngsboro, [no date], 8-21-[19]14, IX? [19]14, 7-4-[19]15, 9-V- [19]21, 9-15-[19]22 (6, MCZC); Tyngsboro, [19]’11-VII 13, cobweb (1, MCZC); Tings(?), Au [gust?]-[19](08?) (1, MCZC); Tyngs (4, MCZC); [Nantucket Co.], Nantucket Is. (7, INHS830250, INHS830251, INHS830350, INHS830372, INHS830395, INHS830409, INHS830437); Nantucket B., 2-24- [19]24 (1, MCZC); Nantucket B., 7-21-[19]24 (4, MCZC); [Norfolk Co.], Brookline (1, MCZC); Dedham, Sep-16-1917 (1, MCZC); [Plymouth Co.], Marion, Au[gust]-9-12-[19]02 (1, MCZC); [Suffolk Co.], Dorchester, Aug-10-1903 (1, BMNH); [Worcester Co.], Peterham [sic], VIII-27-1920, G. C. Wheeler (1, OSAC0000551177); [Freddrick Allen Eddy Collection]: 8-4-[18]83, [any/ cirry/ arrj] Sugar (1, MCZC); W. Brook[rirlli?], [Hatched?] Aug-[18]97 (1, MCZC); Lowell, 6/24- [18]91, M. L. B. (1); Hoofuri L. H., July 14-16 [18] 99 (1). Michigan: [no data] (1, MCZC); Cass Co., Wakelee, VII-10-1966, leg. N. G. Seaborg (1, CASC); Cheboygan Co., Douglas Lake, VIII-1917, 295a, 297a, M. H. Hatch (2, OSAC0000537368, OSAC0000537372); U of M Biol. Sta. 26-July- 1924 [?], R. L. Stone (1, LSAM); Douglas Lake, 19-July-1957, Robert E. Beer (1, SEMC); Douglas L., VII/ C. H. Kennedy collector (1, FMNH); Genesee Co., VII-6-[19]39, D. E. Bullock (1, OSAC0000569404); [Kalamazoo Co.], Galesburg, F. S. Sleeper (2, MCZC); Livingston Co., George Reserve/ July-30-1932, S. Moore/ taken at light (1, FMNH); E. S. George Reserve, VII-16-1933, A. W. Andrews (1, FMNH); Lenawee Co., Adrian, VII- 19-[19]71, D. Brzoska (1, SEMC); Macomb Co., E. of Memphis, 9-VII-1969, Brivio (1, PMNH); [Oakland Co.], Birmingham, July-14-1936, M. H. Hatch (1, OSAC0000569421); Rochester, July-10- 1936, M. H. Hatch (5, OSAC0000569415, OSAC0000569416, OSAC0000569418–OSAC0000569420); Roscommon Co., 21-July-1978, coll. J. L. Foltz (1, FSCA); Washtenaw Co., VII-1-1922, AA40, M. H. Hatch (1, OSAC0000551175); Ann Arbor, VII-13- [19]53, G. H. Nelson/ collected at light (5, FSCA); Whitmore Lake, VII-19-[19]56, G. H. Nelson/ to light (1, FSCA); Wayne Co., Detroit, 1249c, VII-4- 1921, M. H. Hatch (1, OSAC0000537367); Detroit (1, CASC). Minnesota: Clay Co., 3 miles SE of Fallon/ 12-August-1965, leg. J. S. Nordin (1, FSCA); [Hennepin Co.], Minneapolis, 21-July- 1953, leg. J. S. Nordin (1, FSCA); No. Mpls/ 10- July-1954, leg. J. S. Nordin (1, FSCA); Mower Co., VII-[19]80, Salsone (3, PMNH); Nobels Co., Worthington VII-27-1975 at 15w UV blacklight, A. Newton, M. Thayer/ under bark, conifer (1, MCZC); [Polk Co.], Erskine, 8-11-[19]37, C. L. Johnston (1, SEMC); [Waseca Co.], Waseca, 6-July- 1959, 9-July-1959, 13-July-1939, A. E. Grable, light trap (5, WSUC). Mississippi: Alcorn Co., Corinth, 3-July-1985, R. S. Miller colr (1, MTEC); Oktibbeha Co., Starkville, 3-9-VII-1971, Gerd H. Heinrich, malaise trap (1, FSCA); Panola Co., 12- July-1987, K. E. M. Galley, at black light (1, FSCA). Missouri: Barton Co., Prairie S. P. 25-July- 2003, Col. M. Ferro, Fleck Creek – Black Light (1, LSAM); Carter Co., Pinewoods Lake R. A., D. Brzoska, 8-VII-1991 (1, SEMC); Clay Co., Coolie Lake, July-18-1968, taken at UV light, leg. Roger L. Heitzman (1, FSCA); Jackson Co., July-1955, Ronald H. Pine (1, SEMC); Independence/ 23- June-1965, at black light, leg. J. R. Heitzman (1, FSCA); Independence/ July-15-1967, UV, leg, Roger L. Heitzman (1, FSCA); Independence, July- 1-1987, leg. Robert Heitzman (1, FSCA); Lees Summit, 18-VII-1947, B. E. White, coll. (2, CASC); Raytown, 15-VII-1970, 18-VII-1970, 16-VIII- 1971, 22-VIII-1971, 27-VIII-1971, 30-VI-1973, 1-VII-1973, 28-VI-1974, 7-VII-1974, 27-VII- 1977, G. H. Nelson/ at UV light (13, FSCA); [County?] Kansas City, 7-28-1920 / taken by Warwick Benedict (1, SEMC); Macom [sic] Co., September-7-1975, coll. S. Quisenberry (1, LSAM); [Pulaski Co.], Ft. Leonard Wood, 4-29-7-9-[19]52/ D. Giuliani collector (1, CASC); [Saint Charles Co.], St. Charles, VIII-24 (1, MCZC); St. Louis Co., 1 mile North of Eureka on August-17-1979, S. Jay Hanselmann, coll (2, BYUC); Wayne Co., 3.2 mi WSW of Patterson Co., Rd 332, deciduous Ozark forest and old field flora/ Hiltrud M. Webber, 2-VI- 1986, at U. V. light (1, FSCA). Montana: [no data] (2, INHS830255, INHS830392); [no data], Morrison (1, BMNH); Big Horn Co. Deadend Rd near I90 exit 510, small ash grove, elev 910m, 45.5792°N, 107.4560°W, 18-June[19-Jul]- 17-Sep-2010 / Kraus, Taravati, Etzler, baited LF (5, MTEC; DNA— MTEC018138); Hwy212, S. Crow Agency, 45.5792°N, 107.4560°W, 18-June-19-July- 2010, 3050ft, P. Kraus, baited LF (3, MTEC; DNA—MTEC018142); Hardin, 45.7567°N, 107.5660°W, 20-July-30-Aug- 2010, 2870ft, USDA, L. funnel w/ AP and EtOH (3, MTEC); Blaine Co., Chinook, 8-7-[19]75 (1, MTEC); [Carbon Co.], Fromberg, June-26-1942, H. B. Mills (1, MTEC); Red Lodge, Lions Camp, 24- VI-1957, R. Banfill, leg (1, MTEC); Carter Co., 5 mi W of Alzada @ uv light, 18-July-1990, D. L. Gustafson col (7, MTEC); Long Pines, Tri Point Sta blt, 30-Jun-10-Jul-1994, K. Wittenhagen colr (5, MTEC); Lantis Spring CG, 45.6304°N, 104.1775°W, 15-Jul- 2015, 3825ft, A. C. Dolan, P. Amaral (1, MTEC [ Fig. 24c View Fig ]); Chouteau Co., Judith Landing @ blt, 11-13-July-1994, D. J. Megargle colr (5, MTEC); [Custer Co.], Miles City, 17-July-1929, 18- July-1929, 19-July-1929 (3, MTEC); Dawson Co., Intake diversion, 27-June-1988, UV light, D. L. Gustafson col. (9, MTEC); Stream by Rd 242 off I94 exit 206, elev. 673m, 47.0420°N, 104.8292°W, 27-June-19-Sept-2010 / Kraus, Taravati, Etzler, baited LF (15, MTEC; DNA—MTEC018136, MTEC018141); Fergus Co., Lewistown, July-15- 1957, S. Vanhorn (2, MTEC); Lewistown, 17-July- 1974, G. Roemhild colr. (1, MTEC); 9 mi NW Lewistown, Spring Ck pitfall, elev. 3800ft, 2-Jul- 14-Aug-1988, C. E. Seibert colr (3, MTEC); Missouri R.-FRB, 09-Aug-1991, 18-20-Aug-1993, D. L. Gustafson (5, MTEC); Fred Rob. Br. Blt, 30- June-1994, C. L. Gustafson colr (1, MTEC); Sand Cr., hillside pitfall traps, 20-May-31-July-1995, C. L. Gustafson colr (1, MTEC); Saline Pond S of FRB, pitfall trap, 30-Jul-29-Oct-1995, D. L. Gustafson colr (1, MTEC); Gallatin Co., Bozeman, at UV light, 24-July-1989, D. L. Gustafson colr (1, MTEC); [Phillips Co.], Malta, 15-July-1928, C. M. Gjullin (1, MTEC); Malta, 7-18-[19]29 (1, MTEC); Prairie Co., Powder R. mouth, 46.7411°N, 105.4337°W, 676m, 23-July-1998, D. L. Gustafson (1, MTEC); Ravalli Co., near Florence, 7-June- 1980, Douglas Yanega (1, SEMC); Richland Co., near Fairview at FIT, 47.8223°N, 104.0705°W, 31- July-19-Aug-1992, R. G. Bramblett colr (1, MTEC); Missouri River at Culbertson, 7-Aug-1993, D. L. Gustafson col. (4, MTEC); Yellowstone R., Elk Island, 06-Aug-2002, D. L. Gustafson, W1726 (2, MTEC); Deb’ s Farm, Co. Rd. 480, 47.74°N, 105.07°W, 16-Jun-28-July-2011, 28-July-18-Aug- 2011, 2432ft, Hart, Etzler, Ivie, baited LF (7, MTEC); Roosevelt Co., Missouri R at Wolf Point Pk, pit trap, 12-Jun-8-Aug-1991, D. L. Gustafson colr (2, MTEC); Bainville, 48.1429°N, 104.2224°W, 26-May-19-July- 2010, 1964ft, USDA, LF, AP and EtOH (1, MTEC); Hwy 16, mi 86, 48.1922°N, 104.4984°W, 27-July-19-Aug- 2011, 2281ft, Hart and Staven, baited LF (1, MTEC); Rosebud Co., Tongue R., Ashland, 29-Aug-1989, 16-July-1990, UV light, D. L. Gustafson col. (6, MTEC); Tongue R., Ashland, pitfall trap, 6-Jun-4-Aug-1991, D. L. Gustafson (1, MTEC); Rosebud Area, 18-Jul-1990, blt, D. L. Gustafson, col (5, MTEC); MDFWP Far West site, pitfall traps, 10-Aug-11-Oct-1991, D. L. Gustafson col (3, MTEC); E Lame Deer, Hwy212, mi 47, far side of Dam, elev. 1159m, 45.6345°N, 106.5760°W, 18-Jun-17-Sept-2010 / Kraus, Taravati, Etzler, baited LF (2, MTEC); Stillwater Co., Columbus, 17-VI-1957, R. Banfill, leg (1, MTEC); Treasure