TETRATOMIDAE Billberg, 1820
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4668.2.2 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E3BC6BE8-5020-487A-AC86-683A1C32B24E |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03A88781-FFC1-FFF6-FF16-D172FCAD5E08 |
treatment provided by |
Plazi (2019-09-19 12:50:53, last updated 2024-11-27 03:09:25) |
scientific name |
TETRATOMIDAE Billberg, 1820 |
status |
Family TETRATOMIDAE Billberg, 1820 View in CoL View at ENA
Subfamily Tetratominae Billberg, 1820
Genus Tetratoma Fabricius, 1790
Subgenus Abstrulia Casey, 1900
T. (A.) ancora Fabricius, 1790
New records. None.
Earlier records. Only one record is known, from Akmenė district ( Monsevičius & Pankevičius 2001) (KZM).
General distribution. This species is distributed throughout the temperate forest zone of the Palaearctic region, from Great Britain to the Far East (Nikitsky 2008).
Notes. This species is regarded as rare over its entire distribution range ( Nikitsky 1992; Kubisz et al. 2014); it is listed among endangered species in Germany ( Schmidl & Bussler 2004). Ecologically it is associated with bracket fungi, with its larvae developing in Peniophora rufomarginata and Chondrostereum purpurem ( Nikitsky et al. 1996) . Adults were found also on Bjerkandera adusta , Fomes fomentarius , Phellinus punctatus , Piptoporus betulinus , and Tremella mesenterica ( Nikitsky et al. 1998; Nikitsky & Schigel 2004).
Subgenus Tetratoma s.str.
* T. (T.) fungorum Fabricius, 1790
New records: Kau: Kleboniškio miškas, 7 XII 2008, in fruiting body of Polyporus betulinus , leg. G. S., 1³, KZM; Panemunės šilas, 12 III 2010, in fruiting body of Polyporus betulinus leg R. F., 2♀, KZM ; Kėd: Vincentava, 05 X 2014, in fruiting body of Polyporus betulinus leg V. T., 1³ 2♀ ( KZM) .
Earlier records. This species was noted from southwestern Lithuania, without definite date ( Pileckis 1976; Pileckis & Monsevičius 1997).
General distribution. This species is distributed in western and central Europe, northward to southern Finland ( Rassi et al. 2015) but is yet unknown from Byelorussia, and northern and central parts of European Russia (Nikitsky 2008); it is however common in Poland ( Kubisz et al. 2014).
Notes. It is an insufficiently known species in Lithuania; all records are from a two districts. Ecologically the species is associated with bracket fungi, such as Polyporus betulinus , P. squamosus , Laetiporus sulphureus , Pho- liota adiposa, Ph. aurivella ( Burakowski et al. 1987) , Bjerkandera adusta , Fomes fomentarius ( Alekseev & Bukejs 2010) , Ischnoderma benzoinum (Nikitsky et al. 2008) , and Inonotus radiatus ( Jonsell et al. 2016) .
Subfamily HallomeninaeMulsant, 1856
Genus Hallomenus Panzer, 1793
Subgenus Hallomenus s. str.
H. (H.) axillaris (Illiger, 1807)
New records: Jurb: Viešvilės rezervatas, 18 VII 2006, 19 VI 2007, leg. R. F., (5³ 1♀), 1♀, (KZM); Šak: Tervydoniai, 13 VI 2009, 05 VII 2015, leg. R. F., 1³, 1♀, KZM.
Earlier records. This species was found in Mažeikiai ( Monsevičius & Pankevičius 2001) (KZM), and Neringa districts ( Ivinskis et al. 2009) (NRC).
General distribution. This species is recorded from most European countries, West Siberia and China (Nikitsky 2008).
Notes. This species is insufficiently known in Lithuania. It is often regarded as rare or even endangered in most European countries ( Franc 2008; Kubisz et al. 2014; Irurzun & Moreno 2017; Schmidl & Bussler 2004). The larvae develop in various bracket fungi, such as Hapalophilus rutilans , Laetiporus sulphureus , Postia fragilis , Pycnoporel- lus fulgens, and Tyromyces chioneus ( Nikitsky & Schigel 2004) .
Alekseev, V. I. & Bukejs, A. (2010) Contributions to the knowledge of beetles (Insecta; Coleoptera) in the Kaliningrad Region. 1. Baltic Journal of Coleopterology, 10 (2), 157 - 176.
Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M. & Stefanska, J. (1987) Katalog fauny Polski. Vol. 13. Tom. 14. Chrzaszcze-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea [Catalogue of Polish fauna. Vol. 14. Beetles-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea]. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warzawa, 309 pp.
Franc, V. (2008) Distribution and ecosozological problems of the species of the family Tetratomidae (Coleoptera) in Slovakia and Europe. Entomofauna Carpathica, 20, 51 - 56.
