Agrilinellus azteca ( Harold, 1863 ), 2008

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2008, Agrilinellus, new genus and four new species of Mexican Aphodiini (Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2008 (53), pp. 1-16 : 8-10

publication ID

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Felipe (2021-08-06 20:10:20, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:27:40)

scientific name

Agrilinellus azteca ( Harold, 1863 )

comb. nov.

Agrilinellus azteca ( Harold, 1863) , new combination

( Fig. 11-20 View Figure 11-20 , 45 View Figure 43-46 )

Aphodius azteca Harold, 1863: 381 ; Bates, 1887: 84 ( A. aztecus [sic]); Blackwelder, 1944: 212 ( A. aztecus ).

Aphodius encaustus Deyrolle teste Harold, 1863 (nomen nudum); Dellacasa 1988: 348.

Aphodius euprosopus Bates, 1887: 87 ; Blackwelder, 1944: 212; Dellacasa et al. 1998: 155 (lectotype designation); Dellacasa et al. 2002: 183.

Aphodius (Agrilinus) azteca ; Schmidt, 1913: 164; Dellacasa 1988: 94; Dellacasa et al. 1998: 153.

Aphodius multimaculosus Hinton, 1934: 190 ; Blackwelder, 1944: 212; Skelley et al. 2007: 2 (as synonym of Agrilinus azteca ).

Aphodius (Chilothorax) multimaculosus ; Dellacasa 1988: 140.

Aphodius (Chilothorax) euprosopus ; Dellacasa 1988: 126.

Agrilinus azteca ; Dellacasa et al. 2002: 163; Skelley et al. 2007: 2.

Type locality. Mexico .

Type repository. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Paris. (Lectotype male designated by Dellacasa et al. 1998: 53)

Description. Length 4.0-5.0 mm; oval, moderately convex, shiny, almost glabrous. Blackish, front angles of pronotum vaguely reddish; legs brownish-red; antennal club blackish (typical color pattern, Fig. 17 View Figure 11-20 ); sometimes elytra yellowish with several small blackish spots (color pattern of A. euprosopus Bates, 1887 , Fig. 12 View Figure 11-20 ), or elytra basally yellowish with small blackish spots on the distal half, with a wide blackish band, apex yellowish ( Fig. 13 View Figure 11-20 ), or elytra basally blackish posteriorly with two oblique bands of small blackish spots each other joined by opposite angles ( Fig. 14 View Figure 11-20 ), or elytra with three oblique bands of small blackish spots each other joined by opposite angles (color pattern of A. multimaculosus Hinton, 1934 ; Fig. 15 View Figure 11-20 ), or elytra blackish with juxtasutural interval, lateral margins and apex yellowish ( Fig. 16 View Figure 11-20 ). Head with epistome feebly gibbous, distinctly regularly punctured; clypeus sinuate at middle, subangulate at sides, thinly bordered, edge feebly upturned near front angles; genae obtusely rounded, sparsely shortly ciliate, protruding more than eyes; frontal suture feebly trigibbous; frons distinctly evenly punctured. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, dually punctured, with narrow impunctate longitudinal area on disc; large punctures, two to three times larger than small, irregularly sparse, denser on sides; small punctures rather evenly scattered throughout; lateral margins nearly straight, distinctly bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obtusely rounded; base faintly bisinuate, distinctly bordered. Scutellum distinctly punctured on basal two thirds. Elytra oval, convex, denticulate at humerus, distinctly striate; striae punctured, feebly crenulate; intervals flat, the discal ones densely punctured, the lateral more coarsely punctured, with extremely short and sparse hairs toward apex. Hind tibiae superior apical spur shorter than first tarsal segment; latter nearly as long as following three combined. Male: head and pronotum relatively more transverse, less convex and less densely punctured; frontal suture distinctly trigibbous; aedeagus Fig. 19-20 View Figure 11-20 . Female: head and pronotum relatively less transverse, strongly convex and densely punctured; frontal suture with gibbosities nearly obsolete.

