Dircaea quadriguttata, (Paykull, 1798)

Tamutis, Vytautas, Ferenca, Romas & Pollock, Darren A., 2019, Faunistic review of Tetratomidae and Melandryidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) in Lithuania with an annotated checklist of the species, Zootaxa 4668 (2), pp. 183-206 : 189-191

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Plazi (2019-09-19 12:50:53, last updated 2024-11-27 03:09:25)

scientific name

Dircaea quadriguttata


D. quadriguttata (Paykull, 1798)

New records. None.

Earlier records. Noted for Lithuania by Burakowski & Pollock (2003) based on a single specimen collected by P. Franc in environs of Vilnius.

General distribution. The distribution range of this species is not completely known; it was previously regard- ed as the eastern part of Europe and Siberia ( Burakowski & Pollock 2003), including Japan and Far East ( Nikitsky 1992). This species is additionally recorded from Croatia, France, Italia, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China in the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera and Fauna Europaea data base ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008, Nikitsky 2013). However throughout its range the species is apparently very rare ( Nikitsky 1992; Pawłowski et al. 2002; Burakowski & Pollock 2003).

Notes. There are still no recent collections of this species in Lithuania. The larvae and pupae of this species were found beneath thick mature bark, in sapwood of a big fallen trunk of Betula ( Burakowski & Pollock 2003) .

Genus Phloiotrya Stephens, 1832

Subgenus Phloiotrya Stephens, 1832

P. (P.) rufipes (Gyllenhal, 1810)

New records. None.

Earlier records. This species was erroneously noted from Lithuania by Ferenca et al. (2002). The specimen collected in Kaunas d., 11 VI 1990 was subsequently identified as Phryganophilus auritus Motschulsky, 1845 and recorded by Tamutis et al. (2008).

General distribution. This species is distributed mainly in Central Europe, although also known in some countries of Fennoscandia and Latvia ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008; Silfverberg 2010).

Notes. The occurrence of this species in Lithuania is quite plausible. The larvae develop in dead wood of various deciduous trees ( Burakowski et al. 1987; Konvička & Merkl 2015).

** P. (P.) subtilis (Reitter, 1897)

New records. Alyt: Punios šilas, 27 VI 2008 , leg. R. F., 1³ ( Figs 3 a, b View FIGURE 3 ), KZM.

Earlier records. None.

General distribution. This species is known from Central Europe and Siberia ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008); northernmost in Europe it is known in Moscow oblast ( Nikitsky et al. 1996).

Notes. This is the first record of this species in Lithuania. This remarkable, rarely observed saproxylic species in Europe was just recently discovered in Poland (Marszak et al. 2018), and Estonia ( Süda 2016). Morphologically and by its life style this species is quite similar to P. (P.) rufipes and in most cases is not easy distinguishable. The main diagnostic characters of this species are: incomplete lateral bead on the pronotum, very dense punctation of the upper surface of the body and dark appendages excluding palpomeres and 3 first antenomeres, which are commonly light brown or yellow ( Kaszab 1969). Our specimen completely fits these characters and is depicted in Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). The larvae develop in dead wood of various deciduous trees, especially in Betula ( Nikitsky 1992) . Our specimen was found in mature deciduous forest, resting on the trunk of dead Quercus .

Genus Wanachia Schulze, 1912

W. triguttata (Gyllenhal, 1810)

New records. Kaiš: Kruonis, leg. A. M., 1♀, AMC .

Earlier records. This species was found in Neringa district ( Ferenca et al. 2002) (KZM).

General distribution. This species is recorded from most European countries and Siberia ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008).

Notes. This species is insufficiently known in Lithuania and appears to be very rare. The larvae develop in Trichaptum abietinum and T. fuscoviolaceum ( Nikitsky & Schigel 2004) .

Tribe Hypulini Seidlitz, 1875

Genus Hypulus Paykull, 1798

H. bifasciatus (Fabricius, 1792)

New records. None.

Earlier records. This species was recorded from southwestern Lithuania, without definite date ( Pileckis & Monsevičius 1997).

General distribution. This species is widely distributed in Europe, but still is not found in Norway, northern part of European Russia, Latvia, or Belarus ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008).

Notes. The earlier record of this species in Lithuania remains questionable; however, no voucher specimens collected in Lithuania have been found, and therefore we can not confirm the presence of this species in the Lithuanian fauna. In some European countries it is regarded as rare or endangered ( Süda & Timm 1998; Schmidl & Bussler 2004, Ljundberg 2015; Alekseev & Bukejs 2017). The larvae develop in white rot of deciduous trees (e.g. Carpi- nus, Fagus , Corylus , Alnus ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2010) , and mainly in twigs lying on the ground ( Burakowski et al. 1987). The occurrence of this species in Lithuania is plausible.

Alekseev, V. I. & Bukejs, A. (2017) Contributions to the knowledge of beetles (Insecta; Coleoptera) in the Kaliningrad Region. 6. Zoology and Ecology, 27 (3 - 4), 261 - 268. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 21658005.2017.137019

Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M. & Stefanska, J. (1987) Katalog fauny Polski. Vol. 13. Tom. 14. Chrzaszcze-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea [Catalogue of Polish fauna. Vol. 14. Beetles-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea]. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warzawa, 309 pp.