Co., Yellowstone R., Myers Br., 04-Aug- 2002, 804m, D. L. Gustafson W1716 (4, MTEC); Yellowstone R., Myer’ s Br. 46.2579°N, 107.3406°W, 06-Aug- 2004, 804m, D. L. Gustafson, A0100 (3, MTEC); I94 exit 94, in pine, elev. 915m, 46.1482°N, 107.4200°W, 21-July-20-Sept-2010 / Kraus, Taravati, Etzler, baited LF (2, MTEC); I94 Rest stop, 46.2176°N, 107.2327°W, 23-May-14- Aug- 2015, 2926ft, F. Etzler, LF PSB (2, MTEC); Valley Co., Bjornberg Br. FAS, pitfall traps, 20- May-01-July-1995, D. L. Gustafson (3, MTEC); Town of Fort Peck, 48.0104°N, 106.4514°W, 27- July-19-Aug- 2011, 2146ft, Hart and Etzler, baited LF (1, MTEC); Wibaux Co., Wibaux, Yates Rd., 46.9608°N, 104.2369°W, 19-July- 2012, 2805ft, C. J. Hart, blacklight (3, MTEC); Yellowstone Co., J [un]e-30-1926/ collector H. C. Donohoe (3, MTEC); Billings, July-10-1912, VI-28-[19]31 (2, MTEC); Billings, 45.7633°N, 108.4805°W, 26- June-22-July-2010, 22-July-19-Sept- 2010, 3118ft, USDA, LF EtOH (4, MTEC; DNA—MTEC018139); Bighorn R., Manuel Lisa, 46.1457°N, 107.4648°W, 28-Jun- 1997, 823m, D. L. Gustafson, G0071 (2, MTEC); Huntley, August-23-1915 (1, MTEC); Huntley, light trap, 25-June-1979, 6-July-1979, Aug-10-1979, coll. Wendell Morrill (2, MTEC; 1, SEMC[?]). Nebraska: [no data] (1, MCZC); Dawson Co., Gothenburg, 6-VII-2001, C. W. Wendlandt (4, BYUC); Keith Co., Lake McConnaughy, Rt. 61 off Rt. 80, 7-29-[19]74 PSB (1, CASC); [Lancaster Co.], Malcolm, VII-15-09 (2, CASC); Malcolm, VII-17-[19]09, R. Oertel (2, MCZC); Malcolm, VII-14-[19]09, VII-15-1909, VII-30-1909, C. R. Oertel (4, CASC); Lincoln Co., Sutherland, 9-VII-2000, S. M. Clark, at light (1, BYUC); [County?], Orion [?], 7-19-[19]29 (1, MCZC); [Otoe Co.], Dunbar, 7-15-[19]37, W. W. Wirth (1, LSAM); Phelps Co., Holdrege, 13-VII- 1951, P. C. Hutchison, at light (1, CASC); Sioux Co., 6-22-[19]26, L. A. Stephenson (1, SEMC). Nevada: Dodge Co. [?]/ E. A. Dodge collector (1, CASC). New Hampshire: [Carroll Co.], Tamworth, VIII-2-1923, P. J. Darlington (1, MCZC); [Grafton Co.], Campton, Putnam Coll. (1, MCZC); East Hebron, August-1950, donated by E. L. Klee (1, CASC); [Hillsborough Co.], Manchester, [no date], 7-4 (3, INHS830511, INHS830537, INHS830538); [Merrimack Co.], Franklin, vii-1951, E. C. Zimmerman, B.M.1951–394 (1, BMNH); [Rockingham Co.], Sagamore Hill, July-[19]33 (1, MCZC); [Strafford Co.], Farmgtn, 7-25-[19]13 (1, MCZC). New Jersey: [no data] (1, INHS830236; 3, MCZC); [County?] W. Gap. (1, MCZC); [Atlantic Co.], Atlantic City (1, INHS830243); Mullica, B/L, 7-8- 1971, coll. G. Ekis (1, CASC); Oceanville, July-9- 1968, coll. Lloyd R. Davis, Jr. (1, FSCA); Bergen Co., Woodcliff, 8-8-[19]70, 8-9-[19]70, D. A. Wright (2, PMNH); Rutherford, VII-23-1973, VII- 25-1973, VII-28-1973, R. L. Jacques, Jr. (11, FSCA); Lyndhurst Twp, Meadowlands Environment Center, N40.78585, W74.10391, at light, 21 July 2014, Anthony Martin Deczynski (1, AMDC); [Burlington Co.], Masonville, June-1970, G. Ekis coll. (1, CASC); Cape May Co., Eldora, 3-9-vii-1983, red maple-sweet gum swamp, D. F. Schweltzer/ window trap (1, MCZC); [Camden Co.], Camden, G. Ekis, col, 7-16-[19]69 (1, CASC); [Cumberland Co.], Vinland (1, OSAC0000541750); Monmouth Co., VII-8-1970, VII-12-1970, R. L. Jacques (9, FSCA); Spring Lake, VI-28-1975, R. L. Jacques, Jr. (4, FSCA); Ocean Co., Lakehurst, 19-July-1947, leg. S. A. Hessel (1, PMNH); Somerset Co., Watchung, VII-13-1966, H. Ewing, at light (1, CASC); Martinsville, June-1970, G. Ekis Coll. (1, CASC); [Warren Co.], Phillipsburg, VII-27-1925 / L. S. Slevin collection (1, CASC). New Mexico: [Bernalillo Co.], Albuquerque, Snow, August-1894 (1, SEMC); Catron Co., #4, San Francisco R, 5 mi N Glenwood, at light, 2-August-1965, George W. Byers (1, SEMC); [Lincoln Co.], Carrizozo, 7-26- 1923, K. C. Doering (1, SEMC); McKinley Co., Ramah Recr. Area, 2-August-1970 / V. P. Gapund collector (1, SEMC); [Otero Co.], Cloudcroft, 7-14- [19]36, R. H. Beamer (1, SEMC); Cloudcroft, 30- July-1971 (1, CASC); Sandoval Co., Bernalill[o], 28[?]