Polyozus kojonup, WEIRAUCH, 2007

WEIRAUCH, CHRISTIANE, 2007, Revision and Cladistic Analysis of the Polyozus Group of Australian Phylini (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), American Museum Novitates 3590, pp. 1-64 : 50-51

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Carolina (2021-08-30 07:25:41, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 22:09:53)

scientific name

Polyozus kojonup

sp. nov.

Polyozus kojonup View in CoL , new species figures 2–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 9 View Fig , 11 View Fig , 13 View Fig , 17–20 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 3 km S of Kojonup, Sampson Road, 33.87088 ° S 117.1648 ° E, 310 m, 08 Dec 1997, Schuh, Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Jacksonia sternbergiana Hueg. (Fabaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05879132, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00136469) ( WAMP).

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the very large size (3.97–4.44), elongate and slightly ovoid body (fig, 3E), rather uniformly yellowish green coloration, and characters of the male genitalia, most notably the large vesica with short and truncate, fan-shaped dorsal apical process without proximal process, ventral apical process almost straight, median apical process consisting of one weakly sclerotized stem with only few very short apical branches. Habitus most similar to P. kurringai , but distinguished by the male genitalia. Coloration similar to P. furcilla and P. tridens , but distinguished by the much larger body size in P. kojonup .

DESCRIPTION: Male: Very large (3.97–4.44) and elongate ovoid, length apex clypeus– cuneal fracture 2.60–2.83, width across pronotum 1.18–1.27. COLORATION ( fig. 2 View Fig ): General coloration pale yellowish green. Head: Uniformly greenish yellow, fasciae indistinct. Antenna pale, infuscate toward apex, subbasal dark ring on segment 1 obsolete. Labium pale, infuscate toward apex. Thorax: Pronotum and scutellum uniformly yellowish green, mesonotum with orange tinge. Pleura greenish yellow. Legs: Legs uniformly pale with tarsi infuscate, tibial spines dark with pale bases. Hemelytra: Corium and cuneus uniformly greenish yellow, membrane clear to slightly smoky, veins pale orange. Abdomen: Pale green, gradually turning to greenish yellow toward pygophore, dorsal surface of pygophore pale. SURFACE AND VESTI- TURE: Dorsum shining, vestiture consisting of about equally abundant dark, suberect, simple setae and flattened, subadpressed, silvery setae ( fig. 4F View Fig ). STRUCTURE: Head: Very short triangular in dorsal aspect, anteocular portion short, vertex slightly wider than one eye, clypeus produced, and maxillary plate sunken, eye large, as high as head. Antennal segment 1 slender and surpassing apex of head, segment 2 long and slender, slightly smaller in diameter than segment 1, diameter slightly increased toward apex, segments 3 and 4 slender, segment 3 much longer than segment 4. Labium slender, apex of labium only reaching base of mesocoxa. Thorax: Pronotum only slightly wider than long, anterior margin slightly sinuate; evaporatory area of metathoracic gland as in figure 3F View Fig . Legs: Claws of moderate length and stoutness and pulvilli of moderate size ( fig. 5F View Fig ). Hemelytra: Slightly convex, cuneus elongate triangular. Abdomen: Stout, reaching to about middle of cuneus. GENITALIA: Pygophore: See figure 6F View Fig . Parameres: Right paramere as in figures 6G View Fig , 7 View Fig ; left paramere ( figs. 6G View Fig , 9 View Fig ) with anterior process short and moderately stout, posterior process short, tapering, bent ventrad, truncate at apex, body with horizontal lobe of moderate size. Phallotheca ( figs. 6G View Fig , 11 View Fig ): External portion tubular, tapering toward apex, anterior surface basally with large lobe and shallow subapical flange, posterior surface smooth, opening ventral, subapical, elongate ovate. Vesica ( fig. 13 View Fig ): Large, with short and truncate, fan-shaped dorsal apical process without proximal process, ventral apical process almost straight, median apical process consisting of one weakly sclerotized stem with only few very short apical branches.

Female: Coloration similar to male, somewhat smaller and more ovoid than male. Total length 3.66–4.19, length apex clypeus–cuneal fracture 2.47–2.77, width across pronotum 1.16–1.32.

ETYMOLOGY: Named for the type locality.

HOST (appendix 1): Recorded from Jacksonia cupulifera Meisn. , J. horrida DC. , and J. sternbergiana Hueg. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ).

DISTRIBUTION: Known from three localities in the south of Western Australia ( fig. 17 View Fig ).

DISCUSSION: This species appears to be most closely related to P. furcilla and P. tridens (based on the cladistic analysis; figs. 18 View Fig , 19 View Fig ), which it resembles in coloration and in some characteristics of the male genitalia.