Irurzun, J. I. R. & Moreno, A. F. M. san (2017) Presencia de Hallomenus (Hallomenus) axillaris (Illiger, 1807) en la Peninsula Iberica, confirmacion de Ochina (Dulgieris) latreillii (Bonelli, 1812) y Platysoma (Cylister) lineare Erichson, 1834, y otros coleopteros destacables de un bosque sur-pirenaico de Pinus sylvestris (Insecta: Coleoptera) [On the occurrence of Hallomenus (Hallomenus) axillaris (Illiger, 1807) in the Iberian Peninsula, confirmation of Ochina (Dulgieris) latreillii (Bonelli, 1812) and Platysoma (Cylister) lineare Erichson, 1834, and other remarkable Coleoptera of a south-pyrenean forest of Pinus sylvestris]. Revista gaditana de Entomologia, 8, 53 - 66.
Ivinskis, P., Merzijevskis, A. & Rimsaite, J. (2009) Data on new and rare for the Lithuanian fauna species of Coleoptera. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 21, 45 - 63.
Jonsell, M., Alonso, C. G., Forshage, M., Achterberg, C. van & Komonen, A. (2016) Structure of insect community in the fungus Inonotus radiatus in riparian boreal forests. Journal of Natural History, 50 (25 - 26), 1613 - 1631. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2016.1145273
Kubisz, D., Iwan, D. & Tekarski, P. (2014) Tenebrionoidea: Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Ripiphoridae, Prostomidae, Oedemeridae, Mycteridae, Pythidae, Aderidae, Scraptiidae. Critical checklist, distribution in Poland and meta-analysis. In: Kaminski, M. (Ed.), Coleoptera Poloniae. Vol. 2. University of Warsaw, Warszawa, pp. 1 - 470
Monsevicius, V. & Pankevicius, R. (2001) Coleoptera species new to Lithuania. Ekologija, 2, 40 - 45.
[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1992) Сiм. Melandryidae. B: Лiр, P. A. (Рid.), OpрidiЛitiЛь нaсiKOмыk DaЛьнiGO VOсtOKa. T. 3. C. 2 [Fam. Melandryidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), The key of insects of Far East. Vol. 3. Part 2]. Nauka, Saint- Petersburg, pp. 435 - 476.
[Nikitsky, N. B., Osipov, I. N., Chemeris, M. V., Semenov, V. B. & Gusakov, A. A.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B., Oсipov, I. Н., Ciмiрiс, М. V., Сiмiнov, V. B., Guсakov, A. A. (1996) Ziсtkokрылыi - kсiлobioнtы, мititobioнtы i pлaсtiнcatouсыi Pрiokсko-Tiррaснogo bioсфiрнogo Zapovidнika [The beetles - xylobiontes, mycetobiontes and Scarabaeidae of the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve]. СBOрнiK tрydOv ZOOЛOGiciсKOGO мyZii МGU [Archives of zoological museum Mos- cow State University], 34, 1 - 197.
[Nikitsky, N. B., Semenov, V. B. & Dolgin, M. M.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B., Сiмiнov, V. B., Doлgiн, М. М. (1998) Ziсtkokрылыikсiлobioнtы, мititobioнtы i pлaсtiнcatouсыi Pрiokсko-Tiрaсснogo Bioсфiрнogo Zapovidнika (с obZoрoм Etik gрupp Мoсkovсkoй obлaсti) Dopoлнiнii 1. (с ZaмicaнiЯмi po нoмiнkлatuрi i сiсtiмatiki нikotoрыk zukov Me- landryidae мiрovoй фauны). [The beetles-xylobiontes, mycetobiontes and Scarabaeidae of the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve (with revision of these groups of Moscow oblast) Supplement 1. (with notes on taxonomy and systematics of some members of Melandryidae of World fauna)]. СBOрнiK tрydOv ZOOЛOGiciсKOGO мyZii МGU [Archives of zoological museum Moscow State University], 36, 1 - 55.
Nikitsky, N. B. & Schigel, D. S. (2004) Beetles in polypores of the Moscow region: checklist and ecological notes. Entomologica Fennica, 15, 6 - 22.
Pileckis, S. (1976) Lietuvos vabalai [The beetles of Lithuania]. Mokslas, Vilnius, 244 pp.
Pileckis, S. & Monsevicius, V. (1997) Lietuvos fauna. Vabalai 2 t. [Lithuanian fauna. The beetles Vol. 2]. Mokslo ir enciklopediju leidybos institutas [Institute of Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing], Vilnius, 216 pp.
Rassi, P., Karjalainen, S., Clayhills, T., Helve, E., Hyvarinen, E., Laurinharju, E., Malmberg, S., Mannerkoski, I., Martikainen, P., Mattila, J., Muona, J., Pentinsaari, M., Rutanen, I., Salokannel, J., Siitonen, J. & Silfverberg, H. (2015) Kovakuoriaisten maakuntaluettelo 2015 [Provincial List of Finnish Coleoptera 2015]. Sahlbergia, 21 (Supplement), 1, 1 - 164.
Schmidl, J. van & Bussler, H. (2004) Okologische Gilden xylobionter Kafer Deutschlands. Einsatz in der landschaftsokolo- gischen Praxis-ein Bearbeitungsstandard [Ecological Guilds of xylobiontic beetles in Germany and their use in landscape ecological survey-a methodological Standard]. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 36 (7), 202 - 218.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Tenebrionoidea |
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