Leptotrypella armata, Ernst & Fernández & Fernández-Martínez & Vera, 2012

Ernst, Andrej, Fernández, Luis Pedro, Fernández-Martínez, Esperanza & Vera, Carmen, 2012, Description of a bryozoan fauna from mud mounds of the Lebanza Formation (Lower Devonian) in the Arauz area (Pisuerga-Carrión Province, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain), Geodiversitas 34 (4), pp. 693-738 : 714-716

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Marcus (2021-08-30 02:41:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 20:40:30)

scientific name

Leptotrypella armata

sp. nov.

Leptotrypella armata n. sp. ( Figs 13D, E View FIG ; 14 View FIG A-F; Appendix)

ETYMOLOGY. — The species name refers to the abundant and massive acanthostyles (derived from Latin “ armata ”= armoured)

HOLOTYPE. — SMF 21.238 About SMF .

PARATYPES. — SMF 21.239- SMF 21.253, SMF 21.385.

TYPE LOCALITY. — Arauz Sur (Arroyo section), Province of Palencia, NW-Spain (Cantabrian Mountains).

TYPE HORIZON. — Lebanza Formation, Lower Devonian (Pragian).

DIAGNOSIS. — Branched colonies with distinct endozones and exozones; autozooecial diaphragms absent in endozones, common to abundant, thin and straight in exozones; exilazooecia locally common; acanthostyles moderately large, abundant, 5-12 surrounding each autozooecial aperture; mural spines abundant; maculae not observed.


Branched colonies. Branches 0.81-1.35 mm in diameter. Exozones 0.24-0.48 mm wide, endozones 0.27-0.71 mm wide. Autozooecia long, having a polygonal shape in transverse section in endozones, bending sharply in exozones and intersecting colony surface at angles of 88-90°. Autozooecial apertures oval to slightly polygonal. Autozooecial diaphragms absent in endozones; common to abundant, thin, straight in exozones. Exilazooecia locally common, short, restricted to exozones, rounded to oval in cross section. Acanthostyles moderately large, varying in size, abundant, 5-12 surrounding each autozooecial aperture, growing from the base of the exozone, having distinct cores and laminated sheaths. Autozooecial walls in endozones granular, 0.010 -0.015 mm thick; in exozones laminated, merged, without distinct zooecial boundaries, 0.035 -0.070 mm thick. Mural spines abundant, 0.015 -0.020 mm in diameter. Maculae not observed.

COMPARISON Leptotrypella armata n. sp. differs from L. elliptica Kopajevich, 1984 from the Middle-Upper Devonian of Mongolia, in having thinner branches (branch width 0.81-1.35 mm vs 2.0- 2.2 mm in L. elliptica ), and smaller apertures (aperture width 0.05-0.10 mm vs 0.07-0.13 mm in L. elliptica ).

KOPAJEVICH G. V. 1984. - Atlas mshanok ordovika, silura i devona Mongolii [Atlas of bryozoans from Ordovizium, Silurian and Devonian of Mongolia]. Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologischeskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy 22: 1 - 164 [in Russian].

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FIG. 13.— A-C, Eridotrypella validaeformis n.sp.: A, longitudinal section showing autozooecia with diaphragms and wall microstructure, holotype SMF 21.227; B, tangential section autozooecial apertures and an exilazooecium, holotype SMF 21.227;C, branch transverse section showing narrow exozone, paratype SMF 21.230; D, E, Leptotrypella armata n. sp., longitudinal section showing autozooecia with diaphragms, holotype SMF 21.238. Scale bars: A, B, 0.2 mm; C, D, 1 mm; E, 0.5 mm.

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FIG.14.— A-F, Leptotrypella armata n.sp.: A, B, tangential section showing autozooecial apertures and acanthostyles,holotype SMF 21.238; C, tangential section showing autozooecial walls with abundant mural spines,paratype SMF 21.239;D, E, transverse section showing autozooecia with abundant diaphragms and autozooecial wall with mural spines,paratype SMF 21.239;F, longitudinal section,paratype SMF 21.252; G-I, Orthopora spinosa n. sp.; G, H, longitudinal section showing autozooecia with hemisepta, holotype SMF 21.254; I, tangential section showing autozooecial apertures and acanthostyles,holotype SMF 21.254.Scale bars:A-C,E, F,0.2 mm; D, G, H, 0.5 mm;I, 1 mm.


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg











