Abdera (C.) flexuosa, (Paykull, 1799)

Tamutis, Vytautas, Ferenca, Romas & Pollock, Darren A., 2019, Faunistic review of Tetratomidae and Melandryidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) in Lithuania with an annotated checklist of the species, Zootaxa 4668 (2), pp. 183-206 : 188-189

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Plazi (2019-09-19 12:50:53, last updated 2024-11-27 03:09:25)

scientific name

Abdera (C.) flexuosa


* A. (C.) flexuosa (Paykull, 1799)

New records. Taur: Laukesos durpynas, 21 V 1993, leg. R. F., 4³ 3♀, KZM; Šak: Tervydoniai, 27 V 2014, 1³, KZM ; Šven: Snieginio telmologinis draustinis, 5 VI 1998, leg. B. Š., 1, BSC.

Earlier records. This species previously was noted for Lithuania in the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008) , but details of this record were unknown.

General distribution. This species is widely distributed in Europe, also noted from Turkey ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008).

Notes. This species is insufficiently known in Lithuania. It is regarded as an endangered species in Germany ( Schmidl & Bussler 2004).The larvae develop mainly in Inonotus obliquus ( Nikitsky 2002; Nikitsky & Schigel 2004), but also Fomes fomentarius , Fistulina hepatica , Phellinus pini are known host fungi for this species ( Burakowski et al. 1987).

Genus Anisoxya Mulsant, 1856

* A. fuscula (Illiger, 1798)

New records. Kau: Jiesios kraštovaizdžio draustinis, 13 VI 2002 , shaken from the bush branches, leg. A. M., 1♀, AMC.

Earlier records. This species was recorded from Lithuania by Tamutis (2003) in error. The specimen collected in Molėtai district 16 VI 2000 was subsequently identified as Anaspis flava (Linnaeus, 1758) ( Scraptiidae : Anaspidinae ) (KZM).

General distribution. This species is distributed mainly in Central Europe, to the north reaching southern Norway and Sweden ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008; Konvička 2012). It is very rare in Poland ( Kubisz et al. 2014), and is yet unknown from Latvia and Estonia.

Notes. This is the first actual record of this species in Lithuania. The larvae develop on dead twigs of various deciduous trees, such as Castanea , Corylus , Quercus , Malus , Robinia , and Acer ( Burakowski et al. 1987; Burakowski 2004; Hansen & Sagvolden 1995).

Genus Dircaea Fabricius, 1798

D. australis Fairmaire, 1856

New records. None.

Earlier records. This species was found in Ukmergė district ( Stanionis & Petrikas 2011) (KZM).

General distribution. Previously D. australis was regarded as distributed only in southwestern and southern parts of Europe ( Fairmaire 1856; Burakowski & Pollock 2003). However it was recorded in more recent papers also from southern Sweden ( Lundberg & Gustafsson 1995), Belarus ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008) and eastern Poland ( Kubisz et al. 2014).

Notes. Two Lithuanian Dircaea specimens (males) were found under the bark of a dead deciduous tree, on 30 VI 2008, by Tadas Petrikas. We studied the morphological characters including structures of genitalia of the specimens and compared them with descriptions of D. quadriguttata (Paykull) and D. australis Fairmaire given by Seidlitz (1898), Kuhnt (1913), Kaszab (1969), Nikitsky (1992) and Burakowski & Pollock (2003). We concluded that our specimens completely fit the description of D. australis , having a compact, almost round yellow spot in the anterior half and almost round (not transverse) yellow spot in posterior half of elytra ( Fig. 2 a View FIGURE 2 ); incomplete lateral bead (indistinct anteriorly) on the pronotum ( Fig. 2 b View FIGURE 2 ), characteristic shapes of aedeagus ( Fig. 2 c View FIGURE 2 ), eighth, and ninth abdominal tergites, and sternites ( Figs 2 d, e, f View FIGURE 2 ). Dircaea australis is regarded as a relict species associated with natural forest ( Kaszab 1969; Schmidl & Bussler 2004; Müller et al. 2005; Eckelt et al. 2018). Larvae develop in white-rotted wood of Fagus and Salix ( Kaszab 1969; Kubisz et al. 2014).

Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M. & Stefanska, J. (1987) Katalog fauny Polski. Vol. 13. Tom. 14. Chrzaszcze-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea [Catalogue of Polish fauna. Vol. 14. Beetles-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea]. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warzawa, 309 pp.

Burakowski, B. & Pollock, D. (2003) Description of the immature stages of Dircaea quadriguttata (Paykull, 1798) with notes on adult copulative organs (Coleoptera: Melandryidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 46, 37 - 46. https: // doi. org / 10.3161 / 00159301 FF 2003.46.1.037

Burakowski, B. (2004) The mature larva and imago of Anisoxya fuscula (Illiger, 1798) (Coleoptera: Melandryidae). Wiadom- ouci Entomologiczne, 23 (4), 221 - 232.