- vii-1980 [?], W. M. Tyson (1, ERFC [label difficult to read]); [San Miguel Co.], Las Vegas (1, INHS830197); Las Vegas, Dr. A. Fenyes (2, CASC); Las Vegas, July-1-[18]99, CKUS (1, MCZC). New York: [no data] (1, INHS830404; 1, MCZC; 1, WSUC); [no data]/ United States 1907–156/ ex Coll. Wickahm (2, BMNH); [red rectangle]/ New York / Ex. Deyrolle, Coll. Janson/ Asaphes memnonius Herbst, Am. B. / Dicrepidius picicornis, Amer. Bor., Guis(?) (1, BMNH); Albany Co., Renssselaerville Huyck Preserve/ July-18-31-1974, August-1-1975, Ross H. Arnett, Jr. Collector (2, FSCA); [Dutchess Co.], Poughkeepsie, August-15- 1936, J. G. Franclemont (1, FSCA); [Erie Co.], Buffalo (3, INHS830225, INHS830252, INHS830514); Buffalo/ W. G. Dietz Coll. (1, MCZC); Essex Co., Wilmington, 7-10-VII-1991, J. Huether (1, FSCA); Ticonderoga, July-27-1929 / J. C. Listman (1, PMNH); Nassau Co., Plainview, 10-July-1978, Mike Huybensz (1); Roslyn, L. I., July-7-1930, July-8-1930, July-9-1930, J. N. Belkin (6, FSCA); Roslyn, L. I., July-7-1937, K. V. Krombein (1, FSCA); Sea Cliff, L. I., June, July (2, MCZC); [County?] Long Is. (1, MCZC); Long Island (3, PMNH); N. Y. City & vcty. (1, INHS830245); N.Y.C., 2-Aug-1956, I. Friedman (1, SEMC); [Queens County] Flushing, L.I., Queens, VII-2-1930 / collection of N. L. Rumpp (2, CASC); [Rockland Co.?], Palisades Interstate Park, Lake Kanarule, 3-4-August-1956, Saul Frommer (1, SEMC); [Sullivan Co.], Tusten, August-[19]34 (1, FSCA); Tusten, Aug-1934, E. J. Gerberg (1, FSCA); [Tompkins Co.], Ithaca, 6-Aug-[18]86, B. C. Cole Collector (1, CASC); Ithaca, 12-July-[18] 97/ F. L. Washburn collector (1, CASC); Ithaca, 1-Aug-[19]17, 21-July-[19]38 (1, INHS830512; 1, FSCA); Ithaca (1, MCZC); Ithaca, 22-July- 1937, 27-July-1937, 29-July-1937, 14-Aug-1937, 24-Aug-1937, 24-July-1938, 29-July-1939, 10- August-1939, 27-July-1940, 11-Aug-1940, J. G. Franclemont (17, FSCA); Ithaca, VII-24-1940, J. N. Belkin (5, FSCA); Ithaca, 20-July-1980, J. Pakaluk (1, SEMC); Ithaca-Cayuga Heights, 22-June-1991, M. F. Whiting (1, BYUC); [Ulster Co.], Boiceville, July-8-1936, July-10-1936, July-11-1936, July-12- 1936, J. G. Franclemont (4, FSCA); Ellenville, 16- 18-July-1937, E. J. Gerberg (1, FSCA); [Westchester Co.], Bedford, 15-VII-[19]34/ K. L. Maehier collection (1, CASC); Mt. Kisco, VI-17- [19]26 (1, BYUC); Scarsdale, July-7-1957, G. R. Furguson (2, FSCA); Somers, Wm. C. Wood, VII- 24-[19]25 (1, PMNH). North Carolina: [no data] (1, CASC; 4, MCZC); [green disc]/ Coll. Janson, Ex. Laferte (1, BMNH); Avery Co., Altamont, Blue Ridge Parkway, 30-VI-1998, M. D. Terry (1, BYUC); Banner Elk, VII-6-[19]49, M. M. L. Pearson (1, FSCA); Banner Elk, VII-16-18-[19]49, J. F. W. Pearson (1, FSCA); [Buncombe Co.], Asheville, VII-13, Garnett (3, CASC); Black Mtns, J. C. Huguenin (1, CASC); Black Mts, VII-10-1912, VII-20-1912, VII-22-1912, VII-30-1912 (5, CASC); Craven Co., North Harlowe, June-7-1990, 30-VI-1990, 18-VII-1990, 29-VII-1990, J. B. Sullivan (4, FSCA); Pinecliff, June-17-1983, J. B. Sullivan (1, FSCA); [Haywood Co.], Lake Junaluska, 29-VI-[19]59, 1-VII-[19]59, 6-VII-[19]61, 12-VII-1983, 13-VII-1983, 16-17-VII-1983, H. V. Weems, Jr., ultraviolet light (12, FSCA); Lake Junaluska, 3-VII-[19]59, Debra Weems (2, FSCA); GRSM, Cataloochee, MT 10, 311401E, 3939854N, 2-20-Aug-2001, C. R. Parker & I. C. Stocks (4, LSAM010457, LSAM0104164, LSAM0104165, LSAM0129685); as previous except, 30-July-20- Aug-2002, J. & D. Lowe (7, LSAM0104135- LSAM0104138, LSAM0104140, LSAM0104141, LSAM014152); GSMNP, Purchase Knob, ATBI Plot, Malaise, MT0720010820, 2-20-Aug-2001, C. Parker & I. Stocks (1, LSAM0129684); GSMNP, ATBI Plot, Purchase Knob, 313346E, 3940433N/ Malaise Trap MT07, 17-30-Jul-2002, 30-Jul-20- Aug-2002, J. & D. Lowe (14, LSAM, LSAM0104129, LSAM0104130); GSMNP, 1 mi SW Double Gap, 35.716°N, 83.092°W, elev 970m, 6-VII-2004, S. M. Clark (1, BYUC; DNA—MTEC023696); Iredell Co., Statesville, 22-VII-1988, M. C. Thomas, at light (1, FSCA); [Macon Co.], Franklin, 8-15-[19] 39, D. E. Hardy (1, SEMC); Franklin, 8-17-[19]39, R. H. Beamer (1, SEMC); 10mi SW Franklin, 16- 20-VII-2000 / B. K. Dozier collector (4, FSCA); Swain Co., GSMNP, Oconaluftee maintenance/ housing area, 17 S 0290850 3932090, 6-Jul-2005, J. Bedoya (1, LSAM0129600); Highlands, June- [18?]88 (2, MCZC); Wake Co., Raleigh St. Road 1371/ SW of Raleigh, 15-VII-1987, S. P. Whitney/ at ultraviolet light (1, FSCA). North Dakota: 7-18- [19]50 (2, WSUC); [Emmons Co.], Linton, 7-23- [19]37, C. L. Johnston (1, SEMC); Stark Co., Heart River, Hwy 22, Dickinson, 46°47’N, 102°46’W, 14- July-1997, R. W. Baumann (3, BYUC). Ohio: [no data] (1, CASC; 1, WSUC); Champaign Co., Urbana, R. E. Woodruff/ 6-2-[19]50, J.W. (1, FSCA); Urbana, R. E. Woodruff/ Johnson’ s, VI-11-[19]50 (1, FSCA); Urbana, R. E. Woodruff/ Peck’ s Mkt, 6- 23-[19]53/ at light (1, FSCA); Clark Co., Springfield Fen, 27-June-1989, R. S. Miller colr/ 10 m. NE Fen (1, MTEC); Cuyahoga Co., Shaker Heights, Spetember-1960, July-1962, leg. D. G. Furth (2, PMNH); Delaware Co., Jct. Deer Creek & Scioto River, 21-July-1984, S. M. Clark (1, BYUC); Franklin Co., Columbus, 06-Jul-1981, 27-Jul-1982, M. A. Ivie colr (2, MTEC); Hocking Co., Sheick Hollow, 8-23-July-1989, R. S. Miller family/ Malaise trap in riparian woods (2, MTEC); Jackson Co., Lake Katherine, 2-15-July-1989, R. S. Miller family/ Malaise trap in riparian woods (2, MTEC); Knox Co., VII-15-1941 (1, FSCA); Gambier, VII- 22-1940 (1, FSCA); Licking Co., Newark R. R. S., VIII-1963, Brivio (1, PMNH); Portage Co., Aurora, at light, 9-July-1976, leg. D. G. Furth (1, PMNH); Prebble Co., 5 mi. SW Camden, 25-June-1986, N. K. Miller colr (1, MTEC); Ross Co., Tar Hollow S. F., 2-23-July-1988, R. S. Miller fam./ Malaise trap in hillside woods (4, MTEC). Oklahoma: Latimer Co., July 1982, VI-1984, VI-1986, VII-1986, VI- 1987, VII-1987, IV-1988, VI-1988, VII-1988, VI- 1989, VII-1989, VI-1991 K[arl] Stephan (38, FSCA; DNA—MTEC023697); 2-July-1987, K. E. M. Galley, at black light (1, FSCA); 5mi W. Red Oak, 11-VI-[19]77, 2-VII-[19]77, 16-VII-[19]77, VII-[19]80, Karl H. Stephan (6, FSCA); LeFlore Co., Cavanal Mtn, 35°04.22’N, 94°40.76W, UV light, 23-Jul-2005, M. Gimmel (2, LSAM); Cavanal Mt, N35.07°, W94.68°, 23-Jul-2005, N. L. Rasmussen, attracted to blacklight (1, SEMC); [Oklahoma Co.], Luther, Beck & Call coll., June 1931 (1, BYUC); Pott[awatomie] Co., June-20-1931, at elec. light, not frosted, night cool, dark, E. B. Webster (1, OSAC0000541857). Pennsylvania: [no data] (4, INHS830214, INHS830229, INHS830257,INHS830305; 8, MCZC); July/ A. Fenyes collection (1, CASC); Am. Bor U.S./ Asaphes memnonius Hbst, Cand. Cdze , ex coll. D. Lacordaire, D. Candèze/ Asaphes memnonius Pennsylvania/ Coll. Janson (1, BMNH); [Allegheny Co.], Pittsburg[h], 7-28-1924, Chermock (1, SEMC); Pittsburgh, VII-16-[19]25, VII-12, VII-14, VII-24, VIII (1, BYUC; 5, OSAC0000569401, OSAC0000569403, OSAC0000569410–OSAC0000569412); PGH, Aug-1925 (2, MTEC); West View, VII-28/ H. L. Chermock (4, CASC); [Berks Co.], Stony Crk Mills, VIII-3-[19]49, D. G. Kissinger (1, FSCA); Columbia Co., 25-June-1969, leg. Thomas Manley (2, PMNH); Dauphin Co., VII-10-[19]27, VIII-4- [19]27, VIII-15-[19]27, IX-3-[19]27/ J. N. Knull collector (4, CASC); Harrisburg, VII-15-[19]10 (1, MCZC); Delaware Co., Chadds Ford, 15-21-July- 1991, J. E. Wappes (1, FSCA); [Franklin Co.], Mt. Alto, VII-9/J. N. Knull coll. (1, ASUC); [Montgomery Co.], Gladwyn, VII-6-[19]35/ D. G. Kelley