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 15 km NW of Northampton, on Port Gregory Rd (toward Gregory), 28.30029 ° S 114.5096 ° E, 167 m, 22 Oct 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Symonds, Jacksonia cupulifera Meisn. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 6989640, 73 (AMNH_PBI 00090627, AMNH_PBI 00090628, AMNH_ PBI 00090628, AMNH_PBI 00090629,

AMNH_PBI 00090629–00090631), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00090630–00090632, AMNH_ PBI 00090632, AMNH_PBI 00090633, AMNH_PBI 00090633, AMNH_PBI 0009 0634, AMNH_PBI 00090634–00090636) (AM). Jacksonia cupulifera Meisn. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 6989640, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00090625, AMNH_PBI 0009- 0626), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00090637–00090640) (WAMP). 3 km S of Kojonup, Sampson Road, 33.87088 ° S 117.1648 ° E, 310 m, 08 Dec 1997, Schuh, Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Jacksonia sternbergiana Hueg. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 05879132, 33 (AMNH_ PBI 00136461, AMNH_PBI 00136462, AMNH_PBI 00136464), 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00136492–00136498) (AM). Jacksonia sternbergiana Hueg. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 05879132, 53 (AMNH_ PBI 00136463, AMNH_PBI 00136467, AMNH_PBI 00136468, AMNH_PBI 0013 6470, AMNH_PBI 00136471), 10♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00136475–00136484) (AMNH). Jacksonia sternbergiana Hueg. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 05879132, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00136465, AMNH_PBI 0013- 6466), 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00136485–00136491) (WAMP). Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park, Canal Rocks, 33.66513 ° S 115.0165 ° E, 50 m, 15 Dec 1997, Schuh, Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Jacksonia horrida DC. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 05056314, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00131176), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00131178–00131181) (AMNH). Jacksonia horrida DC. ( Fabaceae , Papilionoideae ), det. PERTH staff 05056314, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00131177) (WAMP).

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Fig. 2. Habitus photographs of Polyozus spp.

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Fig. 3. Habitus in lateral view and evaporatorium of A, B, Ancoraphylus arctous (AMNH_PBI 00087680); C, D, Exocarpocoris tantulus (AMNH_PBI 00135796); E, F, Polyozus kojonup (AMNH_PBI 00136470).

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Fig. 4. Setae comprising hemelytral vestiture. A, Ancoraphylus arctous (AMNH_PBI 00087680); B, Exocarpocoris tantulus (AMNH_PBI 00135796); C, Polyozus bulita (AMNH_PBI 00168436); D, P. furcilla (AMNH_PBI 00099437); E, P. galbanus (AMNH_PBI 00139062); F, P. kojonup (AMNH_PBI 00136470). Scale bar: 50 mm.

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Fig. 5. Pretarsus. A, Ancoraphylus arctous (AMNH_PBI 00087680); B, Exocarpocoris tantulus (AMNH_PBI 00135796); C, Polyozus bulita (AMNH_PBI 00168436); D, P. furcilla (AMNH_PBI 00099437); E, P. galbanus (AMNH_PBI 00139062); F, P. kojonup (AMNH_PBI 00136470). Scale bar: 50 mm.

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Fig. 6. Male genitalic structures of A, B, Ancoraphylus arctous; C–E, Exocarpocoris tantulus, and F, G, Polyozus kojonup. Scanning micrographs, scale bar measurements in mm. A, C, F, pygophore in dorsolateral view, B, D, G, detail of parameres and phallotheca, E, ventral surface of left paramere.

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Fig. 7. Right parameres of species of Ancoraphylus, Exocarpocoris, and Polyozus.

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Fig. 9. Left paramere of species of Polyozus, shown in dorsal and lateral view. Numbers on illustrations refer to characters and character states in table 2.

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Fig. 11. Phallotheca of species of Polyozus, in dorsal and ventral perspective. Numbers on illustrations refer to characters and character states in table 2.

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Fig. 13. Vesica of species of Polyozus.

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Fig. 17. Distribution of species of Polyozus.

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Fig. 18. Phylogenetic relationships of the 16 species of the Polyozus group: The strict consensus of the eight equally most parsimonious trees (L 5 91; CI 5 67; RI 5 83) derived from the character matrix in table 3. Solid circles on the branches indicate uniquely derived apomorphic character states; empty circles indicate homoplastic characters under unambiguous character optimization. Figures above the bars indicate number of character as shown in table 2 and appendix 1; figures below bars indicate the character state. Large figures in shaded circles denominate clades. Branch support values (Bremer support) are given above branches in square boxes.

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Fig. 19. Strict consensus of the two most parsimonious trees obtained with the analysis using implied weights. Characters and clades are shown as explained in figure 18.

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Fig. 20. Fast optimization of host plants of Phylini of the Polyozus group on the strict consensus of the unweighted analysis.


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