Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, 1914, 1978

Grossi, Paschoal Coelho & Saltin, Jochen-P., 2014, Description of the female of Phileurus bucculentus Ohaus, with new country records and remarks for Phileurus carinatus Prell (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Dynastinae), Insecta Mundi 2014 (348), pp. 1-16 : 6

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Felipe (2021-08-07 06:21:52, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 20:13:31)

scientific name

Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, 1914


Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, 1914

( Figures 3–6 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 )

Phileurus carinatus Prell, 1914: 223

Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell. Endrödi (1978: 106) .

This species was originally described as a separate taxon from Phileurus declivis Prell , and was based on a single male. Prell (1914) distinguished Phileurus declivis by its pronotal declivity reaching the middle of the pronotum and by the absence of a postapical tubercle on the pronotum. Phileurus carinatus has, in contrast, the declivity taking up the anterior half of the pronotum and the presence of a postapical pronotal tubercle in males. Endrödi (1978) mentioned that the postapical tubercle is usually small, the pygidium is more finely punctate, and downgraded P. declivis to a subspecies of P. carinatus ( Endrödi 1978) .

Distribution. Type material examined. Holotype male (ZMHB), labeled as follows ( Fig. 6C, F, I, J View Figure 6 ): a) handwritten label, “ Nicaragua ”, b) white with red bordered handwritten label, “ Lectotypus / Phileurus / carinatus / Endrödi Prell”; c) red handwritten label, “ Phileurus / carinatus / Prell male symbol-Type.”

Additional material examined. Among the material we were able to study, there were three NEW COUNTRY RECORDS for Phileurus carinatus as follows, all male specimens having a well-developed pronotal tubercle: ARGENTINA (4 specimens): Chaco, Charata (1 male and 1 female) ( EPCG) ; Castelli (1 female) ( EPCG) ; Misiones, San Vicente (1 female) ( EPCG). COLOMBIA (1 specimen): Bogota (1 male) ( FDC). PERU (7 specimens): Loreto, Contaya , near Contamana , Serra el Divisor , S of Contamana (1 male) ( EPGC) ; Loreto (1 male and 1 female) ( JPSC) ; Iquitos (3 males and 1 female) ( JPSC). Additional male specimens with pronotal tubercle were studied from the following localities, and the females from these places were considered by us to be conspecific: BRAZIL (7 specimens): Brazil (1 female) ( IRSNB) ; Amazonas, Manaus, Faz. Dimona (02 o 19’28’’S / 60 o 05’11’’W) (1 female) ( EPCG) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo, Linhares, Reserva Vale do Rio Doce (1 male and 1 female) ( EPCG) ; Santa Teresa (1 female) ( DZUP) ; Pará, Óbidos (1 male) ( MNHN) ; Santa Catarina, São Bento do sul (1 female) ( JPSC). PANAMA (1 specimen): Coclé, La Mesa (1 female) ( EPCG) .

Endrodi, S. 1978. Monographie der Dynastinae, 8. Tribus: Phileurini, amerikanische Arten II. (Coleoptera). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 31: 85 - 164 [73 - 126].

Prell, H. 1914. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dynastinen X. Entomologische Mitteilungen 3: 197 - 226.

Gallery Image

Figure 3. Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, large male. A) Dorsal view. B) Lateral view. C) Ventral view. D) Head and pronotum, detail. E) Abdominal sternum, detail. F) Parameres in lateral and caudal views. G) Scutellum. H) Elytral disc, detail. I) Head and pronotum, in perspective view.

Gallery Image

Figure 4. Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, small male. A) Dorsal view. B) Lateral view. C) Ventral view. D) Head and pronotum, detail. E) Abdominal sternum, detail. F) Parameres in lateral and caudal views. G) Scutellum. H) Elytral disc detail. I) Head and pronotum, in perspective view.

Gallery Image

Figure 5. Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell, female. A) Dorsal view. B) Lateral view. C) Ventral view. D) Head and pronotum, detail. E) Abdominal sternum, detail. F) Scutellum. G) Elytral disc, detail. H) Head and pronotum, in perspective view.

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Phileurus carinatus carinatus Prell. A) Large male from Peru, detail of head and pronotum. B) Small male from Peru, detail of head and pronotum. C) Holotype male (ZMHB) detail of head and pronotum. D) Small female from Peru, detail of head and pronotum. E) Large female from Argentina, detail of head and pronotum. F) Holotype labels. G) Pygidium of a male from Peru. H) Parameres in caudal view, specimen from Peru. I) Original drawing from Prell (1914). J) Holotype male in dorsal view (ZMHB).


Forsyth Dental Center


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