collection (1, CASC); [Northampton Co.], Easton, VII-10-[19]29, VII-20-[19]39, VII-20-[19]34, VIII-10-[19]36, VII-26-[19]45, J. W. Green (7, CASC); Wind Gap, VII-8-[19]41, VII-16-[19]41, VII-18-[19]41, VII-19-[19]41, July-1946, J. W. Green (4, OSAC0000569405, OSAC0000569406, OSAC0000569408, OSAC0000569413; 1, CASC; 4, WSUC); [Philadelphia Co.], Phil[adelphia], VI- 28/ L. S. Slevin collection (1, CASC); Phila[delphia], VII (1, MCZC); Angora, VII-4 (1, MCZC); Mt. Airy, [no date], 7-15, 7-27 (4, MCZC); Oak Lane, IV-1 (1, MCZC); Wisahickn [sic] Cr., VIII-3 (1, MCZC); [Westmoreland Co.], Jeannette (1, MCZC); Jeanlite [?], 6-30/ Hinton Coll. B.M.1939–538 (1, BMNH); Jeanette, VII (1, OSAC0000569402). Rhode Island: [Providence Co.], Cranston, Dyers, 7-29-[19]15, J. V. Nylen (1, PMNH); [Washington Co.], Block Island, Mouwnee Hill, el. 180, 4-5-July- 1974, leg Dorothy L. duPont (1, PMNH). South Carolina : Anderson Co., Clemson Experimental Forest, Big Oaks, N34.612825, W82.824433, at light, 4 July 2018, 5 July 2018, Anthony Martin Deczynski (4, AMDC); [Richland Co.], Columbia, 10.vi.1986, T. K. Phillips (1, CESC); Oconee Co., Ellicott Rock Wilderness, Sumter National Forest, Burrell’ s Ford Campground, N34.96893, W83.11854, at light, 7 July 2018, Anthony Martin Deczynski (1, AMDC); Pickens Co., Clemson Twp, Clemson University, Cherry Farm, N34.653086, W82.834383, at light, 29 June 2018, Anthony Martin Deczynski (1, AMDC); Clemson Twp, 802 Creekside Drive, N34.696889, W82.824169, at light, 24 June 2015, 29 June 2015, 30 July 2016, Anthony Martin Deczynski (4, AMDC); Clemson Twp, 814 Creekside Drive, N34.695606, W82.824267, at light, 20 June 2017, Anthony Martin Deczynski (1, AMDC); “Dovehaven”, 7mi NE of Pickens, 6- 21-1979, 8-25-1981, Annie Dozier (2, FSCA); “Dovehaven”, 7 mi N. E. of Pickens, 2-VIII-1980, VII-25-1981, H. L. Dozier (2, FSCA); 7 mi NE Pickens, VI-17-1995, H. L. Dozier (1, FSCA; DNA—MTEC023695). South Dakota: [Brookings Co.], Volga/ Truman/ A. Fenyes collection (2, CASC); Day Co., Sect. 5, Racine Twn, attracted to UV/ 3-August-1966, leg. J. S. Nordin (1, FSCA); Gregory Co., Buryanek GPA, 02-August-1996, blacklight, G. M. Marrone (1, BMNH); [Marshall Co.], Veblen, 7-21-[19]37, H. T. Peters (1, SEMC); Moody Co., Egan/ G. E. Thomas coll. (2, CASC); [Pennington Co.], Hill City, VIII-8-1935, A. Thrupp (1, CASC); [Union Co.], Elk Pt., J[ul]y-1915 (1, MCZC). Tennessee: [no data]/ Van Dyke Collection (1, CASC); Benton Co., VI-27-1948, I. Walker, P. White (1, FSCA); VII-4-1950, VII-9-1950, VI- 21-1952, VII-1-1952, VII-7-1952, VII-17-1952, T. J. Walker, Jr. (5, FSCA); Carter Co., 5mi N Hampton, VII-24-31-1969, Ted Helseth leg, U. V. light Trap (1, SEMC); Cocke Co., GSMNP, ATBI Plot, Albright Grove, 35°43’60”N, 83°16’50”W / Lindgren 18, 21-Jul-1-Aug-2001, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (1, LSAM0188302); GSMNP, Albright Grove, ATBI Plot, MT-1820010814, 1-14-August- 2001, C. R. Parker & I. C. Stocks (1, LSAM0129150); GSMNP, ATBI Plot, Albright Grove, 293741E, 3956563N/ Malaise MT17, 5-20- Jul-2002, B. Merritt (1, LSAM); GSMNP, ATBI Plot, Albright Cove[sic], MT 18, 293741E, 3956563N, 5-20- Jul7-2002, B. Merritt (5, LSAM0104123- LSAM0104127); GRSM, ATBI Plot, Albright Cove [sic], MT 18, 293741E, 3956563N, 20-Jul-1-Aug- 2002, C. R. Parker (4, LSAM0104166-LSAM0104169); GSMNP Cosby, 17-Jul-2003, W. D. Merritt (2, LSAM0076663, LSAM0076664); GSMNP, ATBI Plot, Snakeden Ridge, 299256E 3957561N/ Malaise Trap MT20, 4-19-Jun-2001, I. C. Stocks (4, LSAM); as previous except, Malaise Trap, MT19, 2-16-Jul-2001, I. C. Stocks (1, LSAM); GRSM, ATBI Plot, Snakeden Ridge, MT 19, 299256E 3957561N, 2-Jul-1-Aug-2002, C. R. Parker (1, LSAM0104128); [Decatur Co.], Perryville, 7-20- 1926, T. E. White (1, SEMC); Sevier Co., GSMNP, Greenbriar Cove cemetery, 35°42’21”N, 