Material examined. MEXICO, Guerrero: Omiltemi , 25.VII.1965, leg. Halffter G., 140 ex. ( CNCO) ; idem, 26.VII.1965, leg. Halffter G., 52 ex. ( CNCO) ; México: Ixtaccihuatl , 12.IV.1953, leg. Halffter G., 2 ex. ( USNM) ; Paso de Cortes , 19 o 05’11.4"N- 98 o 38’47.1"W, m 3300, 24.VII.2004, leg. Dellacasa M., cow dung, 2 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; Río Frío , 6.V.1962, leg. Reyes P. & Olguín M., 1 ex. ( DCGC) ; Volcan Popocatepetl , ca. 12000', 30.VII-1.VIII.1969, leg. Peck S. & J., 1 ex. ( HAHC) ; Michoacán: Michoacán, 1.VI.1946, leg. Forshag W. F., 2 ex. ( USNM) ; Oaxaca: Llano de las Flores, Aserradero Atepec , 17 o 26’37.1"N- 96 o 30’12.2"W, m 1600, 12.V.2003, leg. Martínez I. & Suarez T., 1 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; cam. Oaxaca-Tuxtepec, Km 190, m 2470, 7.VII.2000, leg. Martínez I., tronco de encino, 3 ex. ( DCGC) ; S. Domingo Ozolotepec, 4.7 Km NNW S. D. Ozolotepec , 16 o 15’00"N- 96 o 32’18"W, m 2720, 4.IX.2005, leg. Abundis, Carrillo & Vaz de Mello , 1 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; Santo Domingo Yanhuitlan env., 17 o 32’36.2"N- 97 o 22’18.2"W, m 2362, 1.VII.2007, leg. Dellacasa M., Fresi C. & Martínez I., 1 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; Real de Arriba, Temescaltepec [= Temascaltepec], 13.VII.1933, 1 ex. ( USNM) ; Salazar , 16.XI.1956, leg. Halffter G. & V., 6 ex. ( USNM) ; Puebla: carr. Puebla-Paso de Cortes , 19 o 05’20.5"N- 98 o 36’25.1"W, m 3365, 17.VII.2006, leg. Martínez I., Suarez S., Gonzalez O., Cabrero F. & Trotta N., 1 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; idem, 14.VIII.2006, 1 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; San Nicolas de los Ranchos-Paso de Cortes , 19 o 05’50.5"N- 98 o 36’51.0"W, m 3350, 10.VII.2006, leg. Dellacasa M., Fresi C. & Martínez I., cow dung, 2 ex. ( DCGC) GoogleMaps ; Tlaxco , 5 mi N, 26.VIII.1965, leg. Spangler P. J., 1 ex. ( USNM) ; Veracruz: Cruz Blanca , 24.II.1993, 1 ex. ( DCGC) ; caminoex. a Potrero Nuevo, Cuiyachapa , 15.XI.1994, leg. Arellano L. & Zunino M., potrero, bosque de Pino, col. directa, excr. oveja, 5 ex. ( DCGC, pesc) ; Cuiyachapa, Mpio. Coscomatepec , 6.II.1999, leg. Alvarado M., en boñiga, 9 ex. ( DCGC) ; idem, 8.III.1999, leg. Alvarado M. & Cruz M., 3 ex. ( DCGC) ; Cuiyachapa env., Mpio. Coscomatepec , 14.X.1998, leg. Cruz M. & Sosa J., 1 ex. ( DCGC) ; camino a Est. Las Lajas , 13.VI.1994, leg. Arellano L. & Sanchez P., excr. borrego, 3 ex. ( DCGC) ; Las Vigas , 4.5 mi S, 9000’, 19-20.VII.1973, leg. Newton A., 508DH, 1 ex. ( HAHC) . GUATEMALA, San Marcos, 11.5 Km NW San Marcos, m 3000, 24-25.V.1973, 1 ex. ( USNM) .

Distribution. Mexico (Guerrero, Hidalgo, México, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz), Guatemala.

Bionomics. This species is a year-round generalist dung feeder found in cow, horse and sheep dung.

Bates, H. W. 1887. Aphodiidae. p. 83 - 108. In: H. W. Bates. 1886 - 1890. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. II. Part 2. Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia. 430 p.

Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part. II. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 185: 189 - 341.

Dellacasa, M. 1988. Contribution to a world-wide Catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae. (Part I). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana 66 [1987]: 1 - 455.

Dellacasa, M., R. D. Gordon, and G. Dellacasa. 1998. The types of Aphodius species described by Harold from Mexico with description of a new genus. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 74: 139 - 162.

Dellacasa, M., R. D. Gordon, and G. Dellacasa. 2002. Aphodiinae described or recorded by Bates in Biologia Centrali-Americana. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 86: 155 - 223.

Harold, E. 1863. Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger coprophagen Lamellicornien. (Funftes Stuck). Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7: 327 - 389.

Hinton, H. E. 1934. New species of North American Aphodius. Stylops 3: 188 - 192.

Schmidt, A. 1913. Erster Versuch einer Einteilung der exotischen Aphodien in Subgenera und als Anhang einige Neubeschreibungen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abt. A, 79: 117 - 178.

Skelley, P. E., M. Dellacasa, G. Dellacasa, and R. D. Gordon. 2007. Checklist of the Aphodiini of Mexico, Central and South America. Insecta Mundi 0014: 1 - 14.

Gallery Image

Figure 11-20. Agrilinellus azteca (Harold, 1863) (Cruz Blanca, Veracruz, Mexico). 11) Habitus of male (morphological details). 12-17) Color variation. 18) Epipharynx. 19-20) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).

Gallery Image

Figure 43-46. Agrilinellus spp., dorsal habitus. 43) A. abbonai new species (S. Pedro Jácuaro, Michoacán, Mexico). 44) A. oaxacaensis new species (Guelatao env., Oaxaca, Mexico). 45) A. azteca (Harold, 1863) (caminoex. a Potrero Nuevo, Cuiyachapa, Veracruz, Mexico). 46) A. chiapasensis (Galante et al., 2003) (Monte Cristo, 23 Km N Metapán, El Salvador).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