Eckelt, A., Muller, J., Bense, U., Brustel, H., Bussler, H., Chittaro, Y., Cizek, L., Frei, A., Holzer, E., Kadej, M., Kahlen, M., Kohler, F., Moller, G., Muhle, H., Sanchez, A., Schaffrath, U., Schmidl, J., Smolis, A., Szallies, A., Nemeth, T., Wurst, C., Thorn, S., Christensen, R. H. B. & Seibold, S. (2018) Primeval forest relict beetles of Central Europe: set of 168 umbrella species for the protection of primeval forest remnants. Journal of Insect Conservation, 22 (1), 15 - 28. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10841 - 017 - 0028 - 6

Fairmaire, L. M. (1856) Miscellanea entomologica. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Series 3, 4, 517 - 548.

Hansen, L. O. & Sagvolden, B. A. (1995) Notes on Norwegian Coleoptera. 2. Fauna Norvegica, B 42, 134 - 136.

Kaszab, Z. (1969) Familie: Serropalpidae (Melandryidae). In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. & Lohse, G. A. (Eds.), Die Kafer Mit- teleuropas. Band 8 [The beetles of Middle Europe. Vol. 8]. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld, pp. 196 - 213.

Konvicka, O. (2012) Notes on the distribution of beetles of the families Melandryidae and Tetratomidae in Western Palaearctic region. Klapalekiana, 48, 203 - 206.

Kubisz, D., Iwan, D. & Tekarski, P. (2014) Tenebrionoidea: Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Ripiphoridae, Prostomidae, Oedemeridae, Mycteridae, Pythidae, Aderidae, Scraptiidae. Critical checklist, distribution in Poland and meta-analysis. In: Kaminski, M. (Ed.), Coleoptera Poloniae. Vol. 2. University of Warsaw, Warszawa, pp. 1 - 470

Kuhnt, P. (1913) Illustrierte Bestimmungs-Tabellen der Kafer Deutschlands [An illustrated key-tables of German beetles]. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nagele and Dr Sproesser, Stuttgart, 1138 pp.

Lundberg, S. & Gustafsson, B. (1995) Catalogus coleopterorum Sueciae. Natural History Museum, Stockholm, 220 pp.

Muller, J., Bussler, H., Bense, U., Brustel, H., Flechtner, G., Fowles, A., Kahlen, M., Moller, G., Muhle, H., Schmidl, J. & Zabran- sky, P. (2005) Urwald relict species-saproxylic beetles indicating structural qualities and habitat tradition. Waldekologie online, 2, 106 - 113.

[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1992) Сiм. Melandryidae. B: Лiр, P. A. (Рid.), OpрidiЛitiЛь нaсiKOмыk DaЛьнiGO VOсtOKa. T. 3. C. 2 [Fam. Melandryidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), The key of insects of Far East. Vol. 3. Part 2]. Nauka, Saint- Petersburg, pp. 435 - 476.

[Nikitsky, N. B] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (2002) Лiciнki zukov-tiнoлюbov (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) Рoссii, с ZaмicaнiЯмi po takсoнoмii [The larvae of false darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) of Russia with notes on taxonomy]. BЮЛЛitiнь МOсKOvсKOGO OBщiсtva iсpыtatiЛiй pрiрOdы. OtdiЛ BiOЛOGiciсKiй, 107 (3), 8 - 30.

Nikitsky, N. B. & Schigel, D. S. (2004) Beetles in polypores of the Moscow region: checklist and ecological notes. Entomologica Fennica, 15, 6 - 22.

Nikitsky, N. B. & Pollock, D. A. (2008) Melandryidae. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 64 - 72.

Schmidl, J. van & Bussler, H. (2004) Okologische Gilden xylobionter Kafer Deutschlands. Einsatz in der landschaftsokolo- gischen Praxis-ein Bearbeitungsstandard [Ecological Guilds of xylobiontic beetles in Germany and their use in landscape ecological survey-a methodological Standard]. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 36 (7), 202 - 218.

Seidlitz, G. (1898) Melandryidae. In: Erichson, W. F., Schaum, H., Kraatz, G., Kiesenwetter, H. van, Weise, J., Reitter, E. & Seidlitz, G. (Eds.), Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschland. Band 5. Teil 2 [Natural history of German insects. Vol. 5. Part 2]. Nicolaishe Verlags-Buchhandlung, Berlin, pp. 365 - 680.

Stanionis, D. & Petrikas, T. (2011) New and rare Coleoptera species in Lithuania. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 23, 39 - 48.

Tamutis, V. (2003) Eighty-two new for Lithuania beetle (Coleoptera) species. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 15, 54 - 62.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Dircaea australis (KZM): a—dorsal habitus; b—left lateral view of frontal part of habitus (arrow indicates lateral bead of pronotum); c—aedeagus (dorsal view, arrow indicates the endopallus); d—ninth sternite and tergite joined (dorsal view); e—eighth abdominal tergite (dorsal view, flattened); f—eighth abdominal sternite (dorsal view, flattened). Scale bar = 1 mm (Fig. a); 0.5 mm (Figs. b–f).



