83°22’56”W, 16-Jul-2003, MVLT, V.M. Bayless (1, LSAM0076759); GSMNP, Greenbriar Cove cemetery, 35°42’21”N, 83°22’56”W, elev. 1700’,UV/MVLT, 16Jul2003, A. Mayor, V. M. Bayless, C. E. Carlton, M. K. Dean, S. A. Gil (1, LSAM0077298); GSMNP, Greenbriar, Plemons Cemetery, UV/MV lights, 17-June-2005, S. Gil (1, LSAM0129674); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Malaise Trap MT-2220010717, 2-17- June-2001, M. Williams (9, LSAM0128963, LSAM0128964, LSAM0128970-LSAM0128972, LSAM 0128974-LSAM0128977); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Pitfall 103, 17-30-July-2001, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (1, LSAM0104174); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Malaise Trap, MT-2120010730, 17-30-July-2001, J. & R. Saczawa (4, LSAM012564-LSAM0129567); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Lindgren funnel #22, 13- 30-August-2001, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (1, LSAM0102967); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Malaise Trap MT-2220010813, 30-July-13-Aug-2001, I. C. Stocks (2, LSAM0129562, LSAM0129563); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, 269680E 3943539N, 20- Jun-9-Jul-2002, B. Merritt, MT2120020709 (2, LSAM0156431, LSAM0156443); as previous except, MT22, 9-17-July-2002, B. Merritt (12, LSAM0104134, LSAM0104139, LSAM0104142- LSAM0104148, LSAM0104150, LSAM0104151, LSAM0104158); as previous except, 17-July-5- Aug-2002, J. & R. Saczawa (8, LSAM0104153- LSAM0104156, LSAM0104159-LSAM0104162); GSMNP, Goshen Prong, ATBI Plot, Malaise Trap, MT-2220010730, 17-30-July-2002, I. C. Stocks (4, LSAM0103095-LSAM0103098); GRSM, ATBI Plot, Goshen Prong, MT 22, 269680E 3943539N, 5- 19-Aug-2002, J. & R. Saczawa (1, LSAM0104163); GSMNP, Porter’ s Creek, 35°40.790’N, 83°23.855’W, 1-8-July-2007, FIT, M. Ferro (2, LSAM0167727, LSAM0168191); GSMNP, nr. Jnct. Hwy 321 & Greenbriar Rd, 35°44.258’N, 83°25.007’W, 420m, mesic hardwood, LF20060627, Sokolov, Sokolova, Rusin, 17-27-VI-2006 (1, LSAM0100393); GSMNP, Snakeden Ridge, ATBI Plot, MT-1920010801, 16- July-1-Aug-2001, I. C. Stocks & K. Pitz (3, LSAM0134995-LSAM0134997); GSMNP, Tween [sic] Creeks ATBI Plot, MT-0119990721, 6-21- July-1999, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (2, LSAM0129081, LSAM0129082); GSMNP, Twin Creeks ATBI plot, MT-0119990817, 9-17-August- 1999, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (1, LSAM0103598); GSMNP, Twin Creeks ATBI plot, MT-0220000718, 3-18-July-2000, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (17, LSAM0128888-LSAM0128890, LSAM0128892, LSAM0128895, LSAM0128896, LSAM0128914- LSAM0128919, LSAM0129029, LSAM0129030, LSAM0129032–LSAM0129034); GSMNP, Twin Creeks ATBI Plot, MT-0120000802, 18-July-2- August-2000, Parker, Stocks, & Petersen (2, LSAM0103669, LSAM0103675); GSMNP, Twin Creeks ATBI Plot, Malaise Trap, MT-0220010706, 21-June-6-Jul-2001, I. C. Stocks (2, LSAM0129768, LSAM0129770); as previous except, MT-0120010716, 6-16-Jult-2001 (6, LSAM0129303, LSAM0129304, LSAM0129766, LSAM0129767, LSAM0129769, LSAM0129771); as previous except, MT-0120010730, 16-20-Jul-2001 (8, LSAM0128509, LSAM0128510, LSAM0128512, LSAM0128530, LSAM0128749, LSAM0128757, LSAM0128759, LSAM0128762); as previous except, MT-0120010813, 30-July-13- Aug-2001 (1, LSAM0128660); as previous except, MT-0220010716, 14-29-August-2001 (1, LSAM0128810); GSMNP, Twin Creeks, MT- 01, 273810E 3951793N, 16-31-July-2002, I. C. Stocks (3, LSAM0104131– LSAM0104133); GSMNP, Twin Creeks ATBI Plot, 273810E 3951793N, 31-Jul-15-Aug-2002, B. Merritt, MT0120020815 (1, LSAM0156883); Sullivan Co., vic. Indian Springs, Chestnut Ridge Summit, 1600’ 4-VII-[20]02, J. Hyatt (1, FSCA). Texas: [no data] (2, MCZC); July-1930 / H. C. Fall Collection (2, MCZC); Harris Co., R. Oertel (1, MCZC). Utah: Utah