Burakowski, B. & Pollock, D. (2003) Description of the immature stages of Dircaea quadriguttata (Paykull, 1798) with notes on adult copulative organs (Coleoptera: Melandryidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 46, 37 - 46. https: // doi. org / 10.3161 / 00159301 FF 2003.46.1.037

Ferenca, R., Ivinskis, P. & Merzijevskis, A. (2002) New and rare Coleoptera species in Lithuania. Ekologija, 3, 25 - 31.

Kaszab, Z. (1969) Familie: Serropalpidae (Melandryidae). In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. & Lohse, G. A. (Eds.), Die Kafer Mit- teleuropas. Band 8 [The beetles of Middle Europe. Vol. 8]. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld, pp. 196 - 213.

Konvicka, O. & Merkl, O. (2015) First record of Phloiotrya rufipes (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) in Hungary, with national checklist of the family. Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 76, 107 - 114. https: // doi. org / 10.17112 / FoliaEntHung. 2015.76.107

[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1992) Сiм. Melandryidae. B: Лiр, P. A. (Рid.), OpрidiЛitiЛь нaсiKOмыk DaЛьнiGO VOсtOKa. T. 3. C. 2 [Fam. Melandryidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), The key of insects of Far East. Vol. 3. Part 2]. Nauka, Saint- Petersburg, pp. 435 - 476.

[Nikitsky, N. B., Osipov, I. N., Chemeris, M. V., Semenov, V. B. & Gusakov, A. A.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B., Oсipov, I. Н., Ciмiрiс, М. V., Сiмiнov, V. B., Guсakov, A. A. (1996) Ziсtkokрылыi - kсiлobioнtы, мititobioнtы i pлaсtiнcatouсыi Pрiokсko-Tiррaснogo bioсфiрнogo Zapovidнika [The beetles - xylobiontes, mycetobiontes and Scarabaeidae of the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve]. СBOрнiK tрydOv ZOOЛOGiciсKOGO мyZii МGU [Archives of zoological museum Mos- cow State University], 34, 1 - 197.

Nikitsky, N. B. & Schigel, D. S. (2004) Beetles in polypores of the Moscow region: checklist and ecological notes. Entomologica Fennica, 15, 6 - 22.

Nikitsky, N. B. & Pollock, D. A. (2008) Melandryidae. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 64 - 72.

Nikitsky, N. B. & Pollock, D. A. (2010) Melandryidae. In: Leschen, R. A. B., Beutel, R. G. & Lawrence, J. F. (Eds.), Handbook of Zoology. Vol. 2. Coleoptera, Beetles. Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, Berlin, pp. 520 - 533.

Nikitsky, N. B. (2013) Fauna Europaea: Melandryidae. In: Audisio, P. (2013) Fauna Europaea: Coleoptera. Fauna Europaea. Version 2017.06. Available from: https: // fauna-eu. org (accessed 20 November 2018)

Pawlowski, J., Kubisz, D. & Mazur, M. (2002) Coleoptera chrzaszcze. In: Glowacinski, Z. (Ed.), Czerwona lista zwierzat gi- nacych i zagrozonych w Polsce [Red list of threatened animals in Poland]. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Krakow, pp. 88 - 110.

Pileckis, S. & Monsevicius, V. (1997) Lietuvos fauna. Vabalai 2 t. [Lithuanian fauna. The beetles Vol. 2]. Mokslo ir enciklopediju leidybos institutas [Institute of Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing], Vilnius, 216 pp.

Schmidl, J. van & Bussler, H. (2004) Okologische Gilden xylobionter Kafer Deutschlands. Einsatz in der landschaftsokolo- gischen Praxis-ein Bearbeitungsstandard [Ecological Guilds of xylobiontic beetles in Germany and their use in landscape ecological survey-a methodological Standard]. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 36 (7), 202 - 218.

Silfverberg, H. (2010) Enumeratio renovata Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae. Sahlbergia, 16 (2), 1 - 144.

Suda, I. & Timm, H. (1998) Mardikalised, Coleoptera. (Beetles, Coleoptera). In: Lilleleht, V. (Ed.), Eesti Punane Raamat [Es- tonian Red Data Book]. Infotrukk OU, Tartu, pp. 90 - 96.

Suda, I. (2016) Metsamardikate (Coleoptera) uued liigid Eestis. 2. [New woodland beetle species (Coleoptera) in Estonian fauna. 2]. Metsanduslikud Uurimused [Forestry studies], 64, 51 - 69. https: // doi. org / 10.1515 / fsmu- 2016 - 0004

Tamutis, V., Ferenca, R., Ivinskis, P., Rimsaite, J. & Merzijevskis, A. (2008) New data on Lithuanian beetle (Coleoptera) fauna. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 20, 29 - 38.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Phloiotrya subtilis (KZM): a—dorsal habitus; b—fragment of surface of the disc of pronotum; c—left lateral view of frontal part of habitus; d—aedeagus; e—ninth sternite and tergite joined (dorsal view); f—eighth abdominal tergite (dorsal view, flattened); g—eighth abdominal sternite (dorsal view, flattened). Scale bar = 1 mm (Figs. a–c); 0.2 mm (Fig. b); 0.5 mm (Figs. d–g).


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