Co., BYU campus, Provo, 16- VII-2001, M. Price (1, BYUC; DNA—MTEC023693). Vermont: [no data] (1, INHS830222). Virginia: [no data] (6, INHS830205, INHS830217, INHS830223, INHS830224, INHS830535, INHS830536); [no data]/ J. Smart/ Fry Coll., 1905, 100 (1, BMNH); Prince George Co., James River NWR, Fines Road, N37.28007°, W077.11555°, 24-June-1-July-2016, 1-8-July-2016, A. V. Evans, C. W. Brame, baited lindgren funnel trap (2, BMNH); Augusta Co., slopes of Elliott Knob, 16-VIII-1963 / D. C. & K. A. Rentz collectors (4, CASC); [County?] Arlington, July 8-12-1946, J. G. Franclemont (2, FSCA); [County?] Shenandoah N’ tl Park, Sexton Knoll, VII-28-1937 / N. L. Rumpp (3, CASC). Washington: Yakima Co., 6-23-[19]76, at light, F. Howell (1, WSUC); Outlook, BL[ight] trap June- 27-1976, July-6-1976, July-9-1976, July-11-1976, July-23-1976, July-27-1976, Sept-3-1976, 7-10- [19]78, J. F. Howell (15, WSUC). West Virginia: Pocahontas Co., Watoga St. Park, 15-17-VII-1986, Howard V. Weems, Jr., at fluorescent light (3, FSCA). Wisconsin: [no data] (1, INHS830232; 1, MCZC); [no data]/ Aug, Sept (3, WSUC); [Bayfield Co.], Bayfield, Wickham/ A. Fenyes collection (2, CASC); [Dane Co.], Madison, July-1927, leg. Henry Bunting (1, PMNH); Madison, [no date], 7-7- [19]28, 7-21-1928, July-11-1929, VII-15-1929, VII-20-1929, VII-24-1930 / C. E. Woodworth collector/ at sugar (51, WSUC); Madison, 6-VII-1962, J. K. Lawton col/ light (1, SEMC); [Dodge Co.], Beaver Dam, Vi-27-[19]09/ Van Dyke collection (1, CASC); [Milwaukee Co.], Milwaukee, 31-7-[to]-2- 8-[19]35, Harry van Emden/ Ex. Van Emden Coll., B.M.1939–75 (2, BMNH); Racine Co., Burlington, VII-22-[19]67, VI-29-[19]71, VII-21-[19]72, VII- 24-[19]72, D. Brzoska (4, SEMC); Sauk Co., Hemlock Draw, 43°21’07”N, 89°57’08”W, July-1- 10-2000, col. Alistair Ramsdale/ flight intercept trap, mesic hardwood forest (1, MTEC); Pine Hollow S. N. A., 42°22’13”N, 89°54’11”W, 20-30- July-2000, A. S. Ramsdale colr., F.I.T. mesic Acer Forest (1, MTEC; DNA—MTEC018137); [Waukesha Co.], Waukashau [sic] VI-10-[19]25 (1, CASC). Wyoming: Crook Co., Bear Lodge Mountains, Beaver Creek, 1 mi SW Hwy 24, 8-VIII-2015, S. M. Clark/ 44.6433°N, 104.3797°W, elev. 1322m (5, BYUC130109, BYUC131377, BYUC131619, BYUC131650, BYUC131705); [Goshen Co.], Torrington, July-7-1948 / R. E. Pfadt collector (1, CASC); [Sheridan Co.], Sheridan, Metz (2, CASC; 1, MCZC). Unknown state: Diamond Island, T., [Winnefsiaory?], 1869 (1, MCZC). No locality info: (3, INHS830516, INHS830518, INHS830532; 2, OSAC0000541748, OSAC0000541749; 4, MCZC; 1, WSUC); 310/ EntClub (1, BMNH); Sharp Collection (1, BMNH); sec. Cdz. Coll. (1, BMNH); Coll Janson, ex. Candèze (1, BMNH); Coll. Janson, Ex Laferte/ Asaphes memnonius Herbst / Eremita (nobis) carolina Reiche (1, BMNH); Leng (1, MCZC).














Hemicrepidius memnonius ( Herbst, 1806 )

Etzler, Frank E. 2020

Hemicrepidius nemnonius (Herbst)

Evans 2014: 220

Hemicrepidius memnonius (Herbst)

Bousquet 2013: 184
Webster 2012: 100
Majka 2011: 139
Bousquet & Family Elateridae 1991: 183
Brooks & Adult Elateridae 1960: 31
Dietrich 1945: 30
Leng 1920: 170

Asaphes memnonius (Herbst)

Blatchley 1910: 770
Horn 1880: 74
Candeze 1863: 211

Asaphes baridius (Say)

Horn 1880: 74
Candeze 1863: 211

Hemicrepidius thomasi Germar 1839: 213

Candeze 1863: 211
Germar 1839: 213

Elater baridius

Say & Descriptions of new North American insects and observations on some already described & Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 1836: 176

Elater nemnonius

Schonherr & Synonymia 1817: 277
Herbst 1806: 29

Elater memnonius

Say & Descriptions of new North American insects and observations on some already described & Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 1836: 176
Melsheimer 1806: 42
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